[tor-commits] [depictor/master] Do not color missing Reveal values in red unless they shouldn't be missing. Closes #22050

tom at torproject.org tom at torproject.org
Fri May 12 05:52:19 UTC 2017

commit d23a06ca4ae5d8263828c3662347b733ae2b7fff
Author: Tom Ritter <tom at ritter.vg>
Date:   Fri May 12 00:52:05 2017 -0500

    Do not color missing Reveal values in red unless they shouldn't be missing. Closes #22050
 website.py | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/website.py b/website.py
index 8c32b66..b9f81ff 100755
--- a/website.py
+++ b/website.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
 import stem.descriptor.remote
-from utility import get_dirauths, get_bwauths
+from utility import get_dirauths, get_bwauths, unix_time
 class WebsiteWriter:
 	consensus = None
@@ -608,9 +608,31 @@ class WebsiteWriter:
 		s = "["
 		s += "V:" + str(sr.version) + " "
 		s += "A:" + str(sr.algorithm) + " "
-		s += "C:" + sr.commit if sr.commit else "<span class=\"oiv\">(Empty)</span>"
-		s += "R:" + sr.reveal if sr.reveal else "<span class=\"oiv\">(Empty)</span>"
+		s += "C:" + (sr.commit if sr.commit else "<span class=\"oiv\">(Empty)</span>")
+		s += "R:"
+		if sr.reveal:
+			s += sr.reveal
+		else:
+			errorCondition = self.doICareAboutMissingRevealValues()
+			if errorCondition:
+				s += "<span class=\"oiv\">"
+			s += "(Empty)"
+			if errorCondition:
+				s += "</span>"
 		return s + "]"
+	def doICareAboutMissingRevealValues(self):
+		# Copied from get_sr_protocol_phase()
+		# in https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/src/or/shared_random_state.c#n190
+		voting_interval = self.consensus.fresh_until - self.consensus.valid_after
+		current_slot = (unix_time(self.consensus.valid_after) / 1000 / voting_interval.seconds) % total_periods
+		if current_slot < SHARED_RANDOM_N_ROUNDS:
+			return False
+		else:
+			return True
 	def _write_shared_random(self):
 		Write the shared random information of each directory authority

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