[tor-project] The Tor Project Social Contract

isis agora lovecruft isis at torproject.org
Fri Jul 29 11:09:06 UTC 2016

Alison transcribed 2.8K bytes:
> If accepting: your florid prose about why you love it and think it's an
> astonishing work of art that reflects the diligence and care exercised
> by the authors is quite welcome. A show of hands (writing an email that
> says +1) is also fine. Questions are welcome.

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> Thank you for your feedback, and thank you to all of the Tor folks who
> worked on this, especially Lunar and Roger, who got it started.

Also +1.

 ♥Ⓐ isis agora lovecruft
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Current Keys: https://fyb.patternsinthevoid.net/isis.txt
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