[tor-commits] [translation/tor-launcher-properties] Update translations for tor-launcher-properties

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Thu Jan 18 05:46:36 UTC 2018

commit 0c1ef7abbb3285fd7c9239da22e416fbd69de57e
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 18 05:46:34 2018 +0000

    Update translations for tor-launcher-properties
 mk/torlauncher.properties | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mk/torlauncher.properties b/mk/torlauncher.properties
index aee798f8a..54c21ba4a 100644
--- a/mk/torlauncher.properties
+++ b/mk/torlauncher.properties
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
 ### Copyright (c) 2016, The Tor Project, Inc.
 ### See LICENSE for licensing information.
-torlauncher.error_title=Tor Launcher
+torlauncher.error_title=Tor стартувач
 torlauncher.tor_exited_during_startup=Tor exited during startup. This might be due to an error in your torrc file, a bug in Tor or another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you fix the underlying problem and restart Tor, Tor Browser will not start.
-torlauncher.tor_exited=Tor unexpectedly exited. This might be due to a bug in Tor itself, another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you restart Tor, the Tor Browser will not able to reach any websites. If the problem persists, please send a copy of your Tor Log to the support team.
+torlauncher.tor_exited=Tor неочекувано се исклучи. Ова може да е до грешка во самиот Tor, друга програма во системот, или проблем со харверот. Додека повторно го стартувате Tor, Tor прелистувачот нема да може да ја отвори било која веб страна. Ако проблемот остане, ве молиме испратете копија од вашиот Tor лог на тимот за поддршка.
 torlauncher.tor_exited2=Restarting Tor will not close your browser tabs.
-torlauncher.tor_controlconn_failed=Could not connect to Tor control port.
-torlauncher.tor_failed_to_start=Tor failed to start.
-torlauncher.tor_control_failed=Failed to take control of Tor.
-torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed=Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection.
-torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed_details=%1$S failed (%2$S).
+torlauncher.tor_controlconn_failed=Не може да се поврзе на Tor контролната порта.
+torlauncher.tor_failed_to_start=Tor не успеа да се стартува.
+torlauncher.tor_control_failed=Не успеа да преземе контрола врз Tor.
+torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed=Tor не успеа да воспостави врска со Tor мрежата.
+torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed_details=%1$S не успеаа (%2$S).
-torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Unable to start Tor.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.tor_missing=The Tor executable is missing.
-torlauncher.torrc_missing=The torrc file is missing and could not be created.
-torlauncher.datadir_missing=The Tor data directory does not exist and could not be created.
-torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Failed to get hashed password.
+torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Невозможно да се стартува Tor.\n\n%S
+torlauncher.tor_missing=Извршната датотека на Tor недостасува.
+torlauncher.torrc_missing=torrc датотеката недостасува и не може да биде создадена.
+torlauncher.datadir_missing=Tor податочниот директориум не постои и не може да биде создаден.
+torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Не успеа да добие хаш-лозинка.
-torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Unable to retrieve Tor settings.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.failed_to_save_settings=Unable to save Tor settings.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.ensure_tor_is_running=Please ensure that Tor is running.
+torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Невозможно е да се добијат Tor поставки.\n\n%S
+torlauncher.failed_to_save_settings=Невозможно е да се зачуваат Tor поставките.\n\n%S
+torlauncher.ensure_tor_is_running=Проверете дека Tor не е вклучен.
-torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=You must specify both an IP address or hostname and a port number to configure Tor to use a proxy to access the Internet.
-torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=You must select the proxy type.
-torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=You must specify one or more bridges.
-torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=You must select a transport type for the provided bridges.
+torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=Мора да ги посочите и IP адресите или хостовите и бројот на портата за да го поставите Tor да користи прокси за пристап на Интернет.
+torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=Морате да одберете тип на прокси.
+torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=Морате да одберете еден или повеќе мостови.
+torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=Мора да одберете тип на транспорт за обезбедните мостови.
 torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=No provided bridges that have the transport type %S are available. Please adjust your settings.
 torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-amazon=(works in China)
@@ -33,32 +33,32 @@ torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-azure=(works in China)
 torlauncher.restart_tor=Повторно стартување на Tor
-torlauncher.forAssistance=For assistance, contact %S
+torlauncher.forAssistance=За асистенција, контактирајте %S
 torlauncher.forAssistance2=For assistance, visit %S
 torlauncher.copiedNLogMessages=Copy complete. %S Tor log messages are ready to be pasted into a text editor or an email message.
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_dir=Connecting to a relay directory
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_dir=Establishing an encrypted directory connection
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_status=Retrieving network status
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=Loading network status
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Loading authority certificates
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Requesting relay information
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Loading relay information
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_dir=Поврзи се на јазол директориум
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_dir=Воспостави енкриптирана врска со директориумот
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_status=Добивање на мрежен статус
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=Вчитување на мрежен статус
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Вчитување на авторитетски сертификати
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Барање на информации за јазол
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Вчитување на информации за јазол
 torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_or=Поврзување на Тор мрежата
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_or=Establishing a Tor circuit
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Connected to the Tor network!
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_or=Воспоставување на Tor круг
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Поврзан на Tor мрежата.
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.connectrefused=connection refused
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.resourcelimit=insufficient resources
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.identity=identity mismatch
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.timeout=connection timeout
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.noroute=no route to host
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.ioerror=read/write error
+torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.connectrefused=врската е одбиена
+torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.resourcelimit=недоволни ресурси
+torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.identity=идентитетско несогласување
+torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.timeout=времето за врска истече
+torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.noroute=нема рута до хост
+torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.ioerror=грешка при читајње/запишување
 torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.pt_missing=missing pluggable transport

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