[tor-commits] [tor/master] Merge branch 'ticket26016'

nickm at torproject.org nickm at torproject.org
Wed May 9 18:05:11 UTC 2018

commit d972a8a9440d89143d58b5d0bd57155c38651ee6
Merge: f684b48b5 b0e575771
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm at torproject.org>
Date:   Wed May 9 14:04:30 2018 -0400

    Merge branch 'ticket26016'

 changes/ticket26016 |  4 ++++
 src/or/main.c       | 33 ++++++++++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --cc src/or/main.c
index 2497c277a,849101906..c4a42569d
--- a/src/or/main.c
+++ b/src/or/main.c
@@@ -2495,73 -2493,8 +2495,70 @@@ hs_service_callback(time_t now, const o
  /** Timer: used to invoke second_elapsed_callback() once per second. */
  static periodic_timer_t *second_timer = NULL;
- /** Number of libevent errors in the last second: we die if we get too many. */
- static int n_libevent_errors = 0;
 -/** Last time that second_elapsed_callback was called. */
 +/** Last time that update_current_time was called. */
  static time_t current_second = 0;
 +/** Last time that update_current_time updated current_second. */
 +static monotime_coarse_t current_second_last_changed;
 + * Set the current time to "now", which should be the value returned by
 + * time().  Check for clock jumps and track the total number of seconds we
 + * have been running.
 + */
 +update_current_time(time_t now)
 +  if (PREDICT_LIKELY(now == current_second)) {
 +    /* We call this function a lot.  Most frequently, the current second
 +     * will not have changed, so we just return. */
 +    return;
 +  }
 +  const time_t seconds_elapsed = current_second ? (now - current_second) : 0;
 +  /* Check the wall clock against the monotonic clock, so we can
 +   * better tell idleness from clock jumps and/or other shenanigans. */
 +  monotime_coarse_t last_updated;
 +  memcpy(&last_updated, &current_second_last_changed, sizeof(last_updated));
 +  monotime_coarse_get(&current_second_last_changed);
 +  /** How much clock jumping do we tolerate? */
 +  /** How much idleness do we tolerate? */
 +  if (seconds_elapsed < -NUM_JUMPED_SECONDS_BEFORE_WARN) {
 +    // moving back in time is always a bad sign.
 +    circuit_note_clock_jumped(seconds_elapsed, false);
 +  } else if (seconds_elapsed >= NUM_JUMPED_SECONDS_BEFORE_WARN) {
 +    /* Compare the monotonic clock to the result of time(). */
 +    const int32_t monotime_msec_passed =
 +      monotime_coarse_diff_msec32(&last_updated,
 +                                  &current_second_last_changed);
 +    const int monotime_sec_passed = monotime_msec_passed / 1000;
 +    const int discrepancy = monotime_sec_passed - (int)seconds_elapsed;
 +    /* If the monotonic clock deviates from time(NULL), we have a couple of
 +     * possibilities.  On some systems, this means we have been suspended or
 +     * sleeping.  Everywhere, it can mean that the wall-clock time has
 +     * been changed -- for example, with settimeofday().
 +     *
 +     * On the other hand, if the monotonic time matches with the wall-clock
 +     * time, we've probably just been idle for a while, with no events firing.
 +     * we tolerate much more of that.
 +     */
 +    const bool clock_jumped = abs(discrepancy) > 2;
 +    if (clock_jumped || seconds_elapsed >= NUM_IDLE_SECONDS_BEFORE_WARN) {
 +      circuit_note_clock_jumped(seconds_elapsed, ! clock_jumped);
 +    }
 +  } else if (seconds_elapsed > 0) {
 +    stats_n_seconds_working += seconds_elapsed;
 +  }
 +  update_approx_time(now);
 +  current_second = now;
  /** Libevent callback: invoked once every second. */
  static void
@@@ -2576,18 -2509,13 +2573,16 @@@ second_elapsed_callback(periodic_timer_
-   n_libevent_errors = 0;
 -  /* log_notice(LD_GENERAL, "Tick."); */
    now = time(NULL);
 -  update_approx_time(now);
 +  /* We don't need to do this once-per-second any more: time-updating is
 +   * only in this callback _because it is a callback_. It should be fine
 +   * to disable this callback, and the time will still get updated.
 +   */
 +  update_current_time(now);
    /* the second has rolled over. check more stuff. */
 -  seconds_elapsed = current_second ? (int)(now - current_second) : 0;
 +  // remove this once it's unneeded
    bytes_read = (size_t)(stats_n_bytes_read - stats_prev_n_read);
    bytes_written = (size_t)(stats_n_bytes_written - stats_prev_n_written);
    stats_prev_n_read = stats_n_bytes_read;
@@@ -3721,10 -3652,7 +3709,9 @@@ tor_free_all(int postfork
    should_init_bridge_stats = 1;
    dns_honesty_first_time = 1;
    heartbeat_callback_first_time = 1;
-   n_libevent_errors = 0;
    current_second = 0;
 +  memset(&current_second_last_changed, 0,
 +         sizeof(current_second_last_changed));
    if (!postfork) {

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