[tor-dev] Second release of OnioNS beta

Jesse V kernelcorn at riseup.net
Thu Oct 1 05:31:52 UTC 2015

Good news! I have identified the issue and fixed it. Turns out that the RPATH wasn't actually embedded in the binary, so the loader couldn't find the common library on most machines.

$ objdump -x /usr/bin/onions-client | grep RPATH

$ objdump -x /usr/bin/onions-client | grep RPATH
  RPATH                /usr/lib/onions-common

I'm pretty sure that the issue affected all flavours of Linux, so I pushed out a quick update to the PPA and to Github. Hopefully it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Jesse V.

On 09/30/2015 05:25 PM, Jesse V wrote:
> After some debugging with s7r, it appears that sometimes the programs (onions-server, onions-hs, or onions-client) fail to start because they cannot load the common library. So if you run any of the programs in the terminal, you will see an error that libonions-common.so cannot be found, or they simply won't run if you start them without an active terminal. This is because that library is installed to /usr/lib/onions-common, but the loader is looking for it in /usr/lib/, among other locations. I do set the RPATH in CMake in an attempt to fix this, but in some cases (at least in my build for Debian Wheezy) it may not be set or installed correctly. I'm investigating and looking through https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling

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