[tor-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser][tor-browser-115.2.0esr-13.0-1] 10 commits: Customize moz-toggle for tor-browser.

richard (@richard) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Thu Aug 24 21:05:27 UTC 2023

richard pushed to branch tor-browser-115.2.0esr-13.0-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser

113a1dcf by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
Customize moz-toggle for tor-browser.

- - - - -
eed98cae by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
squash! Bug 7494: Create local home page for TBB.

Bug 41333: Update about:tor to new design. Including:
+ make the favicon match the branding icon.
+ make the location bar show a search icon.

- - - - -
aed9e200 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
fixup! Bug 2176: Rebrand Firefox to TorBrowser

Bug 41333: Add a branding svg logo.

Copied from branding/tb-<version>/firefox.svg.

- - - - -
c3e882b1 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
fixup! Add TorStrings module for localization

Bug 41333: Stop using aboutTor.dtd. No longer use aboutTBUpdate strings in about:tor.

- - - - -
ebed4113 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
fixup! Bug 11698: Incorporate Tor Browser Manual pages into Tor Browser

Bug 41333: Use fluent for manual menu entry since we're no longer using aboutTor.dtd.

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8a240426 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
Tor Browser strings

This commit adds all the strings needed for Tor Browser patches.

- - - - -
b5413676 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
Tor Browser localization migration scripts.

- - - - -
552fb704 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
fixup! Bug 40562: Added Tor Browser preferences to 000-tor-browser.js

Bug 41333: Remove TorCheckService.

- - - - -
5c735622 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
fixup! fixup! Bug 40933: Add tor-launcher functionality

Bug 41333: Remove TorCheckService.

- - - - -
5e1b65e2 by Henry Wilkes at 2023-08-24T20:50:31+00:00
fixup! Bug 7494: Create local home page for TBB.

Bug 41333: Remove TorCheckService.

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- browser/app/profile/000-tor-browser.js
- browser/base/content/browser-doctype.inc
- browser/base/content/browser-menubar.inc
- browser/base/content/browser.js
- browser/base/content/browser.xhtml
- browser/base/content/utilityOverlay.js
- browser/branding/tb-alpha/content/jar.mn
- + browser/branding/tb-alpha/content/tor-browser-logo.svg
- browser/branding/tb-nightly/content/jar.mn
- + browser/branding/tb-nightly/content/tor-browser-logo.svg
- browser/branding/tb-release/content/jar.mn
- + browser/branding/tb-release/content/tor-browser-logo.svg
- browser/components/BrowserGlue.sys.mjs
- browser/components/abouttor/AboutTorChild.sys.mjs
- + browser/components/abouttor/AboutTorMessage.sys.mjs
- browser/components/abouttor/AboutTorParent.sys.mjs
- browser/components/abouttor/HomepageOverride.sys.mjs
- − browser/components/abouttor/TorCheckService.sys.mjs
- + browser/components/abouttor/content/1f4e3-megaphone.svg
- + browser/components/abouttor/content/26a1-high-voltage.svg
- + browser/components/abouttor/content/2728-sparkles.svg
- + browser/components/abouttor/content/2764-red-heart.svg
- browser/components/abouttor/content/aboutTor.css
- + browser/components/abouttor/content/aboutTor.html
- browser/components/abouttor/content/aboutTor.js
- − browser/components/abouttor/content/aboutTor.xhtml
- − browser/components/abouttor/content/banner-warning.svg
- browser/components/abouttor/jar.mn
- browser/components/abouttor/moz.build
- browser/components/preferences/home.inc.xhtml

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/compare/1431b19332d6146c656ca50d57b9efd8909e243c...5e1b65e2d463f013677b56f1b330fb0cd51422df

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/compare/1431b19332d6146c656ca50d57b9efd8909e243c...5e1b65e2d463f013677b56f1b330fb0cd51422df
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