Using httpap with actual browsers

Roger Dingledine arma at
Mon Jul 22 05:33:22 UTC 2002

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 01:30:52AM -0400, Matej Pfajfar wrote:
> I used MS IE of all browsers ;-). Was convenient cos I was connecting to 
> Linux boxes through a Windoze machine. 
> IE uses HTTP 1.0, never even touches 1.1 for some reason.

Wow. That's good to know, I guess. But it's also a shame. :)

> The way to prevent a browser like Mozilla bundling querues together is 
> (for 1.1) to add a Connection: close header to the request. The server 
> will repeat that header in the reply and the browser will know to forget 
> about the bundled queries it has made and re-request them over separate 
> connections.

Hm. Actually, for Mozilla, I just upgraded to version 1.0 and they now
have an option to use HTTP 1.0. So I'm all set for that.

I also downloaded a lot of filtering web proxies yesterday, and the one
that is by far the easiest to add onion routing support is junkbuster.
(Unfortunately, junkbuster only does 1.0 also.)


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