[tor-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser][tor-browser-115.9.0esr-13.5-1] 3 commits: fixup! Bug 40925: Implemented the Security Level component
richard (@richard)
git at gitlab.torproject.org
Mon Mar 25 22:08:47 UTC 2024
richard pushed to branch tor-browser-115.9.0esr-13.5-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
74db46f9 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-03-25T21:54:25+00:00
fixup! Bug 40925: Implemented the Security Level component
Bug 42214: Migrate security level strings to Fluent.
- - - - -
142836ed by Henry Wilkes at 2024-03-25T21:54:25+00:00
fixup! Base Browser strings
Bug 42214: Migrate security level strings to Fluent.
Also change some strings to be sentence case in English.
- - - - -
4338bda1 by Henry Wilkes at 2024-03-25T21:54:25+00:00
fixup! Tor Browser localization migration scripts.
Bug 42214: Migrate security level strings to Fluent.
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- browser/components/preferences/preferences.xhtml
- browser/components/securitylevel/content/securityLevel.js
- browser/components/securitylevel/content/securityLevelPanel.inc.xhtml
- browser/components/securitylevel/content/securityLevelPreferences.inc.xhtml
- browser/locales/en-US/browser/base-browser.ftl
- browser/locales/jar.mn
- + tools/torbrowser/l10n/migrations/bug-42214-security-level.py
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
<link rel="localization" href="security/certificates/certManager.ftl"/>
<link rel="localization" href="security/certificates/deviceManager.ftl"/>
<link rel="localization" href="toolkit/updates/history.ftl"/>
+ <link rel="localization" href="browser/base-browser.ftl"/>
<link rel="localization" href="browser/tor-browser.ftl"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="chrome://global/skin/icons/settings.svg"/>
@@ -8,65 +8,6 @@ ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "SecurityLevelStrings", () => {
- let strings = {
- // Generic terms
- security_level: "Security Level",
- security_level_standard: "Standard",
- security_level_safer: "Safer",
- security_level_safest: "Safest",
- security_level_tooltip_standard: "Security Level: Standard",
- security_level_tooltip_safer: "Security Level: Safer",
- security_level_tooltip_safest: "Security Level: Safest",
- // Shown only for custom level
- security_level_custom: "Custom",
- security_level_restore: "Restore Defaults",
- security_level_learn_more: "Learn more",
- // Panel
- security_level_open_settings: "Settings…",
- security_level_standard_summary:
- "All browser and website features are enabled.",
- security_level_safer_summary:
- "Disables website features that are often dangerous, causing some sites to lose functionality.",
- security_level_safest_summary:
- "Only allows website features required for static sites and basic services. These changes affect images, media, and scripts.",
- security_level_custom_heading: "Custom security level configured",
- security_level_custom_summary:
- "Your custom browser preferences have resulted in unusual security settings. For security and privacy reasons, we recommend you choose one of the default security levels.",
- // Security level section in about:preferences#privacy
- security_level_overview:
- "Disable certain web features that can be used to attack your security and anonymity.",
- security_level_list_safer: "At the safer setting:",
- security_level_list_safest: "At the safest setting:",
- // Strings for descriptions
- security_level_js_https_only: "JavaScript is disabled on non-HTTPS sites.",
- security_level_js_disabled:
- "JavaScript is disabled by default on all sites.",
- security_level_limit_typography:
- "Some fonts and math symbols are disabled.",
- security_level_limit_typography_svg:
- "Some fonts, icons, math symbols, and images are disabled.",
- security_level_limit_media:
- "Audio and video (HTML5 media), and WebGL are click-to-play.",
- };
- let bundle = null;
- try {
- bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
- "chrome://browser/locale/securityLevel.properties"
- );
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn("Could not load the Security Level strings");
- }
- if (bundle) {
- for (const key of Object.keys(strings)) {
- try {
- strings[key] = bundle.GetStringFromName(key);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- return strings;
Security Level Button Code
@@ -100,12 +41,30 @@ var SecurityLevelButton = {
if (!level) {
- const customStr = SecurityLevelPrefs.securityCustom ? "_custom" : "";
- this._button.setAttribute("level", `${level}${customStr}`);
- this._button.setAttribute(
- "tooltiptext",
- SecurityLevelStrings[`security_level_tooltip_${level}`]
- );
+ const custom = SecurityLevelPrefs.securityCustom;
+ this._button.setAttribute("level", custom ? `${level}_custom` : level);
+ let l10nIdLevel;
+ switch (level) {
+ case "standard":
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-toolbar-button-standard";
+ break;
+ case "safer":
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-toolbar-button-safer";
+ break;
+ case "safest":
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-toolbar-button-safest";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error(`Unhandled level: ${level}`);
+ }
+ if (custom) {
+ // Don't distinguish between the different levels when in the custom
+ // state. We just want to emphasise that it is custom rather than any
+ // specific level.
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-toolbar-button-custom";
+ }
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(this._button, l10nIdLevel);
@@ -159,7 +118,6 @@ var SecurityLevelButton = {
// Set a label to be be used as the accessible name, and to be shown in the
// overflow menu and during customization.
- this._button.setAttribute("label", SecurityLevelStrings.security_level);
this._button.addEventListener("command", () => this.openPopup());
// set the initial class based off of the current pref
@@ -213,21 +171,12 @@ var SecurityLevelPanel = {
settingsButton: document.getElementById("securityLevel-settings"),
- document.getElementById("securityLevel-header").textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level;
- this._elements.customName.textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_custom;
const learnMoreEl = document.getElementById("securityLevel-learnMore");
- learnMoreEl.textContent = SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_learn_more;
learnMoreEl.addEventListener("click", event => {
window.openTrustedLinkIn(learnMoreEl.href, "tab");
- this._elements.restoreDefaultsButton.textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_restore;
- this._elements.settingsButton.textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_open_settings;
this._elements.restoreDefaultsButton.addEventListener("command", () => {
@@ -268,11 +217,30 @@ var SecurityLevelPanel = {
// Descriptions change based on security level
this._elements.background.setAttribute("level", level);
- this._elements.levelName.textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings[`security_level_${level}`];
- this._elements.summary.textContent = custom
- ? SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_custom_summary
- : SecurityLevelStrings[`security_level_${level}_summary`];
+ let l10nIdLevel;
+ let l10nIdSummary;
+ switch (level) {
+ case "standard":
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-panel-level-standard";
+ l10nIdSummary = "security-level-summary-standard";
+ break;
+ case "safer":
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-panel-level-safer";
+ l10nIdSummary = "security-level-summary-safer";
+ break;
+ case "safest":
+ l10nIdLevel = "security-level-panel-level-safest";
+ l10nIdSummary = "security-level-summary-safest";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error(`Unhandled level: ${level}`);
+ }
+ if (custom) {
+ l10nIdSummary = "security-level-summary-custom";
+ }
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(this._elements.levelName, l10nIdLevel);
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(this._elements.summary, l10nIdSummary);
@@ -358,25 +326,13 @@ var SecurityLevelPreferences = {
this._customNotification = document.getElementById(
- this._radiogroup = document.getElementById("securityLevel-radiogroup");
- document.querySelector("#securityLevel-groupbox h2").textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level;
- document.getElementById("securityLevel-overview").textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_overview;
- .getElementById("securityLevel-learnMore")
- .setAttribute("value", SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_learn_more);
- document.getElementById("securityLevel-customHeading").textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_custom_heading;
- document.getElementById("securityLevel-customDescription").textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_custom_summary;
- const restoreDefaultsButton = document.getElementById(
- "securityLevel-restoreDefaults"
- );
- restoreDefaultsButton.textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_restore;
+ .getElementById("securityLevel-restoreDefaults")
+ .addEventListener("command", () => {
+ SecurityLevelPrefs.securityCustom = false;
+ });
+ this._radiogroup = document.getElementById("securityLevel-radiogroup");
this._radioOptions = Array.from(
@@ -384,46 +340,7 @@ var SecurityLevelPreferences = {
return { container, radio: container.querySelector("radio") };
- const descListItemsMap = {
- safer: [
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_js_https_only,
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_limit_typography,
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_limit_media,
- ],
- safest: [
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_js_disabled,
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_limit_typography_svg,
- SecurityLevelStrings.security_level_limit_media,
- ],
- };
- for (const { container, radio } of this._radioOptions) {
- const level = radio.value;
- radio.setAttribute(
- "label",
- SecurityLevelStrings[`security_level_${level}`]
- );
- container.querySelector(".summary").textContent =
- SecurityLevelStrings[`security_level_${level}_summary`];
- const descListItems = descListItemsMap[level];
- if (!descListItems) {
- continue;
- }
- const descrList = container.querySelector(
- ".securityLevel-descriptionList"
- );
- // TODO: Add the elements in securityLevelPreferences.inc.xhtml again
- // when we switch to Fluent
- for (const text of descListItems) {
- let elem = document.createXULElement("description");
- elem.textContent = text;
- elem.className = "indent";
- descrList.append(elem);
- }
- }
- restoreDefaultsButton.addEventListener("command", () => {
- SecurityLevelPrefs.securityCustom = false;
- });
this._radiogroup.addEventListener("select", () => {
SecurityLevelPrefs.securityLevel = this._radiogroup.value;
@@ -7,20 +7,35 @@
class="cui-widget-panel panel-no-padding">
<box class="panel-header">
- <html:h1 id="securityLevel-header"></html:h1>
+ <html:h1
+ id="securityLevel-header"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-panel-heading"
+ ></html:h1>
<toolbarseparator id="securityLevel-separator"></toolbarseparator>
<vbox id="securityLevel-background" class="panel-subview-body">
<html:p id="securityLevel-subheading">
<html:span id="securityLevel-level"></html:span>
- <html:span id="securityLevel-custom"></html:span>
+ <html:span
+ id="securityLevel-custom"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-panel-custom-badge"
+ ></html:span>
<html:p id="securityLevel-summary"></html:p>
- <html:a id="securityLevel-learnMore" href="about:manual#security-settings">
- </html:a>
+ <html:a
+ id="securityLevel-learnMore"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-panel-learn-more-link"
+ href="about:manual#security-settings"
+ ></html:a>
<hbox class="panel-footer">
- <button id="securityLevel-settings"/>
- <button id="securityLevel-restoreDefaults"/>
+ <button
+ id="securityLevel-settings"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-panel-open-settings-button"
+ />
+ <button
+ id="securityLevel-restoreDefaults"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-restore-defaults-button"
+ />
@@ -2,37 +2,64 @@
- <label><html:h2></html:h2></label>
+ <label>
+ <html:h2 data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-heading"></html:h2>
+ </label>
<vbox flex="1">
<description flex="1">
- <html:span id="securityLevel-overview" class="tail-with-learn-more">
- </html:span>
- <label id="securityLevel-learnMore"
- class="learnMore text-link"
- is="text-link"
- href="about:manual#security-settings"
- useoriginprincipal="true"/>
+ <html:span
+ id="securityLevel-overview"
+ class="tail-with-learn-more"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-overview"
+ ></html:span>
+ <label
+ id="securityLevel-learnMore"
+ class="learnMore text-link"
+ is="text-link"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-learn-more-link"
+ href="about:manual#security-settings"
+ useoriginprincipal="true"
+ />
- <hbox id="securityLevel-customNotification"
- class="info-box-container"
- flex="1">
+ <hbox
+ id="securityLevel-customNotification"
+ class="info-box-container"
+ flex="1"
+ >
<hbox class="info-icon-container">
<image class="info-icon securityLevel-custom-warning-icon"/>
<vbox flex="1">
- <label id="securityLevel-customHeading"/>
- <description id="securityLevel-customDescription" flex="1"/>
+ <label
+ id="securityLevel-customHeading"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-custom-heading"
+ />
+ <description
+ id="securityLevel-customDescription"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-summary-custom"
+ flex="1"
+ />
<hbox align="center">
- <button id="securityLevel-restoreDefaults"/>
+ <button
+ id="securityLevel-restoreDefaults"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-restore-defaults-button"
+ />
<radiogroup id="securityLevel-radiogroup">
<vbox class="securityLevel-radio-option">
- <radio value="standard"
- aria-describedby="securityLevelSummary-standard"/>
+ <radio
+ value="standard"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-level-standard"
+ aria-describedby="securityLevelSummary-standard"
+ />
<vbox id="securityLevelSummary-standard">
- <description class="summary indent" flex="1"/>
+ <description
+ class="summary indent"
+ flex="1"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-summary-standard"
+ />
<vbox class="securityLevel-radio-option">
@@ -41,19 +68,59 @@
- securityLevel-descriptionList is shown or hidden, its text content
- is included or excluded from the accessible description,
- respectively. -->
- <radio value="safer"
- aria-describedby="securityLevelSummary-safer"/>
+ <radio
+ value="safer"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-level-safer"
+ aria-describedby="securityLevelSummary-safer"
+ />
<vbox id="securityLevelSummary-safer">
- <description class="summary indent" flex="1"/>
- <vbox class="securityLevel-descriptionList indent"/>
+ <description
+ class="summary indent"
+ flex="1"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-summary-safer"
+ />
+ <vbox class="securityLevel-descriptionList indent">
+ <description
+ class="indent"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-bullet-https-only-javascript"
+ />
+ <description
+ class="indent"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-font-and-symbols"
+ />
+ <description
+ class="indent"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-media"
+ />
+ </vbox>
<vbox class="securityLevel-radio-option">
- <radio value="safest"
- aria-describedby="securityLevelSummary-safest"/>
+ <radio
+ value="safest"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-level-safest"
+ aria-describedby="securityLevelSummary-safest"
+ />
<vbox id="securityLevelSummary-safest">
- <description class="summary indent" flex="1"/>
- <vbox class="securityLevel-descriptionList indent"/>
+ <description
+ class="summary indent"
+ flex="1"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-summary-safest"
+ />
+ <vbox class="securityLevel-descriptionList indent">
+ <description
+ class="indent"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-bullet-disabled-javascript"
+ />
+ <description
+ class="indent"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-font-and-symbols-and-images"
+ />
+ <description
+ class="indent"
+ data-l10n-id="security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-media"
+ />
+ </vbox>
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ new-identity-dialog-confirm =
new-identity-blocked-home-notification = { -brand-short-name } blocked your homepage ({ $url }) from loading because it might recognize your previous session.
# Button to continue loading the home page, despite the warning message.
new-identity-blocked-home-ignore-button = Load it anyway
## Preferences - Letterboxing.
# The word "Letterboxing" is the proper noun for the Tor Browser feature, and is therefore capitalised.
@@ -94,3 +95,74 @@ letterboxing-disabled-description = Letterboxing is currently disabled.
# "Letterboxing" should be treated as a feature/product name, and likely not changed in other languages.
letterboxing-enable-button =
.label = Enable Letterboxing
+## Security level toolbar button.
+## Uses sentence case in English (US).
+## ".label" is the accessible name, and shown in the overflow menu and when customizing the toolbar.
+security-level-toolbar-button-standard =
+ .label = Security level
+ .tooltiptext = Security level: Standard
+security-level-toolbar-button-safer =
+ .label = Security level
+ .tooltiptext = Security level: Safer
+security-level-toolbar-button-safest =
+ .label = Security level
+ .tooltiptext = Security level: Safest
+# Used when the user is in some custom configuration that does not match a security level.
+security-level-toolbar-button-custom =
+ .label = Security level
+ .tooltiptext = Security level: Custom
+## Security level popup panel.
+# Uses sentence case in English (US).
+security-level-panel-heading = Security level
+security-level-panel-level-standard = Standard
+security-level-panel-level-safer = Safer
+security-level-panel-level-safest = Safest
+security-level-panel-learn-more-link = Learn more
+# Button to open security level settings.
+security-level-panel-open-settings-button = Settings…
+## Security level settings.
+security-level-preferences-heading = Security Level
+security-level-preferences-overview = Disable certain web features that can be used to attack your security and anonymity.
+security-level-preferences-learn-more-link = Learn more
+security-level-preferences-level-standard =
+ .label = Standard
+security-level-preferences-level-safer =
+ .label = Safer
+security-level-preferences-level-safest =
+ .label = Safest
+## Security level summaries shown in security panel and settings.
+security-level-summary-standard = All browser and website features are enabled.
+security-level-summary-safer = Disables website features that are often dangerous, causing some sites to lose functionality.
+security-level-summary-safest = Only allows website features required for static sites and basic services. These changes affect images, media, and scripts.
+## Security level feature bullet points.
+## Shown in the settings under the security level when it is selected.
+security-level-preferences-bullet-https-only-javascript = JavaScript is disabled on non-HTTPS sites.
+security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-font-and-symbols = Some fonts and math symbols are disabled.
+security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-media = Audio and video (HTML5 media), and WebGL are click-to-play.
+security-level-preferences-bullet-disabled-javascript = JavaScript is disabled by default on all sites.
+security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-font-and-symbols-and-images = Some fonts, icons, math symbols, and images are disabled.
+## Custom security level.
+## Some custom preferences configuration has placed the user outside one of the standard three levels.
+# Shown in the security level panel as an orange badge next to the expected level.
+security-level-panel-custom-badge = Custom
+# Shown in the security level settings in a warning box.
+security-level-preferences-custom-heading = Custom security level configured
+# Description of custom state and recommended action.
+# Shown in the security level panel and settings.
+security-level-summary-custom = Your custom browser preferences have resulted in unusual security settings. For security and privacy reasons, we recommend you choose one of the default security levels.
+# Button to undo custom changes to the security level and place the user in one of the standard security levels.
+# Shown in the security level panel and settings.
+security-level-restore-defaults-button = Restore defaults
@@ -33,6 +33,5 @@
locale/browser/safebrowsing/safebrowsing.properties (%chrome/browser/safebrowsing/safebrowsing.properties)
locale/browser/feeds/subscribe.properties (%chrome/browser/feeds/subscribe.properties)
locale/browser/syncSetup.properties (%chrome/browser/syncSetup.properties)
- locale/browser/securityLevel.properties (%chrome/browser/securityLevel.properties)
locale/browser/cryptoSafetyPrompt.properties (%chrome/browser/cryptoSafetyPrompt.properties)
% locale browser-region @AB_CD@ %locale/browser-region/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from fluent.migrate.helpers import transforms_from
+def migrate(ctx):
+ ctx.add_transforms(
+ "base-browser.ftl",
+ "base-browser.ftl",
+ transforms_from(
+ """
+security-level-panel-level-standard = { COPY(path, "security_level_standard") }
+security-level-panel-level-safer = { COPY(path, "security_level_safer") }
+security-level-panel-level-safest = { COPY(path, "security_level_safest") }
+security-level-panel-learn-more-link = { COPY(path, "security_level_learn_more") }
+security-level-panel-open-settings-button = { COPY(path, "security_level_open_settings") }
+security-level-preferences-heading = { COPY(path, "security_level") }
+security-level-preferences-overview = { COPY(path, "security_level_overview") }
+security-level-preferences-learn-more-link = { COPY(path, "security_level_learn_more") }
+security-level-preferences-level-standard =
+ .label = { COPY(path, "security_level_standard") }
+security-level-preferences-level-safer =
+ .label = { COPY(path, "security_level_safer") }
+security-level-preferences-level-safest =
+ .label = { COPY(path, "security_level_safest") }
+security-level-summary-standard = { COPY(path, "security_level_standard_summary") }
+security-level-summary-safer = { COPY(path, "security_level_safer_summary") }
+security-level-summary-safest = { COPY(path, "security_level_safest_summary") }
+security-level-preferences-bullet-https-only-javascript = { COPY(path, "security_level_js_https_only") }
+security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-font-and-symbols = { COPY(path, "security_level_limit_typography") }
+security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-media = { COPY(path, "security_level_limit_media") }
+security-level-preferences-bullet-disabled-javascript = { COPY(path, "security_level_js_disabled") }
+security-level-preferences-bullet-limit-font-and-symbols-and-images = { COPY(path, "security_level_limit_typography_svg") }
+security-level-panel-custom-badge = { COPY(path, "security_level_custom") }
+security-level-preferences-custom-heading = { COPY(path, "security_level_custom_heading") }
+security-level-summary-custom = { COPY(path, "security_level_custom_summary") }
+ path="securityLevel.properties",
+ ),
+ )
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/compare/966b7f3067cc7b71b56178af98f848451f9a7955...4338bda18aff6d40d6b2eb59cb43d2c3cf2cd4c0
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/compare/966b7f3067cc7b71b56178af98f848451f9a7955...4338bda18aff6d40d6b2eb59cb43d2c3cf2cd4c0
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