[tor-commits] [builders/tor-browser-build] 03/03: Bug 40641: Remove langpacks and single-locale support
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git at cupani.torproject.org
Mon Nov 7 17:52:53 UTC 2022
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
pierov pushed a commit to branch main
in repository builders/tor-browser-build.
commit 98b4184d69ab7b6d55c90ef25ce6fc8005a589b8
Author: Pier Angelo Vendrame <pierov at torproject.org>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 4 09:42:06 2022 +0100
Bug 40641: Remove langpacks and single-locale support
Since we have packaged locales, we do not have to include language packs
Also, we have decided that we are not switching back from multi-lingual
packages, so we remove the support to single-lingual packages to
simplify the browser project.
projects/browser/build | 154 ++------------------------------------
projects/browser/config | 3 -
projects/firefox-langpacks/build | 16 ----
projects/firefox-langpacks/config | 50 -------------
rbm.conf | 1 -
tools/signing/check_file_counts | 7 --
6 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
diff --git a/projects/browser/build b/projects/browser/build
index c14e38f9..43cd81d7 100644
--- a/projects/browser/build
+++ b/projects/browser/build
@@ -194,10 +194,6 @@ tar -C Bundle-Data/[% bundledata_osname %] [% IF ! c("var/namecoin") %]--exclude
bridges_conf snowflake
[% END -%]
-[% IF ! c("var/multi_lingual") && c("var/tor-browser") %]
- echo 'pref("extensions.torlauncher.prompt_for_locale", false);' >> "$GENERATEDPREFSPATH"
-[% END %]
[% IF c("var/linux") %]
chmod 700 ${TB_STAGE_DIR}/Browser/[% c('var/ProjectName') %]/Data/Browser
[% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]
@@ -205,18 +201,12 @@ tar -C Bundle-Data/[% bundledata_osname %] [% IF ! c("var/namecoin") %]--exclude
[% END -%]
[% END %]
-[% IF c("var/multi_lingual") %]
- # If we are building a multi-lingual package, use "ALL" in the package name
- # and as the locale for update purposes. We do not include "ALL" in the name
- # of the directory that is inside the package (in other words, users will
- # not see tor-browser_ALL after they install Tor Browser).
- PKG_DIR='[% c("var/project-name") %]'
-[% ELSE %]
- PKG_DIR="[% c('var/project-name') %]_${PKG_LOCALE}"
-[% END %]
+# With multi-lingual builds, we use "ALL" in the package name as the locale for
+# update purposes. But we do not include "ALL" in the name of the directory that
+# is inside the package (in other words, users will not see tor-browser_ALL
+# after they install Tor Browser).
+PKG_DIR='[% c("var/project-name") %]'
pushd "$TBDIR[% IF c("var/osx") %]/Contents/Resources[% END %]/browser/"
unzip omni.ja defaults/preferences/[% c("var/prefs_file") %] || [ $? -lt 3 ]
@@ -230,27 +220,6 @@ rm -rf defaults
echo '{"version":"[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %]","architecture":"[% c("var/mar_osname") %]","channel":"[% c("var/channel") %]","locale":"en-US"}' > ../tbb_version.json
-[% IF c("var/osx") || c("var/multi_lingual") -%]
- # Prepare our language packs to embed our default bookmarks.
- # See bug 21879 for more details.
- [% IF c("var/multi_lingual") -%]
- [% SET locales = c("var/locales") -%]
- [% ELSE -%]
- [% SET locales = c("var/testbuild") ? [] : c("var/locales") -%]
- [% END -%]
- [% FOREACH lang = locales %]
- [% SET lang = tmpl(lang);
- SET xpi = '$rootdir/' _ c('input_files_by_name/firefox-langpacks') _ '/' _ lang _ '.xpi';
- %]
- # If we are building a multi-lingual package, add all of the language packs.
- [% IF c("var/multi_lingual") %]
- cp [% xpi %] "$TBDIR/$EXTSPATH/langpack-[% lang %]@firefox.mozilla.org.xpi"
- [% END %]
- cd ..
- rm -rf prep_[% lang %]
- [% END %]
-[% END %]
[% IF c("var/windows") %]
tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/nsis') %]
export PATH="/var/tmp/dist/nsis/bin:$PATH"
@@ -333,116 +302,5 @@ cp $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/firefox') %]/mar-tools-*.zip "$OUTDIR"/
cp $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/firefox') %]/build-infos.json "$OUTDIR"/build-infos-[% c("var/mar_osname") %].json
[% END -%]
-# Create a tarball with all Linux x86_64 language packs (Bug 32676)
-[% IF c("var/tor-browser") && c("var/linux-x86_64") && ! c("var/multi_lingual") && ! c("var/testbuild") -%]
- pushd $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/firefox-langpacks') %]
- [% c('tar', {
- tar_src => [ '.' ],
- tar_args => '-cJf $OUTDIR/langpacks-tor-browser-linux64-' _ c("var/torbrowser_version") _ '.tar.xz',
- })
- %]
- popd
-[% END -%]
-# If we did not create a multi-lingual package above, create a package for
-# each locale.
-[% IF ! c("var/multi_lingual") %]
- [% SET locales = c("var/testbuild") ? [] : c("var/locales") -%]
- [% FOREACH lang = locales %]
- [% SET lang = tmpl(lang);
- SET xpi = '$rootdir/' _ c('input_files_by_name/firefox-langpacks') _ '/' _ lang _ '.xpi';
- SET tbdir = '$distdir/' _ c("var/project-name") _ '_' _ lang;
- SET mar_file = c("var/project-name") _ '-' _ c("var/mar_osname") _ '-' _ c("var/torbrowser_version") _ '_' _ lang _ '.mar';
- IF c("var/osx");
- SET browserdir = tbdir _ '/' _ c("var/Project_Name") _ '.app';
- ELSIF c("var/windows");
- SET browserdir = tbdir _ '/' _ c("var/Project_Name") _ '/Browser';
- SET browserdir = tbdir _ '/Browser';
- END;
- SET build_mar = c("var/build_mar");
- # On nightly we only build mar files for some locales
- IF c("var/nightly") && c("var/build_mar");
- build_mar = 0;
- FOREACH mar_lang = c("var/mar_locales");
- mar_lang = tmpl(mar_lang);
- IF mar_lang == lang;
- build_mar = 1;
- END;
- END;
- END;
- %]
- cat > "$scripts_dir/create-browser_[% lang %]" << SCRIPT_EOF
- set -e
- cp -a ${TB_STAGE_DIR} [% tbdir %]
- cp [% xpi %] "[% browserdir %]/$EXTSPATH/langpack-[% lang %]@firefox.mozilla.org.xpi"
- pushd "[% browserdir %]/[% IF c("var/osx") %]Contents/Resources/[% END %]browser/"
- mkdir -p defaults/preferences
- cp $rootdir/[% c("var/prefs_file") %] defaults/preferences/
- # Set the locale of the bundle.
- echo "pref(\"intl.locale.requested\", \"[% lang %]\");" >> defaults/preferences/[% c("var/prefs_file") %]
- [% c("touch") %] defaults/preferences/[% c("var/prefs_file") %]
- zip -Xm omni.ja defaults/preferences/[% c("var/prefs_file") %]
- rm -rf defaults
- # create tbb_version.json file for #25020
- echo '{"version":"[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %]","architecture":"[% c("var/mar_osname") %]","channel":"[% c("var/channel") %]","locale":"[% lang %]"}' > ../tbb_version.json
- popd
- # Set the update.locale (it is used to replace %LOCALE% within
- # app.update.url), remove the en-US spellchecking dictionary, and
- # recreate precomplete file (needs to be accurate for full MAR updates).
- pushd "[% browserdir %]/[% IF c("var/osx") %]Contents/Resources/[% END %]"
- echo "[% lang %]" > update.locale
- [% c("touch") %] update.locale
- zip -Xm omni.ja update.locale
- rm -rf dictionaries
- rm -f precomplete
- python $MARTOOLS/createprecomplete.py
- popd
- cd $distdir
- [% IF build_mar -%]
- # Create full MAR file and compressed package for this locale.
- MOZ_PRODUCT_VERSION=[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %] \
- MAR_CHANNEL_ID=torbrowser-torproject-[% c("var/channel") %] \
- $MARTOOLS/make_full_update.sh -q $OUTDIR/[% mar_file %] "[% browserdir %]"
- [% END -%]
- [% IF c("var/linux") %]
- [% SET tardir = c("var/project-name") _ '_' _ lang;
- c('tar', {
- tar_src => [ tardir ],
- tar_args => '-cJf $OUTDIR/' _ c("var/project-name") _ '-' _ c("var/mar_osname") _ '-' _ c("var/torbrowser_version") _ '_' _ lang _ '.tar.xz',
- }) %]
- [% ELSIF c("var/osx") %]
- [% # Rename the Japanese bundle to not confuse users
- IF lang == 'ja-JP-mac';
- SET lang = 'ja';
- END; -%]
- [% c('var/ddmg', {
- dmg_src => tbdir,
- dmg_out => '$OUTDIR/' _ c('var/ProjectName') _ '-' _ c("var/torbrowser_version") _ '-' _ c("var/dmg_name") _ '_' _ lang _ '.dmg',
- }) %]
- [% ELSIF c("var/windows") %]
- find "[% tbdir %]" -exec [% c("touch") %] {} \;
- pushd "[% tbdir %]"
- makensis [% c("var/projectname") %].nsi
- # Working around NSIS braindamage
- mv [% c("var/projectname") %]-install.exe browser-install-tmp.exe
- python3 $rootdir/pe_checksum_fix.py
- mv browser-install-tmp2.exe [% c("var/projectname") %]-install.exe
- rm browser-install-tmp.exe
- mv [% c("var/projectname") %]-install.exe $OUTDIR/[% c("var/projectname") %]-install[% IF c("var/windows-x86_64") %]-win64[% END %]-[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %]_[% lang %].exe
- popd
- [% END %]
- rm -rf [% tbdir %]
- [% END %]
-[% END %]
chmod 775 $rootdir/run_scripts "$scripts_dir"/*
$rootdir/run_scripts [% c("num_procs") %] "$scripts_dir"
diff --git a/projects/browser/config b/projects/browser/config
index 4ae3e4f9..29d65f7e 100644
--- a/projects/browser/config
+++ b/projects/browser/config
@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ input_files:
- project: tor-expert-bundle
name: tor-expert-bundle
enable: '[% c("var/tor-browser") %]'
- - project: firefox-langpacks
- name: firefox-langpacks
- enable: '[% (!c("var/testbuild") || c("var/multi_lingual")) && ! c("var/android") %]'
- project: fonts
name: fonts
enable: '[% ! c("var/android") %]'
diff --git a/projects/firefox-langpacks/build b/projects/firefox-langpacks/build
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bc18101..00000000
--- a/projects/firefox-langpacks/build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-[% c("var/set_default_env") -%]
-[% FOREACH lang = c('var/locales') %]
- [% SET lang = tmpl(lang) %]
- [% SET filename = c("var/input_filename") _ '/' _ lang _ '.xpi'; %]
- shasum=$(grep '[% c("var/ff_arch") %]/xpi/[% lang %].xpi$' SHA512SUMS-[% c("version") %] | sed 's| [% c("var/ff_arch") %]/xpi/[% lang %].xpi$||')
- echo "$shasum [% filename %]" | sha512sum -c
-[% END %]
-mkdir -p [% dest_dir %]/[% c("filename") %]
-[% FOREACH lang = c('var/locales') %]
- [% SET lang = tmpl(lang) %]
- [% SET filename = c("var/input_filename") _ '/' _ lang _ '.xpi'; %]
- cp -a [% filename %] [% dest_dir %]/[% c("filename") %]/
-[% END %]
diff --git a/projects/firefox-langpacks/config b/projects/firefox-langpacks/config
deleted file mode 100644
index c2a11970..00000000
--- a/projects/firefox-langpacks/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# vim: filetype=yaml sw=2
-version: '[% c("var/ff_version") %]-[% c("var/ff_build") %]'
-filename: '[% project %]-[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/osname") %]-[% c("var/build_id") %]'
- ff_version: '[% pc("firefox", "var/firefox_version") %]'
- ff_build: build1
- input_filename: 'dl-langpack-[% c("var/ff_arch") %]-[% c("version") %]'
- linux:
- var:
- ff_arch: 'linux-[% c("arch") %]'
- windows-i686:
- var:
- ff_arch: win32
- windows-x86_64:
- var:
- ff_arch: win64
- osx:
- var:
- ff_arch: mac
- - URL: 'https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/[% c("var/ff_version") %]-candidates/[% c("var/ff_build") %]/SHA512SUMS'
- filename: 'SHA512SUMS-[% c("version") %]'
- gpg_keyring: firefox.gpg
- sig_ext: asc
- file_gpg_id: 1
- - filename: '[% c("var/input_filename") %]'
- refresh_input: 1
- exec: |
- #!/bin/bash
- set -e
- [% SET outdir = c("var/input_filename") %]
- mkdir -p [% dest_dir %]/[% outdir %]
- [% FOREACH lang = c('var/locales') %]
- [% SET lang = tmpl(lang) %]
- [% SET ffver = c("var/ff_version");
- SET ffbuild = c("var/ff_build");
- SET ffarch = c("var/ff_arch");
- SET URL = "https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/" _ ffver _ '-candidates/' _ ffbuild _ '/' _ ffarch _ '/xpi/' _ lang _ '.xpi';
- SET filename = outdir _ '/' _ lang _ '.xpi'; %]
- test -f [% dest_dir %]/[% filename %] || \
- [% GET c("urlget", { filename => filename _ '-tmp', URL => URL }); %]
- test -f [% dest_dir %]/[% filename %] || \
- mv -f [% dest_dir %]/[% filename %]-tmp [% dest_dir %]/[% filename %]
- [% END %]
diff --git a/rbm.conf b/rbm.conf
index 9f778028..4313cdc7 100644
--- a/rbm.conf
+++ b/rbm.conf
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ var:
torbrowser_build: 'build1'
- 12.0a3
- multi_lingual: 1
build_mar: 1
# By default, we sort the list of installed packages. This allows sharing
# containers with identical list of packages, even if they are not listed
diff --git a/tools/signing/check_file_counts b/tools/signing/check_file_counts
index a0524c8d..d374aa0a 100755
--- a/tools/signing/check_file_counts
+++ b/tools/signing/check_file_counts
@@ -149,13 +149,6 @@ total_count=$(( total_count + 2 ))
remaining_files="$(echo "${remaining_files}" | sed 's/[ ]*'"${f}"'[ ]*/ /')"
remaining_files="$(echo "${remaining_files}" | sed 's/[ ]*'"${f}.asc"'[ ]*/ /')"
-test "$(ls langpacks-tor-browser-linux64-*.tar.xz 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" = 1 || echo langpacks-tor-browser-linux64-*.tar.xz is wrong
-test "$(ls langpacks-tor-browser-linux64-*.tar.xz.asc 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" = 1 || echo langpacks-tor-browser-linux64-*.tar.xz.asc is wrong
-total_count=$(( total_count + 2 ))
-f="$(ls langpacks-tor-browser-linux64-*.tar.xz)"
-remaining_files="$(echo "${remaining_files}" | sed 's/[ ]*'"${f}"'[ ]*/ /')"
-remaining_files="$(echo "${remaining_files}" | sed 's/[ ]*'"${f}.asc"'[ ]*/ /')"
# Expected file endings
file_count_by_ending="$(ls ./*.tar.xz{,.asc} ./*.zip{,.asc} ./*.exe{,.asc} ./*.mar ./*.dmg{,.asc} ./*.apk{,.asc} ./*.txt{,.asc} ./*.txt.asc-* | wc -l)"
test "${file_count_by_ending}" -eq ${total_count} || echo "Unexpected file endings: counted ${file_count_by_ending} vs ${total_count}"
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