[tor-commits] [tor/master] Split required/recommended protocol lists into multiple lines

dgoulet at torproject.org dgoulet at torproject.org
Tue Oct 27 13:41:20 UTC 2020

commit 4298d87756e5bdb83276de1f361860c198b3c0c9
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm at torproject.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 18 16:18:42 2020 -0400

    Split required/recommended protocol lists into multiple lines
    This should make diffs easier to read.
 src/feature/dirauth/dirvote.h | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/feature/dirauth/dirvote.h b/src/feature/dirauth/dirvote.h
index 1b1c9f2cc7..7cfa72ead5 100644
--- a/src/feature/dirauth/dirvote.h
+++ b/src/feature/dirauth/dirvote.h
@@ -239,31 +239,62 @@ STATIC microdesc_t *dirvote_create_microdescriptor(const routerinfo_t *ri,
  * Recommending a new protocol causes old tor versions to log a warning.
-  "Cons=1-2 Desc=1-2 DirCache=2 HSDir=2 HSIntro=4 HSRend=2 " \
-  "Link=5 LinkAuth=3 Microdesc=1-2 Relay=2"
+  "Cons=2 "                           \
+  "Desc=2 "                           \
+  "DirCache=1-2 "                     \
+  "HSDir=1 "                          \
+  "HSIntro=3 "                        \
+  "HSRend=1 "                         \
+  "Link=4 "                           \
+  "Microdesc=2 "                      \
+  "Relay=2"
 /** The recommended client protocols for this authority's votes.
  * Recommending a new protocol causes old tor versions to log a warning.
-  "Cons=1-2 Desc=1-2 DirCache=2 HSDir=2 HSIntro=4 HSRend=2 " \
-  "Link=5 LinkAuth=3 Microdesc=1-2 Relay=2"
+  "Cons=1-2 "                          \
+  "Desc=1-2 "                          \
+  "DirCache=2 "                        \
+  "HSDir=2 "                           \
+  "HSIntro=4 "                         \
+  "HSRend=2 "                          \
+  "Link=5 "                            \
+  "LinkAuth=3 "                        \
+  "Microdesc=1-2 "                     \
+  "Relay=2"
 /** The required relay protocols for this authority's votes.
  * WARNING: Requiring a new protocol causes old tor versions to shut down.
  *          Requiring the wrong protocols can break the tor network.
  * See Proposal 303: When and how to remove support for protocol versions.
-  "Cons=1 Desc=1 DirCache=1 HSDir=1 HSIntro=3 HSRend=1 " \
-  "Link=3-4 Microdesc=1 Relay=1-2"
+#define DIRVOTE_REQUIRE_RELAY_PROTO             \
+  "Cons=1 "                                     \
+  "Desc=1 "                                     \
+  "DirCache=1 "                                 \
+  "HSDir=1 "                                    \
+  "HSIntro=3 "                                  \
+  "HSRend=1 "                                   \
+  "Link=3-4 "                                   \
+  "Microdesc=1 "                                \
+  "Relay=1-2"                                   \
 /** The required relay protocols for this authority's votes.
  * WARNING: Requiring a new protocol causes old tor versions to shut down.
  *          Requiring the wrong protocols can break the tor network.
  * See Proposal 303: When and how to remove support for protocol versions.
-  "Cons=1-2 Desc=1-2 DirCache=1 HSDir=1 HSIntro=3 HSRend=1 " \
-  "Link=4 Microdesc=1-2 Relay=2"
+  "Cons=1-2 "                        \
+  "Desc=1-2 "                        \
+  "DirCache=1 "                      \
+  "HSDir=1 "                         \
+  "HSIntro=3 "                       \
+  "HSRend=1 "                        \
+  "Link=4 "                          \
+  "Microdesc=1-2 "                   \
+  "Relay=2"
 #endif /* defined(DIRVOTE_PRIVATE) */

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