[tor-commits] [stem/master] Refactor and move layer encryption

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sun Nov 17 23:40:39 UTC 2019

commit 33a96a6a754ca7e65f1d5741c6f813c447849ef8
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Fri Nov 8 16:48:25 2019 -0800

    Refactor and move layer encryption
    We already had a _decrypt_layer() helper from the last branch. While doing the
    same for encryption it became evedent that these helpers are mostly identical
    so refactoring the common crypto into a third function.
    Still not perfectly happy, but closer. :P
 stem/descriptor/hidden_service.py | 54 ++++++++++++++--------
 stem/descriptor/hsv3_crypto.py    | 95 ---------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

diff --git a/stem/descriptor/hidden_service.py b/stem/descriptor/hidden_service.py
index 5fb7a189..f0baf678 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/hidden_service.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/hidden_service.py
@@ -445,12 +445,6 @@ def _parse_file(descriptor_file, desc_type = None, validate = False, **kwargs):
 def _decrypt_layer(encrypted_block, constant, revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key):
-  from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
-  from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
-  def pack(val):
-    return struct.pack('>Q', val)
   if encrypted_block.startswith('-----BEGIN MESSAGE-----\n') and encrypted_block.endswith('\n-----END MESSAGE-----'):
     encrypted_block = encrypted_block[24:-22]
@@ -466,22 +460,42 @@ def _decrypt_layer(encrypted_block, constant, revision_counter, subcredential, b
   ciphertext = encrypted[SALT_LEN:-MAC_LEN]
   expected_mac = encrypted[-MAC_LEN:]
-  kdf = hashlib.shake_256(blinded_key + subcredential + pack(revision_counter) + salt + constant)
+  cipher, mac_for = _layer_cipher(constant, revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key, salt)
+  if expected_mac != mac_for(ciphertext):
+    raise ValueError('Malformed mac (expected %s, but was %s)' % (expected_mac, mac_for(ciphertext)))
+  decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
+  plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()
+  return stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(plaintext)
+def _encrypt_layer(plaintext, constant, revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key):
+  salt = os.urandom(16)
+  cipher, mac_for = _layer_cipher(constant, revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key, salt)
+  encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
+  ciphertext = encryptor.update(plaintext) + encryptor.finalize()
+  return salt + ciphertext + mac_for(ciphertext)
+def _layer_cipher(constant, revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key, salt):
+  from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
+  from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+  kdf = hashlib.shake_256(blinded_key + subcredential + struct.pack('>Q', revision_counter) + salt + constant)
   keys = kdf.digest(S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN + MAC_LEN)
   secret_key = keys[:S_KEY_LEN]
   secret_iv = keys[S_KEY_LEN:S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN]
   mac_key = keys[S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN:]
-  mac = hashlib.sha3_256(pack(len(mac_key)) + mac_key + pack(len(salt)) + salt + ciphertext).digest()
-  if mac != expected_mac:
-    raise ValueError('Malformed mac (expected %s, but was %s)' % (expected_mac, mac))
   cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(secret_key), modes.CTR(secret_iv), default_backend())
-  decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
+  mac_prefix = struct.pack('>Q', len(mac_key)) + mac_key + struct.pack('>Q', len(salt)) + salt
-  return stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize())
+  return cipher, lambda ciphertext: hashlib.sha3_256(mac_prefix + ciphertext).digest()
 def _parse_protocol_versions_line(descriptor, entries):
@@ -917,18 +931,22 @@ def _get_middle_descriptor_layer_body(encrypted):
     b'%s' % (fake_pub_key_bytes_b64, fake_clients, encrypted)
-def _get_superencrypted_blob(intro_points, descriptor_signing_privkey, revision_counter, blinded_key_bytes, subcredential):
+def _get_superencrypted_blob(intro_points, descriptor_signing_privkey, revision_counter, blinded_key, subcredential):
   Get the superencrypted blob (which also includes the encrypted blob) that
   should be attached to the descriptor
   inner_descriptor_layer = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes('create2-formats 2\n' + '\n'.join(map(IntroductionPointV3.encode, intro_points)) + '\n')
-  inner_ciphertext = stem.descriptor.hsv3_crypto.encrypt_inner_layer(inner_descriptor_layer, revision_counter, blinded_key_bytes, subcredential)
+  inner_ciphertext = _encrypt_layer(inner_descriptor_layer, b'hsdir-encrypted-data', revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key)
   inner_ciphertext_b64 = b64_and_wrap_desc_layer(inner_ciphertext, b'encrypted')
   middle_descriptor_layer = _get_middle_descriptor_layer_body(inner_ciphertext_b64)
-  outter_ciphertext = stem.descriptor.hsv3_crypto.encrypt_outter_layer(middle_descriptor_layer, revision_counter, blinded_key_bytes, subcredential)
+  padding_bytes_needed = stem.descriptor.hsv3_crypto._get_padding_needed(len(middle_descriptor_layer))
+  middle_descriptor_layer = middle_descriptor_layer + b'\x00' * padding_bytes_needed
+  outter_ciphertext = _encrypt_layer(middle_descriptor_layer, b'hsdir-superencrypted-data', revision_counter, subcredential, blinded_key)
   return b64_and_wrap_desc_layer(outter_ciphertext)
@@ -1279,7 +1297,7 @@ class InnerLayer(Descriptor):
     super(InnerLayer, self).__init__(content, lazy_load = not validate)
     self.outer = outer_layer
-    # inner layer begins with a few header fields, followed by multiple any
+    # inner layer begins with a few header fields, followed by any
     # number of introduction-points
     div = content.find('\nintroduction-point ')
diff --git a/stem/descriptor/hsv3_crypto.py b/stem/descriptor/hsv3_crypto.py
index 80759aa2..b762c5ee 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/hsv3_crypto.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/hsv3_crypto.py
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-import hashlib
-import struct
-import os
 from stem.descriptor import slow_ed25519
@@ -109,82 +105,6 @@ Descriptor encryption
-def pack(val):
-  return struct.pack('>Q', val)
-def get_desc_keys(secret_data, string_constant, subcredential, revision_counter, salt):
-  """
-  secret_input = SECRET_DATA | subcredential | INT_8(revision_counter)
-  keys = KDF(secret_input | salt | STRING_CONSTANT, S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN + MAC_KEY_LEN)
-  SECRET_KEY = first S_KEY_LEN bytes of keys
-  SECRET_IV  = next S_IV_LEN bytes of keys
-  MAC_KEY    = last MAC_KEY_LEN bytes of keys
-  where
- First layer encryption logic
-    SECRET_DATA = blinded-public-key
-    STRING_CONSTANT = "hsdir-superencrypted-data"
- Second layer encryption keys
-    SECRET_DATA = blinded-public-key | descriptor_cookie
-    STRING_CONSTANT = "hsdir-encrypted-data"
-  """
-  secret_input = b'%s%s%s' % (secret_data, subcredential, pack(revision_counter))
-  kdf = hashlib.shake_256(secret_input + salt + string_constant)
-  keys = kdf.digest(S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN + MAC_LEN)
-  secret_key = keys[:S_KEY_LEN]
-  secret_iv = keys[S_KEY_LEN:S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN]
-  mac_key = keys[S_KEY_LEN + S_IV_LEN:]
-  return secret_key, secret_iv, mac_key
-def get_desc_encryption_mac(key, salt, ciphertext):
-  mac = hashlib.sha3_256(pack(len(key)) + key + pack(len(salt)) + salt + ciphertext).digest()
-  return mac
-def _encrypt_descriptor_layer(plaintext, revision_counter, subcredential, secret_data, string_constant):
-  """
-  Encrypt descriptor layer at 'plaintext'
-  """
-  from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
-  from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
-  salt = os.urandom(16)
-  secret_key, secret_iv, mac_key = get_desc_keys(secret_data, string_constant, subcredential, revision_counter, salt)
-  # Now time to encrypt descriptor
-  cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(secret_key), modes.CTR(secret_iv), default_backend())
-  encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
-  ciphertext = encryptor.update(plaintext) + encryptor.finalize()
-  mac = get_desc_encryption_mac(mac_key, salt, ciphertext)
-  return salt + ciphertext + mac
-def encrypt_inner_layer(plaintext, revision_counter, blinded_key_bytes, subcredential):
-  """
-  Encrypt the inner layer of the descriptor
-  """
-  secret_data = blinded_key_bytes
-  string_constant = b'hsdir-encrypted-data'
-  return _encrypt_descriptor_layer(plaintext, revision_counter, subcredential, secret_data, string_constant)
 def ceildiv(a, b):
   Like // division but return the ceiling instead of the floor
@@ -205,18 +125,3 @@ def _get_padding_needed(plaintext_len):
   final_size = ceildiv(plaintext_len, PAD_MULTIPLE_BYTES) * PAD_MULTIPLE_BYTES
   return final_size - plaintext_len
-def encrypt_outter_layer(plaintext, revision_counter, blinded_key_bytes, subcredential):
-  """
-  Encrypt the outer layer of the descriptor
-  """
-  secret_data = blinded_key_bytes
-  string_constant = b'hsdir-superencrypted-data'
-  # In the outter layer we first need to pad the plaintext
-  padding_bytes_needed = _get_padding_needed(len(plaintext))
-  padded_plaintext = plaintext + b'\x00' * padding_bytes_needed
-  return _encrypt_descriptor_layer(padded_plaintext, revision_counter, subcredential, secret_data, string_constant)

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