[tor-project] Tor's Bug Smash Fund: Fundraising Campaign

Al Smith smith at torproject.org
Mon Aug 2 22:33:14 UTC 2021

Hello Tor!

Today, the Tor Project is launching our *third* annual *Bug Smash
Fund*,[1] a month-long fundraising campaign (8/1 - 8/31). The goal of
the Bug Smash Fund campaign is to raise unrestricted funds that we
allocate to finding and fixing bugs / doing maintenance / and addressing
issues that aren’t flashy or exciting for most funders, but totally
necessary for the health of Tor and all of the third-party apps that
rely on Tor to provide privacy, security, and anonymity to their users.

Unrestricted funding, like what we’re raising for the Bug Smash Fund, is
key for the Tor Project to improve our agility and stop relying on the
slow, piecemeal process of grant funding in order to accomplish our
goals and respond to emergent issues.

_*In the last two years, we’ve used the Bug Smash Fund to close 370
tickets*_ ranging from anti-censorship development, onion services
changes, improvements to documentation, Tor Browser UX changes, and
creating tooling for development. We posted two updates over the past
year where you can read more about what we were able to do with this

We need your help to amplify the campaign!

How to help:

  * Tweet about the Bug Smash Fund using the #TorBugSmash and a link to
    our launch blog post.
  * Quote tweet @torproject posts about the Bug Smash Fund with your own
    take about why unrestricted funds are so important for the health of
  * Forward this email to those who might be able to amplify the campaign.

How you can contribute:

  * Make a one-time donation <https://donate.torproject.org/> (and get
    swag like Tor stickers and t-shirts in return)
  * Donate in ten different cryptocurrencies
  * Become a monthly donor and your own Defenders of Privacy patch
  * Make a contribution of $1,000 and join the major donor group
    Champions of Privacy
  * Transfer your Open Collective gift card

If you have any questions about or ideas for the Bug Smash Fund
campaign, please email me or Isabela or grants at torproject.org, we would
be happy to discuss.

Thanks everyone!


[1] https://blog.torproject.org/tor-bug-smash-fund-2021
[2] https://blog.torproject.org/tor-bug-smash-fund-2020-final-update
[3] https://blog.torproject.org/tor-bug-smash-fund-yr2-progress

Al Smith (they/them)
Fundraising • Communications
The Tor Project
https://www.torproject.org | 

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