coderman coderman at
Wed Mar 7 17:50:46 UTC 2007

On 3/7/07, Toby Douglass <toby.douglass at> wrote:
> ...
> That means fitting IOCP into libevent.
> ...
> This may be impossible.

it is possible, just a pain in the ass.  (hint: similar
behavioral/idiom issues affected the java non-blocking / event based
socket i/o which was delayed repeatedly out to 1.5 thanks in large
part to the same kind of momentum/architectural differences.

perhaps i can take a stab at this in the not soon future.  i had to
implement a thread pool based event dispatch for a udp stack with
similar issues.  (it won't be very friendly to integrate, mostly using
the c++ i'd written as a refresher to guide re-implementation in
libevent and adjust Tor to use updated API.

best regards,

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