[tor-commits] [webwml/staging] Add 'relay setup wizard' as a subtask for nyx

arma at torproject.org arma at torproject.org
Wed Mar 9 19:23:16 UTC 2016

commit a6d9f33ce7a51fedffbbc610f3d1554a88d273b6
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 5 16:04:17 2016 -0800

    Add 'relay setup wizard' as a subtask for nyx
    Interesting project idea I came up with while chatting with sambuddhabasu1
    about this.
 getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml b/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml
index 5ed5c59..5efa81b 100644
--- a/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml
+++ b/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml
@@ -989,6 +989,7 @@ get ya started...
       <li>Windows support. Like most curses applications Nyx doesn't run natively on Windows. We've had dozens of users request this and <a href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/arm#Windows">it should be possible</a>. This would involve supporting PDCurses and expanding Stem to be able to query the cpu/memory usage of the tor process.</li>
       <li>Unit testing! Nyx has <a href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/nyx.git/tree/test">started adding tests</a> but it's still very minimal. Achieving any substantial code coverage will require us to figure out how to unit test curses components.</li>
       <li>Onionoo provides additional relay information that could enrich our connection panel such as geoip and rdns. Trick is that at present we can only query it on a per-relay basis which would leak our connections (no-go for security). However, if we could get information about all relays in bulk it would sidestep this. For some old thoughts on this see <a href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/arm#CircuitDetails">here</a>.</li>
+      <li>Relay setup wizard. Our last release had this (screenshots: <a href="https://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_wizard1.png">1</a>, <a href="https://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_wizard2.png">2</a>, <a href="https://www.atagar.com/transfer/tmp/arm_wizard3.png">3</a>). This has been removed because including it directly in Nyx confused users, but we might want to resurrect it as a separate <i>setup-tor-relay</i> command.</li>
       <li>... and more! Again, don't hesitate to propose ideas of your own.</li>

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