[tor-dev] (Draft) Proposal 224: Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor

Qingping Hou dave2008713 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 04:12:28 UTC 2014

Two tiny patches for the proposal.

One to fix a small typo. The other one fixed the explanation for

On 11/29/2013 08:27 PM, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I've been trying to fill in all the cracks and corners for a revamp of
> the hidden services protocol, based on earlier writings by George
> Kadianakis and other discussions on the mailing list.  (See draft
> acknowledgments section below.)
> After a bunch of comments, I'm ready to give this a number and call it
> (draft) proposal 224.  I'd like to know what doesn't make sense, what
> I need to explain better, and what I need to design better.  I'd like
> to fill in the gaps and turn this into a more full document.  I'd like
> to answer the open questions. Comments are most welcome, especially if
> they grow into improvements.
> FWIW, I am likely to be offline for most of the current weekend,
> because of Thanksgiving, so please be patient with my reply speed; I
> hope to catch up with emails next week.
> Filename: 224-rend-spec-ng.txt
> Title: Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor
> Author: Nick Mathewson
> Created: 2013-11-29
> Status: Draft
> -1. Draft notes
>    This document describes a proposed design and specification for
>    hidden services in Tor version 0.2.5.x or later. It's a replacement
>    for the current rend-spec.txt, rewritten for clarity and for improved
>    design.
>    Look for the string "TODO" below: it describes gaps or uncertainties
>    in the design.
>    Change history:
>        2013-11-29: Proposal first numbered. Some TODO and XXX items remain.
> 0. Hidden services: overview and preliminaries.
>    Hidden services aim to provide responder anonymity for bidirectional
>    stream-based communication on the Tor network. Unlike regular Tor
>    connections, where the connection initiator receives anonymity but
>    the responder does not, hidden services attempt to provide
>    bidirectional anonymity.
>    Other features include:
>      * [TODO: WRITE ME once there have been some more drafts and we know
>        what the summary should say.]
>    Participants:
>       Operator -- A person running a hidden service
>       Host, "Server" -- The Tor software run by the operator to provide
>          a hidden service.
>       User -- A person contacting a hidden service.
>       Client -- The Tor software running on the User's computer
>       Hidden Service Directory (HSDir) -- A Tor node that hosts signed
>         statements from hidden service hosts so that users can make
>         contact with them.
>       Introduction Point -- A Tor node that accepts connection requests
>         for hidden services and anonymously relays those requests to the
>         hidden service.
>       Rendezvous Point -- A Tor node to which clients and servers
>         connect and which relays traffic between them.
> 0.1. Improvements over previous versions.
>    [TODO write me once there have been more drafts and we know what the
>    summary should say.]
> 0.2. Notation and vocabulary
>    Unless specified otherwise, all multi-octet integers are big-endian.
>    We write sequences of bytes in two ways:
>      1. A sequence of two-digit hexadecimal values in square brackets,
>         as in [AB AD 1D EA].
>      2. A string of characters enclosed in quotes, as in "Hello". These
>         characters in these string are encoded in their ascii
>         representations; strings are NOT nul-terminated unless
>         explicitly described as NUL terminated.
>    We use the words "byte" and "octet" interchangeably.
>    We use the vertical bar | to denote concatenation.
>    We use INT_N(val) to denote the network (big-endian) encoding of the
>    unsigned integer "val" in N bytes. For example, INT_4(1337) is [00 00
>    05 39].
> 0.3. Cryptographic building blocks
>    This specification uses the following cryptographic building blocks:
>       * A stream cipher STREAM(iv, k) where iv is a nonce of length
>         S_IV_LEN bytes and k is a key of length S_KEY_LEN bytes.
>       * A public key signature system SIGN_KEYGEN()->seckey, pubkey;
>         SIGN_SIGN(seckey,msg)->sig; and SIGN_CHECK(pubkey, sig, msg) ->
>         { "OK", "BAD" }; where secret keys are of length SIGN_SECKEY_LEN
>         bytes, public keys are of length SIGN_PUBKEY_LEN bytes, and
>         signatures are of length SIGN_SIG_LEN bytes.
>         This signature system must also support key blinding operations
>         as discussed in appendix [KEYBLIND] and in section [SUBCRED]:
>         SIGN_BLIND_SECKEY(seckey, blind)->seckey2 and
>         SIGN_BLIND_PUBKEY(pubkey, blind)->pubkey2 .
>       * A public key agreement system "PK", providing
>         PK_KEYGEN()->seckey, pubkey; PK_VALID(pubkey) -> {"OK", "BAD"};
>         and PK_HANDHAKE(seckey, pubkey)->output; where secret keys are
>         of length PK_SECKEY_LEN bytes, public keys are of length
>         PK_PUBKEY_LEN bytes, and the handshake produces outputs of
>         length PK_OUTPUT_LEN bytes.
>       * A cryptographic hash function H(d), which should be preimage and
>         collision resistant. It produces hashes of length HASH_LEN
>         bytes.
>       * A cryptographic message authentication code MAC(key,msg) that
>         produces outputs of length MAC_LEN bytes.
>       * A key derivation function KDF(key data, salt, personalization,
>         n) that outputs n bytes.
>    As a first pass, I suggest:
>       * Instantiate STREAM with AES128-CTR. [TODO: or ChaCha20?]
>       * Instantiate SIGN with Ed25519 and the blinding protocol in
>         [KEYBLIND].
>       * Instantiate PK with Curve25519.
>       * Instantiate H with SHA256. [TODO: really?]
>       * Instantiate MAC with HMAC using H.
>       * Instantiate KDF with HKDF using H.
>    For legacy purposes, we specify compatibility with older versions of
>    the Tor introduction point and rendezvous point protocols. These used
>    RSA1024, DH1024, AES128, and SHA1, as discussed in
>    rend-spec.txt. Except as noted, all RSA keys MUST have exponent
>    values of 65537.
>    As in [proposal 220], all signatures are generated not over strings
>    themselves, but over those strings prefixed with a distinguishing
>    value.
> 0.4. Protocol building blocks [BUILDING-BLOCKS]
>    In sections below, we need to transmit the locations and identities
>    of Tor nodes. We do so in the link identification format used by
>    EXTEND2 cells in the Tor protocol.
>          NSPEC      (Number of link specifiers)   [1 byte]
>          NSPEC times:
>            LSTYPE (Link specifier type)           [1 byte]
>            LSLEN  (Link specifier length)         [1 byte]
>            LSPEC  (Link specifier)                [LSLEN bytes]
>    Link specifier types are as described in tor-spec.txt. Every set of
>    link specifiers MUST include at minimum specifiers of type [00]
>    (TLS-over-TCP, IPv4) and [02] (legacy node identity).
>    We also incorporate Tor's circuit extension handshakes, as used in
>    the CREATE2 and CREATED2 cells described in tor-spec.txt. In these
>    handshakes, a client who knows a public key for a server sends a
>    message and receives a message from that server. Once the exchange is
>    done, the two parties have a shared set of forward-secure key
>    material, and the client knows that nobody else shares that key
>    material unless they control the secret key corresponding to the
>    server's public key.
> 0.5. Assigned relay cell types
>    These relay cell types are reserved for use in the hidden service
>    protocol.
>             Sent from hidden service host to introduction point;
>             establishes introduction point. Discussed in
>             [REG_INTRO_POINT].
>             Sent from client to rendezvous point; creates rendezvous
>             point. Discussed in [EST_REND_POINT].
>             Sent from client to introduction point; requests
>             introduction. Discussed in [SEND_INTRO1]
>             Sent from client to introduction point; requests
>             introduction. Same format as INTRODUCE1. Discussed in
>             [FMT_INTRO1] and [PROCESS_INTRO2]
>             Sent from introduction point to rendezvous point;
>             attempts to join introduction point's circuit to
>             client's circuit. Discussed in [JOIN_REND]
>             Sent from introduction point to rendezvous point;
>             reports join of introduction point's circuit to
>             client's circuit. Discussed in [JOIN_REND]
>             Sent from introduction point to hidden service host;
>             reports status of attempt to establish introduction
>             point. Discussed in [INTRO_ESTABLISHED]
>             Sent from rendezvous point to client; acknowledges
>             receipt of ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS cell. Discussed in
>             [EST_REND_POINT]
>             Sent form introduction point to client; acknowledges
>             receipt of INTRODUCE1 cell and reports success/failure.
>             Discussed in [INTRO_ACK]
> 0.5. Acknowledgments
>    [TODO reformat these once the lists are more complete.]
>    This design includes ideas from many people, including
>      Christopher Baines,
>      Daniel J. Bernstein,
>      Matthew Finkel,
>      Ian Goldberg,
>      George Kadianakis,
>      Aniket Kate,
>      Tanja Lange,
>      Robert Ransom,
>    It's based on Tor's original hidden service design by Roger
>    Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, and Paul Syverson, and on improvements to
>    that design over the years by people including
>      Tobias Kamm,
>      Thomas Lauterbach,
>      Karsten Loesing,
>      Alessandro Preite Martinez,
>      Robert Ransom,
>      Ferdinand Rieger,
>      Christoph Weingarten,
>      Christian Wilms,
>    We wouldn't be able to do any of this work without good attack
>    designs from researchers including
>      Alex Biryukov,
>      Lasse Øverlier,
>      Ivan Pustogarov,
>      Paul Syverson
>      Ralf-Philipp Weinmann,
>    See [ATTACK-REFS] for their papers.
>    Several of these ideas have come from conversations with
>       Christian Grothoff,
>       Brian Warner,
>       Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn,
>    And if this document makes any sense at all, it's thanks to
>    editing help from
>       Matthew Finkel
>       George Kadianakis,
>       Peter Palfrader,
>    [XXX  Acknowledge the huge bunch of people working on 8106.]
>    [XXX  Acknowledge the huge bunch of people working on 8244.]
>    Please forgive me if I've missed you; please forgive me if I've
>    misunderstood your best ideas here too.
> 1. Protocol overview
>    In this section, we outline the hidden service protocol. This section
>    omits some details in the name of simplicity; those are given more
>    fully below, when we specify the protocol in more detail.
> 1.1. View from 10,000 feet
>    A hidden service host prepares to offer a hidden service by choosing
>    several Tor nodes to serve as its introduction points. It builds
>    circuits to those nodes, and tells them to forward introduction
>    requests to it using those circuits.
>    Once introduction points have been picked, the host builds a set of
>    documents called "hidden service descriptors" (or just "descriptors"
>    for short) and uploads them to a set of HSDir nodes. These documents
>    list the hidden service's current introduction points and describe
>    how to make contact with the hidden service.
>    When a client wants to connect to a hidden service, it first chooses
>    a Tor node at random to be its "rendezvous point" and builds a
>    circuit to that rendezvous point. If the client does not have an
>    up-to-date descriptor for the service, it contacts an appropriate
>    HSDir and requests such a descriptor.
>    The client then builds an anonymous circuit to one of the hidden
>    service's introduction points listed in its descriptor, and gives the
>    introduction point an introduction request to pass to the hidden
>    service. This introduction request includes the target rendezvous
>    point and the first part of a cryptographic handshake.
>    Upon receiving the introduction request, the hidden service host
>    makes an anonymous circuit to the rendezvous point and completes the
>    cryptographic handshake. The rendezvous point connects the two
>    circuits, and the cryptographic handshake gives the two parties a
>    shared key and proves to the client that it is indeed talking to the
>    hidden service.
>    Once the two circuits are joined, the client can send Tor RELAY cells
>    to the server. RELAY_BEGIN cells open streams to an external process
>    or processes configured by the server; RELAY_DATA cells are used to
>    communicate data on those streams, and so forth.
> 1.2. In more detail: naming hidden services [NAMING]
>    A hidden service's name is its long term master identity key.  This
>    is encoded as a hostname by encoding the entire key in Base 32, and
>    adding the string ".onion" at the end.
>    (This is a change from older versions of the hidden service protocol,
>    where we used an 80-bit truncated SHA1 hash of a 1024 bit RSA key.)
>    The names in this format are distinct from earlier names because of
>    their length. An older name might look like:
>         unlikelynamefora.onion
>         yyhws9optuwiwsns.onion
>    And a new name following this specification might look like:
>         a1uik0w1gmfq3i5ievxdm9ceu27e88g6o7pe0rffdw9jmntwkdsd.onion
>    Note that since master keys are 32 bytes long, and 52 bytes of base
>    32 encoding can hold 260 bits of information, we have four unused
>    bits in each of these names.
>    [TODO: Alternatively, we could require that the first bit of the
>    master key always be zero, and use a 51-byte encoding. Or we could
>    require that the first two bits be zero, and use a 51-byte encoding
>    and reserve the first bit. Or we could require that the first nine
>    bits, or ten bits be zero, etc.]
> 1.3. In more detail: Access control [IMD:AC]
>    Access control for a hidden service is imposed at multiple points
>    through the process above.
>    In order to download a descriptor, clients must know which blinded
>    signing key was used to sign it. (See the next section for more info
>    on key blinding.)  This blinded signing key is derived from the
>    service's public key and, optionally, an additional secret that is
>    not part of the hidden service's onion address. The public key and
>    this secret together constitute the service's "credential".
>    When the secret is in use, the hidden service gains protections
>    equivalent to the "stealth mode" in previous designs.
>    To learn the introduction points, the clients must decrypt the body
>    of the hidden service descriptor. The encryption key for these is
>    derived from the service's credential.
>    In order to make an introduction point send a request to the server,
>    the client must know the introduction point and know the service's
>    per-introduction-point authentication key from the hidden service
>    descriptor.
>    The final level of access control happens at the server itself, which
>    may decide to respond or not respond to the client's request
>    depending on the contents of the request. The protocol is extensible
>    at this point: at a minimum, the server requires that the client
>    demonstrate knowledge od the contents of the encrypted portion of the
>    hidden service descriptor. The service may additionally require a
>    user- or group-specific access token before it responds to requests.
> 1.4. In more detail: Distributing hidden service descriptors. [IMD:DIST]
>    Periodically, hidden service descriptors become stored at different
>    locations to prevent a single directory or small set of directories
>    from becoming a good DoS target for removing a hidden service.
>    For each period, the Tor directory authorities agree upon a
>    collaboratively generated random value. (See section 2.3 for a
>    description of how to incorporate this value into the voting
>    practice; generating the value is described in other proposals,
>    including [TODO: add a reference])  That value, combined with hidden service
>    directories' public identity keys, determines each HSDirs' position
>    in the hash ring for descriptors made in that period.
>    Each hidden service's descriptors are placed into the ring in
>    positions based on the key that was used to sign them. Note that
>    hidden service descriptors are not signed with the services' public
>    keys directly. Instead, we use a key-blinding system [KEYBLIND] to
>    create a new key-of-the-day for each hidden service. Any client that
>    knows the hidden service's credential can derive these blinded
>    signing keys for a given period. It should be impossible to derive
>    the blinded signing key lacking that credential.
>    The body of each descriptor is also encrypted with a key derived from
>    the credential.
>    To avoid a "thundering herd" problem where every service generates
>    and uploads a new descriptor at the start of each period, each
>    descriptor comes online at a time during the period that depends on
>    its blinded signing key. The keys for the last period remain valid
>    until the new keys come online.
> 1.5. In more detail: Scaling to multiple hosts
>    In order to allow multiple hosts to provide a single hidden service,
>    I'm considering two options.
>       * We can have each server build an introduction circuit to each
>         introduction point, and have the introduction points responsible
>         for round-robining between these circuits. One service host is
>         responsible for picking the introduction points and publishing
>         the descriptors.
>       * We can have servers choose their introduction points
>         independently, and build circuits to them. One service host is
>         responsible for combining these introduction points into a
>         single descriptor.
>    If we want to avoid having a single "master" host without which the
>    whole service goes down (the "one service host" in the description
>    above), we need a way to fail over from one host to another. We also
>    need a way to coordinate between the hosts. This is as yet
>    undesigned. Maybe it should use a hidden service?
>    See [SCALING-REFS] for discussion on this topic.
>    [TODO: Finalize this design.]
> 1.6. In more detail: Backward compatibility with older hidden service
>       protocols
>    This design is incompatible with the clients, server, and hsdir node
>    protocols from older versions of the hidden service protocol as
>    described in rend-spec.txt. On the other hand, it is designed to
>    enable the use of older Tor nodes as rendezvous points and
>    introduction points.
> 1.7. In more detail: Offline operation
>    In this design, a hidden service's secret identity key may be stored
>    offline. It's used only to generate blinded identity keys, which are
>    used to sign descriptor signing keys. In order to operate a hidden
>    service, the operator can generate a number of descriptor signing
>    keys and their certifications (see [DESC-OUTER] and [ENCRYPTED-DATA]
>    below), and their corresponding descriptor encryption keys, and
>    export those to the hidden service hosts.
> 1.8. In more detail: Encryption Keys And Replay Resistance
>    To avoid replays of an introduction request by an introduction point,
>    a hidden service host must never accept the same request
>    twice. Earlier versions of the hidden service design used a
>    authenticated timestamp here, but including a view of the current
>    time can create a problematic fingerprint. (See proposal 222 for more
>    discussion.)
> 1.9. In more detail: A menagerie of keys
>    [In the text below, an "encryption keypair" is roughly "a keypair you
>    can do Diffie-Hellman with" and a "signing keypair" is roughly "a
>    keypair you can do ECDSA with."]
>    Public/private keypairs defined in this document:
>       Master (hidden service) identity key -- A master signing keypair
>         used as the identity for a hidden service. This key is not used
>         on its own to sign anything; it is only used to generate blinded
>         signing keys as described in [KEYBLIND] and [SUBCRED].
>       Blinded signing key -- A keypair derived from the identity key,
>         used to sign descriptor signing keys. Changes periodically for
>         each service. Clients who know a 'credential' consisting of the
>         service's public identity key and an optional secret can derive
>         the public blinded identity key for a service. This key is used
>         as an index in the DHT-like structure of the directory system.
>       Descriptor signing key -- A key used to sign hidden service
>         descriptors. This is signed by blinded signing keys. Unlike
>         blinded signing keys and master identity keys, the secret part
>         of this key must be stored online by hidden service hosts.
>       Introduction point authentication key -- A short-term signing
>         keypair used to identify a hidden service to a given
>         introduction point. A fresh keypair is made for each
>         introduction point; these are used to sign the request that a
>         hidden service host makes when establishing an introduction
>         point, so that clients who know the public component of this key
>         can get their introduction requests sent to the right
>         service. No keypair is ever used with more than one introduction
>         point. (previously called a "service key" in rend-spec.txt)
>       Introduction point encryption key -- A short-term encryption
>         keypair used when establishing connections via an introduction
>         point. Plays a role analogous to Tor nodes' onion keys. A fresh
>         keypair is made for each introduction point.
>    Symmetric keys defined in this document:
>       Descriptor encryption keys -- A symmetric encryption key used to
>         encrypt the body of hidden service descriptors. Derived from the
>         current period and the hidden service credential.
>    Public/private keypairs defined elsewhere:
>       Onion key -- Short-term encryption keypair
>       (Node) identity key
>    Symmetric key-like things defined elsewhere:
>       KH from circuit handshake -- An unpredictable value derived as
>       part of the Tor circuit extension handshake, used to tie a request
>       to a particular circuit.
> 2. Generating and publishing hidden service descriptors [HSDIR]
>    Hidden service descriptors follow the same metaformat as other Tor
>    directory objects. They are published anonymously to Tor servers with
>    the HSDir3 flag.
>    (Authorities should assign this flag as they currently assign the
>    HSDir flag, except that they should restrict it to Tor versions
>    implementing the HSDir parts of this specification.)
> 2.1. Deriving blinded keys and subcredentials [SUBCRED]
>    In each time period (see [TIME-PERIOD] for a definition of time
>    periods), a hidden service host uses a different blinded private key
>    to sign its directory information, and clients use a different
>    blinded public key as the index for fetching that information.
>    For a candidate for a key derivation method, see Appendix [KEYBLIND].
>    Additionally, clients and hosts derive a subcredential for each
>    period. Knowledge of the subcredential is needed to decrypt hidden
>    service descriptors for each period and to authenticate with the
>    hidden service host in the introduction process. Unlike the
>    credential, it changes each period. Knowing the subcredential, even
>    in combination with the blinded private key, does not enable the
>    hidden service host to derive the main credential--therefore, it is
>    safe to put the subcredential on the hidden service host while
>    leaving the hidden service's private key offline.
>    The subcredential for a period is derived as:
>        H("subcredential" |
>          credential |
>          blinded-public-key).
> 2.2. Locating, uploading, and downloading hidden service descriptors
>        [HASHRING]
>    To avoid attacks where a hidden service's descriptor is easily
>    targeted for censorship, we store them at different directories over
>    time, and use shared random values to prevent those directories from
>    being predictable far in advance.
>    Which Tor servers hosts a hidden service depends on:
>          * the current time period,
>          * the daily subcredential,
>          * the hidden service directories' public keys,
>          * a shared random value that changes in each time period,
>          * a set of network-wide networkstatus consensus parameters.
>    Below we explain in more detail.
> 2.2.1. Dividing time into periods [TIME-PERIODS]
>    To prevent a single set of hidden service directory from becoming a
>    target by adversaries looking to permanently censor a hidden service,
>    hidden service descriptors are uploaded to different locations that
>    change over time.
>    The length of a "time period" is controlled by the consensus
>    parameter 'hsdir-interval', and is a number of minutes between 30 and
>    14400 (10 days). The default time period length is 1500 (one day plus
>    one hour).
>    Time periods start with the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970), and are
>    computed by taking the number of whole minutes since the epoch and
>    dividing by the time period. So if the current time is 2013-11-12
>    13:44:32 UTC, making the seconds since the epoch 1384281872, the
>    number of minutes since the epoch is 23071364.  If the current time
>    period length is 1500 (the default), then the current time period
>    number is 15380. It began 15380*1500*60 seconds after the epoch at
>    2013-11-11 20:00:00 UTC, and will end at (15380+1)*1500*60 seconds
>    after the epoch at 2013-11-12 21:00:00 UTC.
> 2.2.2. Overlapping time periods to avoid thundering herds [TIME-OVERLAP]
>    If every hidden service host were to generate a new set of keys and
>    upload a new descriptor at exactly the start of each time period, the
>    directories would be overwhelmed by every host uploading at the same
>    time. Instead, each public key becomes valid at its new location at a
>    deterministic time somewhat _before_ the period begins, depending on
>    the public key and the period.
>    The time at which a key might first become valid is determined by the
>    consensus parameter "hsdir-overlap-begins", which is an integer in
>    range [1,100] with default value 80. This parameter denotes a
>    percentage of the interval for which no overlap occurs.  So for the
>    default interval (1500 minutes) and default overlap-begins value
>    (80%), new keys do not become valid for the first 1200 minutes of the
>    interval.
>    The new shared random value must be published *before* the start of
>    the next overlap interval by at least enough time to ensure that
>    clients all get it. [TODO: how much earlier?]
>    The time at which a key from the next interval becomes valid is
>    determined by taking the first two bytes of
>      OFFSET = H(Key | INT_8(Next_Period_Num))
>    as a big-endian integer, dividing by 65536, and treating that as a
>    fraction of the overlap interval.
>    For example, if the period is 1500 minutes long, and overlap interval
>    is 300 minutes long, and OFFSET begins with [90 50], then the next
>    key becomes valid at 1200 + 300 * (0x9050 / 65536) minutes, or
>    approximately 22 hours and 49 minutes after the beginning of the
>    period.
>    Hidden service directories should accept descriptors at least [TODO:
>    how much?] minutes before they would become valid, and retain them
>    for at least [TODO: how much?] minutes after the end of the period.
>    When a client is looking for a service, it must calculate its key
>    both for the current and for the subsequent period, to decide whether
>    the next period's key is valid yet.
> 2.2.3. Where to publish a service descriptor
>    The following consensus parameters control where a hidden service
>    descriptor is stored;
>         hsdir_n_replicas = an integer in range [1,16]
>                              with default value 2.
>         hsdir_spread_fetch = an integer in range [1,128]
>                              with default value 3.
>         hsdir_spread_store = an integer in range [1,128]
>                              with default value 3.
>         hsdir_spread_accept = an integer in range [1,128]
>                              with default value 8.
>    To determine where a given hidden service descriptor will be stored
>    in a given period, after the blinded public key for that period is
>    derived, the uploading or downloading party calculate
>         for replicanum in 1...hsdir_n_replicas:
>             hs_index(replicanum) = H("store-at-idx" |
>                                  blinded_public_key | replicanum |
>                                  periodnum)
>    where blinded_public_key is specified in section KEYBLIND, and
>    periodnum is defined in section TIME-PERIODS.
>    where n_replicas is determined by the consensus parameter
>    "hsdir_n_replicas".
>    Then, for each node listed in the current consensus with the HSDir3
>    flag, we compute a directory index for that node as:
>            hsdir_index(node) = H(node_identity_digest |
>                                  shared_random |
>                                  INT_8(period_num) )
>    where shared_random is the shared value generated by the authorities
>    in section PUB-SHAREDRANDOM.
>    Finally, for replicanum in 1...hsdir_n_replicas, the hidden service
>    host uploads descriptors to the first hsdir_spread_store nodes whose
>    indices immediately follow hs_index(replicanum).
>    When choosing an HSDir to download from, clients choose randomly from
>    among the first hsdir_spread_fetch nodes after the indices.  (Note
>    that, in order to make the system better tolerate disappearing
>    HSDirs, hsdir_spread_fetch may be less than hsdir_spread_store.)
>    An HSDir should rejects a descriptor if that HSDir is not one of the
>    first hsdir_spread_accept HSDirs for that node.
>    [TODO: Incorporate the findings from proposal 143 here. But watch
>    out: proposal 143 did not analyze how much the set of nodes changes
>    over time, or how much client and host knowledge might diverge.]
> 2.2.4. URLs for anonymous uploading and downloading
>    Hidden service descriptors conforming to this specification are
>    uploaded with an HTTP POST request to the URL
>    /tor/rendezvous3/publish relative to the hidden service directory's
>    root, and downloaded with an HTTP GET request for the URL
>    /tor/rendezvous3/<z> where z is a base-64 encoding of the hidden
>    service's blinded public key.
>    [TODO: raw base64 is not super-nice for URLs, since it can have
>    slashes. We already use it for microdescriptor URLs, though. Do we
>    care here?]
>    These requests must be made anonymously, on circuits not used for
>    anything else.
> 2.3. Publishing shared random values [PUB-SHAREDRANDOM]
>    Our design for limiting the predictability of HSDir upload locations
>    relies on a shared random value that isn't predictable in advance or
>    too influenceable by an attacker. The authorities must run a protocol
>    to generate such a value at least once per hsdir period. Here we
>    describe how they publish these values; the procedure they use to
>    generate them can change independently of the rest of this
>    specification. For one possible (somewhat broken) protocol, see
>    Appendix [SHAREDRANDOM].
>    We add a new line in votes and consensus documents:
>        "hsdir-shared-random" PERIOD-START VALUE
>        VALUE = A base-64 encoded 256-bit value.
>    To decide which hsdir-shared-random line to include in a consensus
>    for a given PERIOD-START, we choose whichever line appears verbatim
>    in the most votes, so long as it is listed by at least three
>    authorities. Ties are broken in favor of the lower value. More than
>    one PERIOD-START is allowed per vote, and per consensus. The same
>    PERIOD-START must not appear twice in a vote or in a consensus.
>    [TODO: Need to define a more robust algorithm. Need to cover cases
>    where multiple cluster of authorities publish a different value,
>    etc.]
>    The hs-dir-shared-random lines appear, sorted by PERIOD-START, in the
>    consensus immediately after the "params" line.
>    The authorities should publish the shared random value for the
>    current period, and, at a time at least three voting periods before
>    the overlap interval begins, the shared random value for the next
>    period.
> [TODO: find out what weasel doesn't like here.]
> 2.4. Hidden service descriptors: outer wrapper [DESC-OUTER]
>    The format for a hidden service descriptor is as follows, using the
>    meta-format from dir-spec.txt.
>      "hs-descriptor" SP "3" SP public-key SP certification NL
>        [At start, exactly once.]
>        public-key is the blinded public key for the service, encoded in
>        base 64. Certification is a certification of a short-term ed25519
>        descriptor signing key using the public key, in the format of
>        proposal 220.
>      "time-period" SP YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS NUM NL
>        [Exactly once.]
>        The time period for which this descriptor is relevant, including
>        its starting time and its period number.
>      "revision-counter" SP Integer NL
>        [Exactly once.]
>        The revision number of the descriptor. If an HSDir receives a
>        second descriptor for a key that it already has a descriptor for,
>        it should retain and serve the descriptor with the higher
>        revision-counter.
>        (Checking for monotonically increasing revision-counter values
>        prevents an attacker from replacing a newer descriptor signed by
>        a given key with a copy of an older version.)
>      "encrypted" NL encrypted-string
>        [Exactly once.]
>        An encrypted blob, whose format is discussed in [ENCRYPTED-DATA]
>        below. The blob is base-64 encoded and enclosed in -----BEGIN
>        MESSAGE---- and ----END MESSAGE---- wrappers.
>      "signature" SP signature NL
>        [exactly once, at end.]
>        A signature of all previous fields, using the signing key in the
>        hs-descriptor line. We use a separate key for signing, so that
>        the hidden service host does not need to have its private blinded
>        key online.
> 2.5. Hidden service descriptors: encryption format [ENCRYPTED-DATA]
>    The encrypted part of the hidden service descriptor is encrypted and
>    authenticated with symmetric keys generated as follows:
>        salt = 16 random bytes
>        secret_input = nonce | blinded_public_key | subcredential |
>              INT_4(revision_counter)
>        keys = KDF(secret_input, salt, "hsdir-encrypted-data",
>                   S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN + MAC_KEY_LEN)
>        SECRET_KEY = first S_KEY_LEN bytes of keys
>        SECRET_IV  = next S_IV_LEN bytes of keys
>        MAC_KEY    = last MAC_KEY_LEN bytes of keys
>    The encrypted data has the format:
>        SALT       (random bytes from above)       [16 bytes]
>        ENCRYPTED  The plaintext encrypted with S  [variable]
>        MAC        MAC of both above fields        [32 bytes]
>    The encryption format is ENCRYPTED =
>                STREAM(SECRET_IV,SECRET_KEY) xor Plaintext
>    Before encryption, the plaintext must be padded to a multiple of ???
>    bytes with NUL bytes. The plaintext must not be longer than ???
>    bytes.  [TODO: how much? Should this be a parameter?  What values in
>    practice is needed to hide how many intro points we have, and how
>    many might be legacy ones?]
>    The plaintext format is:
>      "create2-formats" SP formats NL
>       [Exactly once]
>       A space-separated list of integers denoting CREATE2 cell format
>       numbers that the server recognizes. Must include at least TAP and
>       ntor as described in tor-spec.txt. See tor-spec section 5.1 for a
>       list of recognized handshake types.
>      "authentication-required" SP types NL
>       [At most once]
>       A space-separated list of authentication types. A client that does
>       not support at least one of these authentication types will not be
>       able to contact the host. Recognized types are: 'password' and
>       'ed25519'. See [INTRO-AUTH] below.
>      At least once:
>         "introduction-point" SP link-specifiers NL
>           [Exactly once per introduction point at start of introduction
>             point section]
>           The link-specifiers is a base64 encoding of a link specifier
>           block in the format described in BUILDING-BLOCKS.
>         "auth-key" SP "ed25519" SP key SP certification NL
>           [Exactly once per introduction point]
>           Base-64 encoded introduction point authentication key that was
>           used to establish introduction point circuit, cross-certifying
>           the blinded public key key using the certification format of
>           proposal 220.
>         "enc-key" SP "ntor" SP key NL
>           [At most once per introduction point]
>           Base64-encoded curve25519 key used to encrypt request to
>           hidden service.
>           [TODO: I'd like to have a cross-certification here too.]
>         "enc-key" SP "legacy" NL key NL
>           [At most once per introduction point]
>           Base64-encoded RSA key, wrapped in "----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC
>           KEY-----" armor, for use with a legacy introduction point as
>           described in [LEGACY_EST_INTRO] and [LEGACY-INTRODUCE1] below.
>           Exactly one of the "enc-key ntor" and "enc-key legacy"
>           elements must be present for each introduction point.
>         [TODO: I'd like to have a cross-certification here too.]
>    Other encryption and authentication key formats are allowed; clients
>    should ignore ones they do not recognize.
> 3. The introduction protocol
>    The introduction protocol proceeds in three steps.
>    First, a hidden service host builds an anonymous circuit to a Tor
>    node and registers that circuit as an introduction point.
>         [Between these steps, the hidden service publishes its
>         introduction points and associated keys, and the client fetches
>         them as described in section [HSDIR] above.]
>    Second, a client builds an anonymous circuit to the introduction
>    point, and sends an introduction request.
>    Third, the introduction point relays the introduction request along
>    the introduction circuit to the hidden service host, and acknowledges
>    the introduction request to the client.
> 3.1. Registering an introduction point [REG_INTRO_POINT]
> 3.1.1. Extensible ESTABLISH_INTRO protocol. [EST_INTRO]
>    When a hidden service is establishing a new introduction point, it
>    sends a ESTABLISH_INTRO cell with the following contents:
>      AUTH_KEY_TYPE    [1 byte]
>      AUTH_KEY_LEN     [1 byte]
>      AUTH_KEY         [AUTH_KEY_LEN bytes]
>      Any number of times:
>         EXT_FIELD_TYPE [1 byte]
>         EXT_FIELD_LEN  [1 byte]
>         EXT_FIELD      [EXTRA_FIELD_LEN bytes]
>      ZERO             [1 byte]
>      HANDSHAKE_AUTH   [MAC_LEN bytes]
>      SIGLEN           [1 byte]
>      SIG              [SIGLEN bytes]
>    The AUTH_KEY_TYPE field indicates the type of the introduction point
>    authentication key and the type of the MAC to use in for
>    HANDSHAKE_AUTH. Recognized types are:
>        [00, 01] -- Reserved for legacy introduction cells; see
>                    [LEGACY_EST_INTRO below]
>        [02] -- Ed25519; HMAC-SHA256.
>        [FF] -- Reserved for maintenance messages on existing
>                circuits; see MAINT_INTRO below.
>                [TODO: Should this just be a new relay cell type?
>                 Matthew and George think so.]
>    The AUTH_KEY_LEN field determines the length of the AUTH_KEY
>    field. The AUTH_KEY field contains the public introduction point
>    authentication key.
>    The EXT_FIELD_TYPE, EXT_FIELD_LEN, EXT_FIELD entries are reserved for
>    future extensions to the introduction protocol. Extensions with
>    unrecognized EXT_FIELD_TYPE values must be ignored.
>    The ZERO field contains the byte zero; it marks the end of the
>    extension fields.
>    The HANDSHAKE_AUTH field contains the MAC of all earlier fields in
>    the cell using as its key the shared per-circuit material ("KH")
>    generated during the circuit extension protocol; see tor-spec.txt
>    section 5.2, "Setting circuit keys". It prevents replays of
>    SIGLEN is the length of the signature.
>    SIG is a signature, using AUTH_KEY, of all contents of the cell, up
>    to but not including SIG. These contents are prefixed with the string
>    "Tor establish-intro cell v1".
>    Upon receiving an ESTABLISH_INTRO cell, a Tor node first decodes the
>    key and the signature, and checks the signature. The node must reject
>    the ESTABLISH_INTRO cell and destroy the circuit in these cases:
>         * If the key type is unrecognized
>         * If the key is ill-formatted
>         * If the signature is incorrect
>         * If the HANDSHAKE_AUTH value is incorrect
>         * If the circuit is already a rendezvous circuit.
>         * If the circuit is already an introduction circuit.
>           [TODO: some scalability designs fail there.]
>         * If the key is already in use by another circuit.
>    Otherwise, the node must associate the key with the circuit, for use
>    later in INTRODUCE1 cells.
>    [TODO: The above will work fine with what we do today, but it will do
>    quite badly if we ever freak out and want to go back to RSA2048 or
>    bigger.  Do we care?]
> 3.1.2. Registering an introduction point on a legacy Tor node [LEGACY_EST_INTRO]
>    Tor nodes should also support an older version of the ESTABLISH_INTRO
>    cell, first documented in rend-spec.txt. New hidden service hosts
>    must use this format when establishing introduction points at older
>    Tor nodes that do not support the format above in [EST_INTRO].
>    In this older protocol, an ESTABLISH_INTRO cell contains:
>         KEY_LENGTH     [2 bytes]
>         KEY            [KEY_LENGTH bytes]
>         HANDSHAKE_AUTH [20 bytes]
>         SIG            [variable, up to end of relay payload]
>    The KEY_LENGTH variable determines the length of the KEY field.
>    The KEY field is a ASN1-encoded RSA public key.
>    The HANDSHAKE_AUTH field contains the SHA1 digest of (KH |
>    "INTRODUCE").
>    The SIG field contains an RSA signature, using PKCS1 padding, of all
>    earlier fields.
>    Note that since the relay payload itself may be no more than 498
>    bytes long, the KEY_LENGTH field can never have a first byte other
>    than [00] or [01]. These values are used to distinguish legacy
>    ESTABLISH_INTRO cells from newer ones.
>    Older versions of Tor always use a 1024-bit RSA key for these
>    introduction authentication keys.
>    Newer hidden services MAY use RSA keys up 1904 bits. Any more than
>    that will not fit in a RELAY cell payload.
> 3.1.3. Managing introduction circuits [MAINT_INTRO]
>    If the first byte of an ESTABLISH_INTRO cell is [FF], the cell's body
>    contains an administrative command for the circuit. The format of
>    such a command is:
>      Any number of times:
>        SUBCOMMAND_TYPE [2 bytes]
>        SUBCOMMAND_LEN  [2 bytes]
>        SUBCOMMAND      [COMMAND_LEN bytes]
>    Recognized SUBCOMMAND_TYPE values are:
>        [00 01] -- update encryption keys
>    [TODO: Matthew says, "This can be used to fork an intro point to
>     balance traffic over multiple hidden service servers while
>     maintaining the criteria for a valid ESTABLISH_INTRO
>     cell. -MF". Investigate.]
>    Unrecognized SUBCOMMAND_TYPE values should be ignored.
> Updating encryption keys (subcommand 0001) [UPDATE-KEYS-SUBCMD]
>    Hidden service hosts send this subcommand to set their initial
>    encryption keys or update the configured public encryption keys
>    associated with this circuit. This message must be sent after
>    establishing an introduction point, before the circuit can be
>    advertised.  These keys are given in the form:
>       NUMKEYS         [1 byte]
>       NUMKEYS times:
>         KEYTYPE         [1 byte]
>         KEYLEN          [1 byte]
>         KEY             [KEYLEN bytes]
>       COUNTER         [4 bytes]
>       SIGLEN          [1 byte]
>       SIGNATURE       [SIGLEN bytes.]
>    The KEYTYPE value [01] is for Curve25519 keys.
>    The COUNTER field is a monotonically increasing value across a given
>    introduction point authentication key.
>    The SIGNATURE must be generated with the introduction point
>    authentication key, and must cover the entire subcommand body,
>    prefixed with the string "Tor hidden service introduction encryption
>    keys v1".
>    [TODO: Nothing is done here to prove ownership of the encryption
>    keys. Does that matter?]
>    [TODO: The point here is to allow encryption keys to change while
>    maintaining an introduction point and not forcing a client to
>    download a new descriptor. I'm not sure if that's worth it. It makes
>    clients who have seen a key before distinguishable from ones who have
>    not.]
>    [Matthew says: "Repeat-client over long periods of time will always
>    be distinguishable. It may be better to simply expire intro points
>    than try to preserve forward-secrecy, though". Must find out what he
>    meant.]
>    Setting the encryption keys for a given circuit replaces the previous
>    keys for that circuit. Clients who attempt to connect using the old
>    key receive an INTRO_ACK cell with error code [00 02] as described in
>    section [INTRO_ACK] below.
> 3.1.4. Acknowledging establishment of introduction point [INTRO_ESTABLISHED]
>    After setting up an introduction circuit, the introduction point
>    reports its status back to the hidden service host with an empty
>     [TODO: make this cell type extensible. It should be able to include
>     data if that turns out to be needed.]
> 3.2. Sending an INTRODUCE1 cell to the introduction point. [SEND_INTRO1]
>    In order to participate in the introduction protocol, a client must
>    know the following:
>      * An introduction point for a service.
>      * The introduction authentication key for that introduction point.
>      * The introduction encryption key for that introduction point.
>    The client sends an INTRODUCE1 cell to the introduction point,
>    containing an identifier for the service, an identifier for the
>    encryption key that the client intends to use, and an opaque blob to
>    be relayed to the hidden service host.
>    In reply, the introduction point sends an INTRODUCE_ACK cell back to
>    the client, either informing it that its request has been delivered,
>    or that its request will not succeed.
> 3.2.1. INTRODUCE1 cell format [FMT_INTRO1]
>    An INTRODUCE1 cell has the following contents:
>      AUTH_KEYID      [32 bytes]
>      ENC_KEYID       [8 bytes]
>      Any number of times:
>        EXT_FIELD_TYPE [1 byte]
>        EXT_FIELD_LEN  [1 byte]
>        EXT_FIELD      [EXTRA_FIELD_LEN bytes]
>      ZERO             [1 byte]
>      ENCRYPTED        [Up to end of relay payload]
>    [TODO: Should we have a field to determine the type of ENCRYPTED, or
>    should we instead assume that there is exactly one encryption key per
>    encryption method? The latter is probably safer.]
>    Upon receiving an INTRODUCE1 cell, the introduction point checks
>    whether AUTH_KEYID and ENC_KEYID match a configured introduction
>    point authentication key and introduction point encryption key.  If
>    they do, the cell is relayed; if not, it is not.
>    The AUTH_KEYID for an Ed25519 public key is the public key itself.
>    The ENC_KEYID for a Curve25519 public key is the first 8 bytes of the
>    public key. (This key ID is safe to truncate, since all the keys are
>    generated by the hidden service host, and the ID is only valid
>    relative to a single AUTH_KEYID.)  The ENCRYPTED field is as
>    described in 3.3 below.
>    To relay an INTRODUCE1 cell, the introduction point sends an
>    INTRODUCE2 cell with exactly the same contents.
> 3.2.2. INTRODUCE_ACK cell format. [INTRO_ACK]
>    An INTRODUCE_ACK cell has the following fields:
>      STATUS    [2 bytes]
>      Any number of times:
>        EXT_FIELD_TYPE [1 byte]
>        EXT_FIELD_LEN  [1 byte]
>        EXT_FIELD      [EXTRA_FIELD_LEN bytes]
>    Recognized status values are:
>      [00 00] -- Success: cell relayed to hidden service host.
>      [00 01] -- Failure: service ID not recognzied
>      [00 02] -- Failure: key ID not recognized
>      [00 03] -- Bad message format
>    Recognized extension field types:
>      [00 01] -- signed set of encryption keys
>    The extension field type 0001 is a signed set of encryption keys; its
>    body matches the body of the key update command in
>    [UPDATE-KEYS-CMD]. Whenever sending status [00 02], the introduction
>    point MUST send this extension field.
> 3.2.3. Legacy formats [LEGACY-INTRODUCE1]
>    When the ESTABLISH_INTRO cell format of [LEGACY_EST_INTRO] is used,
>    INTRODUCE1 cells are of the form:
>      AUTH_KEYID_HASH  [20 bytes]
>      ENC_KEYID        [8 bytes]
>      Any number of times:
>        EXT_FIELD_TYPE [1 byte]
>        EXT_FIELD_LEN  [1 byte]
>        EXT_FIELD      [EXTRA_FIELD_LEN bytes]
>      ZERO             [1 byte]
>      ENCRYPTED        [Up to end of relay payload]
>    Here, AUTH_KEYID_HASH is the hash of the introduction point
>    authentication key used to establish the introduction.
>    Because of limitations in older versions of Tor, the relay payload
>    size for these INTRODUCE1 cells must always be at least 246 bytes, or
>    they will be rejected as invalid.
> 3.3. Processing an INTRODUCE2 cell at the hidden service. [PROCESS_INTRO2]
>    Upon receiving an INTRODUCE2 cell, the hidden service host checks
>    whether the AUTH_KEYID/AUTH_KEYID_HASH field and the ENC_KEYID fields
>    are as expected, and match the configured authentication and
>    encryption key(s) on that circuit.
>    The service host then checks whether it has received a cell with
>    these contents before. If it has, it silently drops it as a
>    replay. (It must maintain a replay cache for as long as it accepts
>    cells with the same encryption key.)
>    If the cell is not a replay, it decrypts the ENCRYPTED field,
>    establishes a shared key with the client, and authenticates the whole
>    contents of the cell as having been unmodified since they left the
>    client. There may be multiple ways of decrypting the ENCRYTPED field,
>    depending on the chosen type of the encryption key. Requirements for
>    an introduction handshake protocol are described in
>    [INTRO-HANDSHAKE-REQS]. We specify one below in section
>    The decrypted plaintext must have the form:
>       REND_TOKEN                                 [20 bytes]
>       Any number of times:
>           EXT_FIELD_TYPE                         [1 byte]
>           EXT_FIELD_LEN                          [1 byte]
>           EXT_FIELD                              [EXTRA_FIELD_LEN bytes]
>       ZERO                                       [1 byte]
>       ONION_KEY_TYPE                             [2 bytes]
>       ONION_KEY                                  [depends on ONION_KEY_TYPE]
>       NSPEC      (Number of link specifiers)     [1 byte]
>       NSPEC times:
>           LSTYPE (Link specifier type)           [1 byte]
>           LSLEN  (Link specifier length)         [1 byte]
>           LSPEC  (Link specifier)                [LSLEN bytes]
>       PAD        (optional padding)              [up to end of plaintext]
>    Upon processing this plaintext, the hidden service makes sure that
>    any required authentication is present in the extension fields, and
>    then extends a rendezvous circuit to the node described in the LSPEC
>    fields, using the ONION_KEY to complete the extension. As mentioned
>    in [BUILDING-BLOCKS], the "TLS-over-TCP, IPv4" and "Legacy node
>    identity" specifiers must be present.
>    The hidden service SHOULD NOT reject any LSTYPE fields which it
>    doesn't recognize; instead, it should use them verbatim in its EXTEND
>    request to the rendezvous point.
>    The ONION_KEY_TYPE field is one of:
>       [01] TAP-RSA-1024:  ONION_KEY is 128 bytes long.
>       [02] NTOR:          ONION_KEY is 32 bytes long.
>    The ONION_KEY field describes the onion key that must be used when
>    extending to the rendezvous point. It must be of a type listed as
>    supported in the hidden service descriptor.
>    Upon receiving a well-formed INTRODUCE2 cell, the hidden service host
>    will have:
>      * The information needed to connect to the client's chosen
>        rendezvous point.
>      * The second half of a handshake to authenticate and establish a
>        shared key with the hidden service client.
>      * A set of shared keys to use for end-to-end encryption.
> 3.3.1. Introduction handshake encryption requirements [INTRO-HANDSHAKE-REQS]
>    When decoding the encrypted information in an INTRODUCE2 cell, a
>    hidden service host must be able to:
>      * Decrypt additional information included in the INTRODUCE2 cell,
>        to include the rendezvous token and the information needed to
>        extend to the rendezvous point.
>      * Establish a set of shared keys for use with the client.
>      * Authenticate that the cell has not been modified since the client
>        generated it.
>    Note that the old TAP-derived protocol of the previous hidden service
>    design achieved the first two requirements, but not the third.
> 3.3.2. Example encryption handshake: ntor with extra data [NTOR-WITH-EXTRA-DATA]
>    This is a variant of the ntor handshake (see tor-spec.txt, section
>    5.1.4; see proposal 216; and see "Anonymity and one-way
>    authentication in key-exchange protocols" by Goldberg, Stebila, and
>    Ustaoglu).
>    It behaves the same as the ntor handshake, except that, in addition
>    to negotiating forward secure keys, it also provides a means for
>    encrypting non-forward-secure data to the server (in this case, to
>    the hidden service host) as part of the handshake.
>    Notation here is as in section 5.1.4 of tor-spec.txt, which defines
>    the ntor handshake.
>    The PROTOID for this variant is
>    "hidden-service-ntor-curve25519-sha256-1".  Define the tweak value
>    t_hsenc, and the tag value m_hsexpand as:
>       t_hsenc    = PROTOID | ":hs_key_extract"
>       m_hsexpand = PROTOID | ":hs_key_expand"
>    To make an INTRODUCE cell, the client must know a public encryption
>    key B for the hidden service on this introduction circuit. The client
>    generates a single-use keypair:
>              x,X = KEYGEN()
>    and computes:
>              secret_hs_input = EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEYID | X | B | PROTOID
>              info = m_hsexpand | subcredential
>              hs_keys = HKDF(secret_hs_input, t_hsenc, info,
>                             S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
>              ENC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN]
>              MAC_KEY = hs_keys[S_KEY_LEN:S_KEY_LEN+MAC_KEY_LEN]
>    and sends, as the ENCRYPTED part of the INTRODUCE1 cell:
>           CLIENT_PK                [G_LENGTH bytes]
>           ENCRYPTED_DATA           [Padded to length of plaintext]
>           MAC                      [MAC_LEN bytes]
>    Substituting those fields into the INTRODUCE1 cell body format
>    described in [FMT_INTRO1] above, we have
>             AUTH_KEYID                  [32 bytes]
>             ENC_KEYID                   [8 bytes]
>             Any number of times:
>                EXT_FIELD_TYPE           [1 byte]
>                EXT_FIELD_LEN            [1 byte]
>                EXT_FIELD                [EXTRA_FIELD_LEN bytes]
>                ZERO                     [1 byte]
>             ENCRYPTED:
>                CLIENT_PK                [G_LENGTH bytes]
>                ENCRYPTED_DATA           [Padded to length of plaintext]
>                MAC                      [MAC_LEN bytes]
>    (This format is as documented in [FMT_INTRO1] above, except that here
>    we describe how to build the ENCRYPTED portion. If the introduction
>    point is running an older Tor that does not support this protocol,
>    the first field is replaced by a 20-byte AUTH_KEYID_HASH field as
>    described in [LEGACY-INTRODUCE1].)
>    Here, the encryption key plays the role of B in the regular ntor
>    handshake, and the AUTH_KEYID field plays the role of the node ID.
>    The CLIENT_PK field is the public key X. The ENCRYPTED_DATA field is
>    the message plaintext, encrypted with the symmetric key ENC_KEY. The
>    MAC field is a MAC of all of the cell from the AUTH_KEYID through the
>    end of ENCRYPTED_DATA, using the MAC_KEY value as its key.
>    To process this format, the hidden service checks PK_VALID(CLIENT_PK)
>    as necessary, and then computes ENC_KEY and MAC_KEY as the client did
>    above, except using EXP(CLIENT_PK,b) in the calculation of
>    secret_hs_input. The service host then checks whether the MAC is
>    correct. If it is invalid, it drops the cell. Otherwise, it computes
>    the plaintext by decrypting ENCRYPTED_DATA.
>    The hidden service host now completes the service side of the
>    extended ntor handshake, as described in tor-spec.txt section 5.1.4,
>    with the modified PROTOID as given above. To be explicit, the hidden
>    service host generates a keypair of y,Y = KEYGEN(), and uses its
>    introduction point encryption key 'b' to computes:
>       xb = EXP(X,b)
>       secret_hs_input = xb | AUTH_KEYID | X | B | PROTOID
>       info = m_hsexpand | subcredential
>       hs_keys = HKDF(secret_hs_input, t_hsenc, info,
>                      S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN)
>       HS_DEC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN]
>       (The above are used to check the MAC and then decrypt the
>       encrypted data.)
>       ntor_secret_input = EXP(X,y) | xb | ID | B | X | Y | PROTOID
>       NTOR_KEY_SEED = H(secret_input, t_key)
>       verify = H(secret_input, t_verify)
>       auth_input = verify | ID | B | Y | X | PROTOID | "Server"
>       (The above are used to finish the ntor handshake.)
>    The server's handshake reply is:
>        SERVER_PK   Y                       [G_LENGTH bytes]
>        AUTH        H(auth_input, t_mac)    [H_LENGTH bytes]
>    These faileds can be send to the client in a RENDEZVOUS1 cell.
>    (See [JOIN_REND] below.)
>    The hidden service host now also knows the keys generated by the
>    handshake, which it will use to encrypt and authenticate data
>    end-to-end between the client and the server. These keys are as
>    computed in tor-spec.txt section 5.1.4.
> 3.4. Authentication during the introduction phase. [INTRO-AUTH]
>    Hidden services may restrict access only to authorized users.  One
>    mechanism to do so is the credential mechanism, where only users who
>    know the credential for a hidden service may connect at all. For more
>    fine-grained conntrol, a hidden service can be configured with
>    password-based or public-key-based authentication.
> 3.4.1. Password-based authentication.
>    To authenticate with a password, the user must include an extension
>    field in the encrypted part of the INTRODUCE cell with an
>    EXT_FIELD_TYPE type of [01] and the contents:
>      Username [00] Password.
>    The username may not include any [00] bytes. The password may.
>    On the server side, the password MUST be stored hashed and salted,
>    ideally with scrypt or something better.
> 3.4.2. Ed25519-based authentication.
>    To authenticate with an Ed25519 private key, the user must include an
>    extension field in the encrypted part of the INTRODUCE cell with an
>    EXT_FIELD_TYPE type of [02] and the contents:
>         Nonce     [16 bytes]
>         Pubkey    [32 bytes]
>         Signature [64 bytes]
>    Nonce is a random value. Pubkey is the public key that will be used
>    to authenticate. [TODO: should this be an identifier for the public
>    key instead?]  Signature is the signature, using Ed25519, of:
>         "Hidserv-userauth-ed25519"
>         Nonce       (same as above)
>         Pubkey      (same as above)
>         AUTH_KEYID  (As in the INTRODUCE1 cell)
>         ENC_KEYID   (As in the INTRODUCE1 cell)
>    The hidden service host checks this by seeing whether it recognizes
>    and would accept a signature from the provided public key. If it
>    would, then it checks whether the signature is correct. If it is,
>    then the correct user has authenticated.
>    Replay prevention on the whole cell is sufficient to prevent replays
>    on the authentication.
>    Users SHOULD NOT use the same public key with multiple hidden
>    services.
> 4. The rendezvous protocol
>    Before connecting to a hidden service, the client first builds a
>    circuit to an arbitrarily chosen Tor node (known as the rendezvous
>    point), and sends an ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS cell. The hidden service
>    later connects to the same node and sends a RENDEZVOUS cell. Once
>    this has occurred, the relay forwards the contents of the RENDEZVOUS
>    cell to the client, and joins the two circuits together.
> 4.1. Establishing a rendezvous point [EST_REND_POINT]
>    The client sends the rendezvous point a
>    RELAY_COMMAND_ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS cell containing a 20-byte value.
>             RENDEZVOUS_COOKIE         [20 bytes]
>    Rendezvous points MUST ignore any extra bytes in an
>    ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS message. (Older versions of Tor did not.)
>    The rendezvous cookie is an arbitrary 20-byte value, chosen randomly
>    by the client. The client SHOULD choose a new rendezvous cookie for
>    each new connection attempt. If the rendezvous cookie is already in
>    use on an existing circuit, the rendezvous point should reject it and
>    destroy the circuit.
>    Upon receiving a ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS cell, the rendezvous point
>    associates the cookie with the circuit on which it was sent. It
>    replies to the client with an empty RENDEZVOUS_ESTABLISHED cell to
>    indicate success.  [TODO: make this extensible]
>    The client MUST NOT use the circuit which sent the cell for any
>    purpose other than rendezvous with the given location-hidden service.
>    The client should establish a rendezvous point BEFORE trying to
>    connect to a hidden service.
> 4.2. Joining to a rendezvous point [JOIN_REND]
>    To complete a rendezvous, the hidden service host builds a circuit to
>    the rendezvous point and sends a RENDEZVOUS1 cell containing:
>        RENDEZVOUS_COOKIE          [20 bytes]
>        HANDSHAKE_INFO             [variable; depends on handshake type
>                                    used.]
>    If the cookie matches the rendezvous cookie set on any
>    not-yet-connected circuit on the rendezvous point, the rendezvous
>    point connects the two circuits, and sends a RENDEZVOUS2 cell to the
>    client containing the contents of the RENDEZVOUS1 cell.
>    Upon receiving the RENDEZVOUS2 cell, the client verifies that the
>    HANDSHAKE_INFO correctly completes a handshake, and uses the
>    handshake output to derive shared keys for use on the circuit.
>    [TODO: Should we encrypt HANDSHAKE_INFO as we did INTRODUCE2
>    contents? It's not necessary, but it could be wise. Similarly, we
>    should make it extensible.]
> 4.3. Using legacy hosts as rendezvous points
>    The behavior of ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS is unchanged from older versions
>    of this protocol, except that relays should now ignore unexpected
>    bytes at the end.
>    Old versions of Tor required that RENDEZVOUS cell payloads be exactly
>    168 bytes long. All shorter rendezvous payloads should be padded to
>    this length with [00] bytes.
> 5. Encrypting data between client and host
>    A successfully completed handshake, as embedded in the
>    INTRODUCE/RENDEZVOUS cells, gives the client and hidden service host
>    a shared set of keys Kf, Kb, Df, Db, which they use for sending
>    end-to-end traffic encryption and authentication as in the regular
>    Tor relay encryption protocol, applying encryption with these keys
>    before other encryption, and decrypting with these keys before other
>    encryption. The client encrypts with Kf and decrypts with Kb; the
>    service host does the opposite.
> 6. Open Questions:
>    Scaling hidden services is hard. There are on-going discussions that
>    you might be able to help with. See [SCALING-REFS].
>    How can we improve the HSDir unpredictability design proposed in
>    [SHAREDRANDOM]? See [SHAREDRANDOM-REFS] for discussion.
>    How can hidden service addresses become memorable while retaining
>    their self-authenticating and decentralized nature? See
>    [HUMANE-HSADDRESSES-REFS] for some proposals; many more are possible.
>    Hidden Services are pretty slow. Both because of the lengthy setup
>    procedure and because the final circuit has 6 hops. How can we make
>    the Hidden Service protocol faster? See [PERFORMANCE-REFS] for some
>    suggestions.
> References:
>         https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8106
>         https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2012-September/004026.html
>         https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8244
>         https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-November/005847.html
>         https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2013-November/031230.html
>         https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-October/005556.html
>         https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/proposals/ideas/xxx-onion-nyms.txt
>         http://archives.seul.org/or/dev/Dec-2011/msg00034.html
>         "Improving Efficiency and Simplicity of Tor circuit
>         establishment and hidden services" by Overlier, L., and
>         P. Syverson
>         [TODO: Need more here! Do we have any? :( ]
>         "Trawling for Tor Hidden Services: Detection, Measurement,
>         Deanonymization" by Alex Biryukov, Ivan Pustogarov,
>         Ralf-Philipp Weinmann
>         "Locating Hidden Servers" by Lasse Øverlier and Paul
>         Syverson
> [ED25519-REFS]:
>         "High-speed high-security signatures" by Daniel
>         J. Bernstein, Niels Duif, Tanja Lange, Peter Schwabe, and
>         Bo-Yin Yang. http://cr.yp.to/papers.html#ed25519
> Appendix A. Signature scheme with key blinding [KEYBLIND]
>   As described in [IMD:DIST] and [SUBCRED] above, we require a "key
>   blinding" system that works (roughly) as follows:
>         There is a master keypair (sk, pk).
>         Given the keypair and a nonce n, there is a derivation function
>         that gives a new blinded keypair (sk_n, pk_n).  This keypair can
>         be used for signing.
>         Given only the public key and the nonce, there is a function
>         that gives pk_n.
>         Without knowing pk, it is not possible to derive pk_n; without
>         knowing sk, it is not possible to derive sk_n.
>         It's possible to check that a signature make with sk_n while
>         knowing only pk_n.
>         Someone who sees a large number of blinded public keys and
>         signatures made using those public keys can't tell which
>         signatures and which blinded keys were derived from the same
>         master keypair.
>         You can't forge signatures.
>         [TODO: Insert a more rigorous definition and better references.]
>   We propose the following scheme for key blinding, based on Ed25519.
>   (This is an ECC group, so remember that scalar multiplication is the
>   trapdoor function, and it's defined in terms of iterated point
>   addition. See the Ed25519 paper [Reference ED25519-REFS] for a fairly
>   clear writeup.)
>   Let the basepoint be written as B. Assume B has prime order l, so
>   lB=0. Let a master keypair be written as (a,A), where a is the private
>   key and A is the public key (A=aB).
>   To derive the key for a nonce N and an optional secret s, compute the
>   blinding factor h as H(A | s, B, N), and let:
>       private key for the period:   a' = h a
>       public key for the period:    A' = h' A = (ha)B
>   Generating a signature of M: given a deterministic random-looking r
>   (see EdDSA paper), take R=rB, S=r+hash(R,A',M)ah mod l. Send signature
>   (R,S) and public key A'.
>   Verifying the signature: Check whether SB = R+hash(R,A',M)A'.
>   (If the signature is valid,
>        SB = (r + hash(R,A',M)ah)B
>           = rB + (hash(R,A',M)ah)B
>           = R + hash(R,A',M)A' )
>   See [KEYBLIND-REFS] for an extensive discussion on this scheme and
>   possible alternatives. I've transcribed this from a description by
>   Tanja Lange at the end of the thread. [TODO: We'll want a proof for
>   this.]
>   (To use this with Tor, set N = INT_8(period-number) | INT_8(Start of
>   period in seconds since epoch).)
> Appendix B. Selecting nodes [PICKNODES]
>   Picking introduction points
>   Picking rendezvous points
>   Building paths
>   Reusing circuits
>   (TODO: This needs a writeup)
> Appendix C. Recommendations for searching for vanity .onions [VANITY]
>   EDITORIAL NOTE: The author thinks that it's silly to brute-force the
>   keyspace for a key that, when base-32 encoded, spells out the name of
>   your website. It also feels a bit dangerous to me. If you train your
>   users to connect to
>       llamanymityx4fi3l6x2gyzmtmgxjyqyorj9qsb5r543izcwymle.onion
>   I worry that you're making it easier for somebody to trick them into
>   connecting to
>       llamanymityb4sqi0ta0tsw6uovyhwlezkcrmczeuzdvfauuemle.onion
>   Nevertheless, people are probably going to try to do this, so here's a
>   decent algorithm to use.
>   To search for a public key with some criterion X:
>         Generate a random (sk,pk) pair.
>         While pk does not satisfy X:
>             Add the number 1 to sk
>             Add the scalar B to pk
>         Return sk, pk.
>   This algorithm is safe [source: djb, personal communication] [TODO:
>   Make sure I understood correctly!] so long as only the final (sk,pk)
>   pair is used, and all previous values are discarded.
>   To parallelize this algorithm, start with an independent (sk,pk) pair
>   generated for each independent thread, and let each search proceed
>   independently.
> Appendix D. Numeric values reserved in this document
>   [TODO: collect all the lists of commands and values mentioned above]
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