[tor-project] Future of media and archive.tpo

Peter Palfrader weasel at torproject.org
Wed Mar 23 16:54:48 UTC 2016

Hey you in the To: line!

You are a member of the torarchive or the tormedia unix group.  Yet
lists no maintainer for either archive.torproject.org or

We will soon have to change the master host for both of these from
aroides to some place else.

This needs a person or persons who is responsible for the service.

If this turns out to be nobody, this will probably mean we have to shut
down these services.

Please let me know if you think you are the owner of that service.

                            |  .''`.       ** Debian **
      Peter Palfrader       | : :' :      The  universal
 https://www.palfrader.org/ | `. `'      Operating System
                            |   `-    https://www.debian.org/

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