[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttonproperties] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=torbutton-torbuttonproperties
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Thu May 14 11:21:31 UTC 2020
commit ee20eef0fbccf48ed87f6c6a44b452886838fbfc
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Thu May 14 11:21:29 2020 +0000
hu/torbutton.properties | 12 ++++++------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hu/torbutton.properties b/hu/torbutton.properties
index fa8e2fe358..7439728e8e 100644
--- a/hu/torbutton.properties
+++ b/hu/torbutton.properties
@@ -101,22 +101,22 @@ onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S â The client was
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Probléma az Onionsite betöltésekor
onionServices.badAddress.header=Invalid Onionsite Address
-onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.
+onionServices.badAddress=A megadott onionsite cÃm érvénytelen. Kérjük ellenÅrizze megfelelÅen adta-e meg.
onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S â The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Probléma az Onionsite betöltésekor
-onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
-onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to a poor network connection.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite áramkör létrehozás idÅtúllépés
+onionServices.introTimedOut=Sikertelen a csatlakozás az onionsite-hoz, feltehetÅen a gyenge hálózati kapcsolat miatt.
onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S â The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
-onionServices.authPrompt.description=%S is requesting your private key.
-onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Enter your private key for this onion service
+onionServices.authPrompt.description=%S kéri a privát kulcsát.
+onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Adja meg privát kulcsát ehhez az onion szolgáltatáshoz
onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=Please enter a valid key (52 base32 characters or 44 base64 characters)
onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=Unable to configure Tor with your key
-onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion Services Authentication
+onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion szolgáltatások autentikáció
onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Some onion services require that you identify yourself with a key (a kind of password) before you can access them.
onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Mentett kulcsok...
onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Onion szolgáltatás kulcsok
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