[tor-commits] [translation/tor-messenger-otrproperties] Update translations for tor-messenger-otrproperties

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Thu Mar 17 18:48:24 UTC 2016

commit 27988b144cbfa7cf14f9846584b4dfab778e73f8
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Thu Mar 17 18:48:22 2016 +0000

    Update translations for tor-messenger-otrproperties
 hr_HR/otr.properties | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hr_HR/otr.properties b/hr_HR/otr.properties
index a7b059a..11b23be 100644
--- a/hr_HR/otr.properties
+++ b/hr_HR/otr.properties
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-msgevent.encryption_required_part1=Pokušali ste poslati neenkriptiranu poruku %S. Neenkriptirane poruke nisu dozvoljene.
-msgevent.encryption_required_part2=Pokušavam započeti privatni razgovor. Vaša poruka će biti ponovno poslana kad privatni razgovor započne.
-msgevent.encryption_error=Došlo je do pogreške prilikom enkripcije Vaše poruke. Poruka nije poslana.
-msgevent.connection_ended=%S je već zatvorio svoju privatnu vezu prema Vama. Vaša poruka nije poslana. Ili završite svoj privatni razgovor ili ga ponovno pokrenite.
-msgevent.setup_error=Došlo je do pogreške prilikom uspostave privatnog razgovora s %S.
-msgevent.msg_reflected=Primate vlastite OTR poruke. Ili želite pričati sami sa sobom, ili netko reflektira Vaše poruke natrag Vama.
-msgevent.msg_resent=Posljednja poruka za %S je poslana ponovno.
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_not_private=Enkriptirana poruka primljena od %S je nečitljiva, jer trenutno ne komunicirate privatno.
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_unreadable=Primili smo nečitljivu enkriptiranu poruku od %S.
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_malformed=Primili smo poruku malformiranih podataka od %S.
-msgevent.log_heartbeat_rcvd=Otkucaj srca primljen od %S.
-msgevent.log_heartbeat_sent=Otkucaj srca poslan prema %S.
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_general_err=Došlo je do OTR pogreške.
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_unecrypted=Sljedeća poruka primljena od %S nije enkriptirana: %S
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_unrecognized=Primili smo neprepoznatu OTR poruku od %S.
-msgevent.rcvdmsg_for_other_instance=%S je poslao poruku namjenjenu za različitu sesiju. Ako ste prijavljeni više puta, možda je neka druga sesija primila tu poruku.
-context.gone_secure_private=Privatni razgovor s %S pokrenut.
-context.gone_secure_unverified=Privatni razgovor s %S pokrenut. Kako bilo, identitet kontakta nije verificiran.
-context.still_secure=Uspješno osvježen privatni razgovor s %S.
-error.enc=Došlo je do pogreške prilikom enkripcije poruke.
-error.not_priv=Poslali ste enkriptirane podatke prema %S, koji to nije očekivao.
-error.unreadable=Poslali ste nečitljivu enkriptiranu poruku.
-error.malformed=Poslali ste poruku malformiranih podataka.
-resent=[ponovno poslano]
-tlv.disconnected=%S je završio privatni razgovor s Vama; i Vi bi trebali učiniti isto.
-query.msg=%S je zatražio Neslužbeni privatni razgovor. Kako bilo, Vi nemate priključak koji to podržava. Pogledajte http://otr.cypherpunks.ca/ za više informacija.
-trust.not_private=Nije privatno
+msgevent.encryption_required_part1=You attempted to send an unencrypted message to %S. As a policy, unencrypted messages are not allowed.
+msgevent.encryption_required_part2=Attempting to start a private conversation. Your message will be retransmitted when the private conversation starts.
+msgevent.encryption_error=An error occurred when encrypting your message. The message was not sent.
+msgevent.connection_ended=%S has already closed their private connection to you. Your message was not sent. Either end your private conversation, or restart it.
+msgevent.setup_error=An error occured while setting up a private conversation with %S.
+msgevent.msg_reflected=You are receiving your own OTR messages. You are either trying to talk to yourself, or someone is reflecting your messages back at you.
+msgevent.msg_resent=The last message to %S was resent.
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_not_private=The encrypted message received from %S is unreadable, as you are not currently communicating privately.
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_unreadable=We received an unreadable encrypted message from %S.
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_malformed=We received a malformed data message from %S.
+msgevent.log_heartbeat_rcvd=Heartbeat received from %S.
+msgevent.log_heartbeat_sent=Heartbeat sent to %S.
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_general_err=An OTR error occured.
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_unecrypted=The following message received from %S was not encrypted: %S
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_unrecognized=We received an unrecognized OTR message from %S.
+msgevent.rcvdmsg_for_other_instance=%S has sent a message intended for a different session. If you are logged in multiple times, another session may have received the message.
+context.gone_secure_private=Private conversation with %S started.
+context.gone_secure_unverified=Private conversation with %S started. However, their identity has not been verified.
+context.still_secure=Successfully refreshed the private conversation with %S.
+error.enc=Error occurred encrypting message.
+error.not_priv=You sent encrypted data to %S, who wasn't expecting it.
+error.unreadable=You transmitted an unreadable encrypted message.
+error.malformed=You transmitted a malformed data message.
+tlv.disconnected=%S has ended their private conversation with you; you should do the same.
+query.msg=%S has requested an Off-the Record private conversation. However, you do not have a plugin to support that. See http://otr.cypherpunks.ca/ for more information.
+trust.not_private=Not Private

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