[tor-project] Summary of meek's costs, February 2016

David Fifield david at bamsoftware.com
Mon Mar 28 06:18:00 UTC 2016

Here's the summary of meek's CDN fees for February 2016.

             App Engine +    Amazon +    Azure = total by period
all 2014        $600.63 +   $917.89 +    $0.00 =  $1518.52
January 2015    $464.37 +   $669.02 +    $0.00 =  $1133.39
February 2015   $650.53 +   $604.83 +    $0.00 =  $1255.36
March 2015      $690.29 +   $815.68 +    $0.00 =  $1505.97
April 2015      $886.43 +   $785.37 +    $0.00 =  $1671.80
May 2015        $871.64 +   $896.39 +    $0.00 =  $1768.03
June 2015       $601.83 +   $820.00 +    $0.00 =  $1421.83
July 2015       $732.01 +   $837.08 +    $0.00 =  $1569.09
August 2015     $656.76 +   $819.59 +  $154.89 =  $1631.24
September 2015  $617.08 +   $710.75 +  $490.58 =  $1818.41
October 2015    $672.01 +   $110.72 +  $300.64 =  $1083.37
November 2015   $602.35 +   $474.13 +  $174.18 =  $1250.66
December 2015   $561.29 +   $603.27 +  $172.60 =  $1337.16
January 2016    $771.17 +  $1581.88 +  $329.10 =  $2682.15
February 2016   $986.39 +   $977.85 +  $445.83 =  $2410.07
total by CDN  $10364.78 + $11624.45 + $2067.82 = $24057.05 grand total


In February 2016, meek reached its highest heights ever in terms of
number of users--15,000 concurrent--before settling back down to about
10,000, where it started the month. For a few days, when obfs3 was on
the way down and obfs4 was on the way up, meek was the #1 most used
pluggable transport. obfs4 is a story of its own: it exploded from 3,000
to 15,000 users, probably aided by the many new default high-bandwidth
bridges added to Tor Browser recently. It's possible that the increased
capacity of obfs4 has taken some of the pressure off meek.

We moved over 13 TB of traffic over all three services combined.

Reminder that if you configure your own CDN or App Engine account and
point it at https://meek.bamsoftware.com/, you will be using a
completely unlimited bridge, which will go faster and help save money.

== App Engine a.k.a. meek-google ==

Here is how the Google costs broke down:
	5829 GB             $699.50
	5737 instance hours $286.89
Compared to the previous month:
	4274 GB             $512.86
	5166 instance hours $258.31


== Amazon a.k.a. meek-amazon ==

We didn't have the unusually high charge for HTTPS requests this month
that we had last month. December had 142M requests in the EU (Ireland)
region; January had 805M; and February is back to 156M.

I set up additional pricing alarms. Apparently I crossed some kind of
threshold for number of alarms, because they started charging for them,
for the first time. The alarms cost $0.50.

Asia Pacific (Singapore)     247M requests $296.50   952 GB $141.52
Asia Pacific (Sydney)          1M requests   $1.95     6 GB   $0.91
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)          29M requests  $35.42   225 GB  $29.68
EU (Ireland)                 156M requests $188.05  1222 GB  $96.31
South America (Sao Paulo)      9M requests  $20.47    77 GB  $18.33
US East (Northern Virginia)   94M requests  $94.06   687 GB  $54.13
total                        538M requests $636.45  3171 GB $340.88
charge for alarms  $0.50


== Azure a.k.a. meek-azure ==

Zone 1  4103 GB  $357.00
Zone 2   644 GB  $ 88.83
total   4747 GB  $445.83


Earlier reports in this series:
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