[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-browseronboardingproperties_completed] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=torbutton-browseronboardingproperties_completed
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Tue Jan 28 21:22:16 UTC 2020
commit ab6dccf077f826735481c0bc99232020665ba7d9
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Tue Jan 28 21:22:14 2020 +0000
nb-NO/browserOnboarding.properties | 109 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nb-NO/browserOnboarding.properties b/nb-NO/browserOnboarding.properties
index 8ae659122a..04a6c0a67e 100644
--- a/nb-NO/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/nb-NO/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -2,70 +2,71 @@
# See LICENSE for licensing information.
# vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et:
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=Du er klar.
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=Tor Nettleser tilbyr den høyeste standarden på personvern og sikkerhet mens du surfer på nettet. Du er nå beskyttet mot sporing, overvåkning og sensur. Denne raske onboarding vil vise deg hvordan.
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.next-button=Gå til Personvern
+# onboarding.tour-tor-welcome=Welcome
+# onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=You’re ready.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=Tor Browser offers the highest standard of privacy and security while browsing the web. You’re now protected against tracking, surveillance, and censorship. This quick onboarding will show you how.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.next-button=Go to Privacy
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.title=Avvis snokere og sporing.
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.description=Tor Nettleser isolerer informasjonskapsler og sletter nettleserens historie etter økten. Disse endringene sikrer at personvernet ditt og sikkerheten er beskyttet i nettleseren. Klikk "Tor Nettverk" for å lære hvordan vi beskytter deg på nettverksnivå.
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=Gå til Tor Nettverk
+# onboarding.tour-tor-privacy=Privacy
+# onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.title=Snub trackers and snoopers.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.description=Tor Browser isolates cookies and deletes your browser history after your session. These modifications ensure your privacy and security are protected in the browser. Click ‘Tor Network’ to learn how we protect you on the network level.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=Go to Tor Network
-onboarding.tour-tor-network=Tor Nettverk
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=Reis et decentralisert nettverk.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor Nettleser forbinder deg med Tor-nettet som drives av tusenvis av frivillige rundt om i verden. I motsetning til en VPN er det ingen feilpunkt eller sentralisert enhet du må stole på for å kunne nyte Internettet privat.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=Gå til Kretsvisning
+# onboarding.tour-tor-network=Tor Network
+# onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=Travel a decentralized network.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor Browser connects you to the Tor network run by thousands of volunteers around the world. Unlike a VPN, there’s no one point of failure or centralized entity you need to trust in order to enjoy the internet privately.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-network.description-para2=NEW: Tor Network Settings, including the ability to request bridges where Tor is blocked, can now be found in Preferences.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-network.action-button=Adjust Your Tor Network Settings
+# onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=Go to Circuit Display
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.title=Se din vei.
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.description=For hvert domene du besøker, blir trafikken din omdirigert og kryptert i en krets over tre Tor-reléer rundt om i verden. Ingen nettside vet hvor du kobler fra. Du kan be om en ny krets ved å klikke "Ny krets for dette nettstedet" på vår kretsvisning.
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.button=Se Min Vei
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.next-button=Gå til Sikkerhet
+# onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display=Circuit Display
+# onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.title=See your path.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.description=For each domain you visit, your traffic is relayed and encrypted in a circuit across three Tor relays around the world. No website knows where you are connecting from. You can request a new circuit by clicking ‘New Circuit for this Site’ on our Circuit Display.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.button=See My Path
+# onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.next-button=Go to Security
-onboarding.tour-tor-security.title=Velg din opplevelse.
-onboarding.tour-tor-security.description=Vi gir deg også tilleggsinnstillinger for å støte på nettleserens sikkerhet. Våre sikkerhetsinnstillinger lar deg blokkere elementer som kan brukes til å angripe datamaskinen din. Klikk nedenfor for å se hva de forskjellige alternativene gjør.
-onboarding.tour-tor-security.description-suffix=Merk: Som standard er NoScript og HTTPS Everywhere ikke inkludert i verktøylinjen, men du kan tilpasse verktøylinjen din for å legge dem til.
-onboarding.tour-tor-security-level.button=Se Sikkerhetsnivået Ditt
-onboarding.tour-tor-security-level.next-button=Gå til opplevelsestips
+# onboarding.tour-tor-security=Security
+# onboarding.tour-tor-security.title=Choose your experience.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-security.description=We also provide you with additional settings for bumping up your browser security. Our Security Settings allow you to block elements that could be used to attack your computer. Click below to see what the different options do.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-security.description-suffix=Note: By default, NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere are not included on the toolbar, but you can customize your toolbar to add them.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-security-level.button=See Your Security Level
+# onboarding.tour-tor-security-level.next-button=Go to Experience Tips
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.title=Forvent noen forskjeller.
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.description=Med alle de sikkerhets og personvernfunksjonene som Tor leverer, kan din erfaring mens du surfer på Internett, være litt annerledes. Det kan være litt tregere, og avhengig av sikkerhetsnivået, kan noen elementer ikke fungere eller lastes. Du kan også bli bedt om å bevise at du er et menneske og ikke en robot.
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.button=se FAQs
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.next-button=Gå til Onion Tjenester
+# onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences=Experience Tips
+# onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.title=Expect some differences.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.description=With all the security and privacy features provided by Tor, your experience while browsing the internet may be a little different. Things may be a bit slower, and depending on your security level, some elements may not work or load. You may also be asked to prove you are a human and not a robot.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.button=See FAQs
+# onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.next-button=Go to Onion Services
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.title=Vær ekstra beskyttet.
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.description=Onion tjenester er nettsteder som slutter med en .onion som gir ekstra beskyttelse til utgivere og besøkende, inkludert ekstra sikkerhetskontroll mot sensur. Onion tjenester tillater alle å gi innhold og tjenester anonymt. Klikk nedenfor for å besøke DuckDuckGo-onionstedet.
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.button=Besøk en Onion
+# onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services=Onion Services
+# onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.title=Be extra protected.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.description=Onion services are sites that end with a .onion that provide extra protections to publishers and visitors, including added safeguards against censorship. Onion services allow anyone to provide content and services anonymously. Click below to visit the DuckDuckGo onion site.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.button=Visit an Onion
+# onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.next-button=Done
-onboarding.overlay-icon-tooltip-updated2=Se hva som er nytt\ni %S
+# onboarding.overlay-icon-tooltip-updated2=See what's new\nin %S
+# onboarding.tour-tor-update.prefix-new=New
+# onboarding.tour-tor-update.prefix-updated=Updated
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-8.5.description=Vi forbedret nettleserverktøylinjeoppsettet. Vi flyttet Tor-knappikonet etter URL-linjen, og vi la til et sikkerhetsnivåikon ved siden av.
-onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-8.5.next-button=Gå til Sikkerhet
-onboarding.tour-tor-security-update-8.5.description=Vi forbedret måten du ser og velger sikkerhetsnivået ditt. Vi erstattet sikkerhetsglidebryteren med et verktøylinjeikon som gjør ditt nåværende nivå synlig til enhver tid. Klikk på det for å vise detaljer om ditt nåværende nivå eller for å endre sikkerhetsinstillingene.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar=Toolbar
+# onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.title=Goodbye Onion Button.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description=We want your experience using Tor to be fully integrated within Tor Browser.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.description-para2=That's why now, rather than using the onion button, you can see your Tor Circuit via the [i] in the URL bar and request a New Identity using the toolbar button or the [≡] menu.
+# onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.button=How to Request a New Identity
+# onboarding.tour-tor-toolbar-update-9.0.next-button=Go to Tor Network
# Circuit Display onboarding.
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.one-of-three=1 av 3
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.two-of-three=2 av 3
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.three-of-three=3 av 3
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.next=Next
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.done=Done
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.one-of-three=1 of 3
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.two-of-three=2 of 3
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.three-of-three=3 of 3
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.intro.title=Hvordan fungerer kretser?
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.intro.msg=Kretsene består av tilfeldig tilordnede reléer, som er datamaskiner rundt om i verden, konfigurert til å sende Tor-trafikk. Kretser lar deg bla gjennom privat og koble til løktjenester.
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.intro.title=How do circuits work?
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.intro.msg=Circuits are made up of randomly assigned relays, which are computers around the world configured to forward Tor traffic. Circuits allow you to browse privately and to connect to onion services.
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.diagram.msg=Dette diagrammet viser reléene som utgjør kretsen for denne nettsiden. For å forhindre kobling av aktivitet på forskjellige nettsteder, får hver nettside en annen krets.
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.diagram.title=Circuit Display
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.diagram.msg=This diagram shows the relays that make up the circuit for this website. To prevent linking of activity across different sites, each website gets a different circuit.
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.new-circuit.title=Trenger du en ny krets?
-onboarding.tor-circuit-display.new-circuit.msg=Hvis du ikke kan koble til nettstedet du prøver å besøke, eller det ikke lastes riktig, kan du bruke denne knappen til å laste siden på nytt med en ny krets.
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.new-circuit.title=Do you need a new circuit?
+# onboarding.tor-circuit-display.new-circuit.msg=If you are not able to connect to the website you’re trying to visit or it is not loading properly, then you can use this button to reload the site with a new circuit.
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