[tor-commits] [stem/master] Move running_hidden_service test
atagar at torproject.org
atagar at torproject.org
Fri Oct 2 23:16:05 UTC 2020
commit 469a925991acdd3e99cc486215aac673a5f81062
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date: Sun Sep 27 17:11:24 2020 -0700
Move running_hidden_service test
test/unit/examples.py | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
test/unit/tutorial.py | 76 +--------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/unit/examples.py b/test/unit/examples.py
index cadf3048..ef1d9ed9 100644
--- a/test/unit/examples.py
+++ b/test/unit/examples.py
@@ -155,6 +155,14 @@ Checking for outdated relays...
A7569A83B5706AB1B1A9CB52EFF7D2D32E4553EB: caerSidi
+ * Connecting to tor
+ * Creating our hidden service in /home/atagar/.tor/hello_world
+ * Our service is available at uxiuaxejc3sxrb6i.onion, press ctrl+c to quit
+ * Shutting down our hidden service
Getting gabelmoo's vote from
5935 measured entries and 1332 unmeasured
@@ -570,8 +578,33 @@ class TestExamples(unittest.TestCase):
def test_resuming_ephemeral_hidden_service(self):
- def test_running_hidden_service(self):
- pass
+ @patch('stem.control.Controller.from_port', spec = Controller)
+ @patch('shutil.rmtree')
+ @patch('sys.stdout', new_callable = io.StringIO)
+ def test_running_hidden_service(self, stdout_mock, rmtree_mock, from_port_mock):
+ original_modules = dict(sys.modules)
+ try:
+ flask_mock = Mock()
+ hidden_service_data = Mock()
+ hidden_service_data.hostname = 'uxiuaxejc3sxrb6i.onion'
+ controller = from_port_mock().__enter__()
+ controller.get_conf.return_value = '/home/atagar/.tor'
+ controller.create_hidden_service.return_value = hidden_service_data
+ sys.modules['flask'] = flask_mock
+ import running_hidden_service
+ controller.get_conf.assert_called_once_with('DataDirectory', '/tmp')
+ controller.create_hidden_service.assert_called_once_with('/home/atagar/.tor/hello_world', 80, target_port = 5000)
+ rmtree_mock.assert_called_once_with('/home/atagar/.tor/hello_world')
+ self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_RUNNING_HIDDEN_SERVICE, stdout_mock.getvalue())
+ finally:
+ sys.modules = original_modules
def test_saving_and_loading_descriptors(self):
diff --git a/test/unit/tutorial.py b/test/unit/tutorial.py
index f35a6b6d..d6b6ee3b 100644
--- a/test/unit/tutorial.py
+++ b/test/unit/tutorial.py
@@ -7,20 +7,12 @@ import unittest
import stem.descriptor.remote
-from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+from unittest.mock import patch
-from stem.control import Controller
from stem.descriptor.router_status_entry import RouterStatusEntryV3
from stem.descriptor.networkstatus import NetworkStatusDocumentV3
from stem.descriptor.server_descriptor import RelayDescriptor
- * Connecting to tor
- * Creating our hidden service in /home/atagar/.tor/hello_world
- * Our service is available at uxiuaxejc3sxrb6i.onion, press ctrl+c to quit
- * Shutting down our hidden service
1. speedyexit (102.13 KB/s)
2. speedyexit (102.13 KB/s)
@@ -35,72 +27,6 @@ class TestTutorial(unittest.TestCase):
stem.descriptor.remote.SINGLETON_DOWNLOADER = None
- @patch('sys.stdout', new_callable = io.StringIO)
- @patch('shutil.rmtree')
- @patch('stem.control.Controller.from_port', spec = Controller)
- def test_over_the_river(self, from_port_mock, rmtree_mock, stdout_mock):
- def tutorial_example(app):
- import os
- import shutil
- from stem.control import Controller
- @app.route('/')
- def index():
- return '<h1>Hi Grandma!</h1>'
- print(' * Connecting to tor')
- with Controller.from_port() as controller:
- controller.authenticate()
- # All hidden services have a directory on disk. Lets put ours in tor's data
- # directory.
- hidden_service_dir = os.path.join(controller.get_conf('DataDirectory', '/tmp'), 'hello_world')
- # Create a hidden service where visitors of port 80 get redirected to local
- # port 5000 (this is where flask runs by default).
- print(' * Creating our hidden service in %s' % hidden_service_dir)
- result = controller.create_hidden_service(hidden_service_dir, 80, target_port = 5000)
- # The hostname is only available we can read the hidden service directory.
- # This requires us to be running with the same user as tor.
- if result.hostname:
- print(' * Our service is available at %s, press ctrl+c to quit' % result.hostname)
- else:
- print(" * Unable to determine our service's hostname, probably due to being unable to read the hidden service directory")
- try:
- app.run()
- finally:
- # Shut down the hidden service and clean it off disk. Note that you *don't*
- # want to delete the hidden service directory if you'd like to have this
- # same *.onion address in the future.
- print(' * Shutting down our hidden service')
- controller.remove_hidden_service(hidden_service_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(hidden_service_dir)
- flask_mock = Mock()
- hidden_service_data = Mock()
- hidden_service_data.hostname = 'uxiuaxejc3sxrb6i.onion'
- controller = from_port_mock().__enter__()
- controller.get_conf.return_value = '/home/atagar/.tor'
- controller.create_hidden_service.return_value = hidden_service_data
- tutorial_example(flask_mock)
- controller.get_conf.assert_called_once_with('DataDirectory', '/tmp')
- controller.create_hidden_service.assert_called_once_with('/home/atagar/.tor/hello_world', 80, target_port = 5000)
- rmtree_mock.assert_called_once_with('/home/atagar/.tor/hello_world')
- self.assertEqual(OVER_THE_RIVER_OUTPUT, stdout_mock.getvalue())
@patch('sys.stdout', new_callable = io.StringIO)
@patch('%s.open' % __name__, create = True)
def test_mirror_mirror_on_the_wall_3(self, open_mock, stdout_mock):
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