[tor-commits] [translation/tba-torbrowserstringsdtd] Update translations for tba-torbrowserstringsdtd
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Mon Dec 3 07:46:57 UTC 2018
commit 94ee0a7343375d88cb3da7aef27257c006926e59
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Mon Dec 3 07:46:54 2018 +0000
Update translations for tba-torbrowserstringsdtd
ar/android_strings.dtd | 16 ++++++++--------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ar/android_strings.dtd b/ar/android_strings.dtd
index ade39ac0f..47c7e474d 100644
--- a/ar/android_strings.dtd
+++ b/ar/android_strings.dtd
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<!-- Location note: Tor First run messages -->
<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_tab_title "مرحباً">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_title "You\'re ready.">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_message "Tor Browser offers the highest standard of privacy and security while browsing the web. You\'re now protected against tracking, surveillance, and censorship. This quick onboarding will show you how.">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_next "Start now">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_title "تور جاهز ">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_message "متصفح تور يوفر اعلى معايير الخصوصيه و اﻷمان اثناء تصفحك للويب . انت اﻷن محمي من التتبع , المراقبه . هذا المؤهل السريع سيعرض لك كيف يتم ذلك">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_welcome_next "ابدا اﻷن">
<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_tab_title "الخصوصية">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_title "Snub trackers and snoopers.">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_message "Tor Browser isolates cookies and deletes your browser history after your session. These modifications ensure your privacy and security are protected in the browser. Click ‘Tor Network’ to learn how we protect you on the network level.">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_next "Go to Tor Network">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_tab_title "Tor Network">
-<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_title "Travel a decentralized network.">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_title "المتلصصون و اكلواسعة اﻹنترنت">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_message "متصفح تور يعزل ملفات التعريق و يمسح ارشيف اﻹنترنت الخاص بك بعد انتهائك من التصفح. هذه التعديلات تتأكد من امانك و خصوصيتك في المتصفح. اضغط على شبكة تور لتعرف اكثر كيف نحميك على مستوى الشبكه">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_privacy_next "اذهب الى شبكة تور">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_tab_title "شبكة تور">
+<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_title "اﻹنتقال لشبكه لا مركزيه">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_message "Tor Browser connects you to the Tor network run by thousands of volunteers around the world. Unlike a VPN, there\'s no one point of failure or centralized entity you need to trust in order to enjoy the internet privately.">
<!ENTITY firstrun_tornetwork_next "التالي">
<!ENTITY firstrun_secsettings_tab_title "الأمان">
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