[tor-commits] [tordnsel/master] remove internal Control.DeepSeq

arlo at torproject.org arlo at torproject.org
Fri Mar 4 19:38:13 UTC 2016

commit d210b013e36b46d1c16927aa22e45c7fe05bd7f5
Author: David Kaloper <david at numm.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 29 05:09:36 2013 +0100

    remove internal Control.DeepSeq
 src/TorDNSEL/DNS/Internals.hs   | 61 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/TorDNSEL/DeepSeq.hs         | 39 --------------------------
 src/TorDNSEL/Socks/Internals.hs |  8 ++----
 src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc           | 14 +---------
 tordnsel.cabal                  |  3 +-
 5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TorDNSEL/DNS/Internals.hs b/src/TorDNSEL/DNS/Internals.hs
index 54d1c08..735d7a8 100644
--- a/src/TorDNSEL/DNS/Internals.hs
+++ b/src/TorDNSEL/DNS/Internals.hs
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
 import Control.Monad (when, unless, replicateM, liftM2, liftM3, forM)
 import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
+import Control.DeepSeq
 import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), xor, shiftL, shiftR, testBit, setBit)
 import Data.List (foldl')
 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
@@ -81,7 +82,6 @@ import Data.Binary.Get
   (runGet, getWord16be, getByteString, bytesRead, lookAhead, skip, isEmpty)
 import Data.Binary.Put (runPut, putWord16be, putByteString, PutM)
-import TorDNSEL.DeepSeq
 import TorDNSEL.Util
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ data Message = Message
     msgAdditional :: {-# UNPACK #-} ![ResourceRecord] }
   deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance DeepSeq Message where
-  deepSeq (Message a b c d e f g h i j k l m n) =
-    deepSeq a . deepSeq b . deepSeq c . deepSeq d . deepSeq e . deepSeq f .
-    deepSeq g . deepSeq h . deepSeq i . deepSeq j . deepSeq k . deepSeq l .
-    deepSeq m $ deepSeq n
+instance NFData Message where
+  rnf !msg = msgQuestion   msg `deepseq`
+             msgAnswers    msg `deepseq`
+             msgAuthority  msg `deepseq`
+             msgAdditional msg `deepseq` ()
 instance BinaryPacket Message where
   getPacket pkt = do
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ data Question = Question
     qClass :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Class }
   deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance DeepSeq Question where
-  deepSeq (Question a b c) = deepSeq a . deepSeq b $ deepSeq c
+instance NFData Question where
+  rnf !q = rnf (qName q)
 instance BinaryPacket Question where
   getPacket pkt = liftM3 Question (getPacket pkt) get get
@@ -436,6 +436,14 @@ data ResourceRecord
       rrData  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteString }
   deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance NFData ResourceRecord where
+  rnf !rr = rrName rr `deepseq`
+      case rr of
+           A{}   -> aAddr rr `deepseq` ()
+           NS{}  -> nsDName rr `deepseq` ()
+           SOA{} -> soaMName rr `deepseq` soaRName rr `deepseq` ()
+           _     -> ()
 instance BinaryPacket ResourceRecord where
   getPacket pkt = do
     name   <- getPacket pkt
@@ -493,21 +501,12 @@ instance BinaryPacket ResourceRecord where
       putByteString rData
     incrOffset (10 + B.length rData)
-instance DeepSeq ResourceRecord where
-  deepSeq (A a b c) = deepSeq a . deepSeq b $ deepSeq c
-  deepSeq (NS a b c) = deepSeq a . deepSeq b $ deepSeq c
-  deepSeq (SOA a b c d e f g h i) =
-    deepSeq a . deepSeq b . deepSeq c . deepSeq d . deepSeq e .
-    deepSeq f . deepSeq g . deepSeq h $ deepSeq i
-  deepSeq (UnsupportedResourceRecord a b c d e) =
-    deepSeq a . deepSeq b . deepSeq c . deepSeq d $ deepSeq e
 -- | A domain name.
 newtype DomainName = DomainName [Label]
   deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance DeepSeq DomainName where
-  deepSeq (DomainName ls) = deepSeq ls
+instance NFData DomainName where
+  rnf (DomainName ls) = rnf ls
 instance BinaryPacket DomainName where
   -- Read a DomainName as a sequence of 'Label's ending with either a null label
@@ -545,6 +544,8 @@ instance BinaryPacket DomainName where
 newtype Label = Label { unLabel :: ByteString }
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance NFData Label where
 instance Binary Label where
   get = do
     len <- getWord8
@@ -554,9 +555,6 @@ instance Binary Label where
     putWord8 . fromIntegral . B.length $ label
     putByteString label
-instance DeepSeq Label where
-  deepSeq (Label bs) = deepSeq bs
 -- | A response code set by the name server.
 data RCode
   = NoError        -- ^ No error condition.
@@ -570,7 +568,7 @@ data RCode
                    -- operation for policy reasons.
   deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance DeepSeq RCode where deepSeq = seq
+instance NFData RCode where
 -- | Specifies the kind of query in a message set by the originator.
 data OpCode
@@ -579,7 +577,7 @@ data OpCode
   | ServerStatusRequest -- ^ A server status request.
   deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance DeepSeq OpCode where deepSeq = seq
+instance NFData OpCode where
 -- | The TYPE or QTYPE values that appear in resource records or questions,
 -- respectively.
@@ -591,6 +589,8 @@ data Type
   | UnsupportedType {-# UNPACK #-} !Word16 -- ^ Any other type.
   deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance NFData Type where
 instance Binary Type where
   get = do
     t <- get
@@ -607,13 +607,6 @@ instance Binary Type where
   put TAny                = putWord16be 255
   put (UnsupportedType t) = put t
-instance DeepSeq Type where
-  deepSeq TA   = id
-  deepSeq TNS  = id
-  deepSeq TAny = id
-  deepSeq TSOA = id
-  deepSeq (UnsupportedType t) = deepSeq t
 -- | The CLASS or QCLASS values that appear in resource records or questions,
 -- respectively.
 data Class
@@ -622,6 +615,8 @@ data Class
   deriving (Eq, Show)
   -- XXX support *
+instance NFData Class where
 instance Binary Class where
   get = do
     c <- get
@@ -631,7 +626,3 @@ instance Binary Class where
   put IN                   = putWord16be 1
   put (UnsupportedClass c) = put c
-instance DeepSeq Class where
-  deepSeq IN = id
-  deepSeq (UnsupportedClass c) = deepSeq c
diff --git a/src/TorDNSEL/DeepSeq.hs b/src/TorDNSEL/DeepSeq.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e28314..0000000
--- a/src/TorDNSEL/DeepSeq.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module      : TorDNSEL.DeepSeq
--- License     : Public domain (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer  : tup.tuple at googlemail.com
--- Stability   : alpha
--- Portability : portable
--- Deep strict evaluation.
-module TorDNSEL.DeepSeq (
-    DeepSeq(..)
-  , ($!!)
-  ) where
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import Data.List (foldl')
-import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
--- | Deep strict evaluation. This is mainly used here to force any exceptional
--- values contained in a data structure to show themselves.
-class DeepSeq a where
-  deepSeq :: a -> b -> b
-infixr 0 `deepSeq`, $!!
-instance DeepSeq Bool where deepSeq = seq
-instance DeepSeq Word16 where deepSeq = seq
-instance DeepSeq Word32 where deepSeq = seq
-instance DeepSeq ByteString where deepSeq = seq
-instance DeepSeq a => DeepSeq [a] where
-  deepSeq = flip . foldl' . flip $ deepSeq
--- | Strict application, defined in terms of 'deepSeq'.
-($!!) :: DeepSeq a => (a -> b) -> a -> b
-f $!! x = x `deepSeq` f x
diff --git a/src/TorDNSEL/Socks/Internals.hs b/src/TorDNSEL/Socks/Internals.hs
index e556bf9..d6c91f7 100644
--- a/src/TorDNSEL/Socks/Internals.hs
+++ b/src/TorDNSEL/Socks/Internals.hs
@@ -49,11 +49,12 @@ import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
 import Network.Socket (HostAddress)
 import System.IO (Handle, BufferMode(NoBuffering), hClose, hSetBuffering)
+import Control.DeepSeq
 import Data.Binary (Binary(..), getWord8, putWord8)
 import Data.Binary.Get (runGet)
 import Data.Binary.Put (runPut, putWord32be, putByteString)
-import TorDNSEL.DeepSeq
 import TorDNSEL.Util
@@ -97,8 +98,7 @@ data Response = Response
   , soRespPort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Port        -- ^ The destination port.
-instance DeepSeq Response where
-  deepSeq (Response a b c) = deepSeq a . deepSeq b $ deepSeq c
+instance NFData Response where
 -- | A Socks4 result code.
 data Result
@@ -118,8 +118,6 @@ instance Show Result where
   show IdentdMismatch    = "Request rejected because the client program and \
                            \identd report different user-ids"
-instance DeepSeq Result where deepSeq = seq
 -- Serialization
diff --git a/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc b/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
index a2357d8..76c6525 100644
--- a/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
+++ b/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
@@ -132,22 +132,13 @@ import Network.Socket
 import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
 import System.Environment (getProgName)
 import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode)
-import System.IO (hPutStr)
+import System.IO (Handle, hPutStr)
 import System.IO.Error (isEOFError)
 import System.Posix.Files (setFileMode)
 import System.Posix.Types (FileMode)
 import Text.Printf (printf)
-import GHC.Handle
-  (wantReadableHandle, fillReadBuffer, readCharFromBuffer, ioe_EOF)
-import GHC.IOBase
-  ( Handle, Handle__(..), Buffer(..), readIORef, writeIORef
-  , BufferMode(NoBuffering) )
 import Data.Binary (Binary(..))
-import TorDNSEL.DeepSeq
 #include <netinet/in.h>
@@ -613,9 +604,6 @@ instance Binary Port where
   get = Port `fmap` get
   put = put . unPort
-instance DeepSeq Port where
-  deepSeq = seq . unPort
 -- | Parse a port, returning the result or 'throwError' in the monad if parsing
 -- fails.
 parsePort :: MonadError ShowS m => ByteString -> m Port
diff --git a/tordnsel.cabal b/tordnsel.cabal
index c27fa2b..23fa628 100644
--- a/tordnsel.cabal
+++ b/tordnsel.cabal
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Maintainer:      tup.tuple at googlemail.com, lunar at debian.org, andrew at torproject.o
 Build-Type:      Simple
 Build-Depends:   base>=2.0, network>=2.0, mtl>=1.0, unix>=1.0, stm>=2.0,
   time>=1.0, HUnit>=1.1, binary>=0.4, bytestring>=0.9, array>=0.1, directory>=1.0,
-  containers>=0.1
+  containers>=0.1, deepseq >= 1.3
 Tested-With:     GHC==6.6, GHC==6.8, GHC==6.10, GHC==6.12
 Data-Files:      config/tordnsel.conf.sample, contrib/cacti-input.pl,
   contrib/tordnsel-init.d-script.sample, doc/tordnsel.8
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ Other-Modules:   TorDNSEL.Config,
-                 TorDNSEL.DeepSeq,

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