[tor-commits] [translation/abouttor-homepage] Update translations for abouttor-homepage
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Thu Mar 17 18:46:31 UTC 2016
commit aa493ee719e0257f779120383712cdc085a2e415
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Thu Mar 17 18:46:30 2016 +0000
Update translations for abouttor-homepage
hr_HR/aboutTor.dtd | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hr_HR/aboutTor.dtd b/hr_HR/aboutTor.dtd
index 671710a..d44f164 100644
--- a/hr_HR/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/hr_HR/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,46 +4,46 @@
- vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "O Tor-u">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "UPOZORENJE: ovaj preglednik nije ažuriran.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "TAKOÄER, ovaj preglednik je zastario.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Kliknite na luk i zatim izaberite Provjeri za nadogradnju Tor Preglednika.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "WARNING: this browser is out of date.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Check for Tor Browser Update.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Mrežne Postavke">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Dobrodošli u Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Spojeno na Tor mrežu.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Sad možete pregledavati Internet anonimno.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Nešto Je Pošlo Po Krivu!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor ne radi u ovom pregledniku.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Za pomoć, molimo kontaktirajte">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Welcome to Tor Browser">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Connected to the Tor network.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help at rt.torproject.org">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Pretraga">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDCPost.link "https://search.disconnect.me/searchTerms/search?ses=Google&location_option=US&source=tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Dodatne informacije:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Država i IP Adresa:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Izlazni ÄŒvor:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Ovaj server ne pohranjuje nikakve informacije o posjetiteljima.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "Å to Sad?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor NIJE sve što Vam je potrebno da bi pregledavali Internet anonimno! Možda ćete morati promjeniti neke od svojih navika kako bi osigurali da vaš identitet ostane siguran.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Savjeti Kako Ostati Anoniman »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country & IP Address:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Vi Možete Pomoći!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Postoji puno naÄina na koje možete pomoći da Tor mreža bude brža i jaÄa:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Pokreni Tor Relej Čvor »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Dobrovoljno Ponudite Svoje Usluge »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Donirajte »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Tor Projekt je US 501(c)(3) neprofitna organizacija posvećena istraživanju, razvoju i edukaciji o online anonimnosti i privatnosti.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Saznaj više o Tor Projektu »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en">
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