[tor-commits] [translation/tbmanual-contentspot_completed] Update translations for tbmanual-contentspot_completed
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Wed Dec 26 19:17:29 UTC 2018
commit f17bd94f8bfcd56fa80f1ff3d47f71dcb0d1eec5
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Wed Dec 26 19:17:26 2018 +0000
Update translations for tbmanual-contentspot_completed
contents+ca.po | 2365 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 2365 insertions(+)
diff --git a/contents+ca.po b/contents+ca.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6580ee68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contents+ca.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2365 @@
+# Translators:
+# Emma Peel, 2018
+# erinm, 2018
+# Mark <markripesp at gmail.com>, 2018
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-13 17:25+CET\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-14 12:31+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mark <markripesp at gmail.com>, 2018\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan (https://www.transifex.com/otf/teams/1519/ca/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ca\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Managing identities"
+msgstr "Administrant identitats"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Learn how to control personally-identifying information in Tor Browser"
+msgstr ""
+"Aprengui com controlar la informació d'identificació personal al navegador "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When you connect to a website, it is not only the operators of that website "
+"who can record information about your visit. Most websites now use numerous "
+"third-party services, including social networking “Like” buttons, analytics "
+"trackers, and advertising beacons, all of which can link your activity "
+"across different sites."
+msgstr ""
+"Quan es connecta a un lloc web, no tan sols els administradors del web poden"
+" tenir informació sobre la visita. Molts webs utilitzant programari de "
+"tercers, incloent els botons d'agradar de xarxes socials, rastrejadors i "
+"publicitat, tots ells poden enllaçar la seva activitat de navegació en "
+"diferents webs."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Using the Tor network stops observers from being able to discover your exact"
+" location and IP address, but even without this information they might be "
+"able to link different areas of your activity together. For this reason, Tor"
+" Browser includes some additional features that help you control what "
+"information can be tied to your identity."
+msgstr ""
+"Utilitzant la xarxa Tor es pot aturar l'observació de la localització "
+"mitjançant la seva direcció IP, però fins i tot sense aquesta informació "
+"poden arribar a enllaçar diferents àrees de la seva activitat. Per aquesta "
+"raó, el navegador Tor inclou característiques addicionals que permeten "
+"ajudar al control de quina informació pot enllaçar-se a la seva identitat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### The URL bar"
+msgstr "##### Barra de URL"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser centers your web experience around your relationship with the "
+"website in the URL bar. Even if you connect to two different sites that use "
+"the same third-party tracking service, Tor Browser will force the content to"
+" be served over two different Tor circuits, so the tracker will not know "
+"that both connections originate from your browser."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor centra la experiència web amb la barra d'URL. Fins i tot si"
+" es connecta a dos llocs web diferents que utilitzen el mateix sistema de "
+"rastrejament de terceres parts, el navegador Tor forçarà que el contingut "
+"viatgi per dos circuits independents, per tant el rastrejador no podrà "
+"conèixer la relació entre les dues peticions."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"On the other hand, all connections to a single website address will be made "
+"over the same Tor circuit, meaning you can browse different pages of a "
+"single website in separate tabs or windows, without any loss of "
+msgstr ""
+"Per altra banda, totes les connexions a un lloc web es realitzaran pel "
+"mateix circuit virtual, permeten navegar per diferents pàgines web en "
+"diferents pestanyes o finestres, sense perdre cap funcionalitat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/circuit_full.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/circuit_full.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"You can see a diagram of the circuit that Tor Browser is using for the "
+"current tab in the site information menu, in the URL bar."
+msgstr ""
+"Es pot observar un diagrama del circuit que el navegador Tor està "
+"utilitzant en la pestanya actual en el menú infomació de la pàgina, en la "
+"barra d'adreça web."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"In the circuit, the Guard or entry node is the first node and it's "
+"automatically and randomly selected by Tor. But it is different from the "
+"other nodes in the circuit. In order to avoid profiling attacks, the Guard "
+"node changes only after 2-3 months, unlike the other nodes, which change "
+"with every new domain. For more information about Guards, consult the <a "
+"href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq#EntryGuards\">FAQ</a> and <a "
+"href=\"https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-2/\">Support Portal</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"En el circuit, la guàrdia o el node d'entrada és el primer node i és "
+"automàticament i aleatòriament seleccionat per Tor. Però, aquest, és "
+"diferent dels altres nodes del circuit. Per garantir seguretat en contra "
+"d'atacs de perfil, el node de guàrdia canvia només cada 2-3 mesos, a "
+"diferència dels altres nodes, que canvien per cada domini web. Per més "
+"informació sobre Guàrdies, consulta les <a "
+"href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq#EntryGuards\">Preguntes més "
+"freqüents</a> i el <a "
+"href=\"https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-2/\">Portal de Suport</a>."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Logging in over Tor"
+msgstr "##### Registre de Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Although Tor Browser is designed to enable total user anonymity on the web, "
+"there may be situations in which it makes sense to use Tor with websites "
+"that require usernames, passwords, or other identifying information."
+msgstr ""
+"Tot i que el navegador Tor està dissenyat per una navegació totalment "
+"anònima, poden existir situacions que no faci falta la utilització de Tor, "
+"com per exemple pàgines web amb inici de sessió, contrasenyes o necessitat "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you log into a website using a regular browser, you also reveal your IP "
+"address and geographical location in the process. The same is often true "
+"when you send an email. Logging into your social networking or email "
+"accounts using Tor Browser allows you to choose exactly which information "
+"you reveal to the websites you browse. Logging in using Tor Browser is also "
+"useful if the website you are trying to reach is censored on your network."
+msgstr ""
+"Si inicia sessió amb un navegador convencional, està mostrant la seva "
+"direcció IP i localització, i amb una alta probabilitat quan estigui enviant"
+" un correu electrònic. Iniciar sessió en una xarxa social o entrar en un "
+"gestor de correu electrònic web mitjançant Tor permet enviar la informació "
+"de forma selectiva. Altrament pot ser útil si s'intenta accedir a una pàgina"
+" web censurada."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When you log in to a website over Tor, there are several points you should "
+"bear in mind:"
+msgstr ""
+"Quan iniciï sessió mitjançant el navegador Tor, hi han diverses "
+"consideracions a tenir en ment:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* See the <a href=\"/secure-connections\">Secure Connections</a> page for "
+"important information on how to secure your connection when logging in."
+msgstr ""
+"* Consulti <a href=\"secure-connections\">Connexions segures</a> la pàgina "
+"on mostra com augmentar la seguretat en les connexions d'inici de sessió."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Tor Browser often makes your connection appear as though it is coming from"
+" an entirely different part of the world. Some websites, such as banks or "
+"email providers, might interpret this as a sign that your account has been "
+"hacked or compromised, and lock you out. The only way to resolve this is by "
+"following the site’s recommended procedure for account recovery, or "
+"contacting the operators and explaining the situation."
+msgstr ""
+"* El navegador Tor tot sovint fa aparèixer la connexió des de una "
+"localització diferent. Alguns webs, com els bancs o proveïdors de correu "
+"electrònic, poden interpretar com si la connexió fos furonada i per tant fer"
+" fora del web. La única manera de resoldre-ho és seguir les recomanacions de"
+" la recuperació del compte o contactar al operador i explicar la situació."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Changing identities and circuits"
+msgstr "##### Canviant identitats i circuits"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/new_identity.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/new_identity.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser features “New Identity” and “New Tor Circuit for this Site” "
+"options, located in the main menu (hamburger menu)."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor dóna opcions com \"Nova identitat\" i \"Nou circuit Tor per"
+" aquest lloc\", aquestes, localitzables al menú principal (menú hamburguesa)"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "###### New Identity"
+msgstr "##### Nova identitat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"This option is useful if you want to prevent your subsequent browser "
+"activity from being linkable to what you were doing before. Selecting it "
+"will close all your open tabs and windows, clear all private information "
+"such as cookies and browsing history, and use new Tor circuits for all "
+"connections. Tor Browser will warn you that all activity and downloads will "
+"be stopped, so take this into account before clicking “New Identity”."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquesta opció pot ser d'ajuda si vol prevenir l'enllaç de l'activitat del "
+"navegador amb activitats anteriors. Si es selecciona es tancaran totes les "
+"pestanyes i finestres, i es suprimiran totes les galetes i historial de "
+"navegació, a més de la utilització de nous circuits Tor per totes les "
+"connexions. El navegador Tor advertirà que totes les activitats i "
+"descàrregues seran aturades, prengui-ho en consideració abans de fer clic a "
+"\"Nova identitat\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "###### New Tor circuit for this site"
+msgstr "##### Nou circuit Tor per a aquest lloc"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"This option is useful if the <a href=\"/about/#how-tor-works\">exit "
+"relay</a> you are using is unable to connect to the website you require, or "
+"is not loading it properly. Selecting it will cause the currently-active tab"
+" or window to be reloaded over a new Tor circuit. Other open tabs and "
+"windows from the same website will use the new circuit as well once they are"
+" reloaded. This option does not clear any private information or unlink your"
+" activity, nor does it affect your current connections to other websites."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquesta opció pot ser d'ajuda si <a href=\"about-tor-browser#how-tor-"
+"works\">surt del relé</a> que està utilitzant per la connexió al lloc web "
+"que està intentant connectar. Si se selecciona farà que la pestanya o "
+"finestra activa s'actualitzi mitjançant un nou circuit Tor. Altres pestanyes"
+" i finestres obertes del mateix lloc web utilitzaran un nou circuit Tor al "
+"ser actualitzades. Aquesta opció no permet la neteja d'informació privada o "
+"desenllaçar la activitat, a més de no afectar connexions a altres lloc web."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"You can also access this option in the new circuit display, in the site "
+"information menu, in the URL bar."
+msgstr ""
+"Es pot accedir també a aquestes opcions des de la nova pantalla de circuits,"
+" en el menú d'informació del lloc web, en la barra de l'adreça web."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/managing-identities/
+#: (content/managing-identities/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "managing-identities"
+msgstr "gestionant-identitats"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/
+#: (content/contents+en-US.lrshowcase.title)
+msgid "Tor Browser User Manual"
+msgstr "Manual d' Usuari del servidor Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/menu/
+#: (content/menu/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "Quant a"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/menu/
+#: (content/menu/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentació"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/menu/
+#: (content/menu/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Press"
+msgstr "Premsa"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/menu/
+#: (content/menu/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Blog"
+msgstr "Blog"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/menu/
+#: (content/menu/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Newsletter"
+msgstr "Bulletí informatiu"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/menu/
+#: (content/menu/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Contacte"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "About Tor Browser"
+msgstr "Sobre el navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Learn what Tor Browser can do to protect your privacy and anonymity"
+msgstr ""
+"Aprengui com pot el navegador Tor protegir-lo amb anonimat i privacitat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser uses the Tor network to protect your privacy and anonymity. "
+"Using the Tor network has two main properties:"
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor utilitza la xarxa Tor per protegir l'anonimat i la "
+"privacitat. Utilitzant la xarxa Tor existeixen 2 propietats:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Your internet service provider, and anyone watching your connection "
+"locally, will not be able to track your internet activity, including the "
+"names and addresses of the websites you visit."
+msgstr ""
+"* El proveïdor d'Internet i qualsevulla persona que observi la connexió "
+"local, no podran fer seguiment de la activitat d'Internet, incloent el nom i"
+" direcció dels webs que visiti."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* The operators of the websites and services that you use, and anyone "
+"watching them, will see a connection coming from the Tor network instead of "
+"your real Internet (IP) address, and will not know who you are unless you "
+"explicitly identify yourself."
+msgstr ""
+"* Els administradors de webs i serveis que s'utilitzin, o qualsevol que "
+"sigui observant de la connexió, veurà una connexió que prové de la xarxa Tor"
+" en lloc de l'adreça (IP) real, i no podrà saber la seva identitat a menys "
+"que ho expliciti."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"In addition, Tor Browser is designed to prevent websites from "
+"“fingerprinting” or identifying you based on your browser configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"A més, el navegador Tor està dissenyat per prevenir pàgines web amb "
+"identificació per empremta digital o identificació mitjançant els paràmetres"
+" del navegador."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"By default, Tor Browser does not keep any browsing history. Cookies are only"
+" valid for a single session (until Tor Browser is exited or a <a href"
+"=\"/managing-identities/#new-identity\">New Identity</a> is requested)."
+msgstr ""
+"Per defecte, el navegador Tor no desa l'historial de navegació. Les galetes "
+"només són vàlides per la sessió en marxa (fins que el navegador Tor es "
+"tanqui o <a href=\"/ca/managing-identities/#nova-identitat\">Nova "
+"identitat</a> es sol·licitada)."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### How Tor works"
+msgstr "##### Com funciona Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows you to improve your privacy "
+"and security on the Internet. Tor works by sending your traffic through "
+"three random servers (also known as *relays*) in the Tor network. The last "
+"relay in the circuit (the “exit relay”) then sends the traffic out onto the "
+"public Internet."
+msgstr ""
+"Tor és una xarxa de túnels virtuals que permeten incrementar la privacitat i"
+" la seguretat a Internet. Tor funciona enviant el tràfic de dades a 3 "
+"servidors aleatòris (també anomenats com *relés*) a la xarxa Tor. L'últim "
+"relé del circuit (el relé de sortida) envia la informació al Internet "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"<img class=\"\" src=\"../static/images/how-tor-works.png\" alt=\"How Tor "
+"Browser works\">"
+msgstr ""
+"<img class=\"\" src=\"../../static/images/how-tor-works.png\" alt=\"Com "
+"funciona el navegador Tor\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"The image above illustrates a user browsing to different websites over Tor. "
+"The green middle computers represent relays in the Tor network, while the "
+"three keys represent the layers of encryption between the user and each "
+msgstr ""
+"La imatge superior mostra un navegador d'usuari amb diferents webs "
+"mitjançant Tor. L'ordinador verd del centre representa el relé en la xarxa "
+"Tor, mentre que les 3 claus representen les capes d'encriptació entre "
+"l'usuari i el relé."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/about/
+#: (content/about/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "about"
+msgstr "en quant a "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Downloading"
+msgstr "Descarregant"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "How to download Tor Browser"
+msgstr "Com descarregar el navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"The safest and simplest way to download Tor Browser is from the official Tor"
+" Project website at https://www.torproject.org. Your connection to the site "
+"will be secured using <a href=\"https://tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US"
+"/secure-connections.html\">HTTPS</a>, which makes it much harder for "
+"somebody to tamper with."
+msgstr ""
+"La manera segura i simple de descarregar el navegador Tor és mitjançant la "
+"pàgina oficial del projecte Tor en el web https://www.torproject.org. La "
+"connexió s'estableix de forma segura mitjançat <a href=\"https://tb-"
+"manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections.html\">HTTPS</a>, que permet "
+"evitar les falsificacions."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"However, there may be times when you cannot access the Tor Project website: "
+"for example, it could be blocked on your network. If this happens, you can "
+"use one of the alternative download methods listed below."
+msgstr ""
+"Com sigui, hi han diverses maneres d'evitar l'accés al web del Projecte Tor:"
+" per exemple, el bloqueig en la xarxa d'accés. Si això succeïx, pot "
+"utilitzar un dels llocs de descàrrega que es citen a continuació."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Mirrors"
+msgstr "##### Miralls"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you're unable to download Tor Browser from the official Tor Project "
+"website, you can instead try downloading it from one of our official "
+"mirrors, either through [EFF](https://tor.eff.org) or [Calyx "
+msgstr ""
+"Si no pot descarregar ek navegador Tor des del lloc oficial del projecte "
+"Tor, si no, pot intentar descarregar-lo des d'un dels nostres llocs web "
+"externs, com [EFF](https://tor.eff.org) o [Calyx "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### GetTor"
+msgstr "##### GetTor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"GetTor is a service that automatically responds to messages with links to "
+"the latest version of Tor Browser, hosted at a variety of locations, such as"
+" Dropbox, Google Drive and GitHub."
+msgstr ""
+"GetTor és un servei que respon automàticament a missatges amb enllaços a la "
+"versió més recent del navegador de Tor, allotjada en diverses ubicacions, "
+"com ara Dropbox, Google Drive i GitHub."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "###### To use GetTor via email:"
+msgstr "##### Per utilitzar GetTor per correu electrònic:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Send an email to gettor at torproject.org, and in the body of the message "
+"simply write “windows”, “osx”, or “linux”, (without quotation marks) "
+"depending on your operating system."
+msgstr ""
+"Enviï un correu electrònic a gettor at torproject.org, i en el cos del missatge"
+" escrigui les paraules \"windows\", \"osx\" o \"linux\", (sense cometes) "
+"depenen del tipus de sistema operatiu que tingui."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"GetTor will respond with an email containing links from which you can "
+"download the Tor Browser package, the cryptographic signature (needed for "
+"verifying the download), the fingerprint of the key used to make the "
+"signature, and the package’s checksum. You may be offered a choice of "
+"“32-bit” or “64-bit” software: this depends on the model of the computer you"
+" are using."
+msgstr ""
+"Obtenir Tor contestarà amb un correu electrònic amb enllaços per a la "
+"descàrrega dle paquet de dades del navegador Tor, la signatura criptogràfica"
+" (que es precisa per verificar al descàrrega), la empremta digital "
+"utilitzada com a signatura, i la suma de verificació. Haurà d'escollir entre"
+" la opció de \"32-bit\" o \"64-bit\" depenen del processador de càlcul del "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "###### To use GetTor via Twitter:"
+msgstr "##### Per utilitzar GetTor mitjançant Twitter: "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"To get links for downloading Tor Browser in English for OS X, send a Direct "
+"Message to @get_tor with the words \"osx en\" in it (you don't need to "
+"follow the account)."
+msgstr ""
+"Per obtenir els enllaços per la descàrrega del navegador Tor en anglès per "
+"OS X, enviï una piulada a @get_tor amb el següent text: \"osx en\" (no "
+"precisa se seguidor del compte)."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "###### To use GetTor via Jabber/XMPP (Jitsi, CoyIM, etc.):"
+msgstr ""
+"##### Per utilitzar GetTor a través de Jabber/XMPP (Jitsi, CoyIM, etc.):"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"To get links for downloading Tor Browser in Chinese for Linux, send a "
+"message to gettor at torproject.org with the words \"linux zh\" in it."
+msgstr ""
+"Per obtenir enllaços per la descàrrega del navegado Tor en Xinès per Linux, "
+"enviï un correu electrònic gettor at torproject.org amb les següents paraules "
+"en el cos del missatge: linux zh\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/downloading/
+#: (content/downloading/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "downloading"
+msgstr "Descarregant"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Running Tor Browser for the first time"
+msgstr "Executant per primer cop el navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Learn how to use Tor Browser for the first time"
+msgstr "Aprengui com utilitzar per primer cop el navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When you run Tor Browser for the first time, you will see the Tor Network "
+"Settings window. This offers you the option to connect directly to the Tor "
+"network, or to configure Tor Browser for your connection."
+msgstr ""
+"Quan s'executi per primer cop el navegador Tor, s'obriran els paràmetres de "
+"xarxa Tor. Permetent la opció de connexió directa a la xarxa Tor, o "
+"configurar el navegador Tor per les connexions."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Connect"
+msgstr "##### Conecta't"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/connect.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/connect.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"In most cases, choosing \"Connect\" will allow you to connect to the Tor "
+"network without any further configuration. Once clicked, a status bar will "
+"appear, showing Tor’s connection progress. If you are on a relatively fast "
+"connection, but this bar seems to get stuck at a certain point, see the <a "
+"href=\"/troubleshooting\">Troubleshooting</a> page for help solving the "
+msgstr ""
+"En molts casos, escollint \"Connectat\" permetrà la connexió a la xarxa Tor "
+"sense més configuració. Un cop fet clic, la barra d'estat apareixerà, "
+"mostrat la progressió de la connexió Tor. La progressió dependrà de la "
+"velocitat de connexió, si experimentà algun problema, consulti <a "
+"href=\"troubleshooting\">Resolució de problemes</a> la pàgina per tronar una"
+" solució."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Configure"
+msgstr "##### Configura"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/configure.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/configure.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you know that your connection is censored, or uses a proxy, you should "
+"select this option. Tor Browser will take you through a series of "
+"configuration options."
+msgstr ""
+"Si coneix que les seves connexions pateixen censura, o utilitza un servidor "
+"intermedi, seleccioni aquesta opció. El navegador Tor permetrà fer les "
+"configuracions pertinents."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"The first screen asks if access to the Tor network is blocked or censored on"
+" your connection. If you do not believe this is the case, select “No”. If "
+"you know your connection is censored, or you have tried and failed to "
+"connect to the Tor network and no other solutions have worked, select “Yes”."
+" You will then be taken to the <a href=\"/circumvention\">Circumvention</a> "
+"screen to configure a pluggable transport."
+msgstr ""
+"La primera pantalla pregunta si l'accés a la xarxa Tor està bloquejada o "
+"censurada. Si creu que no és el cas, seleccioni \"No\". Si creu que la seva "
+"connexió està censurada, o ha fet un intent fallit de connexió a la xarxa "
+"Tor i cap solució ha funcionat, seleccioni \"Si\". Posteriorment serà "
+"derivat a <a href=\"elusió\">Circumvention</a> a la pantalla de paràmetres "
+"dels connectors de transport."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"The next screen asks if your connection uses a proxy. In most cases, this is"
+" not necessary. You will usually know if you need to answer “Yes”, as the "
+"same settings will be used for other browsers on your system. If possible, "
+"ask your network administrator for guidance. If your connection does not use"
+" a proxy, click “Continue”."
+msgstr ""
+"La pròxima pantalla pregunta si la seva connexió utilitza un servidor "
+"intermedi. En molts casos, no és necessari. En cas afirmatiu cliqui \"Si\", "
+"els mateixos paràmetres seran aplicats a tots els navegadors del sistema. Si"
+" és possible, pregunti al seu administrador de xarxa. Si la connexió no "
+"utilitza un servidor intermedi, cliqui \"Continuar\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/proxy_question.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/proxy_question.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/proxy.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/proxy.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/running-tor-browser/
+#: (content/running-tor-browser/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "running-tor-browser"
+msgstr "executant-navegador-tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Bridges"
+msgstr "Ponts"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid ""
+"Most Pluggable Transports, such as obfs3 and obfs4, rely on the use of "
+"“bridge” relays."
+msgstr ""
+"La majoria dels Transports connectors, com obfs3 i obfs4, utilitzen els "
+"relés de \"pont\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Most <a href=\"/transports\">Pluggable Transports</a>, such as obfs3 and "
+"obfs4, rely on the use of “bridge” relays. Like ordinary Tor relays, bridges"
+" are run by volunteers; unlike ordinary relays, however, they are not listed"
+" publicly, so an adversary cannot identify them easily. Using bridges in "
+"combination with pluggable transports helps to disguise the fact that you "
+"are using Tor."
+msgstr ""
+"La majoria <a href=\"transports\">Transports connectors</a>, com obfs3 i "
+"obfs4, utilitzen els relés de \"pont\". Com el relés estàndard de Tor, els "
+"ponts són usuaris voluntaris; a diferència els relés tradicionals, "
+"independentment, no estan llistat, d'aquesta manera no poden ser fàcilment "
+"identificats. La utilització de ponts en combinació amb els transports "
+"connectors ajuden a disfressar la utilització de Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Other pluggable transports, like meek, use different anti-censorship "
+"techniques that do not rely on bridges. You do not need to obtain bridge "
+"addresses in order to use these transports."
+msgstr ""
+"Altres transports connectors, com Meek, utilitzant altres tècniques anit-"
+"censura sense ponts. No es precisen l'obtenció de direccions ponts."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Getting bridge addresses"
+msgstr "##### Obtenció de direcció pont"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Because bridge addresses are not public, you will need to request them "
+"yourself. You have two options:"
+msgstr ""
+"Com que les direccions ponts no són públiques, s'hauran de demanar en "
+"l'instant. Existeixen dos opcions:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Visit https://bridges.torproject.org/ and follow the instructions, or"
+msgstr ""
+"* Visita https://bridges.torproject.org/ i segueixi les instruccions, o"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Email bridges at torproject.org from a Gmail, Yahoo, or Riseup email address"
+msgstr ""
+"* Envia correu electrònic a bridges at torproject.org des de Gmail, Yahoo, o "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Entering bridge addresses"
+msgstr "##### Entri la direcció pont"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Once you have obtained some bridge addresses, you will need to enter them "
+"into Tor Launcher."
+msgstr ""
+"Un cop s'hagi obtingut alguna direcció pont, l'haurà d'introduir en el Tor "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you're starting Tor Browser for the first time, click 'Configure' to open"
+" the Tor Network Settings window. Otherwise, click the Torbutton to the left"
+" of the URL bar, then select 'Tor Network Settings...' to access these "
+msgstr ""
+"Si està executant el navegador Tor per primera vegada, prem-hi 'Configurar' "
+"per obrir la finestra de paràmetres de la xarxa Tor. Alternativament, prem-"
+"hi el botó Tor, a la esquerra de l'adreça web, i seleccioni 'Paràmetres de "
+"la xarxa Tor...' per accedir a aquestes opcions."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"In the Tor Network Settings window, select 'Tor is censored in my country.' "
+"Then, select 'Provide a bridge I know' and enter each bridge address on a "
+"separate line."
+msgstr ""
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tor-launcher-custom-"
+msgstr ""
+"<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tor-launcher-custom-"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Click “OK” to save your settings. Using bridges may slow down the connection"
+" compared to using ordinary Tor relays."
+msgstr ""
+"Prem \"Acceptar\" per guardar la configuració. Fer ús de ponts podrà "
+"esdevenir en un alentiment de la connexió en comparació amb els relés de "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If the connection fails, the bridges you received may be down. Please use "
+"one of the above methods to obtain more bridge addresses, and try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la connexió falla, el ponts obtinguts hauràn caigut. Si us plau, utilitzi"
+" un del mencionats a sobre per obtindre més direccions ponts, i provi-ho "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/bridges/
+#: (content/bridges/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "bridges"
+msgstr "Ponts"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Pluggable transports"
+msgstr "Transports integrables"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid ""
+"Pluggable transports are tools that Tor can use to disguise the traffic it "
+"sends out."
+msgstr ""
+"Els connectors de transport són eines que Tor utilitza per disfressar el "
+"tràfic que envia al exterior."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Pluggable transports are tools that Tor can use to disguise the traffic it "
+"sends out. This can be useful in situations where an Internet Service "
+"Provider or other authority is actively blocking connections to the Tor "
+msgstr ""
+"Els connectors de transport són eines que Tor utilitza per disfressar el "
+"tràfic que envia al exterior. Això pot ser d'utilitat en situacions com quan"
+" els proveïdors d'Internet o altres autoritat bloquegen les connexions a la "
+"xarxa Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Types of pluggable transport"
+msgstr "##### Tipus de connectors de transport"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Currently there are six pluggable transports available, but more are being "
+msgstr ""
+"Actualment hi han sis connectors de transports per utilitzar, però n'hi ha "
+"més en desenvolupament."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<table>"
+msgstr "<table>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<tbody>"
+msgstr "<tbody>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<tr class=\"odd\">"
+msgstr "<tr class=\"odd\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<td>"
+msgstr "<td>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "obfs3"
+msgstr "obfs3"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</td>"
+msgstr "</td>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"obfs3 makes Tor traffic look random, so that it does not look like Tor or "
+"any other protocol. While still included by default, it is reccomended to "
+"use obfs4 instead, as it has several security improvements over obfs3."
+msgstr ""
+"obfs3 fa que el trànsit de Tor sigui aleatori, de manera que no s'assembla a"
+" Tor o cap altre protocol. Encara que s'inclou per defecte, es recomana "
+"utilitzar obfs4, ja que té diverses millores de seguretat sobre obfs3."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</tr>"
+msgstr "</tr>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<tr class=\"even\">"
+msgstr "<tr class=\"even\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "obfs4"
+msgstr "obfs4"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"obfs4 makes Tor traffic look random like obfs3, and also prevents censors "
+"from finding bridges by Internet scanning. obfs4 bridges are less likely to "
+"be blocked than obfs3 bridges."
+msgstr ""
+"obfs4 fa que el tràfic Tor sigui aleatori com obfs3, però també pot prevenir"
+" la censura del escaneig de Internet. El pont obfs4 permet menys bloquejos "
+"que el obfs3."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "FTE"
+msgstr "FTE"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"FTE (format-transforming encryption) disguises Tor traffic as ordinary web "
+"(HTTP) traffic."
+msgstr ""
+"FTE (format-transforming encryption) emmascara el tràfic Tor com una "
+"connexió (HTTP) web."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "meek"
+msgstr "meek"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"These transports all make it look like you are browsing a major web site "
+"instead of using Tor. meek-amazon makes it look like you are using Amazon "
+"Web Services; meek-azure makes it look like you are using a Microsoft web "
+"site; and meek-google makes it look like you are using Google search."
+msgstr ""
+"Aquests transports es visualitzen com un web en lloc de la utilització de "
+"Tor. meek-amazon fa semblar que s'està utilitzant amazon Web Services; meek-"
+"azure makes simula que s'està usant Microsoft web site; i meek-google simula"
+" l'utilització de Google search."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Snowflake"
+msgstr "Snowflake"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Snowflake is an improvement upon Flashproxy. It sends your traffic through "
+"WebRTC, a peer-to-peer protocol with built-in NAT punching."
+msgstr ""
+"Snowflake és una millora en Flashproxy. Envia el teu trànsit a través de "
+"WebRTC, un protocol punt a punt amb NAT incorporat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</tbody>"
+msgstr "</tbody>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</table>"
+msgstr "</table>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/transports/
+#: (content/transports/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "plugable-transports"
+msgstr "transports-connectables"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Circumvention"
+msgstr "Elusió"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "What to do if the Tor network is blocked"
+msgstr "Que fer si la xarxa Tor està bloquejada"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Direct access to the Tor network may sometimes be blocked by your Internet "
+"Service Provider or by a government. Tor Browser includes some circumvention"
+" tools for getting around these blocks. These tools are called “pluggable "
+"transports”. See the <a href=\"/en-US/transports\">Pluggable Transports</a> "
+"page for more information on the types of transport that are currently "
+msgstr ""
+"L'accés a la xarxa Tor pot tot sovint ser bloquejat pel seu proveïdor "
+"d'Internet o pel govern. El navegador Tor incorpora una serie de programari "
+"per evitar-ho. Aquestes eines s'anomenen \"connectors de transport\". "
+"Consulti <a href=\"/en-US/transports\">connectors de transport</a> per a més"
+" informació del tipus de transport disponible."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Using pluggable transports"
+msgstr "##### Utilització de connectors de transport"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"To use pluggable transports, click \"Configure\" in the Tor Launcher window "
+"that appears when you first run Tor Browser."
+msgstr ""
+"Per l'utilització de connectors de transport, faci clic a \"Paràmetres\" en "
+"el iniciador de Tor que apareix qua s'utilitza per primer cop."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"You can also configure pluggable transports while Tor Browser is running, by"
+" clicking on the green onion near your address bar and selecting “Tor "
+"Network Settings”."
+msgstr ""
+"També pot configurar els connectors de transport mentre el navegador Tor "
+"està executant-se, amb el clic en la ceba verda aprop de la barra d'adreces "
+"i seleccionar \"Paràmetres de xarxa Tor\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Select “yes” when asked if your Internet Service Provider blocks connections"
+" to the Tor network."
+msgstr ""
+"Seleccioni \"Si\" quan sigui preguntat si el seu proveïdor d'Internet "
+"bloqueja les connexions de la xarxa Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/bridges.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/bridges.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Select “Connect with provided bridges”. Tor Browser currently has six "
+"pluggable transport options to choose from."
+msgstr ""
+"Seleccioni \"Connectar amb ponts\". El navegador Tor actualment té sis "
+"connectors de transport disponibles."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Which transport should I use?"
+msgstr "##### Quin tipus de transport vol utilitzar?"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Each of the transports listed in Tor Launcher’s menu works in a different "
+"way (for more details, see the <a href=\"/en-US/transports\">Pluggable "
+"Transports</a> page), and their effectiveness depends on your individual "
+msgstr ""
+"Cadascun dels transports llistat en el menú d'iniciador Tor treballa de "
+"manera diferent (per més informació, consultar <a href=\"/en-"
+"US/transports\">connectors de transport</a> pàgina) per saber la seva "
+"efectivitat depenen de les circumstàncies individuals. "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you are trying to circumvent a blocked connection for the first time, you"
+" should try the different transports: obfs3, obfs4, fte, meek-azure and "
+msgstr ""
+"Si esteu intentant evitar una connexió bloquejada per primera vegada, heu de"
+" provar els diferents transports: obfs3, obfs4, fte, meek-azure i Snowflake."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you try all of these options, and none of them gets you online, you will "
+"need to enter bridge addresses manually. Read the <a href=\"/en-"
+"US/bridges/\">Bridges</a> section to learn what bridges are and how to "
+"obtain them."
+msgstr ""
+"Si priva totes aquestes opcions, i cap resulta amb una connexió vàlida, "
+"haurà d'introduir una adreça de pont de forma manual. Llegeixi la secció "
+"d'aprenentatge sobre <a href=\"/en-US/bridges/\">ponts</a> per saber com "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/circumvention/
+#: (content/circumvention/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "circumvention"
+msgstr "Elusió"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Onion Services"
+msgstr "Serveis Ceba"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Services that are only accessible using Tor"
+msgstr "Serveis que només són accessibles utilitzant Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Onion services (formerly known as “hidden services”) are services (like "
+"websites) that are only accessible through the Tor network."
+msgstr ""
+"Els serveis ceba (també anomenats \"serveis amagats\") són serveis (com els "
+"webs) que només són accessibles mitjançant la xarxa Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Onion services offer several advantages over ordinary services on the non-"
+"private web:"
+msgstr ""
+"Els serveis ceba permeten tenir diferents avantatges a diferència dels "
+"serveis ordinaris sense privacitat:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* An onion services’s location and IP address are hidden, making it "
+"difficult for adversaries to censor it or identify its operators."
+msgstr ""
+"* Un servei ceba oculta la direcció IP i realitza una dificultat afegida "
+"pels censors o operador que pretenen identificar."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* All traffic between Tor users and onion services is end-to-end encrypted, "
+"so you do not need to worry about <a href=\"/secure-connections\">connecting"
+" over HTTPS</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"* Tot el tràfic entre els usuaris Tor i els serveis ceba és amb encriptació "
+"punt-a-punt, per tant no cal patir <a href=\"secure-connections\">de la "
+"connexió mitjançant HTTPS</a>."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* The address of an onion service is automatically generated, so the "
+"operators do not need to purchase a domain name; the .onion URL also helps "
+"Tor ensure that it is connecting to the right location and that the "
+"connection is not being tampered with."
+msgstr ""
+"* Les adreces del servei ceba són generades de forma automàtica, per tant "
+"els operador no cal que comprin cap domini; la URL de ceba també permet "
+"assegurar que la connexió a i la localització no és interceptada."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### How to access an onion service"
+msgstr "##### Com accedir a un servei ceba"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Just like any other website, you will need to know the address of an onion "
+"service in order to connect to it. An onion address is a string of 16 (and "
+"in V3 format, 56) mostly random letters and numbers, followed by “.onion”."
+msgstr ""
+"Igual que qualsevol altre lloc web, haurà de conèixer l'adreça d'un servei "
+"ceba per connectar-s'hi. Una adreça de ceba és una cadena de 16 caràcters (i"
+" en format V3, 56), principalment lletres i números aleatoris, seguit de "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When accessing a website that uses an onion service, Tor Browser will show "
+"at the URL bar an icon of a little green onion displaying the state of your "
+"connection: secure and using an onion service. And if you're accessing a "
+"website with https and onion service, it will show an icon of a green onion "
+"and a padlock."
+msgstr ""
+"A l'accedir a un lloc web que faci ús dels serveis de xarxa Tor o ceba, el "
+"navegador Tor mostrarà a la barra de l'adreça web, un icona amb una ceba de "
+"color verd mostrant l'estat de la connexió: segur i utilitzant xarxa Tor "
+"(ceba). I si està accedint a un lloc web amb un protocol https i xarxa Tor "
+"(ceba), es mostrarà un icona amb una ceba de color verd i un cadenat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Troubleshooting"
+msgstr "##### Detecció d'errors"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you cannot reach the onion service you require, make sure that you have "
+"entered the onion address correctly: even a small mistake will stop Tor "
+"Browser from being able to reach the site."
+msgstr ""
+"Si no podeu arribar al servei ceba que necessiteu, assegureu-vos que heu "
+"introduït correctament l'adreça de onion: fins i tot un petit error deixarà "
+"que el navegador Tor no pugui accedir al lloc."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you are still unable to connect to the onion service, please try again "
+"later. There may be a temporary connection issue, or the site operators may "
+"have allowed it to go offline without warning."
+msgstr ""
+"Si encara no pot establir connexió amb un servei ceba, si us plau provi-ho "
+"posteriorment. Pot estar esdeveniment una connexió errònia de forma temporal"
+" o els operadors de xarxa han permès estar fóra de línia sense un "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"You can also ensure that you're able to access other onion services by "
+"connecting to <a href=\"http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/\">DuckDuckGo's Onion "
+msgstr ""
+"També podeu assegurar-vos que podeu accedir a altres serveis de onion "
+"connectant-vos al <a href=\"http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/\">servei ceba de "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/onion-services/
+#: (content/onion-services/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "onion-services"
+msgstr "serveis-ceba"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Secure Connections"
+msgstr "Connexions segures"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Learn how to protect your data using Tor Browser and HTTPS"
+msgstr ""
+"Aprengui com protegir les seves dades amb la utilització del navegador Tor i"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If personal information such as a login password travels unencrypted over "
+"the Internet, it can very easily be intercepted by an eavesdropper. If you "
+"are logging into any website, you should make sure that the site offers "
+"HTTPS encryption, which protects against this kind of eavesdropping. You can"
+" verify this in the URL bar: if your connection is encrypted, the address "
+"will begin with “https://”, rather than “http://”."
+msgstr ""
+"Si informació personal d'inici de sessió viatge desencriptada per Internet, "
+"pot ser fàcilment interceptada per escoltes clandestines. Si inicia sessió "
+"cal assegurar-se que s'estableix una connexió HTTPS encriptada, que el "
+"protegeix. Ho pot comprovar en al barra URL quan les primeres lletres siguin"
+" \"https://\", en contra de \"http://\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/https.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/https.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"The following visualization shows what information is visible to "
+"eavesdroppers with and without Tor Browser and HTTPS encryption:"
+msgstr ""
+"La següent imatge mostra quina informació és visible a ulls del interceptors"
+" de dades sense el navegador Tor i una encriptació sota HTTPS:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"\" src=\"../../static/images/tor-and-https.svg\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"\" src=\"../../static/images/tor-and-https.svg\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Click the “Tor” button to see what data is visible to observers when "
+"you're using Tor. The button will turn green to indicate that Tor is on."
+msgstr ""
+"* Faci clic en el icona \"Tor\" per saber quines dades són visibles als "
+"observadors quan s'utilitzi Tor. El icona es tornarà de color verd per "
+"indicar que Tor està en marxa."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Click the “HTTPS” button to see what data is visible to observers when "
+"you're using HTTPS. The button will turn green to indicate that HTTPS is on."
+msgstr ""
+"* Faci clic al botó \"HTTPS\" per saber quines dades són visibles als "
+"observador quan s'utilitzi HTTPS. El botó es tornarà verd per indicar que "
+"HTTPS està en marxa."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* When both buttons are green, you see the data that is visible to observers"
+" when you are using both tools."
+msgstr ""
+"* Quan ambdós botons estan en verd, es pot veure quines dades són visibles "
+"als observadors amb les dos eines."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* When both buttons are grey, you see the data that is visible to observers "
+"when you don't use either tool."
+msgstr ""
+"* Quan ambdós botons estan en gris, es pot veure quines dades són visibles "
+"als observadors sense la utilització de les dos eines."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Potentially visible data"
+msgstr "##### Dades potencialment visibles"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<dl>"
+msgstr "<dl>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<dt>"
+msgstr "<dt>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Site.com"
+msgstr "Lloc.com"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</dt>"
+msgstr "</dt>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<dd>"
+msgstr "<dd>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "The site being visited."
+msgstr "El web visitat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</dd>"
+msgstr "</dd>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "user / pw"
+msgstr "usuari / pass"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Username and password used for authentication."
+msgstr "Nom d'usuari i contrasenya usats per la autenticació."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "data"
+msgstr "dades"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Data being transmitted."
+msgstr "Dades trameses."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "location"
+msgstr "lloc"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Network location of the computer used to visit the website (the public IP "
+msgstr ""
+"Localització del ordinador usat per la consulta del web (l'adreça pública "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Tor"
+msgstr "Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Whether or not Tor is being used."
+msgstr "Si o no, Tor s'està utilitzant."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "</dl>"
+msgstr "</dl>"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/secure-connections/
+#: (content/secure-connections/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "secure-connections"
+msgstr "connexions-segures"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Security Slider"
+msgstr "Control lliscant de seguretat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Configuring Tor Browser for security and usability"
+msgstr "Configurant el navegador Tor per seguretat i usabilitat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser includes a “Security Slider” that lets you increase your "
+"security by disabling certain web features that can be used to attack your "
+"security and anonymity. Increasing Tor Browser’s security level will stop "
+"some web pages from functioning properly, so you should weigh your security "
+"needs against the degree of usability you require."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor inclou un \"control lliscant de seguretat\" que permet "
+"incrementar la seguretat deshabilitant característiques dels webs que poden "
+"ser blanc d'atacs de seguretat i d'anonimat. Incrementant el nivell de "
+"seguretat del navegador no es podrà visualitzar parts dels webs, per tant "
+"cal pensar quin grau de seguretat es vol tenir ponderat amb la usabilitat "
+"que s'aconseguirà."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Accessing the Security Slider"
+msgstr "##### Accedint al control lliscant de seguretat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/slider.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/slider.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"The Security Slider is located in Torbutton’s “Security Settings” menu."
+msgstr ""
+"El Control deslizador de seguretat es troba al menú \"Paràmetres de "
+"seguretat\" del botó Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Security Levels"
+msgstr "##### Nivells de seguretat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/slider_window.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/slider_window.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Increasing the level of the Security Slider will disable or partially "
+"disable certain browser features to protect against possible attacks."
+msgstr ""
+"Augmentant el nivell de seguretat mitjançant el control lliscant es pot "
+"deshabilitar parcialment característiques de protecció davant d'atacs."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Safest"
+msgstr "més segur"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"At this level, HTML5 video and audio media become click-to-play via "
+"NoScript; all JavaScript performance optimizations are disabled; some "
+"mathematical equations may not display properly; some font rendering "
+"features are disabled; some types of image are disabled; Javascript is "
+"disabled by default on all sites; most video and audio formats are disabled;"
+" and some fonts and icons may not display correctly."
+msgstr ""
+"A aquest nivell, el vídeo de HTML5 i l'àudio esdevindrà reproduïble "
+"mitjançant un clic via NoScript; els augmentadors de rendiments seran "
+"abolits; algunes equacions matemàtiques no es mostraran correctament; alguns"
+" renderitzats de tipus de lletra seran deshabilitats; alguns tipus "
+"d'imatges; javaScript es mantindrà per defecte sense utilització; la majoria"
+" de vídeos i àudios no es reproduiran; algunes lletres i imatges no es "
+"podran visualitzar correctament."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Safer"
+msgstr "Més segur"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"At this level, HTML5 video and audio media become click-to-play via "
+"NoScript; all JavaScript performance optimizations are disabled; some "
+"mathematical equations may not display properly; some font rendering "
+"features are disabled; some types of image are disabled; and JavaScript is "
+"disabled by default on all non-<a href=\"/secure-connections\">HTTPS</a> "
+msgstr ""
+"A aquest nivell, el vídeo de HTML5 i l'àudio esdevindrà reproduïble "
+"mitjançant un clic via NoScript; els augmentadors de rendiments seran "
+"abolits; algunes equacions matemàtiques no es mostraran correctament; alguns"
+" renderitzats de tipus de lletra seran deshabilitats; alguns tipus "
+"d'imatges; javaScript es mantindrà per defecte sense utilització i en-<a "
+"href=\"secure-connections\">HTTPS</a> tots els llocs."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Standard"
+msgstr "Estàndard"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"At this level, all browser features are enabled. This is the most usable "
+msgstr ""
+"En aquest nivell, tots els navegadors i les seves característiques són "
+"activades. Aquesta és la opció més utilitzada."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider/
+#: (content/security-slider/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/security-slider.html
+#: (content/security-slider.html/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "security-slider"
+msgstr "control lliscant-seguretat"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Updating"
+msgstr "Actualitzant"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "How to update Tor Browser"
+msgstr "Com actualitzar el navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser must be kept updated at all times. If you continue to use an "
+"outdated version of the software, you may be vulnerable to serious security "
+"flaws that compromise your privacy and anonymity."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor ha d'estar actualitzat. Si continua amb l'ús de versions "
+"obsoletes, pot ser vulnerable a seriosos problemes de seguretat, "
+"comprometent la seva seguretat i anonimat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser will prompt you to update the software once a new version has "
+"been released: the Torbutton icon will display a yellow triangle, and you "
+"may see a written update indicator when Tor Browser opens. You can update "
+"either automatically or manually."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor mostrarà quan es pot actualitzar un cop la última versió "
+"sigui alliberada: La icona Tor mostrarà un triangle groc amb un indicador "
+"d'actualització. Es pot realitzar de forma manual o automàtica."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Updating Tor Browser automatically"
+msgstr "##### Actualització automàtica del navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img width=\"400\" src=\"../../static/images/update1.png\" />"
+msgstr "<img width=\"400\" src=\"../../static/images/update1.png\" />"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When you are prompted to update Tor Browser, click on the Torbutton icon, "
+"then select “Check for Tor Browser Update”."
+msgstr ""
+"Quan sigui requerit a actualitzar el navegador Tor, faci clic en la icona "
+"Tor i seleccioni \"comprovar actualitzacions\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img width=\"600\" src=\"../../static/images/update3.png\" />"
+msgstr "<img width=\"600\" src=\"../../static/images/update3.png\" />"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When Tor Browser has finished checking for updates, click on the “Update” "
+msgstr ""
+"Quan el navegador Tor hagi finalitzat la comprovació d'actualitzacions, faci"
+" clic en el botó \"Actualitzar\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img width=\"600\" src=\"../../static/images/update4.png\" />"
+msgstr "<img width=\"600\" src=\"../../static/images/update4.png\" />"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Wait for the update to download and install, then restart Tor Browser. You "
+"will now be running the latest version."
+msgstr ""
+"Esperi a la descarrega de l'actualització i posterior instal·lació, "
+"reiniciar el programa. Finalment s'executarà la última versió."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Updating Tor Browser manually"
+msgstr "##### Actualització manual del navegador Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"When you are prompted to update Tor Browser, finish the browsing session and"
+" close the program."
+msgstr ""
+"Quan se li requereixi l'actualització del navegador Tor, acabi la seva "
+"navegació i tanqui el programa."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Remove Tor Browser from your system by deleting the folder that contains it "
+"(see the <a href='uninstalling'>Uninstalling</a> section for more "
+msgstr ""
+"Suprimir el navegador Tor del sistema amb la supressió de la carpeta que "
+"conté (consultar l'enllaç <a href='uninstalling'>Uninstalling</a> d'un "
+"sistema operatiu)."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Visit <a "
+" and download a copy of the latest Tor Browser release, then install it as "
+msgstr ""
+"Visitar <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en\"> "
+"https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en</a> i descarregar una"
+" còpia de l'última versió del navegador Tor, posteriorment instal·lar."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/updating/
+#: (content/updating/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "updating"
+msgstr "Actualitzant"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Plugins, add-ons and JavaScript"
+msgstr "Connectors, complements i JavaScript"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "How Tor Browser handles add-ons, plugins and JavaScript"
+msgstr ""
+"Com el navegador Tor gestiona els connectors, complements i JavaScript"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Flash Player"
+msgstr "##### Reproductor Flash"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Video websites, such as Vimeo make use of the Flash Player plugin to display"
+" video content. Unfortunately, this software operates independently of Tor "
+"Browser and cannot easily be made to obey Tor Browser’s proxy settings. It "
+"can therefore reveal your real location and IP address to the website "
+"operators, or to an outside observer. For this reason, Flash is disabled by "
+"default in Tor Browser, and enabling it is not recommended."
+msgstr ""
+"Llocs web com Vimeo utilitzen el reproductor Flash per mostrar els "
+"continguts de video. Desafortunadament, aquest programari s'executa de forma"
+" independent del navegador Tor i en pocs casos permet la utilització de "
+"paràmetres del servidor intermedi. Conseqüentment pot mostrar la "
+"localització IP o per ser un visitant anònim. Per aquesta raó, Flash està "
+"deshabilitada per defecte i no es recomana executar-lo."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Some video websites (such as YouTube) offer alternative video delivery "
+"methods that do not use Flash. These methods may be compatible with Tor "
+msgstr ""
+"Algunes pàgines web de vídeos (com per exemple Youtube) permeten la "
+"visualització dels seus vídeos amb altres mètodes diferents a Flash. Aquests"
+" mètodes poden ser comptables amb el navegador Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### JavaScript"
+msgstr "##### JavaScript"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"JavaScript is a programming language that websites use to offer interactive "
+"elements such as video, animation, audio, and status timelines. "
+"Unfortunately, JavaScript can also enable attacks on the security of the "
+"browser, which might lead to deanonymization."
+msgstr ""
+"JavaScript és un llenguatge de programació que els webs utilitzen per "
+"augmentar els ginys interactius, com els vídeos, animacions, àudio i estats "
+"de cronologies. Malauradament, JavaScript és vulnerables a atacs de "
+"seguretats, que poden causar la descoberta de l'anonimat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser includes an add-on called NoScript, accessible through the “S” "
+"icon at the top-right of the window. NoScript allows you to control the "
+"JavaScript (and other scripts) that runs on individual web pages, or block "
+"it entirely."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor inclou un complement anomenat NoScript, que es pot accedir "
+"a través de la icona \"S\" a la part superior dreta de la finestra. NoScript"
+" us permet controlar el codi JavaScript (i altres scripts) que s'executa en "
+"pàgines web individuals o bé bloquejar-les completament."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/noscript_menu.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/noscript_menu.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Users who require a high degree of security in their web browsing should set"
+" Tor Browser’s <a href=\"/security-slider\">Security Slider</a> to “Safer” "
+"(which disables JavaScript for non-HTTPS websites) or “Safest” (which does "
+"so for all websites). However, disabling JavaScript will prevent many "
+"websites from displaying correctly, so Tor Browser’s default setting is to "
+"allow all websites to run scripts in \"Standard\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Els usuaris que requereixin un alt grau de seguretat en la seva navegació "
+"web haurien de configurar el <a href=\"security-slider\">control "
+"deslizador</a>de seguretat del navegador Tor a \"Més segur\" (que desabilita"
+" JavaScript per a llocs web que no siguin d'HTTPS) o \"Seguretat\" (que ho "
+"fa per a tots els llocs web). Tanmateix, la desactivació de JavaScript "
+"evitarà que molts llocs web es mostrin correctament, de manera que la "
+"configuració predeterminada del navegador Tor és permetre que tots els llocs"
+" web executin scripts en el mode \"Estàndard\"."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Browser Add-ons"
+msgstr "##### Complements"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser is based on Firefox, and any browser add-ons or themes that are "
+"compatible with Firefox can also be installed in Tor Browser."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor està basat amb Firefox, i tots els complements i temes "
+"compatibles amb Firefox poden ser instal·lats al navegador Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"However, the only add-ons that have been tested for use with Tor Browser are"
+" those included by default. Installing any other browser add-ons may break "
+"functionality in Tor Browser or cause more serious problems that affect your"
+" privacy and security. It is strongly discouraged to install additional add-"
+"ons, and the Tor Project will not offer support for these configurations."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanmateix, els únics complements que s'han testejat pel navegador Tor són "
+"els inclosos per defecte. La instal·lació d'altres complements pot causar "
+"greus problemes que afectin la seguretat i la privacitat. És altament "
+"recomanat no instal·lar complements, ja que tampoc gaudeixen de suport per "
+"part del projecte Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/plugins/
+#: (content/plugins/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "plugins"
+msgstr "complements"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Troubleshooting"
+msgstr "Detecció d'errors"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "What to do if Tor Browser doesn’t work"
+msgstr "Què fer si el navegador Tor no funciona"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"You should be able to start browsing the web using Tor Browser shortly after"
+" running the program, and clicking the “Connect” button if you are using it "
+"for the first time."
+msgstr ""
+"Hauria de poder navegar pels webs mitjançant el navegador Tor executant el "
+"programa i fent clic a \"Connectar\" si l'està utilitzant per primer cop."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Quick fixes"
+msgstr "##### Correccions ràpides"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If Tor Browser doesn’t connect, there may be a simple solution. Try each of "
+"the following:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si el navegador Tor no es connecta, pot haver una solució fàcil. Provi "
+"alguna de les següents opcions:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Your computer’s system clock must be set correctly, or Tor will not be "
+"able to connect."
+msgstr ""
+"* El rellotge de sistema s'hauria de configurar correctament o Tor no podrà "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Make sure another Tor Browser is not already running. If you’re not sure "
+"if Tor Browser is running, restart your computer."
+msgstr ""
+"* Comprovi que el navegador Tor no s'està executant en aquest moment. Si no "
+"està segur, reinicii el ordinador."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Make sure that any antivirus program you have installed is not preventing "
+"Tor from running. You may need to consult the documentation for your "
+"antivirus software if you do not know how to do this."
+msgstr ""
+"* Comprovi que cap programa d'antivirus instal·lat està intentant evitar que"
+" Tor s'executi. Haurà de consultar la documentació del antivirus si no sap "
+"com realitzar-ho."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Temporarily disable your firewall."
+msgstr "* Deshabiliti de forma temporal el tallafoc."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Delete Tor Browser and install it again. If updating, do not just "
+"overwrite your previous Tor Browser files; ensure they are fully deleted "
+msgstr ""
+"* Suprimir el navegador Tor i tornar a instal·lar. Si l'actualització no ha "
+"reescrit la versió anterior del navegador Tor, comprovi que s'han eliminat "
+"tots els arxius."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Is your connection censored?"
+msgstr "##### Està la seva connexió en censura?"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you still can’t connect, your Internet Service Provider might be "
+"censoring connections to the Tor network. Read the <a "
+"href=\"/circumvention\">Circumvention</a> section for possible solutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Si continua sense poder connectar-se, el seu proveïdor d'Internet "
+"probablement està censurant les connexions a la xarxa Tor. Per a més "
+"informació <a href=\"eludir\">Circumvention</a> per trobar possibles "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Known issues"
+msgstr "##### Assumptes coneguts"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser is under constant development, and some issues are known about "
+"but not yet fixed. Please check the <a href=\"/known-issues\">Known "
+"Issues</a> page to see if the problem you are experiencing is already listed"
+" there."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador Tor està en constant desenvolupament, i alguns aspectes s'han "
+"d'arranjar en el futur. Si us plau comprovi a <a href=\"més "
+"informació\">Known Issues</a> si el problema que experimenta ha estat "
+"llistat. "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/troubleshooting/
+#: (content/troubleshooting/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "troubleshooting"
+msgstr "Detecció d'errors"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Known issues"
+msgstr "Assumptes coneguts"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Tor needs your system clock (and your time zone) set to the correct time."
+msgstr ""
+"* Tor necessita el rellotge de sistema (i el fus horari) per configurar el "
+"temps correctament."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* The following firewall software have been known to interfere with Tor and "
+"may need to be temporarily disabled:"
+msgstr ""
+"* El següent programari tallafoc ha interferit amb Tor i s'hauria de "
+"deshabilitar de forma temporal:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Webroot SecureAnywhere"
+msgstr "* Webroot SecureAnywhere"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Kaspersky Internet Security 2012"
+msgstr "* Kaspersky Internet Security 2012"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Sophos Antivirus for Mac"
+msgstr "* Sophos Antivirus per Mac"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Microsoft Security Essentials"
+msgstr "* Microsoft Security Essentials"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Videos that require Adobe Flash are unavailable. Flash is disabled for "
+"security reasons."
+msgstr ""
+"* Els vídeos que precisen d'Adobe Flash són inaccessibles per motius de "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Tor can not use a bridge if a proxy is set."
+msgstr ""
+"* Tor no pot utilitzar un pont si el servidor intermedi està configurat."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* The Tor Browser package is dated January 1, 2000 00:00:00 UTC. This is to "
+"ensure that each software build is exactly reproducible."
+msgstr ""
+"* El paquet d'aplicació del navegador Tor està datat a 1 de gener, 2000 "
+"00:00:00 UTC. Això permet assegurar que la versió és reproduïble."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* To run Tor Browser on Ubuntu, users need to execute a shell script. Open "
+"\"Files\" (Unity's explorer), open Preferences → Behavior Tab → Set \"Run "
+"executable text files when they are opened\" to \"Ask every time\", then "
+"click OK."
+msgstr ""
+"* Per executar el navegador Tor sobre Ubuntu, s'haurà d'executar mitjançant "
+"shell script. Per això accedir a \"Arxius\" (navegador unificat), "
+"Paràmetres → Comportament pestanyes → Configurar, executar l'arxiu de text "
+"quan s'obri la pantalla emergent a \"Preguntar cada cop\" i fer clic a "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Tor Browser can also be started from the command line by running the "
+"following command from inside the Tor Browser directory:"
+msgstr ""
+"* El navegador Tor pot ser inicialitzat per línia de comanda mitjançant la "
+"següent instrucció en el director del navegador Tor:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "./start-tor-browser.desktop"
+msgstr "./start-tor-browser.desktop"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* BitTorrent in specific is <mark><a href=\"https://blog.torproject.org"
+"/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea\">not anonymous over Tor</a></mark>."
+msgstr ""
+"* BitTorrent en concret <mark><a href=\"https://blog.torproject.org"
+"/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea\">no és anònim sobre Tor</a></mark>."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/known-issues/
+#: (content/known-issues/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "uninstalling"
+msgstr "Desinstal·lant"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Uninstalling"
+msgstr "Desinstal·lant"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "How to remove Tor Browser from your system"
+msgstr "Com eliminar el navegador Tor del seu sistema"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Tor Browser does not affect any of the existing software or settings on your"
+" computer. Uninstalling Tor Browser will not affect your system’s software "
+"or settings."
+msgstr ""
+"El navegador no interacciona amb cap altra programari ni configuració del "
+"seu ordinador. Desinstal·lar el navegador Tor, tampoc afectarà cap paràmetre"
+" del ordinador."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Removing Tor Browser from your system is simple:"
+msgstr "Desinstal·lar el navegador Tor del sistema operatiu és simple:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"1. Locate your Tor Browser folder. The default location on Windows is the "
+"Desktop; on Mac OS X it is the Applications folder. On Linux, there is no "
+"default location, however the folder will be named \"tor-browser_en-US\" if "
+"you are running the English Tor Browser."
+msgstr ""
+"1. Ubica la carpeta del navegador Tor. La localització per defecte a Windows"
+" és en el escriptori; en OSX és en la carpeta d'aplicacions. A Linux, no hi "
+"ha una localització prefixada, de manera que la carpeta serà anomenada "
+"\"tor-browser_en-US\" si s'utilitza la versió anglesa."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "2. Delete the Tor Browser folder."
+msgstr "2. Suprimir la carpeta del navegador Tor."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "3. Empty your Trash"
+msgstr "3. Buidar la paperera"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/uninstalling/
+#: (content/uninstalling/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Note that your operating system’s standard “Uninstall” utility is not used."
+msgstr ""
+"El sistema operatiu de forma estandarditzada la funció de \"Desinstal·lar\" "
+"no està usada."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.title)
+msgid "Becoming a Tor Translator"
+msgstr "Converteix-te en un traductor de Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.description)
+msgid "Becoming a translator for the Tor Project"
+msgstr "Convertir-se en un traductor del projecte Tor"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in helping out the project by translating the manual "
+"or the Tor Browser to your language, your help would be greatly appreciated!"
+" Tor Project localization is hosted in the [Localization "
+"Lab](https://www.localizationlab.org) Hub on Transifex, a third-party "
+"translation tool. In order to begin contributing you will have to sign up "
+"with Transifex. Below is an outline of how to sign up and begin."
+msgstr ""
+"Si estàs interessat a ajudar el projecte traduint el manual o el navegador "
+"Tor al teu idioma, la teva ajuda serà molt apreciada! La localització del "
+"projecte Tor està situat a [Localization Lab] "
+"(https://www.localizationlab.org) centrat a Tansifex, una eina de traducció "
+"aliena al projecte Tor. A fi de poder començar a contribuir, s'haurà de "
+"registrar amb Transifex. Sota es pot trobar detalls sobre com registrar-se i"
+" començar a col·laborar."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "##### Signing up on Transifex"
+msgstr "##### Registra't a Transifex"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Head over to the <a href=\"https://transifex.com/signup/\">Transifex "
+"signup page</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"* Passeu a la <a href=\"https://transifex.com/signup/\">pàgina d'inscripció "
+"de Transifex</a>."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Enter your information into the fields and click the 'Sign Up' button:"
+msgstr ""
+"Introduïu la vostra informació als camps i feu clic al botó \"Registra't\":"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr1.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr1.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Fill out the next page with your name and select \"Localization\" and "
+"\"Translator\" from the drop-down menus:"
+msgstr ""
+"* Ompliu la pàgina següent amb el vostre nom i seleccioneu \"Localització\" "
+"i \"Traductor\" al menú desplegable:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr2.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr2.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* On the next page, select 'Join an existing project' and continue."
+msgstr ""
+"* A la pàgina següent, seleccioneu \"Uniu-vos a un projecte existent\" i "
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* On the next page, select the languages you speak from the drop-down menu "
+"and continue."
+msgstr ""
+"* A la pàgina següent, seleccioneu els idiomes que parleu al menú "
+"desplegable i continueu."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* You are now signed up! Go to the <a "
+"href=\"https://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/\">Tor Transifex page</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"* Ja t'has inscrit! Aneu a la pàgina de <a "
+"href=\"https://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/\">Tor Transifex</a>."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* Click the blue 'Join Team' button on the far right:"
+msgstr "* Feu clic al botó blau \"Uneix-te a l'equip\" a l'extrem dret:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr3.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr3.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"* Select the language you would like to translate from the dropdown menu:"
+msgstr "* Seleccioneu l'idioma que voleu traduir al menú desplegable:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr4.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr4.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "* A notification will now show up on the top of the page like so:"
+msgstr "* Ara, una notificació apareixerà a la part superior de la pàgina:"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr5.png\">"
+msgstr "<img class=\"col-md-6\" src=\"../../static/images/tr5.png\">"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"After your membership is approved you can begin translating; simply navigate"
+" back to the <a href=\"https://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/\">Tor "
+"Transifex page</a> when you are ready to begin."
+msgstr ""
+"Després d'haver aprovat la solicitud pot començar a traduir; simplement "
+"torna a <a href=\"https://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/\">Pàgina "
+"projecte Tor a Transifex</a> quan estiguis preparat per començar."
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid ""
+"Before translating, please read through the Tor Project page on the "
+"[Localization Lab Wiki](https://wiki.localizationlab.org/index.php/Tor). "
+"There you will find translation guidelines and resources that will help you "
+"contribute to Tor translations."
+msgstr ""
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.body)
+msgid "Thanks for your interest in helping the project!"
+msgstr "Gràcies pel seu interest en ajudar al projecte!"
+#: https//tb-manual.torproject.org/en-US/becoming-tor-translator/
+#: (content/becoming-tor-translator/contents+en-US.lrtopic.seo_slug)
+msgid "becoming-tor-translator"
+msgstr "converteix-te en traductor de Tor"
+#: templates/footer.html:5
+msgid "Our mission:"
+msgstr "La nostra missió:"
+#: templates/footer.html:5
+msgid ""
+"to advance human rights and freedoms by creating and deploying free and open"
+" source anonymity and privacy technologies, supporting their unrestricted "
+"availability and use, and furthering their scientific and popular "
+msgstr ""
+"promoure els drets humans i les llibertats per mitjà de la creació i "
+"desplegament de tecnològies d'anonimat i privacitat lliures i de codi obert,"
+" el suport a la seva disponibilitat i la utilització sense restriccions i el"
+" foment de la seva comprensió científica i popular."
+#: templates/footer.html:24
+msgid "Subscribe to our Newsletter"
+msgstr "Subscriure's al nostre butlletí informatiu"
+#: templates/footer.html:25
+msgid "Get monthly updates and opportunities from the Tor Project"
+msgstr "Obteniu actualitzacions i oportunitats mensuals del projecte Tor"
+#: templates/footer.html:26
+msgid "Sign up"
+msgstr "Registrar‐se"
+#: templates/footer.html:32
+msgid ""
+"Trademark, copyright notices, and rules for use by third parties can be "
+"found in our "
+msgstr ""
+"Marques, avisos de drets d'autor, i les regles per a l'ús per part de "
+"tercers es poden trobar a "
+#: templates/layout.html:7
+msgid "Tor Project | Tor Browser Manual"
+msgstr ""
+#: templates/navbar.html:4
+msgid "Tor Logo"
+msgstr "Logo Tor"
+#: templates/navbar.html:40
+msgid "Download Tor Browser"
+msgstr "Descarregueu el navegador Tor"
+#: templates/search.html:5
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Cerca"
+#: templates/sidenav.html:4 templates/sidenav.html:35
+msgid "Topics"
+msgstr "Temes"
+#: templates/macros/topic.html:18
+msgid "Permalink"
+msgstr "Permalink"
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