[tor-project] Network Team Meeting Notes, 19 February 2020

Alexander Færøy ahf at torproject.org
Mon Feb 24 17:00:33 UTC 2020


Here is a short summary of the network team meeting from Wednesday the 19th of
February 2020.

1) We started out with roadmap.

2) Reviews seemed alright.

3) We went over our 0.4.3 status page. Nick asked the question "if we called
   maint-0.4.3 a release candidate tomorrow, what would we regret not fixing?"

4) We talked about what to do with circpad tickets. Mike and George will talk
   about what to do here.

5) We talked about using Shadow for some hard to reproduce issues.

6) Nobody had anything else to discuss.

--- end of summary ---

You can read the network team meeting log at:


Below are the contents of our meeting pad:

    Week of 10 Feb (planned):
        - Work on paper with Ian and Chelsea (revisions due 15 Feb)
        - Finish review on PETS artifact (due 15 Feb)
        - Review Teor's proposal 313
        - Revise:
            - TROVE-2020-002
            - 33104 -- SIGNAL ACTIVE patch
            - 32921 -- C style branch
            - Other patches on 0.4.3
        - Release
        - Continue bug retrospective. Finish?
        - Open merge window for 0.4.4
        - Resolve more 043-must/should tickets
        - Integrate revisions to prop295 before I forget completely
    Week of 10 Feb (actual):
        - Finish paper with Ian and Chelsea.  (Tech report is now out)
        - Review pending proposals and patches.
        - Numerous meetings
        - Revise patches for merge in 0.4.3
        - Continue revising C style branch patch
        - Released
        - Opened merge window for 0.4.4
        - Worked on 0.4.3.x tickets
        - Worked on bug retrospective
        - Worked on git tooling a little
    Week of 17 Feb (planned):
        - Lots of code review
        - Continue bug retrospective?
        - Work on relay/dirauth modularization stuff
        - Any C style work to do?
    Pending for later:
        - Try to do a personal roadmap for next 3-4 months
        - Write policy notes
    week of 02/10 (2020-W07) (planned):
        - reviews
        - more research and commenting on #32921
        - follow up on .github repo stuff (#32335)
    week of 02/10 (2020-W07) (actual):
        - researched innards of emacs C mode somewhat (especially regarding escaped newline alignment)
        - split some stuff out of #32193 (multiple gitlab CI improvements)
        - looked a little bit into #32622 (misleading bootstrap message for certain TLS handshake failures) -- probably not actually easy
        - good meeting about C style stuff and better scoping #32921
        - more gsod stuff (#33188)
        - initial manpage sorting checker script (#33339)
    week of 02/17 (2020-W08) (planned):
        - TPI holiday 02/17
        - reviews
        - more gsod stuff as needed
        - writing feedback
        - create follow up ticket(s) for stuff out of scope for #32921
        - dig a bit more into #32622
    week of 02/17 (2020-W08) (actual):
        - TPI holiday 02/17
        - more gsod review (#33275)
    Week of 10/2 2020 (planned)
        - Get over a flu. Going in the right direction.
        - Review a lot of sbws tickets.
        - Finish TROVE issue.
        - Work on wiki migration on GL. Help hiro with migration if she needs that.
        - Write email about a discussion I had with Peter Stuge and Linus at FOSDEM.
    Week of 10/2 2020 (actually)
        - Backlog of different things from the week before: email/irc.
        - A few reviews.
        - Work on TROVE issue.
        - Wrapping my head around sbws/shadow.
        - Hacked on wiki migration for GL.
    Week of 17/2 2020 (planned)
        - Write email about a discussion I had with Peter Stuge and Linus at FOSDEM.
        - Hack on 0.4.3 tickets.
        - If the new GL instance comes up before Friday, try to do a run of ticket migrations to it to see if things are better. Write email to tor-project@ with an update.
        - Look into crash issue in #32729
   Week of 10/02 (planned):
   - Finalize handling of TROVE-2020-003
   - Get back to onionbalance v3.
   - Get #32709 merged
   - Finish reviews
   Week of 10/02 (actual):
   - Finalized TROVE-2020-003
   - Finalized #32709
   Week of 17/02 (planned):
   - Get back to OBv3.
   - Get #32709 merged.
  Week of Feb 3rd (actual):
    - Reviews and merges
    - HS client auth issues. Worked on fixes: #33139, #33148
    - Worked on #28992 HS ticket.
    - More work on #33072 and #33029. Launched a discussion on the dirauth 
      list to decide for backport on those.
    - Sponsor27 meeting. Wrote a summary of the new SOCKS5 extended error in #33035.
    - Some work on the network health side to help GeKo transition.
    - Went over the TROVE and responded on network team security list.
    - HackerOne report.
  Week of Feb 10th (planned):
    - Backport work for #33072 and #33029.
    - Update #32910 with latest discussion with nickm about the tracing API 
      and code structure.
    - Will start doing some slides for NetDev 0x14. Diagrams of some tor low 
      level internal codes are needed so I need to start early.
    Last week (actual):
    - reduce scalabiltiy project to fit new requirements
    - sbws grant proposal
    - run behind trac again

   Week of February 19th (planned)
      - scalabiltiy project risks
      - sbws grant proposal
     - run behind trac

teor: (online first meeting of the month, offline at the usual meeting time)
   Week of 10 February (planned):
           - Write Draft of Proposal 313: Relay IPv6 Statistics (#33159)
           - Revise Proposal 313 based on reviews
           - respond to emails and IRC
           - open Sponsor 55 tickets for required work
               - based on proposals
               - with updated estimates
           - make existing tickets children of Sponsor 55 parent tickets
           - Ticket triage, backport deciding, quick code reviews
           - Python 3 reviews / helping new contributors
   Week of 10 February (actual):
           - Write Proposal 313: Relay IPv6 Statistics (#33159)
           - Revise Proposal 313 based on reviews
           - Merge Proposal 313
           - Create Sponsor 55 tickets, doing estimates, and writing a rough implementation order
           - respond to emails
           - made some existing tickets children of Sponsor 55 parent tickets
           - found a relay bandwidth stats bug that affects our bandwidth and connection stats (#33201), so I guess it's Sponsor 55.
               - Turns out it's not a bug, it's a misleading comment.
           - test IPv6 in CI (#33195 and children)
           - fix protocol version sorting issue (#33285)
           - help tom with info about IPv6 relays for consensus health (#33266)
           - Start designing chutney reachability tests (#33232)
           - Ticket triage, backport deciding, quick code reviews, merges
           - Python 3 reviews / helping new contributors
           - Help with manual page rewrite (#33188)
           - Help with git scripts (#32121, #33284)
           - Help with 0.4.3 logging fix (#33087)
   Week of 17 February (planned):
           - chutney relay IP4 reachability self-tests (#33232)
               - Add an ipv6 mixed network to chutney and tor
           - #32588 Setting ORPort [ipv6]:auto mistakenly advertises port 94
           - Maybe #33220 Prop 311: 3. Allow Relay IPv6 Extends
           - Ticket triage, backport deciding, quick code reviews and ticket help
           - Back to normal code reviews (thanks everyone for letting me focus on Sponsor 55 proposals!)
           - Python 3 reviews / helping new contributors
   Week of 17 February (actual):
           - tor-relays moderation
           - list moderation was taking a lot of time, and I need to focus on Sponsor 55,
             so I'm stepping away from list moderation for a while
           - Make consensus voting more resistant to late votes (#4631)
           - chutney relay IP4 reachability self-tests (#33232)
               - Add an ipv6 mixed network to chutney and tor (#33334)
               - Update the default chutney networks for new tor features (#33376)
               - Use chutney's diagnostics in Tor's CI (#33353, #32792)
               - Require all nodes to bootstrap (#33378)
               - Working on: Require all relays in the consensus
               - Next up is: Remove AssumeReachable 1 from relays
           - chutney and tor changes to improve chutney tests
           - Ticket triage, backport deciding, quick code reviews and ticket help
           - Back to normal code reviews (thanks everyone for letting me focus on Sponsor 55 proposals!)
           - Python 3 reviews / helping new contributors
           - Some quick bug fixes
    week of 10 Feb (actual):
        - Still figuring out Reasearch Janitor role priorities
        - Performance funding proposal work
    week of 19 Feb (planned):
        - Investigate/reproduce circpad shutdown bugs (#30992 and chutney warns); plan some fixes
        - Mull over Research Janitor responsibilities and priorites
        - Maybe review metrics-team tickets

    week of 02/03 (2020-W06) (planned):
    week of 02/03 (2020-W06) (actual):
        - Onboarding logistics
        - Fleshed out Shadow sponsor page a bit https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/Sponsor38
        - Fixed some Shadow compiler warnings and bugs (https://github.com/shadow/shadow/issues/711 and related issues)
    week of 02/10 (2020-W07) (planned):
        - Enable -Werror in Shadow, suppressing existing warnings if necessary (https://github.com/shadow/shadow/issues/711)
        - Add clang compile to CI
        - Fix remaining tests that listen on hard-coded ports (https://github.com/shadow/shadow/issues/718)
        - Start planning Shadow TCP redesign
    week of 02/10 (2020-W07) (actual):
        - Fixed some additional warnings in Shadow, but haven't enabled -Werror yet. Now planning to only enable it in CI
        - Investigated possibility of running Shadow CI inside Docker containers. Ran into issues with elfloader. Deferring for now since elfloader is planned to go away.
        - Created Github CI action for shadow-plugin-tor (shadow-plugin-tor at head against with fixed versions of shadow and tgen)
    week of 02/17 (2020-W08) (planned):
        - Extract shadow-plugin-tor CI core logic into a shell script
        - Set up shadow repository to also run the shadow-plugin-tor CI (shadow at head against fixed versions of shadow-plugin-tor and tgen)
        - Suppress remaining compiler warnings in Shadow and enable -Werror in CI
        - Start looking at TCP module and planning refactor/redesign

Alexander Færøy

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