[tor-commits] [nyx/master] Added help options to interpreter panel

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sun Jul 31 23:32:40 UTC 2016

commit 49a58b9dff0f1cf53b743c400d18bd3dbbe70184
Author: Sambuddha Basu <sambuddhabasu1 at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jun 19 21:27:36 2016 -0700

    Added help options to interpreter panel
 nyx/panel/interpreter.py |  10 +-
 nyx/tor_interpreter.py   | 286 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nyx/panel/interpreter.py b/nyx/panel/interpreter.py
index 2e3ec0d..0c5d8c6 100644
--- a/nyx/panel/interpreter.py
+++ b/nyx/panel/interpreter.py
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import nyx.controller
 import nyx.curses
 from nyx.curses import GREEN, CYAN, BOLD, HIGHLIGHT
-from nyx.tor_interpreter import handle_query, InterpreterClosed
-from nyx import panel
+from nyx import panel, tor_interpreter
 USAGE_INFO = "to use this panel press enter"
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ class InterpreterPanel(panel.Panel):
     panel.Panel.__init__(self, 'interpreter')
     self._is_input_mode = False
+    self.interpreter = tor_interpreter.ControlInterpreter()
   def key_handlers(self):
     def _execute_command():
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ class InterpreterPanel(panel.Panel):
           is_done = True
-            input_entry, output_entry = handle_query(user_input)
+            input_entry, output_entry = self.interpreter.handle_query(user_input)
             input_entry.insert(0, (PROMPT, GREEN, BOLD))
             PROMPT_LINE.insert(len(PROMPT_LINE) - 1, input_entry)
             for line in output_entry:
-              PROMPT_LINE.insert(len(PROMPT_LINE) - 1, [line])
-          except InterpreterClosed:
+              PROMPT_LINE.insert(len(PROMPT_LINE) - 1, line)
+          except tor_interpreter.InterpreterClosed:
             is_done = True
         if is_done:
diff --git a/nyx/tor_interpreter.py b/nyx/tor_interpreter.py
index bf94403..62986ec 100644
--- a/nyx/tor_interpreter.py
+++ b/nyx/tor_interpreter.py
@@ -1,43 +1,273 @@
-from nyx.curses import GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BOLD, HIGHLIGHT
+from nyx.curses import GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BLUE, BOLD, HIGHLIGHT
 from nyx import tor_controller
-def handle_query(user_input):
+# initial location /write will save to when no path is specified
+DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH = "/tmp/torInterpretor_output"
+GENERAL_HELP = """Interpretor commands include:
+  /help   - provides information for interpretor and tor commands/config options
+  /info   - general information for a relay
+  /find   - searches backlog for lines with the given regex
+  /events - prints events that we've received
+  /write  - saves backlog to a given location
+  /quit   - shuts down the interpretor
+Tor commands include:
+  GETINFO - queries information from tor
+  GETCONF, SETCONF, RESETCONF - show or edit a configuration option
+  SIGNAL - issues control signal to the process (for resetting, stopping, etc)
+  SETEVENTS - configures the events tor will notify us of
+  USEFEATURE - enables custom behavior for the controller
+  SAVECONF - writes tor's current configuration to our torrc
+  LOADCONF - loads the given input like it was part of our torrc
+  MAPADDRESS - replaces requests for one address with another
+  POSTDESCRIPTOR - adds a relay descriptor to our cache
+  EXTENDCIRCUIT - create or extend a tor circuit
+  SETCIRCUITPURPOSE - configures the purpose associated with a circuit
+  CLOSECIRCUIT - closes the given circuit
+  ATTACHSTREAM - associates an application's stream with a tor circuit
+  REDIRECTSTREAM - sets a stream's destination
+  CLOSESTREAM - closes the given stream
+  RESOLVE - issues an asynchronous dns or rdns request over tor
+  TAKEOWNERSHIP - instructs tor to quit when this control connection is closed
+  PROTOCOLINFO - queries version and controller authentication information
+  QUIT - disconnect the control connection
+For more information use '/help [OPTION]'."""
+HELP_HELP = """Provides usage information for the given interpretor, tor command, or tor
+configuration option.
+  /help info        # provides a description of the '/info' option
+  /help GETINFO     # usage information for tor's GETINFO controller option
+  /help ExitPolicy  # description of tor's ExitPolicy configuration option"""
+HELP_WRITE = """Writes the interpretor's backlog to the given path. If no location is
+specified then this saves to the last path specified (initially '%s').""" % DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH
+HELP_EVENTS = """Provides events that we've received belonging to the given event types. If
+no types are specified then this provides all the messages that we've
+HELP_INFO = """Provides general information for a relay that's currently in the consensus.
+If no relay is specified then this provides information on ourselves."""
+HELP_FIND = """Searches the backlog for lines matching a given regular expression pattern.
+Results are deduplicated and the matching portions bolded."""
+HELP_QUIT = """Terminates the interpretor."""
+HELP_GETINFO = """Queries the tor process for information. Options are...
+HELP_GETCONF = """Provides the current value for a given configuration value. Options include...
+HELP_SETCONF = """Sets the given configuration parameters. Values can be quoted or non-quoted
+strings, and reverts the option to 0 or NULL if not provided.
+  * Sets a contact address and resets our family to NULL
+    SETCONF MyFamily ContactInfo=foo at bar.com
+  * Sets an exit policy that only includes port 80/443
+    SETCONF ExitPolicy=\"accept *:80, accept *:443, reject *:*\""""
+HELP_RESETCONF = """Reverts the given configuration options to their default values. If a value
+is provided then this behaves in the same way as SETCONF.
+  * Returns both of our accounting parameters to their defaults
+    RESETCONF AccountingMax AccountingStart
+  * Uses the default exit policy and sets our nickname to be 'Goomba'
+    RESETCONF ExitPolicy Nickname=Goomba"""
+HELP_SIGNAL = """Issues a signal that tells the tor process to reload its torrc, dump its
+stats, halt, etc.
+  ("RELOAD / HUP", "reload our torrc"),
+  ("SHUTDOWN / INT", "gracefully shut down, waiting 30 seconds if we're a relay"),
+  ("DUMP / USR1", "logs information about open connections and circuits"),
+  ("DEBUG / USR2", "makes us log at the DEBUG runlevel"),
+  ("HALT / TERM", "immediately shut down"),
+  ("CLEARDNSCACHE", "clears any cached DNS results"),
+  ("NEWNYM", "clears the DNS cache and uses new circuits for future connections")
+HELP_SETEVENTS = """Sets the events that we will receive. This turns off any events that aren't
+listed so sending 'SETEVENTS' without any values will turn off all event reporting.
+For Tor versions between and adding 'EXTENDED' causes some
+events to give us additional information. After version this is
+always on.
+Events include...
+HELP_USEFEATURE = """Customizes the behavior of the control port. Options include...
+HELP_SAVECONF = """Writes Tor's current configuration to its torrc."""
+HELP_LOADCONF = """Reads the given text like it belonged to our torrc.
+  # sets our exit policy to just accept ports 80 and 443
+  ExitPolicy accept *:80
+  ExitPolicy accept *:443
+  ExitPolicy reject *:*
+  ."""
+HELP_MAPADDRESS = """Replaces future requests for one address with another.
+HELP_POSTDESCRIPTOR = """Simulates getting a new relay descriptor."""
+HELP_EXTENDCIRCUIT = """Extends the given circuit or create a new one if the CircuitID is zero. The
+PATH is a comma separated list of fingerprints. If it isn't set then this
+uses Tor's normal path selection."""
+HELP_SETCIRCUITPURPOSE = """Sets the purpose attribute for a circuit."""
+HELP_CLOSECIRCUIT = """Closes the given circuit. If "IfUnused" is included then this only closes
+the circuit if it isn't currently being used."""
+HELP_ATTACHSTREAM = """Attaches a stream with the given built circuit (tor picks one on its own if
+CircuitID is zero). If HopNum is given then this hop is used to exit the
+circuit, otherwise the last relay is used."""
+HELP_REDIRECTSTREAM = """Sets the destination for a given stream. This can only be done after a
+stream is created but before it's attached to a circuit."""
+HELP_CLOSESTREAM = """Closes the given stream, the reason being an integer matching a reason as
+per section 6.3 of the tor-spec."""
+HELP_RESOLVE = """Performs IPv4 DNS resolution over tor, doing a reverse lookup instead if
+"mode=reverse" is included. This request is processed in the background and
+results in a ADDRMAP event with the response."""
+HELP_TAKEOWNERSHIP = """Instructs Tor to gracefully shut down when this control connection is closed."""
+HELP_PROTOCOLINFO = """Provides bootstrapping information that a controller might need when first
+starting, like Tor's version and controller authentication. This can be done
+before authenticating to the control port."""
+  "HELP": ("/help [OPTION]", HELP_HELP),
+  "WRITE": ("/write [PATH]", HELP_WRITE),
+  "EVENTS": ("/events [types]", HELP_EVENTS),
+  "INFO": ("/info [relay fingerprint, nickname, or IP address]", HELP_INFO),
+  "FIND": ("/find PATTERN", HELP_FIND),
+  "QUIT": ("/quit", HELP_QUIT),
+  "POSTDESCRIPTOR": ("POSTDESCRIPTOR [purpose=general/controller/bridge] [cache=yes/no]...", HELP_POSTDESCRIPTOR),
+  "EXTENDCIRCUIT": ("EXTENDCIRCUIT CircuitID [PATH] [purpose=general/controller]", HELP_EXTENDCIRCUIT),
+  "RESOLVE": ("RESOLVE [mode=reverse] address", HELP_RESOLVE),
+class ControlInterpreter:
-  Processes the given input. Requests starting with a '/' are special
-  commands to the interpretor, and anything else is sent to the control port.
-  This returns an input/output tuple, each entry being a list of lines, each
-  line having a list of (msg, format) tuples for the content to be displayed.
-  This raises a InterpretorClosed if the interpretor should be shut down.
-  Arguments:
-    user_input - user input to be processed
+  Interpretor that handles queries to the control port, providing usability
+  imporvements like irc style help optoins. This tracks input and responses.
-  user_input = user_input.strip()
+  def do_help(self, arg, output_entry):
+    """
+    Performs the '/help' operation, giving usage information for the given
+    argument or a general summary if there wasn't one.
+    """
-  input_entry, output_entry = [], []
+    arg = arg.upper()
-  if " " in user_input: cmd, arg = user_input.split(" ", 1)
-  else: cmd, arg = user_input, ""
+    # If there's multiple arguments then just take the first. This is
+    # particularly likely if they're trying to query a full command (for
+    # instance "/help GETINFO version")
+    arg = arg.split(" ")[0]
+    # strip slash if someone enters an interpretor command (ex. "/help /help")
+    if arg.startswith("/"): arg = arg[1:]
-  if cmd.startswith("/"):
-    input_entry.append((cmd, MAGENTA, BOLD))
-    if cmd == "/quit": raise InterpreterClosed()
-    else:
-      output_entry.append(("Not yet implemented...", RED, BOLD))
-  else:
-    cmd = cmd.upper()
-    input_entry.append((cmd + " ", GREEN, BOLD))
     if arg:
-      input_entry.append((arg, CYAN, BOLD))
+      if arg in HELP_OPTIONS:
+        # Provides information for the tor or interpretor argument. This bolds
+        # the usage information and indents the description after it.
+        usage, description = HELP_OPTIONS[arg]
+        output_entry.append([(usage, BLUE, BOLD)])
+        for line in description.split("\n"):
+          output_entry.append([("  " + line, BLUE, )])
+    else:
+      # provides the GENERAL_HELP with everything bolded except descriptions
+      for line in GENERAL_HELP.split("\n"):
+        cmd_start = line.find(" - ")
+        if cmd_start != -1:
+          output_entry.append([(line[:cmd_start], BLUE, BOLD), (line[cmd_start:], BLUE, )])
+        else:
+          output_entry.append([(line, BLUE, BOLD)])
+  def handle_query(self, user_input):
+    """
+    Processes the given input. Requests starting with a '/' are special
+    commands to the interpretor, and anything else is sent to the control port.
+    This returns an input/output tuple, each entry being a list of lines, each
+    line having a list of (msg, format) tuples for the content to be displayed.
+    This raises a InterpretorClosed if the interpretor should be shut down.
+    Arguments:
+      user_input - user input to be processed
+    """
+    user_input = user_input.strip()
+    input_entry, output_entry = [], []
+    if " " in user_input: cmd, arg = user_input.split(" ", 1)
+    else: cmd, arg = user_input, ""
+    if cmd.startswith("/"):
+      input_entry.append((cmd, MAGENTA, BOLD))
+      if cmd == "/quit": raise InterpreterClosed()
+      elif cmd == "/help": self.do_help(arg, output_entry)
+      else:
+        output_entry.append([("Not yet implemented...", RED, BOLD)])
+    else:
+      cmd = cmd.upper()
+      input_entry.append((cmd + " ", GREEN, BOLD))
+      if arg:
+        input_entry.append((arg, CYAN, BOLD))
-    if cmd == "GETINFO":
-      resp = tor_controller().get_info(arg)
-      for line in resp.split('\n'):
-        output_entry.append((line, CYAN,))
+      if cmd == "GETINFO":
+        resp = tor_controller().get_info(arg)
+        for line in resp.split('\n'):
+          output_entry.append([(line, CYAN,)])
-  return input_entry, output_entry
+    return input_entry, output_entry
 class InterpreterClosed(Exception):

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