[tor-commits] [tor-browser] 48/68: Add TorStrings module for localization

gitolite role git at cupani.torproject.org
Tue May 3 17:13:12 UTC 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

richard pushed a commit to branch tor-browser-91.9.0esr-11.5-1
in repository tor-browser.

commit fb21f303726abe89b041c23d63b9eb9d81933d0f
Author: Alex Catarineu <acat at torproject.org>
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 24 21:15:20 2020 +0200

    Add TorStrings module for localization
 browser/modules/TorStrings.jsm | 762 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 browser/modules/moz.build      |   1 +
 2 files changed, 763 insertions(+)

diff --git a/browser/modules/TorStrings.jsm b/browser/modules/TorStrings.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e4c9515daade1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/modules/TorStrings.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+"use strict";
+var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TorStrings"];
+const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
+  "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
+const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import(
+  "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"
+const { getLocale } = ChromeUtils.import(
+  "resource://torbutton/modules/utils.js"
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["DOMParser"]);
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "domParser", () => {
+  const parser = new DOMParser();
+  parser.forceEnableDTD();
+  return parser;
+  Tor DTD String Bundle
+  DTD strings loaded from torbutton/tor-launcher, but provide a fallback in case they aren't available
+class TorDTDStringBundle {
+  constructor(aBundleURLs, aPrefix) {
+    let locations = [];
+    for (const [index, url] of aBundleURLs.entries()) {
+      locations.push(`<!ENTITY % dtd_${index} SYSTEM "${url}">%dtd_${index};`);
+    }
+    this._locations = locations;
+    this._prefix = aPrefix;
+  }
+  // copied from testing/marionette/l10n.js
+  localizeEntity(urls, id) {
+    // Use the DOM parser to resolve the entity and extract its real value
+    let header = `<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE elem [${this._locations.join(
+      ""
+    )}]>`;
+    let elem = `<elem id="elementID">&${id};</elem>`;
+    let doc = domParser.parseFromString(header + elem, "text/xml");
+    let element = doc.querySelector("elem[id='elementID']");
+    if (element === null) {
+      throw new Error(`Entity with id='${id}' hasn't been found`);
+    }
+    return element.textContent;
+  }
+  getString(key, fallback) {
+    if (key) {
+      try {
+        return this.localizeEntity(this._bundleURLs, `${this._prefix}${key}`);
+      } catch (e) {}
+    }
+    // on failure, assign the fallback if it exists
+    if (fallback) {
+      return fallback;
+    }
+    // otherwise return string key
+    return `$(${key})`;
+  }
+  Tor Property String Bundle
+  Property strings loaded from torbutton/tor-launcher, but provide a fallback in case they aren't available
+class TorPropertyStringBundle {
+  constructor(aBundleURL, aPrefix) {
+    try {
+      this._bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(aBundleURL);
+    } catch (e) {}
+    this._prefix = aPrefix;
+  }
+  getString(key, fallback) {
+    if (key) {
+      try {
+        return this._bundle.GetStringFromName(`${this._prefix}${key}`);
+      } catch (e) {}
+    }
+    // on failure, assign the fallback if it exists
+    if (fallback) {
+      return fallback;
+    }
+    // otherwise return string key
+    return `$(${key})`;
+  }
+  Security Level Strings
+var TorStrings = {
+  /*
+    Tor Browser Security Level Strings
+  */
+  securityLevel: (function() {
+    let tsb = new TorDTDStringBundle(
+      ["chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.dtd"],
+      "torbutton.prefs.sec_"
+    );
+    let getString = function(key, fallback) {
+      return tsb.getString(key, fallback);
+    };
+    // read localized strings from torbutton; but use hard-coded en-US strings as fallbacks in case of error
+    let retval = {
+      securityLevel: getString("caption", "Security Level"),
+      customWarning: getString("custom_warning", "Custom"),
+      overview: getString(
+        "overview",
+        "Disable certain web features that can be used to attack your security and anonymity."
+      ),
+      standard: {
+        level: getString("standard_label", "Standard"),
+        tooltip: getString("standard_tooltip", "Security Level : Standard"),
+        summary: getString(
+          "standard_description",
+          "All Tor Browser and website features are enabled."
+        ),
+      },
+      safer: {
+        level: getString("safer_label", "Safer"),
+        tooltip: getString("safer_tooltip", "Security Level : Safer"),
+        summary: getString(
+          "safer_description",
+          "Disables website features that are often dangerous, causing some sites to lose functionality."
+        ),
+        description1: getString(
+          "js_on_https_sites_only",
+          "JavaScript is disabled on non-HTTPS sites."
+        ),
+        description2: getString(
+          "limit_typography",
+          "Some fonts and math symbols are disabled."
+        ),
+        description3: getString(
+          "click_to_play_media",
+          "Audio and video (HTML5 media), and WebGL are click-to-play."
+        ),
+      },
+      safest: {
+        level: getString("safest_label", "Safest"),
+        tooltip: getString("safest_tooltip", "Security Level : Safest"),
+        summary: getString(
+          "safest_description",
+          "Only allows website features required for static sites and basic services. These changes affect images, media, and scripts."
+        ),
+        description1: getString(
+          "js_disabled",
+          "JavaScript is disabled by default on all sites."
+        ),
+        description2: getString(
+          "limit_graphics_and_typography",
+          "Some fonts, icons, math symbols, and images are disabled."
+        ),
+        description3: getString(
+          "click_to_play_media",
+          "Audio and video (HTML5 media), and WebGL are click-to-play."
+        ),
+      },
+      custom: {
+        summary: getString(
+          "custom_summary",
+          "Your custom browser preferences have resulted in unusual security settings. For security and privacy reasons, we recommend you choose one of the default security levels."
+        ),
+      },
+      learnMore: getString("learn_more_label", "Learn more"),
+      learnMoreURL: `https://tb-manual.torproject.org/${getLocale()}/security-settings/`,
+      restoreDefaults: getString("restore_defaults", "Restore Defaults"),
+      advancedSecuritySettings: getString(
+        "advanced_security_settings",
+        "Advanced Security Settings\u2026"
+      ),
+    };
+    return retval;
+  })() /* Security Level Strings */,
+  /*
+    Tor about:preferences#connection Strings
+  */
+  settings: (function() {
+    let tsb = new TorDTDStringBundle(
+      ["chrome://torlauncher/locale/network-settings.dtd"],
+      ""
+    );
+    let getString = function(key, fallback) {
+      return tsb.getString(key, fallback);
+    };
+    let retval = {
+      categoryTitle: getString("torPreferences.categoryTitle", "Connection"),
+      // Message box
+      torPreferencesDescription: getString(
+        "torPreferences.torSettingsDescription",
+        "Tor Browser routes your traffic over the Tor Network, run by thousands of volunteers around the world."
+      ),
+      // Status
+      statusInternetLabel: getString("torPreferences.statusInternetLabel", "Internet:"),
+      statusInternetTest: getString("torPreferences.statusInternetTest", "Test"),
+      statusInternetOnline: getString("torPreferences.statusInternetOnline", "Online"),
+      statusInternetOffline: getString("torPreferences.statusInternetOffline", "Offline"),
+      statusTorLabel: getString("torPreferences.statusTorLabel", "Tor Network:"),
+      statusTorConnected: getString("torPreferences.statusTorConnected", "Connected"),
+      statusTorNotConnected: getString("torPreferences.statusTorNotConnected", "Not Connected"),
+      statusTorBlocked: getString("torPreferences.statusTorBlocked", "Potentially Blocked"),
+      learnMore: getString("torPreferences.learnMore", "Learn more"),
+      // Quickstart
+      quickstartHeading: getString("torPreferences.quickstart", "Quickstart"),
+      quickstartDescription: getString(
+        "torPreferences.quickstartDescriptionLong",
+        "Quickstart connects Tor Browser to the Tor Network automatically when launched, based on your last used connection settings."
+      ),
+      quickstartCheckbox : getString("torPreferences.quickstartCheckbox", "Always connect automatically"),
+      // Bridge settings
+      bridgesHeading: getString("torPreferences.bridges", "Bridges"),
+      bridgesDescription: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgesDescription",
+        "Bridges help you access the Tor Network in places where Tor is blocked. Depending on where you are, one bridge may work better than another."
+      ),
+      bridgeLocation: getString("torPreferences.bridgeLocation", "Your location"),
+      bridgeLocationAutomatic: getString("torPreferences.bridgeLocationAutomatic", "Automatic"),
+      bridgeChooseForMe: getString("torPreferences.bridgeChooseForMe", "Choose a Bridge For Me\u2026"),
+      bridgeCurrent: getString("torPreferences.bridgeBadgeCurrent", "Your Current Bridges"),
+      bridgeId: getString("torPreferences.bridgeId", "#1 bridge: #2"),
+      remove: getString("torPreferences.remove", "Remove"),
+      bridgeDisableBuiltIn: getString("torPreferences.bridgeDisableBuiltIn", "Disable built-in bridges"),
+      bridgeShare: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgeShare",
+        "Share your bridge by presenting the QR code or copying its bridge line."
+      ),
+      bridgeCopy: getString("torPreferences.bridgeCopy", "Copy Bridge Address"),
+      copied: getString("torPreferences.copied", "Copied!"),
+      bridgeShowAll: getString("torPreferences.bridgeShowAll", "Show all bridges"),
+      bridgeRemoveAll: getString("torPreferences.bridgeRemoveAll", "Remove all bridges"),
+      bridgeAdd: getString("torPreferences.bridgeAdd", "Add a New Bridge"),
+      bridgeSelectBrowserBuiltin: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgeSelectBrowserBuiltin",
+        "Choose from one of Tor Browser’s built-in bridges"
+      ),
+      bridgeSelectBuiltin: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgeSelectBuiltin",
+        "Select a Built-In Bridge\u2026"
+      ),
+      bridgeRequestFromTorProject: getString(
+        "torsettings.useBridges.bridgeDB",
+        "Request a bridge from torproject.org"
+      ),
+      bridgeRequest: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgeRequest",
+        "Request a Bridge\u2026"
+      ),
+      bridgeEnterKnown: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgeEnterKnown",
+        "Enter a bridge address you already know"
+      ),
+      bridgeAddManually: getString(
+        "torPreferences.bridgeAddManually",
+        "Add a Bridge Manually\u2026"
+      ),
+      // Advanced settings
+      advancedHeading: getString("torPreferences.advanced", "Advanced"),
+      advancedLabel: getString(
+        "torPreferences.advancedDescription",
+        "Configure how Tor Browser connects to the internet"
+      ),
+      advancedButton: getString("torPreferences.advancedButton", "Settings\u2026"),
+      showTorDaemonLogs: getString(
+        "torPreferences.viewTorLogs",
+        "View the Tor logs"
+      ),
+      showLogs: getString("torPreferences.viewLogs", "View Logs\u2026"),
+      // Scan bridge QR dialog
+      scanQrTitle: getString("torPreferences.scanQrTitle", "Scan the QR code"),
+      // Builtin bridges dialog
+      builtinBridgeTitle: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeTitle",
+        "Built-In Bridges"
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeHeader: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeHeader",
+        "Select a Built-In Bridge"
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeDescription: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeDescription",
+        "Tor Browser includes some specific types of bridges known as “pluggable transports”."
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeObfs4: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeObfs4",
+        "obfs4"
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeObfs4Description: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeObfs4Description",
+        "obfs4 is a type of built-in bridge that makes your Tor traffic look random. They are also less likely to be blocked than their predecessors, obfs3 bridges."
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeSnowflake: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeSnowflake",
+        "Snowflake"
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeSnowflakeDescription: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeSnowflakeDescription",
+        "Snowflake is a built-in bridge that defeats censorship by routing your connection through Snowflake proxies, ran by volunteers."
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeMeekAzure: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeMeekAzure",
+        "meek-azure"
+      ),
+      builtinBridgeMeekAzureDescription: getString(
+        "torPreferences.builtinBridgeMeekAzureDescription",
+        "meek-azure is a built-in bridge that makes it look like you are using a Microsoft web site instead of using Tor."
+      ),
+      // Request bridges dialog
+      requestBridgeDialogTitle: getString(
+        "torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogTitle",
+        "Request Bridge"
+      ),
+      submitCaptcha: getString(
+        "torsettings.useBridges.captchaSubmit",
+        "Submit"
+      ),
+      contactingBridgeDB: getString(
+        "torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogWaitPrompt",
+        "Contacting BridgeDB. Please Wait."
+      ),
+      solveTheCaptcha: getString(
+        "torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogSolvePrompt",
+        "Solve the CAPTCHA to request a bridge."
+      ),
+      captchaTextboxPlaceholder: getString(
+        "torsettings.useBridges.captchaSolution.placeholder",
+        "Enter the characters from the image"
+      ),
+      incorrectCaptcha: getString(
+        "torPreferences.requestBridgeErrorBadSolution",
+        "The solution is not correct. Please try again."
+      ),
+      // Provide bridge dialog
+      provideBridgeTitle: getString(
+        "torPreferences.provideBridgeTitle",
+        "Provide Bridge"
+      ),
+      provideBridgeHeader: getString(
+        "torPreferences.provideBridgeHeader",
+        "Enter bridge information from a trusted source"
+      ),
+      provideBridgePlaceholder: getString(
+        "torsettings.bridgePlaceholder",
+        "type address:port (one per line)"
+      ),
+      // Connection settings dialog
+      connectionSettingsDialogTitle: getString(
+        "torPreferences.connectionSettingsDialogTitle",
+        "Connection Settings"
+      ),
+      connectionSettingsDialogHeader: getString(
+        "torPreferences.connectionSettingsDialogHeader",
+        "Configure how Tor Browser connects to the Internet"
+      ),
+      useLocalProxy: getString("torsettings.useProxy.checkbox", "I use a proxy to connect to the Internet"),
+      proxyType: getString("torsettings.useProxy.type", "Proxy Type"),
+      proxyTypeSOCKS4: getString("torsettings.useProxy.type.socks4", "SOCKS4"),
+      proxyTypeSOCKS5: getString("torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5", "SOCKS5"),
+      proxyTypeHTTP: getString("torsettings.useProxy.type.http", "HTTP/HTTPS"),
+      proxyAddress: getString("torsettings.useProxy.address", "Address"),
+      proxyAddressPlaceholder: getString(
+        "torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder",
+        "IP address or hostname"
+      ),
+      proxyPort: getString("torsettings.useProxy.port", "Port"),
+      proxyUsername: getString("torsettings.useProxy.username", "Username"),
+      proxyPassword: getString("torsettings.useProxy.password", "Password"),
+      proxyUsernamePasswordPlaceholder: getString(
+        "torsettings.optional",
+        "Optional"
+      ),
+      useFirewall: getString(
+        "torsettings.firewall.checkbox",
+        "This computer goes through a firewall that only allows connections to certain ports"
+      ),
+      allowedPorts: getString(
+        "torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts",
+        "Allowed Ports"
+      ),
+      allowedPortsPlaceholder: getString(
+        "torPreferences.firewallPortsPlaceholder",
+        "Comma-seperated values"
+      ),
+      // Log dialog
+      torLogDialogTitle: getString(
+        "torPreferences.torLogsDialogTitle",
+        "Tor Logs"
+      ),
+      copyLog: getString("torsettings.copyLog", "Copy Tor Log to Clipboard"),
+      learnMoreTorBrowserURL: `https://tb-manual.torproject.org/${getLocale()}/about/`,
+      learnMoreBridgesURL: `https://tb-manual.torproject.org/${getLocale()}/bridges/`,
+    };
+    return retval;
+  })() /* Tor Network Settings Strings */,
+  torConnect: (() => {
+    const tsbNetwork = new TorDTDStringBundle(
+      ["chrome://torlauncher/locale/network-settings.dtd"],
+      ""
+    );
+    const tsbLauncher = new TorPropertyStringBundle(
+      "chrome://torlauncher/locale/torlauncher.properties",
+      "torlauncher."
+    );
+    const tsbCommon = new TorPropertyStringBundle(
+      "chrome://global/locale/commonDialogs.properties",
+      ""
+    );
+    const getStringNet = tsbNetwork.getString.bind(tsbNetwork);
+    const getStringLauncher = tsbLauncher.getString.bind(tsbLauncher);
+    const getStringCommon = tsbCommon.getString.bind(tsbCommon);
+    return {
+      torConnect: getStringNet(
+        "torsettings.wizard.title.default",
+        "Connect to Tor"
+      ),
+      torConnecting: getStringNet(
+        "torsettings.wizard.title.connecting",
+        "Establishing a Connection"
+      ),
+      torNotConnectedConcise: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.notConnectedConcise",
+        "Not Connected"
+      ),
+      torConnectingConcise: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.connectingConcise",
+        "Connecting…"
+      ),
+      torBootstrapFailed: getStringLauncher(
+        "tor_bootstrap_failed",
+        "Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection."
+      ),
+      couldNotConnect: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.couldNotConnect",
+        "Tor Browser could not connect to Tor"
+      ),
+      configureConnection: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.assistDescriptionConfigure",
+        "configure your connection"
+      ),
+      assistDescription: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.assistDescription",
+        "If Tor is blocked in your location, trying a bridge may help. Connection assist can choose one for you using your location, or you can #1 manually instead."
+      ),
+      tryingBridge: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.tryingBridge",
+        "Trying a bridge…"
+      ),
+      tryingBridgeAgain: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.tryingBridge",
+        "Trying one more time…"
+      ),
+      addLocation: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.addLocation",
+        "Add your location settings"
+      ),
+      addLocationDescription: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.addLocationDescription",
+        "Tor Browser needs to know your location in order to choose the right bridge for you. If you’d rather not share your location, #1 manually instead."
+      ),
+      errorLocation: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.errorLocation",
+        "Tor Browser couldn’t locate you"
+      ),
+      errorLocationDescription: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.errorLocationDescription",
+        "Tor Browser still couldn’t connect to Tor. Please check your location settings are correct and try again."
+      ),
+      finalError: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.finalError",
+        "Tor Browser still cannot connect",
+      ),
+      finalErrorDescription: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.finalErrorDescription",
+        "Despite its best efforts, connection assist was not able to connect to Tor. Try troubleshooting your connection and adding a bridge manually instead.",
+      ),
+      breadcrumbAssist: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.breadcrumbAssist",
+        "Connection assist"
+      ),
+      breadcrumbLocation: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.breadcrumbLocation",
+        "Location settings"
+      ),
+      breadcrumbTryBridge: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.breadcrumbTryBridge",
+        "Try a bridge"
+      ),
+      restartTorBrowser: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.restartTorBrowser",
+        "Restart Tor Browser"
+      ),
+      torConfigure: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.configureConnection",
+        "Configure Connection…"
+      ),
+      viewLog: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.viewLog",
+        "View logs…"
+      ),
+      torConnectButton: getStringNet("torSettings.connect", "Connect"),
+      cancel: getStringCommon("Cancel", "Cancel"),
+      torConnected: getStringLauncher(
+        "torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done",
+        "Connected to the Tor network"
+      ),
+      torConnectedConcise: getStringLauncher(
+        "torConnect.connectedConcise",
+        "Connected"
+      ),
+      tryAgain: getStringNet("torConnect.tryAgain", "Try connecting again"),
+      offline: getStringNet("torConnect.offline", "Offline"),
+      // tor connect strings for message box in about:preferences#connection
+      connectMessage: getStringNet("torConnect.connectMessage", "Changes to Tor Settings will not take effect until you connect"),
+      tryAgainMessage: getStringNet("torConnect.tryAgainMessage", "Tor Browser has failed to establish a connection to the Tor Network"),
+      yourLocation: getStringNet("torConnect.yourLocation", "Your Location"),
+      tryBridge: getStringNet("torConnect.tryBridge", "Try a Bridge"),
+      selectCountryRegion: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.selectCountryRegion",
+        "Select Country or Region",
+      ),
+      // TorConnect.jsm error messages
+      autoBootstrappingFailed: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.autoBootstrappingFailed",
+        "Automatic configuration failed"
+      ),
+      autoBootstrappingAllFailed: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.autoBootstrappingFailed",
+        "None of the configurations we tried worked"
+      ),
+      cannotDetermineCountry: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.cannotDetermineCountry",
+        "Unable to determine user country"
+      ),
+      noSettingsForCountry: getStringNet(
+        "torConnect.noSettingsForCountry",
+        "No settings available for your location"
+      ),
+    };
+  })(),
+  /*
+    Tor Onion Services Strings, e.g., for the authentication prompt.
+  */
+  onionServices: (function() {
+    let tsb = new TorPropertyStringBundle(
+      "chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.properties",
+      "onionServices."
+    );
+    let getString = function(key, fallback) {
+      return tsb.getString(key, fallback);
+    };
+    const kProblemLoadingSiteFallback = "Problem Loading Onionsite";
+    const kLongDescFallback = "Details: %S";
+    let retval = {
+      learnMore: getString("learnMore", "Learn more"),
+      learnMoreURL: `https://support.torproject.org/${getLocale()}/onionservices/client-auth/`,
+      errorPage: {
+        browser: getString("errorPage.browser", "Browser"),
+        network: getString("errorPage.network", "Network"),
+        onionSite: getString("errorPage.onionSite", "Onionsite"),
+      },
+      descNotFound: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF0
+        pageTitle: getString("descNotFound.pageTitle", kProblemLoadingSiteFallback),
+        header: getString("descNotFound.header", "Onionsite Not Found"),
+        longDescription: getString("descNotFound.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      descInvalid: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF1
+        pageTitle: getString("descInvalid.pageTitle", kProblemLoadingSiteFallback),
+        header: getString("descInvalid.header", "Onionsite Cannot Be Reached"),
+        longDescription: getString("descInvalid.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      introFailed: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF2
+        pageTitle: getString("introFailed.pageTitle", kProblemLoadingSiteFallback),
+        header: getString("introFailed.header", "Onionsite Has Disconnected"),
+        longDescription: getString("introFailed.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      rendezvousFailed: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF3
+        pageTitle: getString("rendezvousFailed.pageTitle", kProblemLoadingSiteFallback),
+        header: getString("rendezvousFailed.header", "Unable to Connect to Onionsite"),
+        longDescription: getString("rendezvousFailed.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      clientAuthMissing: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF4
+        pageTitle: getString("clientAuthMissing.pageTitle", "Authorization Required"),
+        header: getString("clientAuthMissing.header", "Onionsite Requires Authentication"),
+        longDescription: getString("clientAuthMissing.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      clientAuthIncorrect: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF5
+        pageTitle: getString("clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle", "Authorization Failed"),
+        header: getString("clientAuthIncorrect.header", "Onionsite Authentication Failed"),
+        longDescription: getString("clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      badAddress: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF6
+        pageTitle: getString("badAddress.pageTitle", kProblemLoadingSiteFallback),
+        header: getString("badAddress.header", "Invalid Onionsite Address"),
+        longDescription: getString("badAddress.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      introTimedOut: { // Tor SOCKS error 0xF7
+        pageTitle: getString("introTimedOut.pageTitle", kProblemLoadingSiteFallback),
+        header: getString("introTimedOut.header", "Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out"),
+        longDescription: getString("introTimedOut.longDescription", kLongDescFallback),
+      },
+      authPrompt: {
+        description:
+          getString("authPrompt.description2", "%S is requesting that you authenticate."),
+        keyPlaceholder: getString("authPrompt.keyPlaceholder", "Enter your key"),
+        done: getString("authPrompt.done", "Done"),
+        doneAccessKey: getString("authPrompt.doneAccessKey", "d"),
+        invalidKey: getString("authPrompt.invalidKey", "Invalid key"),
+        failedToSetKey:
+          getString("authPrompt.failedToSetKey", "Failed to set key"),
+      },
+      authPreferences: {
+        header: getString("authPreferences.header", "Onion Services Authentication"),
+        overview: getString("authPreferences.overview", "Some onion services require that you identify yourself with a key"),
+        savedKeys: getString("authPreferences.savedKeys", "Saved Keys"),
+        dialogTitle: getString("authPreferences.dialogTitle", "Onion Services Keys"),
+        dialogIntro: getString("authPreferences.dialogIntro", "Keys for the following onionsites are stored on your computer"),
+        onionSite: getString("authPreferences.onionSite", "Onionsite"),
+        onionKey: getString("authPreferences.onionKey", "Key"),
+        remove: getString("authPreferences.remove", "Remove"),
+        removeAll: getString("authPreferences.removeAll", "Remove All"),
+        failedToGetKeys: getString("authPreferences.failedToGetKeys", "Failed to get keys"),
+        failedToRemoveKey: getString("authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey", "Failed to remove key"),
+      },
+    };
+    return retval;
+  })() /* Tor Onion Services Strings */,
+  /*
+    OnionLocation
+  */
+  onionLocation: (function() {
+    const tsb = new TorPropertyStringBundle(
+      ["chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.properties"],
+      "onionLocation."
+    );
+    const getString = function(key, fallback) {
+      return tsb.getString(key, fallback);
+    };
+    const retval = {
+      alwaysPrioritize: getString(
+        "alwaysPrioritize",
+        "Always Prioritize Onionsites"
+      ),
+      alwaysPrioritizeAccessKey: getString("alwaysPrioritizeAccessKey", "a"),
+      notNow: getString("notNow", "Not Now"),
+      notNowAccessKey: getString("notNowAccessKey", "n"),
+      description: getString(
+        "description",
+        "Website publishers can protect users by adding a security layer. This prevents eavesdroppers from knowing that you are the one visiting that website."
+      ),
+      tryThis: getString("tryThis", "Try this: Onionsite"),
+      onionAvailable: getString("onionAvailable", "Onionsite available"),
+      learnMore: getString("learnMore", "Learn more"),
+      learnMoreURL: `https://tb-manual.torproject.org/${getLocale()}/onion-services/`,
+      always: getString("always", "Always"),
+      askEverytime: getString("askEverytime", "Ask you every time"),
+      prioritizeOnionsDescription: getString(
+        "prioritizeOnionsDescription",
+        "Prioritize onionsites when they are available."
+      ),
+      onionServicesTitle: getString("onionServicesTitle", "Onion Services"),
+    };
+    return retval;
+  })() /* OnionLocation */,
+  /*
+    Tor Deamon Configuration Key Strings
+  */
+  // TODO: proper camel case
+  configKeys: {
+    /* Bridge Conf Settings */
+    useBridges: "UseBridges",
+    bridgeList: "Bridge",
+    /* Proxy Conf Strings */
+    socks4Proxy: "Socks4Proxy",
+    socks5Proxy: "Socks5Proxy",
+    socks5ProxyUsername: "Socks5ProxyUsername",
+    socks5ProxyPassword: "Socks5ProxyPassword",
+    httpsProxy: "HTTPSProxy",
+    httpsProxyAuthenticator: "HTTPSProxyAuthenticator",
+    /* Firewall Conf Strings */
+    reachableAddresses: "ReachableAddresses",
+    /* BridgeDB Strings */
+    clientTransportPlugin: "ClientTransportPlugin",
+  },
+  /*
+    about:config preference keys
+  */
+  preferenceKeys: {
+    defaultBridgeType: "extensions.torlauncher.default_bridge_type",
+    recommendedBridgeType:
+      "extensions.torlauncher.default_bridge_recommended_type",
+  },
+  /*
+    about:config preference branches
+  */
+  preferenceBranches: {
+    defaultBridge: "extensions.torlauncher.default_bridge.",
+    bridgeDBBridges: "extensions.torlauncher.bridgedb_bridge.",
+  },
diff --git a/browser/modules/moz.build b/browser/modules/moz.build
index 646784690c9a6..bc543283d887b 100644
--- a/browser/modules/moz.build
+++ b/browser/modules/moz.build
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ EXTRA_JS_MODULES += [
+    "TorStrings.jsm",

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