(Desperate) Plea for multi-person code review

Mike Perry mikeperry at fscked.org
Mon Feb 15 02:09:48 UTC 2010

Thus spake Mike Perry (mikeperry at fscked.org):

> My past few posts to this list have been about developing new formulas
> for load balancing Tor requests. I've since implemented these formulas
> in my git branch mikeperry/consensus-bw-weights3. You can get it with:
>  git clone git://git.torproject.org/git/tor.git tor.git
>  cd tor.git
>  git remote add mikeperry git://git.torproject.org/mikeperry/tor
>  git fetch mikeperry
>  git branch --track mp-consensus-bw-weights3 mikeperry/consensus-bw-weights3
>  git checkout mp-consensus-bw-weights3
> X11 users can see the change sets easily with 'gitk'.

Sebastian requested that I should utilize git to engage in some
revisionist history and make my branch look a little less

I've now rebased, split, and squashed all the commits into 8
logically distinct patches in mikeperry/consensus-bw-weights4.
Should be easier to review for those who prefer to look at things
one commit at a time.

  "This is what I find most encouraging about the writing trades: They
  allow mediocre people who are patient and industrious to revise
  their stupidity, to edit themselves into something like intelligence,
  they also allow lunatics to seem saner than sane."
           -- Kurt Vonnegut

Who knew that would soon apply to software development too?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist
fscked.org evil labs
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