[tor-project] Anti-censorship meeting notes, 14 Nov 2019

Philipp Winter phw at torproject.org
Thu Nov 14 18:47:44 UTC 2019

Here is our meeting log:


And here is our meeting pad:

Anti-censorship work meeting pad

Next meeting: Thursday November 14th 18:00 UTC

Weekly meetings, every Thursday at 18:00 UTC, in #tor-meeting at OFTC (channel is logged while meetings are in progress).

== Goal of this meeting ==

Weekly checkin about the status of anti-censorship work at Tor.
Coordinate collaboration between people/teams on anti-censorship at Tor.

== Links to Useful documents ==

    * Our anti-censorship roadmap: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/anti-censorship/roadmap/boards
        * Our roadmap consists of a subset of trac tickets.
    * The anti-censorship team's wiki page: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/AntiCensorshipTeam
    * GetTor's roadmap: https://dip.torproject.org/groups/torproject/anti-censorship/gettor-project/-/boards
    * Tickets that need reviews: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=needs_review&component=%5eCircumvention&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=reviewer&order=priority
    * Projects from sponsors we are working on:
        * https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/Sponsor30
        * https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/Sponsor28

---  14th November 2019 ---

== Announcements ==

    * Remember we are moving to https://nc.torproject.net for nextcloud. If you have anything else in nc.riseup.net or storm.torproject.org please move it

== Discussion ==

    * Gettor update
        * Survival guide here: https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/anti-censorship/gettor-project/gettor/wikis/home
    * Let's agree on an IRC "team handle" that we configure highlights for. This will allow both team-internal and team-external people to reach our team.
        * There already is "network-team" and "tb-team"
        * "ac-team" and "anti-censorship-team"
    * Kicked out old snowflake proxies with #29207 update
        * It will take a while for metrics to come in, but it looks like we still have plenty.
        * Cupcake hadn't been updated at all since the original import of Snowflake
    * dcf is ready to migrate the Snowflake broker to the IPv6 host (#29258). He can update the snowflake-broker.bamsoftware.com address from which snowflake-broker.freehaven.net will follow. Tor Metrics should automatically start following the new broker after that.
        * Just want to be sure people are around to react in case something goes wrong.
        * I'd like to copy over the metrics log, but otherwise i'm ready --cohosh

    * Sponsor 30: we are skipping the November meeting as Hellais and Phw already met during summit.
        Work Plan for November: https://nc.torproject.net/s/7MYXRmTgirqKKyk
                * Create an evaluation framework for bridge distribution and selection methods. (anti-censorship team) #31274
                * Improve documentation on how to set up a bridge server and different pluggable transport bridge servers. (anti-censorship team) #31280
                * Create scripts and configuration code for setting up a bridge on cloud providers to make it easier for operators to launch a new bridge. (anti-censorship team) #31281

    * Any update to the roadmap? https://dip.torproject.org/torproject/anti-censorship/roadmap/-/boards

== Actions ==

    * Please add your October'19 highlights to our (very late) monthly report: https://pad.riseup.net/p/Z7EjorhnnuNLVnA7Tdda

== Interesting links ==

    * Geneva: Evolving Censorship Evasion Strategies: https://censorbib.nymity.ch/pdf/Bock2019a.pdf
        * They're using genetic algorithms to derive evasion strategies

== Updates ==

    This week:
        - What you worked on this week.
    Next week:
        - What you are planning to work on next week (related to anti-censorship work).
    Help with:
         - Something you may need help with.

    Started restoring Twitter Responder.
        When retrieving tweets I need to check for new tweets only otherwise Gettor will end up responding to old back log and already answered messages. <-- is this #27330 ?
    Next Week:
      - Work on gettor specs <-- Is this #3781?
      - More with review of strings and website content and translation

  This week (2019-11-14):
        * Attended OTF summit.
            * Had a chat with Arturo about sponsor 30
            * Talked to people about private obfs4 bridge distribution
            * Lots of censorship-related information sharing
            * Thought about information sharing list for projects that ship obfs4.
            * Attended OTF advisory council meeting.
        * Filed #32276 to help BridgeDB see client IP addresses of moat requests.
        * Merged two new obfs4 bridge setup guides (thanks to egypcio).
        * Revised and merged #32203 (no BridgeDB metrics for vanilla bridges); released BridgeDB v0.9.1.
        * Updated BridgeDB dependencies because of security issue in pillow.
        * More root cause analysis of #15404 (BridgeDB's email responses aren't localised).
        * Closed #19839 (untranslated title strings in BridgeDB) because we seem to have fixed it already.
        * Reviewed #31310 and #29207.
        * Made progress on #31834 (improve Docker container).
        * Reviewed status-check script for BridgeDB (will help test our email autoresponder).
  Next week:
  Help with:

Gaba: (updated October 30th)
   Last week ():
            * sponsor 30
    This week (planned):
            * more sponsors

    Last week:
        - Worked on #28930
    This week:
        - Finished refactoring parts of #28930. Trying to figure out if we should begin the discussion on how PT's can report back on bootstrap info.
        - Continued to work on a tool to convert Trac tickets into Gitlab tickets.

cecylia (cohosh): last updated 2019-11-14
Last week:
    - reviewed #31028 (websocket library change)
    - ran some tests for #31971 (windows slowness) and couldn't reproduce it
    - finished proxy-go tests (#30867)
    - sponsor 28 PI meeting (travelled to California)
    - reviewed gettor survival guide
    - took a look at #32393 (gettor github links broken) and filed #32457 (to get access to gettor machine)
    - review of gettor PR
    - did a review of work so far on #31874
    - deployed 29207 and #30867 at the broker, proxy-go instances, and for web extensions
    - started looking at github API for gettor releases (#32480)
This week:
    - continue on writing snowflake tests (#29259)
    - more work on #29206 and #25723
    - more grant writing
    - have proxies report what kind they are to broker #31157 (related to #29207)
    - gettor code reviews
    - add more STUN servers to snowflake (#30579)
    - come up with a concrete way to measure snowflake network health

    week of 09/19 (planned):
        - reviews
        - sponsor31 planning
        - coding style discussion
        - comment on draft network team review guidelines
        - #30984
    week of 09/19 (actual):
        - reviews
        - sponsor31 planning
        - talking with people about proposed network team review processes
    week of 09/26 (planned):
        - reviews
        - sponsor31 doc coordination
        - checking in on Season of Docs work
        - #30984

arlolra: 2019-11-14
    Last week:
        - finished off / merged #31028
    Next week:
        - add a build step / documentation for code reuse in cupcake
        - read up on turbo tunnel
    Help with:

dcf: 2019-11-14
    Last week:
        - reviewed Gorilla WebSocket patch (#31028)
        - reviewed proxy-go tests (#30867)
    Next week:
        - switch to new IPv6 broker (#29258)
        - prototyping KCP and QUIC in meek
        - revise ticket about Cupcake patch (#31497)
    Help with:
        - need meek-azure to redeploy meek-server for #31890

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