[tor-commits] [stem/master] New RelayCell decrypt method

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sun Aug 26 20:49:21 UTC 2018

commit 7d8f1f151d8e2c815e68e0197513f0449a12edd0
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Sun Aug 26 12:23:57 2018 -0700

    New RelayCell decrypt method
    Again, a simple decryption method based on our Circuit's prior send() method.
    This branch made a valient attempt to implement our decryption digest. But
    honestly the code is twisty enough that I really don't understand how it's
    attempting to achieve this (sorry!).
    Unless I'm missing something decryption digests only play a role when we're a
    middle hop relay, which we're not even close to implementing. This is why
    our prior Circuit send() method left it unimplmented.
    Maybe I'm mistaken? I'd be delighted to support decryption digests if it serves
    a purpose, and is done in a simpler fashion.
 stem/client/cell.py | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+)

diff --git a/stem/client/cell.py b/stem/client/cell.py
index 29aa18ab..d4540203 100644
--- a/stem/client/cell.py
+++ b/stem/client/cell.py
@@ -576,6 +576,61 @@ class RelayCell(CircuitCell):
     return RelayCell._pack(link_protocol, bytes(payload), self.unused, self.circ_id)
+  @classmethod
+  def decrypt(link_protocol, content, key, digest):
+    """
+    Decrypts content as a relay cell addressed to us. This provides back a
+    tuple of the form...
+    ::
+      (cell (RelayCell), new_key (CipherContext), new_digest (HASH))
+    :param int link_protocol: link protocol version
+    :param bytes content: cell content to be decrypted
+    :param cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.CipherContext key:
+      key established with the relay we received this cell from
+    :param HASH digest: running digest held with the relay
+    :returns: **tuple** with our decrypted cell and updated key/digest
+    :raises: :class:`stem.ProtocolError` if content doesn't belong to a relay
+      cell
+    """
+    new_key = copy.copy(key)
+    new_digest = digest.copy()
+    if len(content) != link_protocol.fixed_cell_length:
+      raise stem.ProtocolError('RELAY cells should be %i bytes, but received %i' % (link_protocol.fixed_cell_length, len(content)))
+    circ_id, content = link_protocol.circ_id_size.pop(content)
+    command, encrypted_payload = Size.CHAR.pop(content)
+    if command != RelayCell.VALUE:
+      raise stem.ProtocolError('Cannot decrypt as a RELAY cell. This had command %i instead.' % command)
+    payload = new_key.update(encrypted_payload)
+    cell = RelayCell._unpack(payload, circ_id, link_protocol)
+    # TODO: Implement our decryption digest. It is used to support relaying
+    # within multi-hop circuits. On first glance this should go something
+    # like...
+    #
+    #   # Our updated digest is calculated based on this cell with a blanked
+    #   # digest field.
+    #
+    #   digest_cell = RelayCell(self.id, self.command, self.data, 0, self.stream_id, self.recognized, self.unused)
+    #   new_digest.update(digest_cell.pack(link_protocol))
+    #
+    #   is_encrypted == cell.recognized != 0 or self.digest == new_digest
+    #
+    # ... or something like that. Until we attempt to support relaying this is
+    # both moot and difficult to exercise in order to ensure we get it right.
+    return cell, new_key, new_digest
   def encrypt(self, link_protocol, key, digest):
     Encrypts our cell content to be sent with the given key. This provides back

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