[tor-commits] [bridgedb/develop] Trust but verify bridge descriptors

cohosh at torproject.org cohosh at torproject.org
Tue Mar 2 15:35:28 UTC 2021

commit 60e809ffa7aa22de9cd7e5e152e6916606b387d5
Author: Cecylia Bocovich <cohosh at torproject.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 24 11:15:10 2021 -0500

    Trust but verify bridge descriptors
    These descriptors are already validated by the Bridge Authority. Instead
    of potentially DoS-ing ourselves, accept all descriptors but log an
    error if stem validation fails.
 bridgedb/parse/descriptors.py           |  51 +++++++------
 bridgedb/test/test_parse_descriptors.py | 128 +++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bridgedb/parse/descriptors.py b/bridgedb/parse/descriptors.py
index d3a3802..8baf7a8 100644
--- a/bridgedb/parse/descriptors.py
+++ b/bridgedb/parse/descriptors.py
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def deduplicate(descriptors, statistics=False):
     return newest
-def parseExtraInfoFiles(*filenames, **kwargs):
+def parseExtraInfoFiles(*descriptorFiles):
     """Open **filenames** and parse any ``@type bridge-extrainfo-descriptor``
     contained within.
@@ -229,13 +229,6 @@ def parseExtraInfoFiles(*filenames, **kwargs):
     .. note:: This function will call :func:`deduplicate` to deduplicate the
         extrainfo descriptors parsed from all **filenames**.
-    :kwargs validate: If there is a ``'validate'`` keyword argument, its value
-        will be passed along as the ``'validate'`` argument to
-        :class:`stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor.BridgeExtraInfoDescriptor`.
-        The ``'validate'`` keyword argument defaults to ``True``, meaning that
-        the hash digest stored in the ``router-digest`` line will be checked
-        against the actual contents of the descriptor and the extrainfo
-        document's signature will be verified.
     :rtype: dict
     :returns: A dictionary mapping bridge fingerprints to their corresponding,
@@ -254,33 +247,45 @@ def parseExtraInfoFiles(*filenames, **kwargs):
     #      to be a signature).
     descriptorType = 'extra-info 1.0'
-    validate = True
-    if ('validate' in kwargs) and (kwargs['validate'] is False):
-        validate = False
-    for filename in filenames:
-        logging.info("Parsing %s descriptors in %s..."
-                     % (descriptorType, filename))
+    for descFile in descriptorFiles:
         # Make sure we open the file rather than passing in a path so that
         # subsequent calls to parse_file will use the current file position
         # to continue parsing the remaining descriptors after an exception
         # is raised
-        descFile = open(filename, 'rb')
+        if isinstance(descFile, str):
+          descFile = open(descFile, 'rb')  # open by filename
+        filename = os.path.basename(descFile.name)
+        copied = False
         while True:
-                document = parse_file(descFile, descriptorType, validate=validate)
+                document = parse_file(descFile, descriptorType, validate=True)
                 for router in document:
-                    descriptors.append(router)
+                    logging.info("Successfully parsed descriptor for %s."
+                            % router.fingerprint)
                 break # Reached end of file
             except (ValueError, ProtocolError) as error:
-                logging.error(
-                    ("Stem exception while parsing extrainfo descriptor from "
+                # For now we are just logging validation errors, we'll
+                # trust and parse all descriptors later
+                logging.warning(
+                    ("Stem exception while validating extrainfo descriptor from "
                      "file '%s':\n%s") % (filename, str(error)))
-                _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile(filename)
+                if not copied:
+                    _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile(filename)
+                    copied = True
+        # Now seek to start of document and parse all descriptors again
+        descFile.seek(0)
+        try:
+            document = parse_file(descFile, descriptorType, validate=False)
+            for router in document:
+                descriptors.append(router)
+        except Exception as error:
+            logging.error("Stem exception while parsing extrainfo descriptor %s"
+                    % str(error))
     routers = deduplicate(descriptors)
     return routers
diff --git a/bridgedb/test/test_parse_descriptors.py b/bridgedb/test/test_parse_descriptors.py
index 86b7d1f..4874161 100644
--- a/bridgedb/test/test_parse_descriptors.py
+++ b/bridgedb/test/test_parse_descriptors.py
@@ -690,16 +690,6 @@ class ParseDescriptorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
             with Benchmarker():
                 routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(*descFiles)
-    def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_no_validate(self):
-        """Test for ``b.p.descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles`` with
-        descriptor validation disabled.
-        """
-        descFileOne = self.writeTestDescriptorsToFile('cached-extrainfo',
-        routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFileOne,
-                                                  validate=False)
-        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(routers), 1)
     def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_unparseable(self):
         """Test parsing three extrainfo descriptors: one is a valid descriptor,
         one is an older duplicate, and one is unparseable (it has a bad
@@ -742,11 +732,39 @@ class ParseDescriptorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
             datetime.datetime.strptime("2014-12-04 03:10:25", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
             "We should have the newest available descriptor for this router.")
+    def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_invalid(self):
+        """Test parsing three extrainfo descriptors: one is a valid descriptor,
+        and the other is completely invalid (lacking a signature).
+        BridgeDB should parse the valid descriptor if it preceeds the mangled
+        one and then terminate.
+        """
+        # Give it a bad geoip-db-digest:
+        unparseable = b'DontParseMe F373CC1D86D82267F1F1F5D39470F0E0A022122E'
+        descFile = self.writeTestDescriptorsToFile('cached-extrainfo',
+        routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFile)
+        self.assertIsInstance(routers, dict)
+        self.assertEqual(len(routers), 2, (
+            "There were three extrainfo descriptors: one lacks a signature, "
+            "and one was duplicate. Given our trust-but-verify policy that should "
+            "give us two descriptors"))
+        bridge = list(routers.values())[0]
+        self.assertEqual(
+            bridge.fingerprint,
+            "E08B324D20AD0A13E114F027AB9AC3F32CA696A0",
+            ("It looks like the (supposedly) unparseable bridge was returned "
+             "instead of the valid one!"))
     def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_unparseable_and_parseable(self):
         """Test parsing four extrainfo descriptors: two are valid descriptors,
-        one is an older duplicate of one of the valid descriptors, and one is
-        unparseable (it has a line we shouldn't recognise). There should be
-        only two descriptors returned after parsing.
+        one is an older duplicate of one of the valid descriptors, and fails
+        Stem's validation. Since the bridge authority already does validation,
+        we should except the unparseable descriptor. There should be three
+        descriptors returned after parsing.
         # Mess up the bridge-ip-transports line:
         unparseable = BRIDGE_EXTRA_INFO_DESCRIPTOR.replace(
@@ -770,13 +788,13 @@ class ParseDescriptorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
         routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFile)
         self.assertIsInstance(routers, dict)
-        self.assertEqual(len(routers), 2, (
+        self.assertEqual(len(routers), 3, (
             "There were four extrainfo descriptors: one was a duplicate, "
-            "and one was unparseable, so that should only leave two "
-            "descriptors remaining."))
+            "and one will throw a validation error, but all three "
+            "descriptors should be returned."))
-        self.assertNotIn("F373CC1D86D82267F1F1F5D39470F0E0A022122E", routers.keys(),
-                         "The 'unparseable' descriptor was returned by the parser.")
+        self.assertIn("F373CC1D86D82267F1F1F5D39470F0E0A022122E", routers.keys(),
+                         "The 'unparseable' descriptor was not returned by the parser.")
         self.assertIn("E08B324D20AD0A13E114F027AB9AC3F32CA696A0", routers.keys(),
             ("A bridge extrainfo which had duplicates was completely missing "
@@ -789,56 +807,6 @@ class ParseDescriptorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIn("2B5DA67FBA13A6449DE625673B7AE9E3AA7DF75F", routers.keys(),
                       "The 'parseable' descriptor wasn't returned by the parser.")
-    def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_bad_signature_footer(self):
-        """Calling parseExtraInfoFiles() with a descriptor which has a
-        signature with a bad "-----END SIGNATURE-----" footer should return
-        zero parsed descriptors.
-        """
-        unparseable = BRIDGE_EXTRA_INFO_DESCRIPTOR.replace(
-            b'-----END SIGNATURE-----',
-            b'-----END SIGNATURE FOR REALZ-----')
-        # This must be a "real" file or _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile() will
-        # raise an AttributeError saying:
-        # '_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'rpartition'"
-        descFileOne = self.writeTestDescriptorsToFile(
-            "bad-signature-footer", unparseable)
-        routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFileOne)
-        self.assertEqual(len(routers), 0)
-    def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_missing_signature(self):
-        """Calling parseExtraInfoFiles() with a descriptor which is
-        missing the signature should return zero parsed descriptors.
-        """
-        # Remove the signature
-        BEGIN_SIG = b'-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----'
-        unparseable, _ = BRIDGE_EXTRA_INFO_DESCRIPTOR.split(BEGIN_SIG)
-        # This must be a "real" file or _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile() will
-        # raise an AttributeError saying:
-        # '_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'rpartition'"
-        descFileOne = self.writeTestDescriptorsToFile(
-            "missing-signature", unparseable)
-        routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFileOne)
-        self.assertEqual(len(routers), 0)
-    def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_bad_signature_too_short(self):
-        """Calling _verifyExtraInfoSignature() with a descriptor which has a
-        bad signature should raise an InvalidExtraInfoSignature exception.
-        """
-        # Truncate the signature to 50 bytes
-        BEGIN_SIG = b'-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----'
-        unparseable = BEGIN_SIG.join([doc, sig[:50]])
-        # This must be a "real" file or _copyUnparseableDescriptorFile() will
-        # raise an AttributeError saying:
-        # '_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'rpartition'"
-        descFileOne = self.writeTestDescriptorsToFile(
-            "truncated-signature", unparseable)
-        routers = descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFileOne)
-        self.assertEqual(len(routers), 0)
     def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_unparseable(self):
         """Test parsing three extrainfo descriptors: one is a valid descriptor,
         one is an older duplicate, and one is unparseable (it has a bad
@@ -863,15 +831,23 @@ class ParseDescriptorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
         descriptors.parseExtraInfoFiles(descFileOne, descFileTwo, descFileThree)
-        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
-        timestamp = timestamp.isoformat(sep=chr(0x2d))
-        timestamp = timestamp.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
+        matchingFiles = glob.glob("*copy-unparseable-test.unparseable")
+        self.assertEqual(len(matchingFiles), 1)
+        newFile = matchingFiles[-1]
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(newFile))
+        timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(newFile.split("_")[0],
+                "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
+        # The timestamp should be roughly today (unless we just passed
+        # midnight, then it might be +/- 1):
+        self.assertApproximates(timestamp.now().day, timestamp.day, 1)
-        path, sep, fname = descFileThree.rpartition(os.path.sep)
-        newfilename = "%s%s%s_%s%sunparseable" % (path, sep, timestamp,
-                                                  fname, os.path.extsep)
+        # The timestamp should be roughly this hour (+/- 1):
+        self.assertApproximates(timestamp.now().hour, timestamp.hour, 1)
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newfilename))
+        # The timestamp should be roughly this minute (+/- 2):
+        self.assertApproximates(timestamp.now().minute, timestamp.minute, 2)
     def test_parse_descriptors_parseExtraInfoFiles_empty_file(self):
         """Test parsing an empty extrainfo descriptors file."""
@@ -930,7 +906,7 @@ class ParseDescriptorsTests(unittest.TestCase):
         timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(newFile.split("_")[0],
-                                               "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
+                "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
         # The timestamp should be roughly today (unless we just passed
         # midnight, then it might be +/- 1):
         self.assertApproximates(timestamp.now().day, timestamp.day, 1)

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