[tor-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser-spec][main] 2 commits: Bug 40049: processes/ReleaseProcess is replaced by gitlab issue templates

richard (@richard) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Thu Jul 13 20:07:14 UTC 2023

richard pushed to branch main at The Tor Project / Applications / tor-browser-spec

2b13c342 by Nicolas Vigier at 2023-07-13T11:20:54+02:00
Bug 40049: processes/ReleaseProcess is replaced by gitlab issue templates

- - - - -
b79d4e8a by richard at 2023-07-13T20:07:11+00:00
Merge branch 'bug_40049' into 'main'

Bug 40049: processes/ReleaseProcess is replaced by gitlab issue templates

Closes #40049

See merge request tpo/applications/tor-browser-spec!45
- - - - -

1 changed file:

- processes/ReleaseProcess


@@ -1,362 +1,8 @@
 #          Magical Tor Browser Release Process Incantations
-#  "May this part of our job one day be replaced by a small shell script"
+#  The Tor Browser Release Process is now documented as gitlab issue templates:
+#  - https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/blob/main/.gitlab/issue_templates/Release%20Prep%20-%20Tor%20Browser%20Stable.md
+#  - https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/blob/main/.gitlab/issue_templates/Release%20Prep%20-%20Tor%20Browser%20Alpha.md
-### Prepare build ###
-#. Tag any relevant component versions.
-#  In particular: before tagging the tor-browser tag, the final code from
-#  Torbutton needs to get included and in order to avoid unnecessary commit
-#  inflation the commit for bumping the git submodule should be a fixup commit
-#  to the one with "Bug 25013: Add torbutton as a tor-browser submodule" in
-#  its commit message.
-#. Update changelog and relevant config files in tor-browser-build.
-   cd tor-browser-build
-   vim projects/firefox/config
-   vim ChangeLog.txt
-   vim rbm.conf
-#. Tag a build tag in tor-browser-build.
-   make signtag-release # or `make signtag-alpha` for an alpha build
-#. Push tag and version to tor-browser-build.git. In case of doing a stable
-#  release with a maintenance branch use that one instead of `master`.
-   torsocks git push origin master:master
-   torsocks git push origin --tags
-### Build         ###
-#. Build and generate incremental MAR files.
-   git tag -v tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
-   git checkout tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
-   make && make incrementals-release # `make alpha && make incrementals-alpha`
-#. Compare the SHA256 sums of the bundles and MAR files with an independent
-#  builder.
-   sha256sum tor-browser-build/release/unsigned/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt
-   sha256sum tor-browser-build/release/unsigned/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/sha256sums-unsigned-build.incrementals.txt
-#. If the sums match (download and) upload the bundles to your build dir on
-#  people.torproject.org. Fix permissions.
-   chmod 644 $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/*
-   chmod 644 $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/.htaccess
-   torsocks ssh people.torproject.org "mkdir ~/public_html/builds/${TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR}"
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/ people.torproject.org:public_html/builds/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR
-#. (Optional): Upload your binaries to people using partial rsync over old version
-   torsocks ssh people.torproject.org "mv ~/public_html/builds/${TORBROWSER_VERSION}-build1 ~/public_html/builds/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR"
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/ people.torproject.org:public_html/builds/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR
-#. Distribute build to tor-qa at lists.torproject.org
-   # XXX: Currently manual email with link to candidate build, important changes,
-   # and changelog.
-   # For stable releases put tails-dev at boum.org into Cc.
-### Android signing ###
-#. The Android signing is done separately from the desktop signing. To
-#  do the Android signing you'll need to boot from a Tails usb stick,
-#  with persistent storage enabled.
-#. Install the openjdk-11-jdk-headless package
-   apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless
-#. Make sure you have the android keys, for example in the
-#  ~/Persistent/android-keys directory. This directory should include
-#  the tba_alpha.p12 and tba_release.p12 files.
-#. Clone tor-browser-build, and checkout the tag for the release
-   git tag -v tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
-   git checkout tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
-#. Update set-config.tbb-version and set-config.android-signing
-   cd tools/signing
-   vim set-config.tbb-version
-   vim set-config.android-signing
-#. Run the android-signing script. This script will download the
-#  unsigned apks from the `pkgstage` machine (where `do-all-signing`
-#  is run), signed them, and upload back the signed apks to the
-#  `pkgstage` machine. It should be done before the hash_signed_bundles.sh
-#  step.
-   ./android-signing
-### Signing and upload ###
-#. You need a `pkgstage` machine to store the bundles during the signing
-#  process. This machine should be:
-#   - secure (you will ssh to the signing machines and staticiforme
-#     from there)
-#   - with good bandwidth (you will download/upload bundles from there)
-#  All steps from the `Signing and upload` are run from the `pkgstage`
-#  machine unless mentioned otherwise.
-#  The signing scripts are located in the tor-browser-build/tools/signing
-#  directory.
-#  Alternatively, you can run the script `./do-all-signing`, which will
-#  do all the signing steps automatically, until the static-update-component
-#  commands on staticiforme. Also the script does not currently handle
-#  removing the old versions on staticiforme, so you have to do that
-#  manually. The script is also not running `./macos-signer-proxy` which
-#  needs to be started and stopped manually.
-#. Checkout the tor-browser-build.git commit corresponding to the
-#  tor browser version you need to sign/publish.
-   cd tor-browser-build
-   git tag -v tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
-   git checkout tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
-#. Change to the tor-browser-build/tools/signing directory. All following
-#  commands are run from this directory.
-   cd tor-browser-build/tools/signing
-#. Set hosts information.
-   vim set-config.hosts
-#. Set tor browser version information. You should set tbb_version,
-#  tbb_version_build, tbb_version_type. This should match the information
-#  in rbm.conf.
-   vim set-config.tbb-version
-#. Download the tor browser build to the `pkgstage` machine from your
-#  build machine (configured in set-config.hosts).
-   ./sync-builder-unsigned-to-local-signed
-#. Codesign the macOS dmg files.
-#  Updload the tor browser dmg files to `macos-signer`
-   ./sync-macos-local-to-macos-signer
-#  Upload updated signing scripts to `macos-signer`. The scripts are
-#  located in the `signing-release` or `signing-alpha` directory on
-#  `macos-signer`.
-   ./sync-scripts-to-macos-signer
-#  Run proxy for `macos-signer`. You may need to kill an old proxy
-#  process on `macos-signer` if it was still running.
-   ./macos-signer-proxy
-#  Enable networking on the `macos-signer`.
-   macos-signer$ networksetup -setsecurewebproxystate Ethernet on
-#  Sign the bundles. On `macos-signer`.
-#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
-   macos-signer$ ~/signing-release/macos-signer-gatekeeper-signing
-#  Notarize the bundles. On `macos-signer`.
-#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
-   macos-signer$ ~/signing-release/macos-signer-notarization
-#  Staple the bundles. On `macos-signer`.
-#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
-   macos-signer$ ~/signing-release/macos-signer-stapler
-#  Disable networking on the `macos-signer`.
-   macos-signer$ networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Ethernet off
-#  Download the stapled bundles to `pkgstage`.
-   ./sync-macos-signer-stapled-to-macos-local-stapled
-#. Regenerate macOS DMG files from stapled zip files.
-   ./gatekeeper-bundling.sh
-#. Regenerate macOS MAR files from code signed dmg files.
-   ./dmg2mar
-#. Sync bundles to `linux-signer`.
-   ./sync-local-to-linux-signer
-#. Upload updated signing scripts to `linux-signer`. The scripts are
-#  located in the `signing-release` or `signing-alpha` directory on
-#  `linux-signer`.
-   ./sync-scripts-to-linux-signer
-#. Sign the MAR files. On `linux-signer`.
-#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
-   linux-signer$ ~/signing-release/linux-signer-signmars
-#. Authenticode signing of exe files. On `linux-signer`.
-   linux-signer$ ~/signing-release/linux-signer-authenticode-signing
-#. Authenticode timestamping.
-   ./sync-linux-signer-to-local
-   ./authenticode-timestamping.sh
-#. Create sha256sums-signed-build files
-   ./hash_signed_bundles.sh
-#. Upload sha256sums-signed-build and updated exe files to `linux-signer`.
-   ./sync-local-to-linux-signer
-#. Gpg signing.
-   ./linux-signer-gpg-sign
-#. Fetch signatures on unsigned sha256sums from other builds
-   ./download-unsigned-sha256sums-gpg-signatures-from-people-tpo
-#. Remove old builds on `staticiforme`
-   # IMPORTANT: Remove the oldest version in a series in case there is more
-   # than 1 available on dist.torproject.org before proceeding
-   # XXX: TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST needs to be set
-   staticiforme$ rm -rf /srv/dist-master.torproject.org/htdocs/torbrowser/$TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST
-   staticiforme$ static-update-component dist.torproject.org
-#. Upload new build to `staticiforme`
-   ./sync-local-to-staticiforme
-#. Check diskspace available on cdn.tpo
-#  We currently have enough disk space to host two alpha and stable
-#  releases. However with the size of each Tor Browser release increasing,
-#  it may become necessary to increase disk space. The server hosting
-#  the files for cdn.tpo is savii.tpo and its disk usage can be monitored
-#  by going to https://grafana.torproject.org/d/Z7T7Cfemz/node-exporter-full
-#  and selecting the hosts: web-fsn-02.torproject.org, web-cymru-01.torproject.org,
-#  web-fsn-01.torproject.org, and cdn-backend-sunet-01.torproject.org
-#. Remove the oldest *.mar files from cdn.tpo to save space
-   staticiforme$ rm -rf /srv/cdn-master.torproject.org/htdocs/aus1/torbrowser/$TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST
-   staticiforme$ static-update-component cdn.torproject.org
-#. Sync files to dist.tpo and cdn.tpo mirrored web servers
-#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
-#  It is a good idea to run the static-update-component inside screen
-#  or tmux so that the upload continues if your connection to
-#  staticiforme is closed.
-   $ ./sync-scripts-to-staticiforme
-   staticiforme$ ~/signing-release/staticiforme-prepare-cdn-dist-upload
-   staticiforme$ static-update-component cdn.torproject.org && \
-                 static-update-component dist.torproject.org
-#. Make sure we really built from the proper Mozilla build tag by consulting
-   # the respective ESR release branch (for a good overview for ESR78 see
-   # https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr78/graph/). For the platforms following
-   # rapid release (only Android, currently), consult the beta repo
-   # (https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/graph/) or the release repo
-   # (https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/graph/)
-#. Update website's torbrowser versions file in the website git
-   cd tpo
-   torsocks git pull origin
-   # Update `win32` in the `torbrowser-stable` section as well if we
-   # include a new stable tor version (called the Windows Expert Bundle
-   # on the website). See: #14152.
-   vim databags/versions.ini
-   git commit databags/versions.ini -m "Add new Tor Browser version"
-   torsocks git push origin master:master
-   cd ..
-   # Check build success/failure:
-   # https://jenkins.torproject.org/job/lektor-website-tpo-translation/
-   # https://jenkins.torproject.org/job/lektor-website-tpo-translation-install/
-#. Add new locales to the download page
-   # If this release is introducing new locales, add them to the
-   # databags/download-alternatives.ini file (for a stable release) or
-   # the databags/download-alternatives-alpha.ini file (for an alpha
-   # release).
-   cd tpo
-   torsocks git pull origin
-   vim databags/download-alternatives.ini # or databags/download-alternatives-alpha.ini
-   git commit databags/download-alternatives.ini -m "Add new Tor Browser locales"
-   torsocks git push origin master:master
-   cd ..
-#. Create blog post from changelog
-#  Edit set-config.blog to set you local blog directory.
-#  Don't forget to link to Mozilla's security advisories if this is a security
-#  update.
-  ./create-blog-post
-#. Check whether the .exe files got properly signed and timestamped
-   # Point OSSLSIGNCODE to your osslsigncode binary
-   pushd tor-browser-build/${channel}/signed/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   OSSLSIGNCODE=/path/to/osslsigncode
-   ../../../tools/authenticode_check.sh
-   popd
-#. Check whether the MAR files got properly signed
-   # Point NSSDB to your nssdb containing the mar signing certificate
-   # Point SIGNMAR to your signmar binary
-   # Point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to your mar-tools directory
-   pushd tor-browser-build/${channel}/signed/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   NSSDB=/path/to/nssdb
-   SIGNMAR=/path/to/mar-tools/signmar
-   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/mar-tools/
-   ../../../tools/marsigning_check.sh
-   popd
-#. Generate and upload update_responses to staticiforme
-   ./upload-update_responses-to-staticiforme
-#. Enable update. On `staticiforme`.
-#  (for alpha release, use deploy_update_responses-alpha.sh instead)
-   staticiforme$ ~/deploy_update_responses-release.sh
-#. Clean linux-signer and macos-signer
-   ./finished-signing-clean-linux-signer
-   ./finished-signing-clean-macos-signer
-#  Upload APKs to Google Play
-   Log into https://play.google.com/apps/publish
-   Select correct app (Tor Browser or Tor Browser Alpha)
-   Under left-side navigation bar, select "Production" under "Release"
-   Select "Create new release" button at upper right-side
-   Under "App bundles and APKs" section, "Upload" each signed APK
-   After uploading APKs:
-     - The "Release Name" should be automatically filled with the Firefox version
-     - Next to "Release notes" click "Copy from a previous release"
-     - Select the previous release and adjust the blog post url for this release
-     - Save, review, and configure rollout percentage at the bottom
-       - Use 25% rollout when publishing a scheduled update (without a security driver)
-       - Use 100% rollout when publishing an unscheduled update or security-driven release
-   Roll out.
-   Note, you may receive three warning messages about:
-     1) app is larger than it is necessary (android app bundle),
-     2) missing deobfuscation file for better crash analysis
-     3) missing debug symbol file
-   These warnings are expected and should be accepted.
-   See below for updating the rollout percentage.
-# Release on F-Droid
-  Publication on F-Droid via the Guardian Project's repository should be
-  automatic. Hans is responsible for maintaining this automation.
-# Update rollout percentage
-   After 24 hours, check the Release Daskboard:
-     - "Release"->"Production" and select the "Release Dashboard" tab
-   If the Release Dashboard does not show any concerning trends (significant
-   increase in crashes or ANRs (Application Not Responding)), then continue on
-   to the next paragraph and increase rollout from 25% to 100%. Otherwise
-   consider halting rollout as described in the `RollingBackUpdate` process.
-   Select the "Releases" tab on the "Production" page. The current released
-   version should indicate 25% rollout: "Available to 25% of users on Google Play"
-   On the right-side of the "View release details" button of the release there
-   should be a button labeled "Manage rollout" with a down-arrow. Clicking on
-   that button should show two options:
-     - Update rollout
-     - Halt rollout
-   Select "Update rollout" and increase to 100% and click "Update". The change
-   should be immediately implemented and the "Manage rollout" button disappears.
-#. Write an email to tor-announce in case this release is concerned with getting
-#  a stable version out. Using the contents of the blog entry should do it.
+#  See also the open release prep issues:
+#  https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/applications/-/issues/?sort=updated_desc&state=opened&label_name%5B%5D=Release%20Prep&first_page_size=20

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-spec/-/compare/2b940775d781fa8e22d24d7e46b70dc6dc6ec6a6...b79d4e8ac1d55c428e85863da9c8dd5f58e7c4dc

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-spec/-/compare/2b940775d781fa8e22d24d7e46b70dc6dc6ec6a6...b79d4e8ac1d55c428e85863da9c8dd5f58e7c4dc
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