[tor-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser][tor-browser-128.4.0esr-14.5-1] 7 commits: fixup! Lox integration
Pier Angelo Vendrame (@pierov)
git at gitlab.torproject.org
Thu Oct 31 09:01:28 UTC 2024
Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch tor-browser-128.4.0esr-14.5-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
5ebc9fc7 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:13:30+00:00
fixup! Lox integration
Bug 42597: Fix `#updatePubkeys`.
- - - - -
704133b3 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:13:31+00:00
fixup! Lox integration
Bug 42597: Fix generateInvite.
We make sure to call handle_issue_invite to convert the response from
"issueinvite" into credentials.
We also stop stringifying the lox credentials, which are already a
- - - - -
27ec12e5 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:13:32+00:00
fixup! Lox integration
Bug 42597: Made sure we're always using `JSON.parse(request).request`
where `request` is generated by lox_wasm.
- - - - -
8ca54076 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:24:48+00:00
fixup! Lox integration
Bug 42597: Move duplicate logic into `#makeRequest`.
Moreover, we pass in the common fetch arguments into buildPostRequest
and treat the return value as a string instead of a JSON object.
- - - - -
d7c52d55 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:26:16+00:00
fixup! Lox integration
Bug 42597: Refactor error handling.
A lot of the errors can be propagated to the caller.
- - - - -
f08fc6e4 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:26:17+00:00
fixup! Bug 40597: Implement TorSettings module
Bug 42597: Make buildPostRequest accept fetch arguments.
This allows the request to buildPostRequest in the Lox module use the
same arguments that would be passed to `fetch`.
Also, return the text stream, rather than JSON.
- - - - -
8dbd8dd6 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-10-30T16:26:18+00:00
fixup! Lox integration
Bug 42597: Add note for missing trusted invites.
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- toolkit/components/lox/Lox.sys.mjs
- toolkit/modules/DomainFrontedRequests.sys.mjs
- toolkit/modules/Moat.sys.mjs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, {
set_panic_hook: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
invitation_is_trusted: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
issue_invite: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
+ handle_issue_invite: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
prepare_invite: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
get_invites_remaining: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
get_trust_level: "resource://gre/modules/lox_wasm.jsm",
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ const LoxSettingsPrefs = Object.freeze({
export class LoxError extends Error {
static BadInvite = "BadInvite";
static LoxServerUnreachable = "LoxServerUnreachable";
+ static ErrorResponse = "ErrorResponse";
* @param {string} message - The error message.
@@ -408,89 +410,47 @@ class LoxImpl {
- * Update Lox credential after Lox key rotation
- * Do not call directly, use #getPubKeys() instead to start the update only
- * once
+ * Update Lox credential after Lox key rotation.
- * @param {string} prevkeys The public keys we are replacing
+ * Do not call directly, use #getPubKeys() instead to start the update only
+ * once.
- async #updatePubkeys(prevkeys) {
- let pubKeys;
- try {
- pubKeys = await this.#makeRequest("pubkeys", []);
- } catch (error) {
- lazy.logger.debug("Failed to get pubkeys", error);
- // Make the next call try again.
- this.#pubKeyPromise = null;
- if (!this.#pubKeys) {
- throw error;
- }
- return;
- }
+ async #updatePubkeys() {
+ let pubKeys = await this.#makeRequest("pubkeys", null);
const prevKeys = this.#pubKeys;
if (prevKeys !== null) {
// check if the lox pubkeys have changed and update the lox
- // credentials if so
- let lox_cred_req;
- try {
- lox_cred_req = JSON.parse(
- lazy.check_lox_pubkeys_update(
- JSON.stringify(pubKeys),
- prevkeys,
- this.#getCredentials(this.#activeLoxId)
- )
- );
- } catch (error) {
- lazy.logger.debug("Check lox pubkey update failed", error);
- // Make the next call try again.
- this.#pubKeyPromise = null;
- return;
- }
- if (lox_cred_req.updated) {
+ // credentials if so.
+ //
+ // The UpdateCredOption rust struct serializes to "req" rather than
+ // "request".
+ const { updated, req: request } = JSON.parse(
+ lazy.check_lox_pubkeys_update(
+ pubKeys,
+ prevKeys,
+ this.#getCredentials(this.#activeLoxId)
+ )
+ );
+ if (updated) {
+ // Try update credentials.
+ // NOTE: This should be re-callable if any step fails.
+ // TODO: Verify this.
`Lox pubkey updated, update Lox credential "${this.#activeLoxId}"`
- let response;
- try {
- // TODO: If this call doesn't succeed due to a networking error, the Lox
- // credential may be in an unusable state (spent but not updated)
- // until this request can be completed successfully (and until Lox
- // is refactored to send repeat responses:
- // https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/lox/-/issues/74)
- response = await this.#makeRequest("updatecred", lox_cred_req.req);
- } catch (error) {
- lazy.logger.debug("Lox cred update failed.", error);
- // Make the next call try again.
- this.#pubKeyPromise = null;
- return;
- }
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error(response.error);
- this.#pubKeyPromise = null;
- lazy.logger.debug(
- `Error response to Lox pubkey update request: "${response.error}", reverting to old pubkeys`
- );
- return;
- }
- let cred;
- try {
- cred = lazy.handle_update_cred(
- lox_cred_req.req,
- JSON.stringify(response),
- pubKeys
- );
- } catch (error) {
- lazy.logger.debug("Unable to handle updated Lox cred", error);
- // Make the next call try again.
- this.#pubKeyPromise = null;
- return;
- }
+ // TODO: If this call doesn't succeed due to a networking error, the Lox
+ // credential may be in an unusable state (spent but not updated)
+ // until this request can be completed successfully (and until Lox
+ // is refactored to send repeat responses:
+ // https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/lox/-/issues/74)
+ let response = await this.#makeRequest("updatecred", request);
+ let cred = lazy.handle_update_cred(request, response, pubKeys);
this.#changeCredentials(this.#activeLoxId, cred);
// If we arrive here we haven't had other errors before, we can actually
// store the new public key.
- this.#pubKeys = JSON.stringify(pubKeys);
+ this.#pubKeys = pubKeys;
@@ -498,16 +458,24 @@ class LoxImpl {
// FIXME: We are always refetching #pubKeys, #encTable and #constants once
// per session, but they may change more frequently. tor-browser#42502
if (this.#pubKeyPromise === null) {
- this.#pubKeyPromise = this.#updatePubkeys();
+ this.#pubKeyPromise = this.#updatePubkeys().catch(error => {
+ lazy.logger.debug("Failed to update pubKeys", error);
+ // Try again with the next call.
+ this.#pubKeyPromise = null;
+ if (!this.#pubKeys) {
+ // Re-throw if we have no pubKeys value for the caller.
+ throw error;
+ }
+ });
await this.#pubKeyPromise;
async #getEncTable() {
if (this.#encTablePromise === null) {
- this.#encTablePromise = this.#makeRequest("reachability", [])
+ this.#encTablePromise = this.#makeRequest("reachability", null)
.then(encTable => {
- this.#encTable = JSON.stringify(encTable);
+ this.#encTable = encTable;
.catch(error => {
@@ -526,10 +494,10 @@ class LoxImpl {
async #getConstants() {
if (this.#constantsPromise === null) {
// Try to update first, but if that doesn't work fall back to stored data
- this.#constantsPromise = this.#makeRequest("constants", [])
+ this.#constantsPromise = this.#makeRequest("constants", null)
.then(constants => {
const prevValue = this.#constants;
- this.#constants = JSON.stringify(constants);
+ this.#constants = constants;
if (prevValue !== this.#constants) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, LoxTopics.UpdateNextUnlock);
@@ -579,7 +547,6 @@ class LoxImpl {
async #backgroundTasks() {
- let addedEvent = false;
// Only run background tasks for the active lox ID.
const loxId = this.#activeLoxId;
if (!loxId) {
@@ -591,37 +558,39 @@ class LoxImpl {
// this should catch key rotations (ideally some days) prior to the next
// credential update
await this.#getPubKeys();
+ let levelup = false;
try {
- const levelup = await this.#attemptUpgrade(loxId);
- if (levelup) {
- const level = this.#getLevel(loxId);
- const newEvent = {
- type: "levelup",
- newlevel: level,
- };
- this.#events.push(newEvent);
- this.#store();
- addedEvent = true;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error(err);
+ levelup = await this.#attemptUpgrade(loxId);
+ } catch (error) {
+ lazy.logger.error(error);
+ if (levelup) {
+ const level = this.#getLevel(loxId);
+ const newEvent = {
+ type: "levelup",
+ newlevel: level,
+ };
+ this.#events.push(newEvent);
+ this.#store();
+ }
+ let leveldown = false;
try {
- const leveldown = await this.#blockageMigration(loxId);
- if (leveldown) {
- let level = this.#getLevel(loxId);
- const newEvent = {
- type: "blockage",
- newlevel: level,
- };
- this.#events.push(newEvent);
- this.#store();
- addedEvent = true;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error(err);
+ leveldown = await this.#blockageMigration(loxId);
+ } catch (error) {
+ lazy.logger.error(error);
+ }
+ if (leveldown) {
+ let level = this.#getLevel(loxId);
+ const newEvent = {
+ type: "blockage",
+ newlevel: level,
+ };
+ this.#events.push(newEvent);
+ this.#store();
- if (addedEvent) {
+ if (levelup || leveldown) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, LoxTopics.UpdateEvents);
@@ -708,7 +677,7 @@ class LoxImpl {
// to issue open invitations for Lox bridges.
async requestOpenInvite() {
- let invite = await this.#makeRequest("invite", []);
+ let invite = JSON.parse(await this.#makeRequest("invite", null));
return invite;
@@ -725,23 +694,20 @@ class LoxImpl {
// It's fine to get pubkey here without a delay since the user will not have a Lox
// credential yet
await this.#getPubKeys();
+ // NOTE: We currently only handle "open invites".
+ // "trusted invites" are not yet supported. tor-browser#42974.
let request = await lazy.open_invite(JSON.parse(invite).invite);
- let response = await this.#makeRequest(
- "openreq",
- JSON.parse(request).request
- );
- lazy.logger.debug("openreq response: ", response);
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- throw new LoxError(
- `Error response to "openreq": ${response.error}`,
- LoxError.BadInvite
- );
+ let response;
+ try {
+ response = await this.#makeRequest("openreq", request);
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error instanceof LoxError && error.code === LoxError.ErrorResponse) {
+ throw new LoxError("Error response to openreq", LoxError.BadInvite);
+ } else {
+ throw error;
+ }
- let cred = lazy.handle_new_lox_credential(
- request,
- JSON.stringify(response),
- this.#pubKeys
- );
+ let cred = lazy.handle_new_lox_credential(request, response, this.#pubKeys);
// Generate an id that is not already in the #credentials map.
let loxId;
do {
@@ -795,31 +761,32 @@ class LoxImpl {
throw new LoxError(`Cannot generate invites at level ${level}`);
let request = lazy.issue_invite(
- JSON.stringify(this.#getCredentials(loxId)),
+ this.#getCredentials(loxId),
- let response = await this.#makeRequest(
- "issueinvite",
- JSON.parse(request).request
- );
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error(response.error);
- throw new LoxError(`Error response to "issueinvite": ${response.error}`);
- } else {
- const invite = lazy.prepare_invite(response);
- this.#invites.push(invite);
- // cap length of stored invites
- if (this.#invites.len > 50) {
- this.#invites.shift();
- }
- this.#store();
- this.#changeCredentials(loxId, response);
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, LoxTopics.NewInvite);
- // Return a copy.
- // Right now invite is just a string, but that might change in the future.
- return structuredClone(invite);
+ let response = await this.#makeRequest("issueinvite", request);
+ // TODO: Do we ever expect handle_issue_invite to fail (beyond
+ // implementation bugs)?
+ // TODO: What happens if #pubkeys for `issue_invite` differs from the value
+ // when calling `handle_issue_invite`? Should we cache the value at the
+ // start of this method?
+ let cred = lazy.handle_issue_invite(request, response, this.#pubKeys);
+ // Store the new credentials as a priority.
+ this.#changeCredentials(loxId, cred);
+ const invite = lazy.prepare_invite(cred);
+ this.#invites.push(invite);
+ // cap length of stored invites
+ if (this.#invites.len > 50) {
+ this.#invites.shift();
+ this.#store();
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, LoxTopics.NewInvite);
+ // Return a copy.
+ // Right now invite is just a string, but that might change in the future.
+ return structuredClone(invite);
@@ -845,15 +812,13 @@ class LoxImpl {
return false;
let response = await this.#makeRequest("checkblockage", request);
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error(response.error);
- throw new LoxError(
- `Error response to "checkblockage": ${response.error}`
- );
- }
+ // NOTE: If a later method fails, we should be ok to re-call "checkblockage"
+ // from the Lox authority. So there shouldn't be any adverse side effects to
+ // loosing migrationCred.
+ // TODO: Confirm this is safe to lose.
const migrationCred = lazy.handle_check_blockage(
- JSON.stringify(response)
+ response
request = lazy.blockage_migration(
@@ -861,26 +826,21 @@ class LoxImpl {
response = await this.#makeRequest("blockagemigration", request);
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error(response.error);
- throw new LoxError(
- `Error response to "blockagemigration": ${response.error}`
- );
- }
const cred = lazy.handle_blockage_migration(
- JSON.stringify(response),
+ response,
this.#changeCredentials(loxId, cred);
return true;
- /** Attempts to upgrade the currently saved Lox credential.
- * If an upgrade is available, save an event in the event list.
+ /**
+ * Attempts to upgrade the currently saved Lox credential.
+ * If an upgrade is available, save an event in the event list.
- * @param {string} loxId Lox ID
- * @returns {boolean} Whether a levelup event occurred.
+ * @param {string} loxId Lox ID
+ * @returns {boolean} Whether the credential was successfully migrated.
async #attemptUpgrade(loxId) {
await this.#getEncTable();
@@ -895,16 +855,18 @@ class LoxImpl {
- const response = await this.#makeRequest("levelup", request);
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error(response.error);
- throw new LoxError(`Error response to "levelup": ${response.error}`);
+ let response;
+ try {
+ response = await this.#makeRequest("levelup", request);
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error instanceof LoxError && error.code === LoxError.ErrorResponse) {
+ // Not an error.
+ lazy.logger.debug("Not ready for level up", error);
+ return false;
+ }
+ throw error;
- const cred = lazy.handle_level_up(
- request,
- JSON.stringify(response),
- this.#pubKeys
- );
+ const cred = lazy.handle_level_up(request, response, this.#pubKeys);
this.#changeCredentials(loxId, cred);
return true;
@@ -922,76 +884,40 @@ class LoxImpl {
return false;
- let request, response;
+ let request;
try {
request = lazy.trust_promotion(
} catch (err) {
+ // This function is called routinely during the background tasks without
+ // previous checks on whether an upgrade is possible, so it is expected to
+ // fail with a certain frequency. Therefore, do not relay the error to the
+ // caller and just log the message for debugging.
lazy.logger.debug("Not ready to upgrade", err);
return false;
- try {
- response = await this.#makeRequest(
- "trustpromo",
- JSON.parse(request).request
- );
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error("Failed trust promotion", err);
- return false;
- }
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error("Error response from trustpromo", response.error);
- return false;
- }
- lazy.logger.debug("Got promotion cred", response, request);
- let promoCred;
- try {
- promoCred = lazy.handle_trust_promotion(
- request,
- JSON.stringify(response)
- );
- lazy.logger.debug("Formatted promotion cred");
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error(
- "Unable to handle trustpromo response properly",
- response.error
- );
- return false;
- }
- try {
- request = lazy.trust_migration(
- this.#getCredentials(loxId),
- promoCred,
- this.#pubKeys
- );
- lazy.logger.debug("Formatted migration request");
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error("Failed to generate trust migration request", err);
- return false;
- }
- try {
- response = await this.#makeRequest(
- "trustmig",
- JSON.parse(request).request
- );
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error("Failed trust migration", err);
- return false;
- }
- if (response.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
- lazy.logger.error("Error response from trustmig", response.error);
- return false;
- }
- lazy.logger.debug("Got new credential");
- let cred;
- try {
- cred = lazy.handle_trust_migration(request, response);
- } catch (err) {
- lazy.logger.error("Failed to handle response from trustmig", err);
- return false;
- }
+ let response = await this.#makeRequest("trustpromo", request);
+ // FIXME: Store response to "trustpromo" in case handle_trust_promotion
+ // or "trustmig" fails. The Lox authority will not accept a re-request
+ // to "trustpromo" with the same credentials.
+ let promoCred = lazy.handle_trust_promotion(request, response);
+ lazy.logger.debug("Formatted promotion cred: ", promoCred);
+ request = lazy.trust_migration(
+ this.#getCredentials(loxId),
+ promoCred,
+ this.#pubKeys
+ );
+ response = await this.#makeRequest("trustmig", request);
+ lazy.logger.debug("Got new credential: ", response);
+ // FIXME: Store response to "trustmig" in case handle_trust_migration
+ // fails. The Lox authority will not accept a re-request to "trustmig" with
+ // the same credentials.
+ let cred = lazy.handle_trust_migration(request, response);
this.#changeCredentials(loxId, cred);
return true;
@@ -1079,38 +1005,47 @@ class LoxImpl {
- async #makeRequest(procedure, args) {
+ /**
+ * Fetch from the Lox authority.
+ *
+ * @param {string} procedure - The request endpoint.
+ * @param {string} body - The arguments to send in the body, if any.
+ *
+ * @returns {string} - The response body.
+ */
+ async #fetch(procedure, body) {
// TODO: Customize to for Lox
- const serviceUrl = "https://lox.torproject.org";
- const url = `${serviceUrl}/${procedure}`;
+ const url = `https://lox.torproject.org/${procedure}`;
+ const method = "POST";
+ const contentType = "application/vnd.api+json";
if (lazy.TorConnect.state === lazy.TorConnectState.Bootstrapped) {
let request;
try {
request = await fetch(url, {
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json",
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(args),
+ method,
+ headers: { "Content-Type": contentType },
+ body,
} catch (error) {
- lazy.logger.debug("fetch fail", url, args, error);
+ lazy.logger.debug("fetch fail", url, body, error);
throw new LoxError(
`fetch "${procedure}" from Lox authority failed: ${error?.message}`,
if (!request.ok) {
- lazy.logger.debug("fetch response", url, args, request);
+ lazy.logger.debug("fetch response", url, body, request);
// Do not treat as a LoxServerUnreachable type.
throw new LoxError(
`Lox authority responded to "${procedure}" with ${request.status}: ${request.statusText}`
- return request.json();
+ return request.text();
+ // TODO: Only make domain fronted requests with user permission.
+ // tor-browser#42606.
if (this.#domainFrontedRequests === null) {
this.#domainFrontedRequests = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// TODO: Customize to the values for Lox
@@ -1129,9 +1064,9 @@ class LoxImpl {
const builder = await this.#domainFrontedRequests;
try {
- return await builder.buildPostRequest(url, args);
+ return await builder.buildRequest(url, { method, contentType, body });
} catch (error) {
- lazy.logger.debug("Domain front request fail", url, args, error);
+ lazy.logger.debug("Domain front request fail", url, body, error);
if (error instanceof lazy.DomainFrontRequestNetworkError) {
throw new LoxError(
`Domain front fetch "${procedure}" from Lox authority failed: ${error?.message}`,
@@ -1149,6 +1084,37 @@ class LoxImpl {
+ /**
+ * Make a request to the lox authority, check for an error response, and
+ * convert it to a string.
+ *
+ * @param {string} procedure - The request endpoint.
+ * @param {?string} request - The request data, as a JSON string containing a
+ * "request" field. Or `null` to send no data.
+ *
+ * @returns {string} - The stringified JSON response.
+ */
+ async #makeRequest(procedure, request) {
+ // Verify that the response is valid json, by parsing.
+ const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(
+ await this.#fetch(
+ procedure,
+ request ? JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(request).request) : ""
+ )
+ );
+ lazy.logger.debug(`${procedure} response:`, jsonResponse);
+ if (Object.hasOwn(jsonResponse, "error")) {
+ // TODO: Figure out if any of the "error" responses should be treated as
+ // an error. I.e. which of the procedures have soft failures and hard
+ // failures.
+ throw LoxError(
+ `Error response to ${procedure}: ${jsonResponse.error}`,
+ LoxError.ErrorResponse
+ );
+ }
+ return JSON.stringify(jsonResponse);
+ }
export const Lox = new LoxImpl();
@@ -523,34 +523,31 @@ export class DomainFrontRequestBuilder {
- * Make a POST request with a JSON body and a JSON response.
+ * Make a request.
- * @param {string} url The URL to load
- * @param {object} args The arguments to send to the procedure. It will be
- * serialized to JSON by this function and then set as POST body
- * @returns {Promise<object>} A promise with the parsed response
+ * @param {string} url The URL to request.
+ * @param {object} args The arguments to send to the procedure.
+ * @param {string} args.method The request method.
+ * @param {string} args.body The request body.
+ * @param {string} args.contentType The "Content-Type" header to set.
+ * @returns {string} The response body.
- async buildPostRequest(url, args) {
+ async buildRequest(url, args) {
const ch = this.buildHttpHandler(url);
- const argsJson = JSON.stringify(args);
const inStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].createInstance(
- inStream.setData(argsJson, argsJson.length);
+ inStream.setData(args.body, args.body.length);
const upChannel = ch.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUploadChannel);
- const contentType = "application/vnd.api+json";
- upChannel.setUploadStream(inStream, contentType, argsJson.length);
- ch.requestMethod = "POST";
+ upChannel.setUploadStream(inStream, args.contentType, args.body.length);
+ ch.requestMethod = args.method;
// Make request
const listener = new ResponseListener();
await ch.asyncOpen(listener, ch);
// wait for response
- const responseJSON = await listener.response();
- // parse that JSON
- return JSON.parse(responseJSON);
+ return listener.response();
@@ -108,7 +108,13 @@ export class MoatRPC {
const procedureURIString = `${Services.prefs.getStringPref(
- return this.#requestBuilder.buildPostRequest(procedureURIString, args);
+ return JSON.parse(
+ await this.#requestBuilder.buildRequest(procedureURIString, {
+ method: "POST",
+ contentType: "application/vnd.api+json",
+ body: JSON.stringify(args),
+ })
+ );
async testInternetConnection() {
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