[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttonproperties_completed] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=torbutton-torbuttonproperties_completed

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Wed Apr 29 17:21:49 UTC 2020

commit 4bcc4e8311aa63f850875707fb24cd35737aa50c
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 29 17:21:47 2020 +0000

 da/torbutton.properties | 228 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/da/torbutton.properties b/da/torbutton.properties
index b651dc29ea..04cec9052c 100644
--- a/da/torbutton.properties
+++ b/da/torbutton.properties
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
-# torbutton.circuit_display.internet = Internet
-# torbutton.circuit_display.ip_unknown = IP unknown
-# torbutton.circuit_display.onion_site = Onion site
-# torbutton.circuit_display.this_browser = This browser
-# torbutton.circuit_display.relay = Relay
-# torbutton.circuit_display.tor_bridge = Bridge
-# torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = Unknown country
-# torbutton.circuit_display.guard = Guard
-# torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = Your [Guard] node may not change.
-# torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = Learn more
-# torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = Click to Copy
-# torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Copied!
-# torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip = Tor Browser adds this margin to make the width and height of your window less distinctive, and thus reduces the ability of people to track you online.
-# torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Click to enable Tor
-# torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Click to disable Tor
-# torbutton.panel.label.disabled = Tor Disabled
-# torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor Enabled
-# extensions.torbutton at torproject.org.description = Torbutton provides a button to configure Tor settings and quickly and easily clear private browsing data.
-# torbutton.popup.external.title = Download an external file type?
-# torbutton.popup.external.app = Tor Browser cannot display this file. You will need to open it with another application.\n\n
-# torbutton.popup.external.note = Some types of files can cause applications to connect to the Internet without using Tor.\n\n
-# torbutton.popup.external.suggest = To be safe, you should only open downloaded files while offline, or use a Tor Live CD such as Tails.\n
-# torbutton.popup.launch = Download file
-# torbutton.popup.cancel = Cancel
-# torbutton.popup.dontask = Automatically download files from now on
-# torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton cannot safely give you a new identity. It does not have access to the Tor Control Port.\n\nAre you running Tor Browser Bundle?
-# torbutton.security_settings.menu.title = Security Settings
-# torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = Important Torbutton Information
-# torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton works differently now: you can't turn it off any more.\n\nWe made this change because it isn't safe to use Torbutton in a browser that's also used for non-Tor browsing. There were too many bugs there that we couldn't fix any other way.\n\nIf you want to keep using Firefox normally, you should uninstall Torbutton and download Tor Browser Bundle. The privacy properties of Tor Browser are also superior to those of normal Firefox, even when Firefox is used with Torbutton.\n\nTo remove Torbutton, go to Tools->Addons->Extensions and then click the Remove button next to Torbutton.
-# torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = Important Torbutton Information!\n\nTorbutton is now always enabled.\n\nClick on the Torbutton for more information.
+torbutton.circuit_display.internet = Internettet
+torbutton.circuit_display.ip_unknown = Ukendt IP
+torbutton.circuit_display.onion_site = Onionsted
+torbutton.circuit_display.this_browser = Browseren
+torbutton.circuit_display.relay = Relæ
+torbutton.circuit_display.tor_bridge = Bro
+torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = Ukendt land
+torbutton.circuit_display.guard = Vagt
+torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = Dit [Vagt]-knudepunkt ændres måske ikke.
+torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = Lær mere
+torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = Klik for at kopiere
+torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Kopieret!
+torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip = Tor Browser tilføjer margenen for at gøre dit vindues højde og bredde mindre genkendeligt, hvilket reducerer muligheden for at andre kan spore dig online.
+torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Klik for at aktivere Tor
+torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Klik for at deaktivere Tor
+torbutton.panel.label.disabled = Tor deaktiveret
+torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor aktiveret
+extensions.torbutton at torproject.org.description = Torbutton giver en knap til at konfigurere Tor-indstillinger og til hurtigt og nemt at fjerne private browsingdata.
+torbutton.popup.external.title = Download en ekstern filtype?
+torbutton.popup.external.app = Tor Browser kan ikke vis filen. Du skal åbne den med et andet program.\n\n
+torbutton.popup.external.note = Nogle filtyper kan få programmer til at oprette forbindelse til internettet uden at bruge Tor.\n\n
+torbutton.popup.external.suggest = For at være sikker bør du kun åbne downloade filer mens du er offline, eller bruge en Tor live-CD såsom Tails.\n
+torbutton.popup.launch = Download fil
+torbutton.popup.cancel = Annuller
+torbutton.popup.dontask = Download automatisk filer fremover
+torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton kan ikke med sikkerhed give dig en ny identitet. Den har ikke adgang til Tor-kontrolporten.\n\nKører du Tor Browser-bundet?
+torbutton.security_settings.menu.title = Sikkerhedsindstillinger
+torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = Vigtig information om Torbutton
+torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton fungerer nu anderledes: du kan ikke længere slå den fra.\n\nVi foretog ændringen, da det ikke er sikkert at bruge Torbutton i en browser, der også anvendes til ikke-Tor-browsing. Der var for mange fejl deri, som vi ikke kunne rette på andre måder.\n\nHvis du vil bruge Firefox på normal vis, så bør du afinstallere Torbutton og downloade Tor Browser-bundet. Egenskaberne for privatliv i Tor Browser overgår også dem der normalt er i Firefox, selv når Firefox bruges med Torbutton.\n\nFjern Torbutton ved at gå til Funktioner->Tilføjelser->Udvidelser og så klikke på Fjern-knappen ved siden af Torbutton.
+torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = Vigtig information om Torbutton!\n\nTorbutton er nu altid aktiveret.\n\nKlik på Torbutton for mere information.
-# torbutton.popup.confirm_plugins = Plugins such as Flash can harm your privacy and anonymity.\n\nThey can also bypass Tor to reveal your current location and IP address.\n\nAre you sure you want to enable plugins?\n\n
-# torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = Never ask me again
-# torbutton.popup.confirm_newnym = Tor Browser will close all windows and tabs. All website sessions will be lost.\n\nRestart Tor Browser now to reset your identity?\n\n
+torbutton.popup.confirm_plugins = Plugins såsom Flash kan skade dit privatliv og din anonymitet.\n\nDe kan også omgå Tor, så din nuværende placering og IP-adresse afsløres.\n\nEr du sikker på, at du vil aktivere plugins?\n\n
+torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = Spørg mig aldrig igen
+torbutton.popup.confirm_newnym = Tor Browser vil lukke alle vinduer og faneblade. Alle webstedssessioner vil gå tabt.\nGenstart Tor Browser nu for at nulstille din identitet?\n
-# torbutton.maximize_warning = Maximizing Tor Browser can allow websites to determine your monitor size, which can be used to track you. We recommend that you leave Tor Browser windows in their original default size.
+torbutton.maximize_warning = Hvis du maksimere Tor Browser kan websteder fastslå din skærmstørrelse, hvilket kan bruges til at spore dig. Vi anbefaler at lade Tor Browser-vinduerne være i deres oprindelige standardstørrelse.
 # Canvas permission prompt. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
-# canvas.siteprompt=This website (%S) attempted to extract HTML5 canvas image data, which may be used to uniquely identify your computer.\n\nShould Tor Browser allow this website to extract HTML5 canvas image data?
-# canvas.notNow=Not Now
-# canvas.notNowAccessKey=N
-# canvas.allow=Allow in the future
-# canvas.allowAccessKey=A
-# canvas.never=Never for this site (recommended)
-# canvas.neverAccessKey=e
+canvas.siteprompt=Dette websted (%S) forsøgte at udtrække billeddata fra HTML5-canvas, hvilket kan bruges til identificere din computer unikt.\n\nSkal Tor Browser give webstedet tilladelse til at udtrække billeddata fra HTML5-canvas?
+canvas.notNow=Ikke nu
+canvas.allow=Tillad i fremtiden
+canvas.never=Aldrig for dette sted (anbefales)
 # Profile/startup error messages. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the application name.
-# profileProblemTitle=%S Profile Problem
-# profileReadOnly=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system.  Please copy %S to another location before trying to use it.
-# profileReadOnlyMac=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system.  Please copy %S to your Desktop or Applications folder before trying to use it.
-# profileAccessDenied=%S does not have permission to access the profile. Please adjust your file system permissions and try again.
-# profileMigrationFailed=Migration of your existing %S profile failed.\nNew settings will be used.
+profileProblemTitle=Problem med %S-profil
+profileReadOnly=Du kan ikke køre %S fra et skrivebeskyttet filsystem. Kopiér venligst %S til et andet sted før du prøver at bruge det.
+profileReadOnlyMac=Du kan ikke køre %S fra et skrivebeskyttet filsystem. Kopiér venligst %S til din skrivebordsmappe eller programmappe før du prøver at bruge det.
+profileAccessDenied= %S har ikke tilladelse til at få adgang til profilen. Skift venligst tilladelser for dit filsystem og prøv igen.
+profileMigrationFailed=Overførsel af din eksisterende %S-profil mislykkedes.\nNye indstillinger vil blive brugt.
 # "Downloading update" string for the hamburger menu (see #28885).
 # This string is kept here for ease of translation.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the application name.
-# updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=Downloading %S update
+updateDownloadingPanelUILabel=Downloader %S opdatering
 # .Onion Page Info prompt.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
-# pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=Connection Encrypted (Onion Service, %1$S, %2$S bit keys, %3$S)
-# pageInfo_OnionEncryption=Connection Encrypted (Onion Service)
+pageInfo_OnionEncryptionWithBitsAndProtocol=Forbindelsen er krypteret (oniontjeneste, %1$S, %2$S-bit nøgler, %3$S)
+pageInfo_OnionEncryption=Forbindelsen er krypteret (oniontjeneste)
 # Onion services strings.  Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
-# onionServices.learnMore=Learn more
-# onionServices.errorPage.browser=Browser
-# onionServices.errorPage.network=Network
-# onionServices.errorPage.onionSite=Onionsite
+onionServices.learnMore=Lær mere
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: In the longDescription strings, %S will be replaced with
 #                    an error code, e.g., 0xF3.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF0:
-# onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-# onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onionsite Not Found
-# onionServices.descNotFound=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-# onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.
+onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problem ved indlæsning af onionsted
+onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onionsted ikke fundet
+onionServices.descNotFound=Det er højst sandsynligt fordi onionstedet er offline. Kontakt onionstedets administrator.
+onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Den anmodede oniontjeneste-beskriver blev ikke fundet i hashringen og tjenesten kan derfor ikke nås af klient.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF1:
-# onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-# onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionsite Cannot Be Reached
-# onionServices.descInvalid=The onionsite is unreachable due an internal error.
-# onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be parsed or signature validation failed.
+onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problem ved indlæsning af onionsted
+onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionstedet kan ikke nåes
+onionServices.descInvalid=Onionstedet kan ikke nås pga. en intern fejl.
+onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Den anmodende oniontjeneste-beskriver kan ikke fortolkes eller validering af underskrift mislykkedes.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF2:
-# onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-# onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionsite Has Disconnected
-# onionServices.introFailed=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-# onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — Introduction failed, which means that the descriptor was found but the service is no longer connected to the introduction point. It is likely that the service has changed its descriptor or that it is not running.
+onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problem ved indlæsning af onionsted
+onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionstedet har afbrudt forbindelsen
+onionServices.introFailed=Det er højst sandsynligt fordi onionstedet er offline. Kontakt onionstedets administrator.
+onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Introduktion mislykkedes, hvilket betyder at beskriveren blev fundet men tjenesten er ikke længere forbundet til introduktionspunktet. Tjenesten har sandsynligvis ændret sin beskriver eller den kører ikke.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF3:
-# onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-# onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Unable to Connect to Onionsite
-# onionServices.rendezvousFailed=The onionsite is busy or the Tor network is overloaded. Try again later.
-# onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable to finalize the connection.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problem ved indlæsning af onionsted
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Kan ikke oprette forbindelse til onionstedet
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed=Onionstedet er optaget eller Tor-netværket er overbelastet. Prøv igen senere.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Klienten kunne ikke rendezvous med tjenesten, hvilket betyder at klienten ikke var i stand til at færdiggøre forbindelsen.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF4:
-# onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Authorization Required
-# onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsite Requires Authentication
-# onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Access to the onionsite requires a key but none was provided.
-# onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Details: %S — The client downloaded the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content because client authorization information is missing.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Autentifikation kræves
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsted kræver autentifikation
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Adgang til onionstedet kræver en nøgle, men der blev ikke angivet nogen.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Klienten downloadede den anmodede oniontjeneste-beskriver men kunne ikke dekryptere dens indhold fordi der mangler information om klientautentifikation.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF5:
-# onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Authorization Failed
-# onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onionsite Authentication Failed
-# onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=The provided key is incorrect or has been revoked. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-# onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S — The client was able to download the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content using the provided client authorization information. This may mean that access has been revoked.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Autentifikation mislykkedes
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Autentifkation af onionsted mislykkes
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=Den angivne nøgle er forkert eller er blevet tilbagekaldt. Kontakt onionstedets administrator.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Klienten var i stand til at downloade den anmodede oniontjeneste-beskriver men var ikke i stand til at dekryptere dens indhold med den angivne information om klientautentifikation. Det betyder måske at adgangen er blevet tilbagekaldt.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
-# onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-# onionServices.badAddress.header=Invalid Onionsite Address
-# onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.
-# onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S — The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.
+onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problem ved indlæsning af onionsted
+onionServices.badAddress.header=Ugyldig onionsted-adresse
+onionServices.badAddress=Den angivne onionsted-adresse er ugyldig. Tjek venligst at du har indtastet den korrekt.
+onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Den angivne .onion-adresse er ugyldig. Fejlen returneres pga. en af følgende årsager: adressens checksum matcher ikke, den offentlige ed25519-nøgle er ugyldig eller kodningen er ugyldig.
 # Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
-# onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-# onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
-# onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to a poor network connection.
-# onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problem ved indlæsning af onionsted
+onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Oprettelse af onionsted-kredsløb fik timeout
+onionServices.introTimedOut=Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til onionstedet, muligvis pga. en dårlig netværksforbindelse.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Detaljer: %S — Forbindelsen til den anmodede oniontjeneste fik timeout mens rendezvous-kredsløbet blev forsøgt bygget.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
-# onionServices.authPrompt.description=%S is requesting your private key.
-# onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Enter your private key for this onion service
-# onionServices.authPrompt.done=Done
-# onionServices.authPrompt.doneAccessKey=d
-# onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=Please enter a valid key (52 base32 characters or 44 base64 characters)
-# onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=Unable to configure Tor with your key
-# onionServices.authPreferences.header=Onion Services Authentication
-# onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Some onion services require that you identify yourself with a key (a kind of password) before you can access them.
-# onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Saved Keys…
-# onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Onion Service Keys
-# onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Keys for the following onionsites are stored on your computer
-# onionServices.authPreferences.onionSite=Onionsite
-# onionServices.authPreferences.onionKey=Key
-# onionServices.authPreferences.remove=Remove
-# onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Remove All
-# onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Unable to retrieve keys from tor
-# onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Unable to remove key
+onionServices.authPrompt.description=%S anmoder om din private nøgle.
+onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Indtast din private nøgle til oniontjenesten
+onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=Indtast venligst en gyldig nøgle (52 base32-tegn eller 44 base64-tegn)
+onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=Kan ikke konfigurere Tor med din nøgle
+onionServices.authPreferences.header=Autentifikation for oniontjenester
+onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Nogle oniontjenester kræver at du identificerer dig med en nøgle (en slags adgangskode) inden du kan tilgå dem.
+onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Gemmer nøgler…
+onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Nøgler for oniontjeneste
+onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Der gemmes nøgler til følgende onionsteder på din computer
+onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Fjern alle
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Kan ikke hente nøgler fra tor
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Kan ikke fjerne nøgle
 # Onion-Location strings.
-# onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Always Prioritize Onions
-# onionLocation.alwaysPrioritizeAccessKey=a
-# onionLocation.notNow=Not Now
-# onionLocation.notNowAccessKey=n
-# onionLocation.description=There's a more private and secure version of this site available over the Tor network via onion services. Onion services help website publishers and their visitors defeat surveillance and censorship.
-# onionLocation.tryThis=Try Onion Services
-# onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion available
-# onionLocation.learnMore=Learn more…
-# onionLocation.always=Always
-# onionLocation.askEverytime=Ask every time
-# onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=Prioritize .onion sites when known.
-# onionLocation.onionServicesTitle=Onion Services
+onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Prioriter altid onions
+onionLocation.notNow=Ikke nu
+onionLocation.description=Der findes en mere privat og sikker version af stedet på Tor-netværket over oniontjenester. Oniontjenester hjælper webstedsudgivere og deres besøgende med bekæmpe overvågning og censur.
+onionLocation.tryThis=Prøv oniontjenester
+onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion tilgængelig
+onionLocation.learnMore=Lær mere…
+onionLocation.askEverytime=Spørg hver gang
+onionLocation.prioritizeOnionsDescription=Prioriter .onion-steder når de kendes.

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