[tor-commits] [translation/exoneratorproperties_completed] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=exoneratorproperties_completed
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Sun Nov 10 04:47:05 UTC 2019
commit 21f4aa84e9572441a457768a98c5e5883e150e01
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Sun Nov 10 04:47:02 2019 +0000
ar/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
bn/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
ca/exonerator.properties | 1 -
cs/exonerator.properties | 26 +++++------
da/exonerator.properties | 1 -
de/exonerator.properties | 1 -
en/exonerator.properties | 1 -
en_GB/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
es/exonerator.properties | 1 -
es_AR/exonerator.properties | 2 +-
fa/exonerator.properties | 1 -
fr/exonerator.properties | 1 -
he/exonerator.properties | 1 -
hu/exonerator.properties | 1 -
is/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
it/exonerator.properties | 1 -
ja/exonerator.properties | 1 -
ka/exonerator.properties | 1 -
lt/exonerator.properties | 1 -
mk/exonerator.properties | 1 -
ms_MY/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
nb/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
nl/exonerator.properties | 1 -
pl/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
pt_BR/exonerator.properties | 1 -
pt_PT/exonerator.properties | 1 -
ro/exonerator.properties | 6 +--
ru/exonerator.properties | 1 -
sk/exonerator.properties | 1 -
sv/exonerator.properties | 1 -
th/exonerator.properties | 4 +-
tr/exonerator.properties | 1 -
uk/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
zh_CN/exonerator.properties | 1 -
zh_TW/exonerator.properties | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
35 files changed, 487 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ar/exonerator.properties b/ar/exonerator.properties
index f75492cea..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/ar/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ar/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=من فضلك قم بادخال عنوان بروتوكول الانترنت والتاريخ لتحديد ما اذا كان هذا العنوان قد تم استخدامه سابقا
-form.ip.label=عنوان بروتوكول الانترنت
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=مشكلة في الخادم
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=لم يمكن الوصول لقاعدة البيانات . الرجأءمحاولت لحقاً. إذا إستمرت المشكلة،رجأً%s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=مشكلة في الخادم
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=تبدو قاعدة البيانات فارغة. الرجاء المحاولة في وقت لاحق. اذا استمرت هذه المشكلة الرجاء %s!
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=لم يتم تحديد اي معطيات
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=نأسف ، لابد من ادخال التاريخ
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=لم يتم ادخال عنوان بروتوكول الانترنت
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=نأسف لابد من ادخال عنوان بروتوكول الانترنت
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=التاريخ خارج النطاق المحدد
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=عذراً لايوجد اي بيانات بتاريخ %s في قاعده البيانات. الرجاء اختيار تاريخ مابين %s و %s
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=عنوان بروتوكول الانترنت غير صالح
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=عذراً، %s عنوان آي بي "IP" غير صحيح. صيغه عنوان الآي بي "IP" المتوقعه %s او %s .
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=تاريخ غير صالح
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=عذراَ، %s تاريخ غير صحيح. صيغه التاريخ المتوقعه %s .
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=مُعطى التاريخ مستجد جدًا
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=قد لا تحوي قاعدة البيانات على بيانات كافية لإجابة هذا الطلب بشكل صحيح. آخر بيانات مستقبلة كانت منذ يومين. رجاءً ابحث مجددًا في يوم آخر.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=مشكلة في الخادم
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=لايوجد بيانات بالتاريخ المذكور في قاعده البيانات. الرجاء المحاوله لاحقا. في حاله استمرار هذا العطل الرجاء %s!
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=النتائج سلبية
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=لم يتم العثور على عنوان آي بي %s بتاريخ %s او يوم من التاريخ. ولم يتم العثور على عناوين آي بي لمرحل تور على نفس شبكة /%d مقاربه للفتره الزمنيه:
-summary.positive.title=النتائج ايجابية
-summary.positive.body=تم العثور على مرحل تور واحد او اكثر على عنوان آي بي %s بتاريخ %s او يوم من التاريخ يمكن لتور التعرف عليه.
-summary.negative.title=النتائج سلبية
-summary.negative.body=لم نعثر على عنوان آي بي %s بتاريخ %s او في حدود يوم من التاريخ المذكور.
-technicaldetails.heading=تفصيل تقنية
-technicaldetails.pre=بحث عن عنوان آي بي "IP address" بتاريخ %s او في حدود يوم من %s. تم الاختيار من قبل عملاء تور او مرحل تور لبناء دائرة.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=الطابع الزمني ( يو تي سي )
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=عنوان(عناوين) بروتوكول الانترنت
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=بصمة الهوية
-technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=الاسم المستعار
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=اغلق التحويلة
-permanentlink.heading=رابط دائم
-footer.abouttor.heading=عن تور
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor هو مشروع برمجي عالمي لإخفاء هوية حركة البيانات على الانترنت من خلال تشفير الحزمات وإرسالها عبر سلسلة من القفزات قبل أن تصل وجهاتها. بناء على ذلك إذا شاهدت حركة بيانات من تحويلة Tor، فحركة البيانات هذه في الغالب تصدر عادة من شخص يستخدم Tor لا من مشغل التحويلة. مشروع Tor Project ومشغلو تحويلة Tor لا يملكون تسجيلات لحركة البيانات التي تمر عبر الشبكة وبناء على ذلك لا يستطيعون تقديم أي معلومات عن مصدرها. كن واثقا ل %s، ولا تتردد ل%s لمزيد من المعلومات.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=إعرف المزيد حول Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=تواصل مع مشروع تور
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=عن تور
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=تحتفظ خدمة ExoneraTor لقاعدة بيانات لعناوين IP التي كانت جزءا من شبكة تور. هي تجب عن التساؤل عن ما إذا كان يعمل مرحل تور على عنوان IP في زمن محدد. ExoneraTor قد تخزن أكثر من عنوان IP واحد لكل مرحل إذا كانت الترحيلات تستعمل عنوان IP مختلف للخروج نحو الإنترنيت عوض التسجيل في شبكة تور، وإذا منح ذلك المحرل إمكانية عبور الحركة في تور نحو الإنترنيت المفتوحة في ذلك الزمن.
-footer.language.text=تتوفر تلك الصفحة باللغات الآتية أيضاً:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/bn/exonerator.properties b/bn/exonerator.properties
index e730a8a8f..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/bn/exonerator.properties
+++ b/bn/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=ঠিকানাটি একটি টর্ট রিলে হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছিল কিনা তা জানতে একটি IP ঠিকানা এবং তারিখ লিখুন:
-form.ip.label=আইপি ঠিকানা
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=সার্ভার সমস্যা
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=ডাটাবেসের সাথে সংযোগ করতে অক্ষম. অনুগ্রহ করে একটু পরে আবার চেষ্টা করুন. যদি এই সমস্যাটি বজায় থাকে তবে দয়া করে %s !
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=আমাদের জানান
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=সার্ভার সমস্যা
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=ডাটাবেস খালি প্রদর্শিত হবে। অনুগ্রহ করে একটু পরে আবার চেষ্টা করুন. যদি এই সমস্যাটি বজায় থাকে তবে দয়া করে %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=আমাদের জানান
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=কোন তারিখ পরামিতি দেওয়া হয় নি
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=দুঃখিত, আপনাকে একটি তারিখের প্যারামিটার প্রদান করতে হবে।
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=কোন IP ঠিকানা পরামিতি দেওয়া হয় নি
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=দুঃখিত, আপনাকে একটি IP ঠিকানা প্যারামিটার প্রদান করতে হবে।
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=তারিখ প্যারামিটারটি পরিসীমা বাইরে
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=দুঃখিত, ডাটাবেসের মধ্যে %s থেকে কোন তথ্য নেই। দয়া করে %s এবং %s মধ্যে একটি তারিখ বাছাই করুন।
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=অবৈধ IP ঠিকানা প্যারামিটার
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=দুঃখিত, %s একটি বৈধ IP ঠিকানা নয়। প্রত্যাশিত IP ঠিকানা বিন্যাসগুলি %s বা %s হয়।
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=অবৈধ তারিখের প্যারামিটার
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=দুঃখিত, %s একটি বৈধ তারিখ নয়। প্রত্যাশিত তারিখ বিন্যাস %s হয়।
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=তারিখ প্যারামিটার খুব সাম্প্রতিক
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=এই অনুরোধটি সঠিকভাবে উত্তর দেওয়ার জন্য ডেটাবেসটিতে যথেষ্ট পরিমাণে ডেটা থাকতে পারে না। সর্বশেষ গৃহীত তথ্যটি গতকালের আগের দিন। অন্য দিন আপনার অনুসন্ধান পুনরাবৃত্তি দয়া করে।
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=সার্ভার সমস্যা
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=ডাটাবেসের মধ্যে অনুরোধকৃত তারিখের জন্য কোনো তথ্য থাকে না। অনুগ্রহ করে একটু পরে আবার চেষ্টা করুন. যদি এই সমস্যাটি বজায় থাকে তবে দয়া করে %s করুন!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=আমাদের জানান
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=ফলাফল নেতিবাচক
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=আমরা %s বিষয়ে %s দিন এর ভিতরে কোনো আইপি ঠিকানা খুঁজে পাইনি। কিন্তু আমরা একই সময়ে একই নেটওয়ার্কে /%d অন্যান্য টর রিলেসের IP ঠিকানা খুঁজে পাইনি:
-summary.positive.title=ফলাফল ইতিবাচক
-summary.positive.body=আমাদের পাওয়া, এক বা একাধিক টর রিলেই আইপি ঠিকানা %s বা %s একটি দিনের মধ্যে যে টর ক্লায়েন্ট ছিল সম্ভবত জানেন.
-summary.negative.title=ফলাফল নেতিবাচক
-summary.negative.body=আমরা %s আইপি ঠিকানা, অথবা %s দিনের মধ্যে খুঁজে পাইনি.
-technicaldetails.heading=প্রযুক্তিগত বিবরণ
-technicaldetails.pre=%s আইপি ঠিকানা %s দিনের মধ্যে অথবা এক দিনের মধ্যে দেখছেন। টর ক্লায়েন্ট এই বা এই টর্কে নির্বাচন করতে পারে সার্কিট নির্মাণের রিলে।
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=টাইমস্ট্যাম্প (ইউটিসি)
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=আইপি ঠিকানা (এস)
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=পরিচয় আঙ্গুলের ছাপ
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=রিলে প্রস্থান করুন
-permanentlink.heading=স্থায়ী লিঙ্ক
-footer.abouttor.heading=Tor সম্পর্কে
-footer.abouttor.body.text=টর একটি আন্তর্জাতিক সফটওয়্যার প্রকল্প যা প্যাকেট এনক্রিপ্ট করে ইন্টারনেট ট্র্যাফিককে অনাকাঙ্ক্ষিত করে এবং তাদের গন্তব্য পৌঁছানোর আগে হপের একটি সিরিজের মাধ্যমে তাদের পাঠায়। অতএব, আপনি যদি টর রিলে থেকে ট্র্যাফিক দেখতে পান, তবে এই ট্র্যাফিকটি সাধারণত রিলে অপারেটরের পরিবর্তে টর ব্যবহার করে কারো কাছ থেকে উদ্ভূত হয়। টর প্রোজেক্ট এবং টর রিলে অপারেটরগুলির নেটওয়ার
্কটির মাধ্যমে ট্রাফিকের কোনও রেকর্ড নেই এবং অতএব এটির উত্স সম্পর্কে কোন তথ্য সরবরাহ করতে পারে না। %s নিশ্চিত করুন, এবং আরো তথ্যের জন্য %s দ্বিধা করবেন না।
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=টর সম্পর্কে আরও জানুন
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=Tor Project, Inc এর সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=এক্সনেরাটার সম্পর্কে
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=ExoneraTor পরিষà§à¦¬à¦¾ à¦à¦à¦ªà¦¿ à¦
à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦¡à§à¦°à§à¦¸à¦à§à¦²à¦¿à¦° à¦à¦à¦à¦¿ ডাà¦à¦¾à¦¬à§à¦¸ বà¦à¦¾à¦¯à¦¼ রাà¦à§ যা à¦à¦° নà§à¦à¦à¦¯à¦¼à¦¾à¦°à§à¦à§à¦° à¦
à¦à¦¶à¥¤ & Nbsp; à¦à¦à¦¿ পà§à¦°à¦¦à¦¤à§à¦¤ তারিà¦à§à¦° à¦à¦à¦à¦¿ নিরà§à¦¦à¦¿à¦·à§à¦ IP ঠিà¦à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾à¦¤à§ à¦à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à¦°à§à¦ রিলৠà¦à¦²à¦®à¦¾à¦¨ à¦à¦¿à¦¨à¦¾ তা পà§à¦°à¦¶à§à¦¨à§à¦° à¦à¦¤à§à¦¤à¦° দà§à¦¯à¦¼à¥¤ & Nbsp; সমà§à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¤à¦¿ à¦à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦° নà§à¦à¦à¦¯à¦¼à¦¾à¦°à§à¦ নিবনà§à¦§à¦¨à§à¦° à¦à§à¦¯à¦¼à§ à¦à¦¨à§à¦à¦¾à¦°à¦¨à§à¦ থà§à¦à§ পà§à¦°à¦¸à§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨ à¦à¦°à¦¾à¦° à¦à¦¨à§à¦¯ à¦à¦à¦à¦¿ পà§à¦¥à¦ à¦à¦à¦ªà¦¿ ঠিà¦à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾ বà§à¦¯à¦¬à¦¹à¦¾à¦° à¦à¦°à§ ExoneraTor à¦à¦à¦¾à¦§à¦¿à¦ à¦à¦à¦ªà¦¿ ঠিà¦à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾ সà¦à¦°à¦à§à¦·à¦£ à¦à¦°à¦¤à§ পারà§, à¦à¦¬à¦ à¦à¦à¦¿ ঠসময়ৠà¦à§à¦²à¦¾ à¦à¦¨à§à¦à¦¾à¦°à
¦¨à§à¦à§à¦° à¦à¦¨à§à¦¯ à¦à§à¦°à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦« à¦à§à¦°à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦«à¦¿à¦à§à¦° à¦
নà§à¦®à¦¤à¦¿ পà§à¦°à¦¦à§à¦¯à¦¼ à¦à¦¿à¦¨à¦¾ তা সà¦à¦°à¦à§à¦·à¦£ à¦à¦°à§à¥¤
-footer.language.text=এই পৃষ্ঠাটি নিম্নলিখিত ভাষায়ও পাওয়া যায়:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/ca/exonerator.properties b/ca/exonerator.properties
index 25e5fc2c7..8e74be669 100644
--- a/ca/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ca/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=El resultat és positiu
summary.positive.body=Hem trobat un o més relés Tor en l'adreça IP %s durant el dia %s que els clients Tor probablement coneixien.
summary.negative.title=El resultat és negatiu
summary.negative.body=No s'ha trobat l'adreça IP %s durant el dia %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
technicaldetails.heading=Detalls tècnics
technicaldetails.pre=S'està cercant l'adreça IP %s durant el dia de %s. Els clients tor podien haver sel·leccionat aquest o aquests repetidors de Tor per construir circuits.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Marca horària (UTC)
diff --git a/cs/exonerator.properties b/cs/exonerator.properties
index cd6eff007..ca275383d 100644
--- a/cs/exonerator.properties
+++ b/cs/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-form.explanation=Zadejte IP adresu a datum pro zjištění, zda byla adresa použita jako Tor uzel:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
form.ip.label=IP adresa
@@ -19,35 +19,35 @@ summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Neplatná IP adresa
summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Je nám líto, ale %s není platná IP adresa. Podporované formáty IP adresy jsou %s a %s.
summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Neplatné datum
summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Je nám líto, ale %s není platné datum. Podporovaný formát data je %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Datum je mimo rozsah
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=Databáze nemusí obsahovat nejnovější data pro odpověď na tento požadavek. Poslední data jsou dva dny stará. Opakujte prosím své vyhledávání zítra.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Problém na serveru
summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Databáze neobsahuje žádná data pro zadané datum. Zkuste to prosím později. Pokud problém přetrvává, prosím, %s!
summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=kontaktujte nás
summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Výsledek je negativní
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Nenašli jsme IP adresu %s ke dni %s. Našli jsme ale jiné IP adresy uzlů Tor ve stejné / %d síti okolo data:
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
summary.positive.title=Výsledek je pozitivní
-summary.positive.body=Našli jsme jednu nebo více IP adres uzlů Tor ze dne %s, které by Tor klienti mohli znát.
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
summary.negative.title=Výsledek je negativní
summary.negative.body=Nenašli jsme IP adresu %s ze dne %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Technické podrobnosti
-technicaldetails.pre=Vyhledávání IP adresy %s v nebo okolo dne %s. Tor klienti si mohli tyto uzly Toru vybrat k vytvoření okruhu.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP adresy
technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Otisk identity
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Opustit uzel
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
permanentlink.heading=Trvalý odkaz
footer.abouttor.heading=O Toru
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor je mezinárodní softwarový projekt, který anonymizuje internetový přenos pomocí jeho šifrování a přenosem skrze několik uzlů. Pokud vidíte provoz z uzlu Tor, pravděpodobně tento provoz pochází od někoho, kdo používá Tor, a ne od provozovatele uzlu samotného. Tor Project a provozovatelé uzlů nemají žádné záznamy o provozu, který prochází jejich sítí, a nemohou tak o jeho původu podat žádné informace. Určitě si %s a nebojte se %s pro více informací.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=zjistěte o Toru více
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=kontaktovat The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
footer.aboutexonerator.heading=O ExoneraToru
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=Služba ExoneraTor spravuje databázi IP adres, které byly součástí sítě Tor. Odpovídá na otázku, zda na dané IP adrese běžel v daný den uzel Toru. ExoneraTor může uchovávat více než jednu IP adresu pro každý uzel, pokud uzly používají různé IP adresy pro posílání provozu do internetu, ale ne pro registraci do sítě Tor. Uchovává také informaci, jestli uzel v daný čas umožnil přenos provozu Tor do otevřeného internetu.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
footer.language.text=Tato stránka je také dostupná v následujících jazycích:
diff --git a/da/exonerator.properties b/da/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/da/exonerator.properties
+++ b/da/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/de/exonerator.properties b/de/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/de/exonerator.properties
+++ b/de/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/en/exonerator.properties b/en/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/en/exonerator.properties
+++ b/en/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/en_GB/exonerator.properties b/en_GB/exonerator.properties
index 1ce99361f..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/en_GB/exonerator.properties
+++ b/en_GB/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
-form.ip.label=IP address
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
-summary.positive.title=Result is positive
-summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
-summary.negative.title=Result is negative
-summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
-technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
-permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
-footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymise Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
-footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/es/exonerator.properties b/es/exonerator.properties
index ed8da8ef8..d00b7086a 100644
--- a/es/exonerator.properties
+++ b/es/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=El resultado es positivo
summary.positive.body=Encontramos uno o más repetidores Tor en la dirección IP %s en la fecha, o durante un día en torno a %s, que los clientes Tor es probable que conocieran.
summary.negative.title=El resultado es negativo
summary.negative.body=No encontramos la dirección IP %s en la fecha, o durante un día en torno a %s.
-summary.missingdata=Sin embargo, a la base de datos le faltan varias horas de datos para esta solicitud específica, por lo que se debe interpretar este resultado con cuidado.
technicaldetails.heading=Detalles técnicos
technicaldetails.pre=Buscando la dirección IP %s en la fecha, o durante un día en torno a %s. Los clientes Tor podrían haber seleccionado este o estos repetidores Tor para construir circuitos.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Marca de tiempo (UTC)
diff --git a/es_AR/exonerator.properties b/es_AR/exonerator.properties
index b7836dbc8..00cec963c 100644
--- a/es_AR/exonerator.properties
+++ b/es_AR/exonerator.properties
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ technicaldetails.exit.yes=Sí
permanentlink.heading=Vínculo permanente
footer.abouttor.heading=Acerca de Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor es un proyecto internacional de software para anonimizar al tráfico de Internet mediante el cifrado de paquetes y su envío a través de una serie de saltos hasta que llegan a su destino. De ésta manera, si mirás el tráfico desde un relevo Tor, éste tráfico usualmente se origina desde alguien usando Tor, en vez de desde el operador del relevo . El proyecto Tor y los operadores de relevos Tor no tienen registros del tráfico que pasa sobre la red y de ésta manera no pueden proveer ninguna información acerca de sus orígenes. Asegurate de %s, y no dudes en %s para más información.
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
footer.abouttor.body.link1=aprender más acerca de Tor
footer.abouttor.body.link2=contactar The Tor Project, Inc.
footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Acerca de ExoneraTor
diff --git a/fa/exonerator.properties b/fa/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/fa/exonerator.properties
+++ b/fa/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/fr/exonerator.properties b/fr/exonerator.properties
index 77ae2fc27..a34b03a3a 100644
--- a/fr/exonerator.properties
+++ b/fr/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Résultat positif
summary.positive.body=Nous avons trouvé un ou plusieurs relais Tor à l’adresse IP %s probablement connus des clients Tor le %s ou à un jour près.
summary.negative.title=Résultat négatif
summary.negative.body=Nous n’avons pas trouvé l’adresse IP %s, le %s ou à un jour près.
-summary.missingdata=Cependant, il manque plusieurs heures de données dans la base de données pour cette requête particulière, et ces résultats devraient donc être interprétés avec prudence.
technicaldetails.heading=Détails techniques
technicaldetails.pre=Recherche de l’adresse IP %s, le %s ou à un jour près. Des clients Tor pourraient avoir choisi ce ou ces relais Tor pour construire des circuits.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Date et heure (UTC)
diff --git a/he/exonerator.properties b/he/exonerator.properties
index 289a5dc48..d3fb54e42 100644
--- a/he/exonerator.properties
+++ b/he/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=התוצאה חיובית
summary.positive.body=מצאנו ממסר Tor אחד או יותר בכתובת IP של %s ביום או בטווח יום של %s שלקוחות Tor היו סבורים להכיר.
summary.negative.title=התוצאה שלילית
summary.negative.body=לא מצאנו כתובת IP של %s ביום או בטווח יום של %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
technicaldetails.heading=פרטים טכניים
technicaldetails.pre=מחפש אחר כתובת IP של %s ביום או בטווח יום של %s. לקוחות Tor יכלו לבחור בזה או בממסרי Tor כדי לבנות מעגלים.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=חותמת זמן (UTC)
diff --git a/hu/exonerator.properties b/hu/exonerator.properties
index c9a79b076..2320e2947 100644
--- a/hu/exonerator.properties
+++ b/hu/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Az eredmény pozitív
summary.positive.body=Egy vagy több Tor relét találtunk a %s IP címen %s napon vagy azon belül, amik valószínűleg Tor kliensek voltak.
summary.negative.title=Az eredmény negatív
summary.negative.body=Nem találtunk %s IP címet %s napon vagy azon belül.
-summary.missingdata=Az adatbázisból hiányzik néhány óra adat ehhez a konkrét kéréshez, így ezt az eredményt óvatosan szabad csak értelmezni.
technicaldetails.heading=Műszaki részletek
technicaldetails.pre=%s IP cím lekérdezése %s napon vagy azon belül. A Tor kliensek kiválaszthatták volna ezt vagy ezeket a Tor reléket hálózatok építéséhez.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Időbélyeg (UTC)
diff --git a/is/exonerator.properties b/is/exonerator.properties
index ccc8fc28a..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/is/exonerator.properties
+++ b/is/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=Settu inn IP-tölu og dagsetningu til að sjá hvort þetta vistfang hafi verið notað sem Tor-endurvarpi:
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Vandamál í þjóni
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Get ekki tengst gagnagrunninum. Reyndu aftur síðar. Ef vandamálið heldur áfram, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=láttu okkur vita
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Vandamál í þjóni
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=Gagnagrunnurinn lítur út fyrir að vera tómur. Reyndu aftur síðar. Ef vandamálið heldur áfram, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=láttu okkur vita
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Engin dagsetningarfærsla gefin
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Þú verður einnig að gefa upp dagsetningarfærslu
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Engin IP-tala gefin
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Þú verður einnig að gefa upp IP-tölu
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Dagsetningarfærsla utan marka
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Því miður, gagnagrunnurinn inniheldur engin gögn síðan %s. Veldu dagsetningu á milli %s og %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Ógild færsla IP-tölu
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Því miður, %s er ekki gilt IP-vistfang. Vænst er IP-vistfanga á sniðunum %s eða %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Ógild dagsetningarfærsla
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Því miður, %s er ekki gild dagsetning. Vænst er dagsetninga á sniðinu %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Dagsetningarfærsla of nýleg
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=Gagnagrunnurinn gæti ekki ennþá innihaldið næg gögn til að svara þessari beiðni. Síðustu samþykktu gögn eru frá því í fyrradag. Endurtaktu leitina einhvern næstu daga.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Vandamál í þjóni
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Því miður, gagnagrunnurinn inniheldur engin gögn frá umbeðinni dagsetningu. Reyndu aftur síðar. Ef vandamálið heldur áfram, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=láttu okkur vita
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Niðurstaða er neikvæð
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Við gátum ekki fundið IP-vistfang %s á eða innan dags frá %s. En við fundum IP-vistföng Tor-endurvarpa á sama /%d netkerfinu nálægt tímasetningunni:
-summary.positive.title=Niðurstaða er jákvæð
-summary.positive.body=Við fundum einn eða fleiri Tor-endurvarpa á IP-vistfanginu %s á eða innan dags frá %s, endurvarpa sem Tor-biðlarar væru líklegir til að þekkja.
-summary.negative.title=Niðurstaða er neikvæð
-summary.negative.body=Við gátum ekki fundið IP-vistfang %s á eða innan dags frá %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Tæknileg atriði
-technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Tímamerki (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP-vistfang (vistföng)
-permanentlink.heading=Fastur tengill
-footer.abouttor.heading=Um Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor er alþjóðlegur hugbúnaður til þess að gera umferð um Internetið nafnlausa með því að dulrita pakka og senda þá í gegnum röð milligönguaðila áður en þeir fara á áfangastað. Þar af leiðandi, ef þú sérð umferð frá Tor-endurvarpa, þá er þessi umferð venjulega frá einhverjum sem notar Tor, frekar en frá þeim sem rekur endurvarpann. Tor-verkefnið og rekstraraðilar Tor-endurvarpa hafa enga skráningu yfir umferðina sem fer um netið og geta því ekki gefið neinar upplýsingar um upptök hennar. Reyndu samt að %s, og ekki hika við að %s til að nálgast frekari upplýsingar.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=læra meira um Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=hafa samband við Tor-verkefnið
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Um ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=ExoneraTor þjónustan viðheldur gagnagrunni yfir IP-vistföng sem hafa verið hluti af Tor-netinu. Það svarar þeirri spurningu hvort Tor endurvarpi hafi verið keyrandi á tilteknu IP-vistfangi á tiltekinni dagsetningu. ExoneraTor gæti geymt fleiri en eitt IP-vistfang á hvern endurvarpa ef endurvarpar nota annað IP-vistfang fyrir útgang á internetið heldur en til skráningar inn á Tor-netið, eins geymir ExoneraTor hvort endurvarpi leyfði gegnumstreymi Tor-umferðar inn á opna internetið á þeim tíma.
-footer.language.text=Þessi síða er einnig tiltæk á eftirfarandi tungumálum:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/it/exonerator.properties b/it/exonerator.properties
index 701072866..982406b72 100644
--- a/it/exonerator.properties
+++ b/it/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Il risultato è positivo
summary.positive.body=Abbiamo trovato uno o più nodi Tor sull' indirizzo IP %s il %s o a un giorno di distanza che i client Tor probabilmente conoscevano.
summary.negative.title=Il risultato è negativo
summary.negative.body=Non abbiamo trovato l'indirizzo IP %s il %s o entro un giorno di distanza.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
technicaldetails.heading=Dettagli tecnici
technicaldetails.pre=In cerca dell' indirizzo IP %s il %s o entro un giorno di distanza. I client Tor potrebbero aver scelto questo o questi nodi Tor per costruire circuiti.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Marca temporale (UTC)
diff --git a/ja/exonerator.properties b/ja/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/ja/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ja/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/ka/exonerator.properties b/ka/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/ka/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ka/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/lt/exonerator.properties b/lt/exonerator.properties
index e6c7ad33c..ad1cd4f83 100644
--- a/lt/exonerator.properties
+++ b/lt/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Rezultatas yra teigiamas
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
summary.negative.title=Rezultatas yra neigiamas
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
technicaldetails.heading=Techninė informacija
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/mk/exonerator.properties b/mk/exonerator.properties
index 3e60dc506..c720c8fc6 100644
--- a/mk/exonerator.properties
+++ b/mk/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Резултатот е позитивен
summary.positive.body=Најдовме едно или повеќе Tor релеа на IP адреса %s на или во период од ден %s кои на Tor клиентите најверојатно им биле познати.
summary.negative.title=Резултатот е негативен
summary.negative.body=Не најдовме IP адреса %s на или во период од ден%s.
-summary.missingdata=Сепак, во базата на податоци недостасуваат неколку часови податоци за ова специфично барање, така што овој резултат мора внимателно да се толкува.
technicaldetails.heading=Технички детали
technicaldetails.pre=Барање IP адреса %s на или во период од ден %s. Tor клиентите можеби го избрале ова или овие Tor релеа за да создадат Tor кругови.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Временски печат (по универзално време - UTC)
diff --git a/ms_MY/exonerator.properties b/ms_MY/exonerator.properties
index 2ea971c80..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/ms_MY/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ms_MY/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=Masukkan satu alamat IP dan tarikh untuk ketahui sama ada alamat tersebut sudah digunakan sebagai geganti Tor:
-form.ip.label=Alamat IP
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Masalah pelayan
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Tidak boleh bersambung dengan pengkalan data. Cuba sekali lagi kemudian. Jika masalah ini masih berlanjutan, sila %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=beritahu kami
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Masalah pelayar
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=Pangkalan data nampaknya kosong. Cuba sekali lagi kemudian. JIka masalah ini masih wujud, sila %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=beritahu kami
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Tiada parameter tarikh diberikan
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Maaf, anda juga perlu sediakan satu parameter tarikh.
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Tiada parameter alamat IP diberikan
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Maaf, anda juga perlu sediakan satu parameter alamat IP.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Parameter tarikh diluar julat
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Maaf, pangkalan data tidak mengandungi apa-apa data daripada %s. Sila pilih satu tarikh antara %s hingga %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Parameter alamat IP tidak sah
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Maaf, %s bukan alamat IP yang sah. Format alamat IP dijangka sebagai %s atau %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Parameter tarikh tidak sah
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Maaf, %s bukan tarikh yang sah. Format tarikh dijangka ialah %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Parameter tarikh terkini
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=Pangkalan data masih belum mengandungi data yang mencukupi untuk membetulkan jawapan permintaan ini. Data diterima yang terkini ialah hari sebelum semalam. Sila ulang penggelintaran anda pada hari berikutnya.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Masalah pelayar
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Pangkalan data tidak mengandungi apa-apa data untuk tarikh yang dipinta. Cuba sekali lagi kemudian. Jika masalah ini masih wujud, sila %s!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=beritahu kami
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Keputusan adalah negatif
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Kami tidak menemui alamat IP %s pada atau dalam tempoh sehari dari %s. Tetapi kami menemui alamat IP lain geganti Tor dalam rangkaian %d/sama dalam tempoh:
-summary.positive.title=Keputusan adalah positif
-summary.positive.body=Kami menemui satu atau lebih geganti Tor pada alamat IP %s pada atau dalam tempoh sehari dari %s yang mana klien Tor mahu diketahui.
-summary.negative.title=Keputusan adalah negatif
-summary.negative.body=Kami tidak menemui alamat IP %s pada atau dalam tempoh sehari dari %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Perincian teknikal
-technicaldetails.pre=Mencari alamat IP %s aktif atau dalam tempoh sehari %s. Klirn Tor tidak memilih ini atau geganti Tor ini untuk membina litar.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Setem masa (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=Alamat IP
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Kenal pasti cap jari
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Keluar dari geganti
-technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Tidak diketahui
-technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Tidak diketahui
-permanentlink.heading=Pautan kekal
-footer.abouttor.heading=Perihal Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor merupakan sebuah projek perisian antarabangsa yang bertujuan untuk awanamakan trafik Internet dengan menyulitkan paket-paket dan menghantarnya melalui siri-siri hop sebelum ia tiba ke destinasinya. Maka, jika anda mendapati ada trafik dari geganti Tor, trafik ini biasanya berasal daripada seseorang yang menggunakan Tor, berbanding geganti operator. Projek Tor dan operator geganti Tor tidak menyimpan rekod trafik yang melepasi rangkaian dan sememangnya tidak menyediakan apa-apa maklumat berkenaan puncanya. Pastikan anda mencuba %s, dan tidak ragu-ragu ke %s untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=ketahui lebih lanjut berkenaan Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=hubungi Tor Project, Inc.
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Perihal ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=Perkhidmatan ExoneraTor menyelenggara satu pangkalan data alamat IP yang merupakan sebahagian daripada rangkaian Tor. Ia memberitahu, sama ada terdapat sebuah geganti Tor yang berjalan menggunakan alamat IP tertentu pada tarikh yang diberikan. ExoneraTor menyimpan lebih dari satu alamat IP per geganti jika geganti menggunakan alamat IP berlainan ketika keluar dari Internet dan juga ketika mendaftar masuk ke dalam rangkaian Tor, ia juga menyimpan tetapan sama ada geganti diizinkan masuk ke trafik Tor semasa memasuki Internet pada ketika itu.
-footer.language.name=Bahasa Inggeris
-footer.language.text=Laman ini juga boleh tersedia dengan bahasa berikut:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/nb/exonerator.properties b/nb/exonerator.properties
index 3dc40b801..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/nb/exonerator.properties
+++ b/nb/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=Skriv inn en IP-adresse og en dato for å finne ut hvilken adresse som ble brukt som et Tor-rutingsstafettoppsett:
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Kunne ikke koble til databasen. Prøv igjen senere. Hvis problemet vedvarer, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=la det komme oss for øre
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=Databasen ser ut til å være tom. Prøv igjen senere. Hvis problemet vedvarer, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=la det komme oss for øre
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Dato-parameter ikke angitt
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Beklager, du må også inkludere et dato parameter.
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Inget IP-adresse-parameter angitt
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Beklager du må i tillegg oppgi et IP-adresse-parameter.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Dato-parameter utenfor gyldig område
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Beklager, databasen inneholder ingen data fra %s. Velg en dato mellomg %s og %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Ugyldig IP-adresse-parameter
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Beklager, %s er ikke en gyldig IP-adresse. Forventet format for IP-adresser er %s eller %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Ugyldig dato-parameter
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Beklager, %s er ikke en valid dato. Det forventede dato formatet er %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Dato-parameter er for nylig
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=Det kan hende databasen ikke har nok data til å svare riktig på denne forespørselen. Den senest godtatte dataen er fra dagen før i går. Gjenta søket ditt en annen dag.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Databasen inneholder ingen data for den forespurte datoen. Prøv igjen senere. Hvis problemet vedvarer, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=la det komme oss for øre
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Resultatet er negativt.
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Fant ikke IP-adressen %s på eller innenfor én dags tidsforløp av %s. Fant dog andre IP-adresser til Tor-rutingsstafettoppsett i samme /%d nettverk omkring tiden:
-summary.positive.title=Resultatet er positivt.
-summary.positive.body=Vi fant én eller flere Tor-rutingsstafettoppsett på IP-adressen %s på eller innenfor én dags tidsforløp av %s som Tor-klientene sannsynlig visste om.
-summary.negative.title=Resultatet er negativt.
-summary.negative.body=Vi fant ikke IP-addressen %s på eller innenfor én dags tidsforløp av %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Tekniske detaljer
-technicaldetails.pre=Ser etter IP-adressen %s på eller én dags tidsforløp av %s. Tor-klienter kunne ha valgt ett av disse Tor-rutingsstafettoppsettene til å bygge kretser.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Tidsstempel (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identifiser fingeravtrykk
-permanentlink.heading=Permanent lenke
-footer.abouttor.heading=Om Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor er et internasjonalt programvareprosjekt for å anonymisere Internett-trafikk ved å kryptere pakker og sende dem gjennom en serie hopp før de når målet.&Nbsp; Derfor, hvis du ser trafikk fra et Tor-relé, kommer denne trafikken vanligvis fra noen som bruker Tor, i stedet for fra reléoperatøren.&Nbsp; Tor Project og Tor-reléoperatørene har ingen oversikt over trafikken som passerer over nettverket, og kan derfor ikke gi noen informasjon om opprinnelsen.&Nbsp; Husk å %s, og ikke nøl med å %s for mer informasjon.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=lær mer om Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=kontakt The Tor Project, Inc.
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Om ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=ExoneraTor-tjenesten veldikeholder en database med IP-adresser som har vært en del av Tor-nettverket. Den svarer på spørsmål knyttet til om et Tor-routingstafettoppsett kjørte på en angitt IP-adresse på en gitt dato. ExoneraTor kan lagre mer enn én IP-adresse per routingstafettoppsett hvis de bruker en annen IP-adresse for å trå over til Internett enn for å registrere seg i Tor-nettverket, og den lagrer hvorvidt et routingstafettoppsett tillot Tor-trafikk overgang til det åpne Internett på dette tidspunktet.
-footer.language.text=Denne siden er også tilgjengelig på følgende språk:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/nl/exonerator.properties b/nl/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/nl/exonerator.properties
+++ b/nl/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/pl/exonerator.properties b/pl/exonerator.properties
index ef4750d6a..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/pl/exonerator.properties
+++ b/pl/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=Podaj adres IP oraz datę, aby sprawdzić, czy dany adres został użyty jako przekaźnik przeglądarki Tor:
-form.ip.label=Adres IP
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Problem z serwerem
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Nie można połączyć się z bazą danych. Spróbuj ponownie później. Jeśli problem się utrzymuje, prosimy %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=powiadom nas
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Problem z serwerem
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=Baza danych zdaje się być pusta. Spróbuj ponownie później. Jeśli problem się pojawia się ponownie, prosimy %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=powiadom nas
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Brak daty
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Przepraszamy, musisz podać datę.
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Brak parametru adresu IP
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Przepraszamy, musisz podać parametry adresu IP
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Data poza zakresem
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Przepraszamy, baza danych nie zawiera informacji z %s. Prosimy wybrać datę z zakresu %s do %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Niewłaściwe parametry adresu IP
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Przepraszamy, adres IP %s jest błędny. Prawidłowy format adresu IP to %s lub %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Niewłaściwa data
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Przepraszamy, data %s jest błędna. Prawidłowy format daty to %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Parametr daty jest zbyt aktualny
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=Baza danych może jeszcze nie zawierać wystarczającej ilości danych, aby poprawnie odpowiedzieć na to żądanie. Najnowsze zaakceptowane dane to dzień przedwczoraj. Powtórz wyszukiwanie w innym dniu.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Problem z serwerem
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Baza danych nie zawiera informacji z wybranego dnia. Spróbuj ponownie później. Jeśli problem się utrzymuje, prosimy %s!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=powiadom nas
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Brak wyników
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Nie odnaleziono adresu IP %s z przedziału do 24 godzin od %s, choć odnaleziono inne adresy IP będące przekaźnikami przeglądarki Tor w tej samej sieci /%d około tego przedziału:
-summary.positive.body=Odnaleziono jeden lub więcej przekaźników przeglądarki Tor pod adresem IP %s w przedziale do 24 godzin od %s, o których użytkownicy przeglądarki prawdopodobnie wiedzieli.
-summary.negative.title=Brak wyników
-summary.negative.body=Nie odnaleziono adresu IP %s z przedziału do 24 godzin od %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Szczegóły techniczne.
-technicaldetails.pre=Wyszukiwanie adresu IP %s z przedziału do 24 godzin od %s. Użytkownicy przeglądarki Tor mogli wybrać ten lub te przekaźniki, by budować cykle.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Znacznik czasu (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=Adres(y) IP
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Klucz tożsamości
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Przekaźnik wyjściowy
-permanentlink.heading=Odnośnik bezpośredni
-footer.abouttor.heading=Informacje na temat Tor'a
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor to międzynarodowy projekt oprogramowania do anonimowania ruchu internetowego poprzez szyfrowanie pakietów i wysyłanie ich za pośrednictwem szeregu przeskoków, zanim dotrą do miejsca docelowego. Dlatego, jeśli widzisz ruch z przekaźnika Tora, ten ruch zazwyczaj pochodzi od kogoś używającego Tora, a nie od operatora przekaźnika. Operatorzy Projektu Tor i przekaźnika Tor nie mają zapisów o ruchu, który przechodzi przez sieć i dlatego nie mogą dostarczyć żadnych informacji o jego pochodzeniu. Pamiętaj %s i nie wahaj się %s aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=Dowiedz się więcej na temat projektu Tor.
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=kontakt do The Tor Project, Inc.
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=O serwisie ExoneraTor.
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=Usługa ExoneraTor utrzymuje bazę danych adresów IP, które były częścią sieci Tor. Odpowiada na pytanie, czy istnieje przekaźnik sieciowy działający pod danym adresem IP w danej dacie. ExoneraTor może przechowywać więcej niż jeden adres IP na przekaźnik, jeśli przekaźniki używają innego adresu IP do wyjścia z Internetu niż do rejestracji w sieci Tora, i przechowuje to, czy przekaźnik zezwolił na tranzyt ruchu Tora do otwartego Internetu w tym czasie.
-footer.language.text=Ta strona jest dostępna również w poniższych językach:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/pt_BR/exonerator.properties b/pt_BR/exonerator.properties
index 4e33cc695..bd0cb44ed 100644
--- a/pt_BR/exonerator.properties
+++ b/pt_BR/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Resultado: positivo
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
summary.negative.title=Resultado: negativo
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
technicaldetails.heading=Detalhes técnicos
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/pt_PT/exonerator.properties b/pt_PT/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/pt_PT/exonerator.properties
+++ b/pt_PT/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/ro/exonerator.properties b/ro/exonerator.properties
index bf6c0ccde..524991ce8 100644
--- a/ro/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ro/exonerator.properties
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ technicaldetails.exit.yes=Da
permanentlink.heading=Link permanent
footer.abouttor.heading=Despre Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor este un proiect internațional de software pentru anonimizarea traficului pe Internet prin criptarea pachetelor și trimiterea acestora printr-o serie de noduri de rețea înainte de a ajunge la destinație. Prin urmare, dacă vedeți traficul unui releu Tor, acest trafic provine de obicei de la cineva care utilizează Tor, în locul operatorului de relee. Operatorii Tor Project și de releu Tor nu înregistrează traficul care trece prin rețea și, prin urmare, nu pot furniza informații despre originea sa. Asigurați-vă că %s și nu ezitați să %s pentru mai multe informații.
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=aflați mai multe despre Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=contactați The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Despre ExoneraTor
footer.aboutexonerator.body=Serviciul ExoneraTor operează o bază de date de adrese IP care au fost parte din rețelaua Tor la un anumit moment. Acest serviciu răspunde la întrebarea dacă a existat un releu Tor care a funcționat pe o anumită adresă IP la o anumită dată. ExoneraTor poate stoca mai mult de o adresă IP per releu dacă acestea folosesc o altă adresă IP pentru a ieși pe Internet decât cea folosită pentru înregistrarea în rețeaua Tor, și stochează dacă un nod a permis tranzitarea de trafic din rețeaua Tor catre Internetul public la acea dată.
diff --git a/ru/exonerator.properties b/ru/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/ru/exonerator.properties
+++ b/ru/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/sk/exonerator.properties b/sk/exonerator.properties
index cba9dbfd5..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/sk/exonerator.properties
+++ b/sk/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
diff --git a/sv/exonerator.properties b/sv/exonerator.properties
index 43acd1c4d..bc82c291c 100644
--- a/sv/exonerator.properties
+++ b/sv/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Resultatet är positivt
summary.positive.body=Vi hittade ett eller flera Tor-relän på IP-adress %s på eller inom en dag från %s som Tor-klienter förmodligen kände till.
summary.negative.title=Resultatet är negativt
summary.negative.body=Vi kunde inte hitta IP-adress %s på eller inom en dag från %s.
-# summary.missingdata=However, the database is missing several hours of data for this specific request, so that this result must be interpreted carefully.
technicaldetails.heading=Tekniska detaljer
technicaldetails.pre=Letar upp IP-adress %s på eller inom en dag från %s. Tor-klienter kan ha valt denna eller dessa Tor-relän vid anslutning via Tor.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Tidsstämpel (UTC)
diff --git a/th/exonerator.properties b/th/exonerator.properties
index 841756132..b62c897c8 100644
--- a/th/exonerator.properties
+++ b/th/exonerator.properties
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ technicaldetails.exit.yes=ใช่
footer.abouttor.heading=เกี่ยวกับ Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor à¸à¸·à¸à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¹à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸à¹à¹à¸§à¸£à¹à¸à¸²à¸à¸²à¸à¸²à¸à¸´ à¸à¸³à¸«à¸à¹à¸²à¸à¸µà¹à¸¥à¸à¸à¸²à¸£à¸£à¸°à¸à¸¸à¸à¸±à¸§à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸£à¸²à¸à¸£à¸à¸´à¸à¹à¸à¸à¸£à¹à¹à¸à¹à¸ à¹à¸à¸¢à¸à¸²à¸£à¸à¸à¸à¸£à¸«à¸±à¸ªà¸¥à¸±à¸à¹à¸à¸à¹à¸à¹à¸à¹à¸¥à¸°à¸à¹à¸²à¸¡à¹à¸à¸à¸²à¸¡à¹à¸à¸à¹à¸à¹à¸²à¸ ๠à¸à¹à¸à¸à¸à¸¶à¸à¸à¸¸à¸à¸¡à¸¸à¹à¸à¸«à¸¡à¸²à¸¢ à¸à¸±à¸à¸à¸±à¹à¸à¹à¸¡à¸·à¹à¸à¸à¸¸à¸à¹à¸«à¹à¸à¸à¸£à¸²à¸à¸£à¸à¸²à¸à¸£à¸µà¹à¸¥à¸¢à¹à¸à¸à¸ Tor à¸à¸±à¹à¸à¹à¸ªà¸à¸à¸§à¹à¸²à¸à¸²à¸£à¸à¸£à¸²à¸à¸£à¸à¸±à¹à¸à¸¡à¸²à¸à¸²à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸µà¹à¹à¸à¹ Tor à¹à¸¡à¹à¹à¸à¹à¸¡à¸²à¸à¸²à¸à¸à¸¹à¹à¹à¸«à¹à¸à¸£à¸´à¸à¸²à¸£à¸£à¸µà¹à¸¥à¸¢à¹ à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¹à¸ Tor à¹à¸¥à¸°à¸à¸¹à¹à¹à¸«à¹à¸à¸£à¸´à¸à¸²à¸£à¸£à¸µà¹à¸¥à¸¢à¹à¸à¸à¸ Tor à¸à¸°à¹à¸¡à¹à¸¡à¸µà¸à¸±à¸à¸à¸¶à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸£à¸²à¸à¸£à¸à¸µà¹à¸à¹à¸²à¸à¹à¸à¸£à¸·à¸à¸à¹à¸²à¸¢ à¸à¸±à¸à¸à¸±à¹à¸à¸à¹à¸à¸°à¹à¸¡à
¹à¸ªà¸²à¸¡à¸²à¸£à¸à¸¡à¸µà¸à¹à¸à¸¡à¸¹à¸¥à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸¸à¸à¸à¸³à¹à¸à¸´à¸ à¹à¸§à¹à¹à¸%sà¹à¸¥à¸°à¸à¸¢à¹à¸²à¸¥à¸±à¸à¹à¸¥à¸à¸µà¹à¸à¸°%sสำหรัà¸à¸à¹à¸à¸¡à¸¹à¸¥à¹à¸à¸´à¹à¸¡à¹à¸à¸´à¸¡
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
footer.abouttor.body.link1=เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ Tor
footer.abouttor.body.link2=ติดต่อ The Tor Project, Inc.
footer.aboutexonerator.heading=เกี่ยวกับ ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=บริการ ExoneraTor ดูแลฐานข้อมูลของที่อยู่ IP ที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของเครือข่าย Tor และช่วยตอบคำถามว่ารีเลย์ของ Tor ทำงานบนที่อยู่ IP ในวันที่ให้มาหรือไม่ ExoneraTor อาจเก็บที่อยู่ IP มากกว่าหนึ่งต่อรีเลย์ ถ้ารีเลย์ใช้ที่อยู่ IP แตกต่างกันสำหรับการออกจากอินเทอร์เน็ตมากกว่าการลงทะเบียนบนเครือข่าย Tor อีกทั้งจะเก็บเมื่อรีเลย์ยอมให้การจราจรของ Tor อยู่บนอินเทอร์ตลอดเวลา
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
diff --git a/tr/exonerator.properties b/tr/exonerator.properties
index 27a6eb02a..0e0a2fc51 100644
--- a/tr/exonerator.properties
+++ b/tr/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=Sonuç olumlu
summary.positive.body=%s IP adresinde ya da %s gün içinde Tor istemcileri tarafından bilinen bir ya da birkaç Tor aktarıcısı bulundu.
summary.negative.title=Sonuç olumsuz
summary.negative.body=%s IP adresi ya da %s gün içinde bulunamadı.
-summary.missingdata=Bununla birlikte, bu özel istek için veritabanında bir kaç saatlik veri eksik olduğundan sonuçları yorumlarken dikkatli olmalısınız.
technicaldetails.heading=Teknik ayrıntılar
technicaldetails.pre=%s IP adresinde ya da %s gün içinde Tor istemcileri tarafından seçilmiş bir ya da birkaç Tor aktarıcısına bakılıyor.
technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Zaman damgası (UTC)
diff --git a/uk/exonerator.properties b/uk/exonerator.properties
index 7f8e2d56a..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/uk/exonerator.properties
+++ b/uk/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=Введіть IP адресу та дату, щоб дізнатись, чи був він використаний як Tor ретранслятор
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Проблема сервера
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Не вдалося з'єднатися з базою даних. Будь ласка, спробуйте пізніше. Якщо проблема залишатиметься, будь ласка, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=дайте нам знати
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Проблема сервера
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=База даних пуста. Будь ласка, спробуйте пізніше. Якщо проблема залишатиметься, будь ласка, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=дайте нам знати
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Не вказано параметр дати
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Вибачте, Вам також треба вказати параметр дати.
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Не вказано параметр IP-адреси
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Вибачте, Вам також треба вказати параметр IP-адреси.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Параметр дати поза рамками
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Вибачте, база даних не містить жодних даних з %s. Будь ласка, оберіть дату між %s та %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Недійсний параметр IP-адреси
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Вибачте, %s не є дійсною IP-адресою. Очікуваний формат IP-адреси — %s або %s.
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Недійсний параметр дати
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Вибачте, %s не є дійсною датою. Очікуваний формат дати — %s.
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Параметр дати занадто недавній
-summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=База даних може ще не містити достатньо даних, щоб правильно відповісти на цей запит. Останнє оновлення даних було позавчора. Будь ласка, повторіть свій пошук в інший день.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Проблема сервера
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=База даних не містить жодних даних для запитаної дати. Будь ласка, спробуйте пізніше. Якщо проблема залишатиметься, будь ласка, %s!
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=дайте нам знати
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Результат негативний
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Ми не знайшли IP-адресу %s у день %s. Але ми знайшли інші IP-адреси Tor relays у цій же мережі /%d у той же час:
-summary.positive.title=Результат позитивний
-summary.positive.body=Ми знайшли одне чи більше реле Tor за IP-адресою %s впродовж дня %s, які клієнти Tor могли б знати.
-summary.negative.title=Результат негативний
-summary.negative.body=Ми не знайшли IP-адресу %s у день %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Технічні подробиці
-technicaldetails.pre=Пошук IP-адрес %s впродовж дня %s. Клієнти Tor, вірогідно, обрали це/ці Tor-реле для побудови ланцюгів.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Часова мітка (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Відбитки ідентичності
-technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Ім'я користувача
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Вихідний ретранслятор
-permanentlink.heading=Постійне посилання
-footer.abouttor.heading=Про Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor - Ñе мÑжнаÑодний пÑÐ¾ÐµÐºÑ Ð¿ÑогÑамного забезпеÑÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½ÑмÑзаÑÑÑ ÑнÑеÑнеÑ-ÑÑаÑÑÐºÑ ÑлÑÑ
ÑеÑез ÑÑд пÑомÑжниÑ
вÑзлÑв пеÑÑ Ð½Ñж вони доÑÑгнÑÑÑ Ð¼ÑÑÑÑ Ð¿ÑизнаÑеннÑ. Ð¢Ð¾Ð¼Ñ ÑкÑо ви баÑиÑе ÑÑаÑÑк з ÑеÑÑанÑлÑÑоÑÑ Tor, вÑн ÑадÑе поÑ
одиÑÑ Ð²Ñд когоÑÑ, Ñ
Ñо коÑиÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ Tor, анÑж вÑд опеÑаÑоÑа ÑеÑÑанÑлÑÑоÑÑ. ÐпеÑаÑоÑи Tor Project Ñ ÑеÑÑанÑлÑÑоÑÑ Tor не маÑÑÑ Ð¶Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¸Ñ
запиÑÑв ÑÑаÑÑкÑ, Ñкий пÑоÑ
одиÑÑ ÐºÑÑÐ·Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑежÑ, Ñ ÑÐ¾Ð¼Ñ Ð½Ðµ можÑÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð´Ð°Ñи Ð¶Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ñ ÑнÑоÑмаÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñо його джеÑело. Ðбов'Ñзково %s Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑоÑомÑеÑÑ %s дÐ
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=дізнатися більше про Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=зв'язатися з The Tor Project, Inc.
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Про ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=Сервіс ExoneraTor підтримує базу даних IP-адрес, які є частиною мережі Tor. З його допомогою можна дізнатися, чи було запущено Tor-реле з певної IP-адреси певної дати. ExoneraTor може зберігати більше, ніж одну IP-адресу на реле, якщо реле використовують IP-адресу для виходу в інтернет, відмінну від тої, з якою реєструються в мережі Tor, і зберігає дані про те, чи реле тоді дозволило транзит трафіку Tor у відкритий Інтернет.
-footer.language.text=Ця сторінка також доступна наступними мовами:
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
diff --git a/zh_CN/exonerator.properties b/zh_CN/exonerator.properties
index c7db45f8d..d5f6676a4 100644
--- a/zh_CN/exonerator.properties
+++ b/zh_CN/exonerator.properties
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ summary.positive.title=结果是肯定的
summary.positive.body=我们发现一个或多个 Tor 中继在 IP 地址 %s(于指定日期 %s)可被 Tor 客户端获知。
summary.negative.body=我们没有找到 IP 地址 %s(于指定日期 %s)。
technicaldetails.pre=查询 IP 地址 %s 于指定日期 %s 的记录。Tor 客户端可以选择这个或这些 Tor 中继来构建线路。
diff --git a/zh_TW/exonerator.properties b/zh_TW/exonerator.properties
index e2d808482..b1be64e8c 100644
--- a/zh_TW/exonerator.properties
+++ b/zh_TW/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-form.explanation=請輸入一個地址和日期查詢一個地址是否曾作為一個 Tor 中繼點:
-form.ip.label=IP 地址
-summary.invalidparams.noip.title=沒有提供 IP 地址參數
-summary.invalidparams.noip.body=抱歉,您還需要提供一個 IP 地址參數。
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=抱歉,資料庫不包含從 %s 開始的任何資料。請挑選在 %s 與 %s 之間的一個日期。
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=無效的 IP 地址參數
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=抱歉,%s 不是一個有效的 IP 地址。預期的 IP 地址格式是 %s 或 %s。
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=抱歉,%s 不是一個有效的日期。預期的日期格式是 %s。
-summary.negativesamenetwork.body=我們沒找到 IP 地址 %s 在指定的日期 %s 內的活動。但我們確實發現了在這個時間內,有其他 Tor 中繼的 IP 地址位於同一 /%d 網域內:
-summary.positive.body=我們發現一個或多個 Tor 中繼在 IP 地址 %s(於指定日期 %s)可被 Tor 客戶端獲知。
-summary.negative.body=我們沒有找到 IP 地址 %s(於指定日期 %s)。
-technicaldetails.pre=查詢 IP 地址 %s 於指定日期 %s 的記錄。Tor 客戶端可以選擇這個或這些 Tor 中繼來構建線路。
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=時間戳 (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP 地址
-footer.abouttor.heading=關於 Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.text=洋蔥路由是一項跨國的軟體專案,其主要宗旨是藉由加密封包並在它們到達目的地之前通過一系列的跳點發送它們來來提供匿名性的網路資料傳輸。 因此,若您看見了來自洋蔥路由節點的網路流量的話,這通常並不代表該節點的管理員在上網,而是世界上某個地方有某個人正在使用洋蔥路由來上網。 不論是此專案計畫的主導機構或洋蔥路由節點的管理員,都沒有針對洋蔥路由網路空間中的任何網路流量做歷史紀錄,也因此他們也不可能提供任何關於網路流量來源的相關資訊。 詳情請參考 %s ,並且可以參考 %s 以獲得更多相關資訊。
-footer.abouttor.body.link1=更深入瞭解 Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link2=聯絡 Tor Project, Inc.
-footer.aboutexonerator.heading=關於 ExoneraTor
-footer.aboutexonerator.body=ExoneraTor 服務內部有一個 IP 位址資料庫,紀錄著洋蔥路由網路中各個節點的相關歷史資訊,因此可以輕易的得知某個 IP 位址在某個時候是否曾經被某個洋蔥路由節點使用。 在某些情況中,同一個洋蔥路由節點用來連接外部廣域網路(洋蔥路由網路的出口)的 IP 位址與在洋蔥路由網路空間中所註冊的 IP 位址不一樣,此時在 ExoneraTor 裡關於該節點的資訊,就會出現多個不同的 IP 位址,也因此可以知道該節點在某個時間點,是否有提供連接外部廣域網路的出口服務。
+# form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+# form.ip.label=IP address
+# form.timestamp.label=Date
+# form.search.label=Search
+# summary.heading=Summary
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+# summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+# summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.title=Date parameter too recent
+# summary.invalidparams.timestamptoorecent.body=The database may not yet contain enough data to correctly answer this request. The latest accepted data is the day before yesterday. Please repeat your search on another day.
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+# summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+# summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+# summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+# summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+# summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+# technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+# technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+# technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+# technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+# technicaldetails.colheader.nickname=Nickname
+# technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
+# technicaldetails.nickname.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.unknown=Unknown
+# technicaldetails.exit.yes=Yes
+# technicaldetails.exit.no=No
+# permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+# footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+# footer.abouttor.body.link1=learn more about Tor
+# footer.abouttor.body.link2=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+# footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+# footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+# footer.language.name=English
+# footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
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