[tor-commits] [nyx/master] Test _draw_details()

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sun Jul 10 19:51:05 UTC 2016

commit 197ab0e2eca9a7cb27880158077d16c9fe442912
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 9 20:33:55 2016 -0700

    Test _draw_details()
 nyx/panel/connection.py  | 126 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 test/panel/connection.py | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nyx/panel/connection.py b/nyx/panel/connection.py
index 87930a6..b5a3297 100644
--- a/nyx/panel/connection.py
+++ b/nyx/panel/connection.py
@@ -421,7 +421,12 @@ class ConnectionPanel(nyx.panel.DaemonPanel):
     _draw_title(subwindow, entries, self._show_details)
     if is_showing_details:
-      self._draw_details(subwindow, selected, subwindow.width, is_scrollbar_visible)
+      _draw_details(subwindow, selected)
+      # draw a 'T' pipe if connecting with the scrollbar
+      if is_scrollbar_visible:
+        subwindow._addch(1, DETAILS_HEIGHT + 1, curses.ACS_TTEE)
     if is_scrollbar_visible:
       subwindow.scrollbar(1 + details_offset, scroll, len(lines))
@@ -433,67 +438,6 @@ class ConnectionPanel(nyx.panel.DaemonPanel):
       if y >= subwindow.height:
-  def _draw_details(self, subwindow, selected, width, is_scrollbar_visible):
-    """
-    Shows detailed information about the selected connection.
-    """
-    attr = (CONFIG['attr.connection.category_color'].get(selected.entry.get_type(), WHITE), BOLD)
-    if selected.line_type == LineType.CIRCUIT_HEADER and selected.circuit.status != 'BUILT':
-      subwindow.addstr(2, 1, 'Building Circuit...', *attr)
-    else:
-      address = '<scrubbed>' if selected.entry.is_private() else selected.connection.remote_address
-      subwindow.addstr(2, 1, 'address: %s:%s' % (address, selected.connection.remote_port), *attr)
-      subwindow.addstr(2, 2, 'locale: %s' % ('??' if selected.entry.is_private() else (selected.locale if selected.locale else '??')), *attr)
-      matches = nyx.tracker.get_consensus_tracker().get_relay_fingerprints(selected.connection.remote_address)
-      if not matches:
-        subwindow.addstr(2, 3, 'No consensus data found', *attr)
-      elif len(matches) == 1 or selected.connection.remote_port in matches:
-        controller = tor_controller()
-        fingerprint = matches.values()[0] if len(matches) == 1 else matches[selected.connection.remote_port]
-        router_status_entry = controller.get_network_status(fingerprint, None)
-        subwindow.addstr(15, 2, 'fingerprint: %s' % fingerprint, *attr)
-        if router_status_entry:
-          dir_port_label = 'dirport: %s' % router_status_entry.dir_port if router_status_entry.dir_port else ''
-          subwindow.addstr(2, 3, 'nickname: %-25s orport: %-10s %s' % (router_status_entry.nickname, router_status_entry.or_port, dir_port_label), *attr)
-          subwindow.addstr(2, 4, 'published: %s' % router_status_entry.published.strftime("%H:%M %m/%d/%Y"), *attr)
-          subwindow.addstr(2, 5, 'flags: %s' % ', '.join(router_status_entry.flags), *attr)
-          server_descriptor = controller.get_server_descriptor(fingerprint, None)
-          if server_descriptor:
-            policy_label = server_descriptor.exit_policy.summary() if server_descriptor.exit_policy else 'unknown'
-            subwindow.addstr(2, 6, 'exit policy: %s' % policy_label, *attr)
-            subwindow.addstr(38, 4, 'os: %-14s version: %s' % (server_descriptor.operating_system, server_descriptor.tor_version), *attr)
-            if server_descriptor.contact:
-              subwindow.addstr(2, 7, 'contact: %s' % server_descriptor.contact, *attr)
-      else:
-        subwindow.addstr(2, 3, 'Multiple matches, possible fingerprints are:', *attr)
-        for i, port in enumerate(sorted(matches.keys())):
-          is_last_line, remaining_relays = i == 3, len(matches) - i
-          if not is_last_line or remaining_relays == 1:
-            subwindow.addstr(2, 4 + i, '%i. or port: %-5s fingerprint: %s' % (i + 1, port, matches[port]), *attr)
-          else:
-            subwindow.addstr(2, 4 + i, '... %i more' % remaining_relays, *attr)
-          if is_last_line:
-            break
-    # draw the border, with a 'T' pipe if connecting with the scrollbar
-    subwindow.box(0, 0, width, DETAILS_HEIGHT + 2)
-    if is_scrollbar_visible:
-      subwindow._addch(1, DETAILS_HEIGHT + 1, curses.ACS_TTEE)
   def _draw_line(self, subwindow, x, y, line, is_selected, width, current_time):
     attr = [CONFIG['attr.connection.category_color'].get(line.entry.get_type(), WHITE)]
     attr.append(HIGHLIGHT if is_selected else NORMAL)
@@ -639,6 +583,7 @@ class ConnectionPanel(nyx.panel.DaemonPanel):
       nyx.tracker.get_port_usage_tracker().query(local_ports, remote_ports)
 def _draw_title(subwindow, entries, showing_details):
   Panel title with the number of connections we presently have.
@@ -652,3 +597,60 @@ def _draw_title(subwindow, entries, showing_details):
     counts = collections.Counter([entry.get_type() for entry in entries])
     count_labels = ['%i %s' % (counts[category], category.lower()) for category in Category if counts[category]]
     subwindow.addstr(0, 0, 'Connections (%s):' % ', '.join(count_labels), HIGHLIGHT)
+def _draw_details(subwindow, selected):
+  """
+  Shows detailed information about the selected connection.
+  """
+  attr = (CONFIG['attr.connection.category_color'].get(selected.entry.get_type(), WHITE), BOLD)
+  if selected.line_type == LineType.CIRCUIT_HEADER and selected.circuit.status != 'BUILT':
+    subwindow.addstr(2, 1, 'Building Circuit...', *attr)
+  else:
+    address = '<scrubbed>' if selected.entry.is_private() else selected.connection.remote_address
+    subwindow.addstr(2, 1, 'address: %s:%s' % (address, selected.connection.remote_port), *attr)
+    subwindow.addstr(2, 2, 'locale: %s' % ('??' if selected.entry.is_private() else (selected.locale if selected.locale else '??')), *attr)
+    matches = nyx.tracker.get_consensus_tracker().get_relay_fingerprints(selected.connection.remote_address)
+    if not matches:
+      subwindow.addstr(2, 3, 'No consensus data found', *attr)
+    elif len(matches) == 1 or selected.connection.remote_port in matches:
+      controller = tor_controller()
+      fingerprint = matches.values()[0] if len(matches) == 1 else matches[selected.connection.remote_port]
+      router_status_entry = controller.get_network_status(fingerprint, None)
+      subwindow.addstr(15, 2, 'fingerprint: %s' % fingerprint, *attr)
+      if router_status_entry:
+        dir_port_label = 'dirport: %s' % router_status_entry.dir_port if router_status_entry.dir_port else ''
+        subwindow.addstr(2, 3, 'nickname: %-25s orport: %-10s %s' % (router_status_entry.nickname, router_status_entry.or_port, dir_port_label), *attr)
+        subwindow.addstr(2, 4, 'published: %s' % router_status_entry.published.strftime("%H:%M %m/%d/%Y"), *attr)
+        subwindow.addstr(2, 5, 'flags: %s' % ', '.join(router_status_entry.flags), *attr)
+        server_descriptor = controller.get_server_descriptor(fingerprint, None)
+        if server_descriptor:
+          policy_label = server_descriptor.exit_policy.summary() if server_descriptor.exit_policy else 'unknown'
+          subwindow.addstr(2, 6, 'exit policy: %s' % policy_label, *attr)
+          subwindow.addstr(38, 4, 'os: %-14s version: %s' % (server_descriptor.operating_system, server_descriptor.tor_version), *attr)
+          if server_descriptor.contact:
+            subwindow.addstr(2, 7, 'contact: %s' % server_descriptor.contact, *attr)
+    else:
+      subwindow.addstr(2, 3, 'Multiple matches, possible fingerprints are:', *attr)
+      for i, port in enumerate(sorted(matches.keys())):
+        is_last_line, remaining_relays = i == 3, len(matches) - i
+        if not is_last_line or remaining_relays == 1:
+          subwindow.addstr(2, 4 + i, '%i. or port: %-5s fingerprint: %s' % (i + 1, port, matches[port]), *attr)
+        else:
+          subwindow.addstr(2, 4 + i, '... %i more' % remaining_relays, *attr)
+        if is_last_line:
+          break
+  subwindow.box(0, 0, subwindow.width, DETAILS_HEIGHT + 2)
diff --git a/test/panel/connection.py b/test/panel/connection.py
index 8ff08a2..31f00f3 100644
--- a/test/panel/connection.py
+++ b/test/panel/connection.py
@@ -2,13 +2,78 @@
 Unit tests for nyx.panel.connection.
+import datetime
 import unittest
+import stem.exit_policy
+import stem.version
 import nyx.panel.connection
 import test
-from nyx.panel.connection import Category, Entry
+from stem.util import connection
+from nyx.panel.connection import Category, LineType, Line, Entry
 from test import require_curses
+from mock import Mock, patch
+| Building Circuit...                                                          |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+| address:                                                   |
+| locale: de                                                                   |
+| No consensus data found                                                      |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+| address: <scrubbed>:22                                                       |
+| locale: ??                                                                   |
+| No consensus data found                                                      |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+|                                                                              |
+| address:                                                   |
+| locale: de   fingerprint: B6D83EC2D9E18B0A7A33428F8CFA9C536769E209           |
+| nickname: caerSidi                  orport: 9051       dirport: 9052         |
+| published: 17:15 03/01/2012         os: Debian         version:     |
+| flags: Fast, HSDir                                                           |
+| exit policy: reject 1-65535                                                  |
+| contact: spiffy_person at torproject.org                                        |
+| address:                                                   |
+| locale: de                                                                   |
+| Multiple matches, possible fingerprints are:                                 |
+| 1. or port: 52    fingerprint: 1F43EE37A0670301AD9CB555D94AFEC2C89FDE86      |
+| 2. or port: 80    fingerprint: B6D83EC2D9E18B0A7A33428F8CFA9C536769E209      |
+| 3. or port: 443   fingerprint: E0BD57A11F00041A9789577C53A1B784473669E4      |
+|                                                                              |
 class MockEntry(Entry):
@@ -42,3 +107,67 @@ class TestConnectionPanel(unittest.TestCase):
     self.assertEqual('Connections (3 inbound, 1 outbound, 1 control):', test.render(nyx.panel.connection._draw_title, entries, False).content)
+  @require_curses
+  def test_draw_details_incomplete_circuit(self):
+    circ = Mock()
+    circ.status = 'EXTENDING'
+    selected = Line(MockEntry(), LineType.CIRCUIT_HEADER, None, circ, None, None, None)
+    self.assertEqual(DETAILS_BUILDING_CIRCUIT, test.render(nyx.panel.connection._draw_details, selected).content)
+  @require_curses
+  @patch('nyx.tracker.get_consensus_tracker')
+  def test_draw_details_no_consensus_data(self, consensus_tracker_mock):
+    consensus_tracker_mock().get_relay_fingerprints.return_value = None
+    selected = Line(MockEntry(), LineType.CONNECTION, connection.Connection('', 3531, '', 22, 'tcp', False), None, None, None, 'de')
+    self.assertEqual(DETAILS_NO_CONSENSUS_DATA, test.render(nyx.panel.connection._draw_details, selected).content)
+  @require_curses
+  @patch('nyx.tracker.get_consensus_tracker')
+  def test_draw_details_when_private(self, consensus_tracker_mock):
+    consensus_tracker_mock().get_relay_fingerprints.return_value = None
+    selected = Line(MockEntry(is_private = True), LineType.CONNECTION, connection.Connection('', 3531, '', 22, 'tcp', False), None, None, None, 'de')
+    self.assertEqual(DETAILS_WHEN_PRIVATE, test.render(nyx.panel.connection._draw_details, selected).content)
+  @require_curses
+  @patch('nyx.panel.connection.tor_controller')
+  @patch('nyx.tracker.get_consensus_tracker')
+  def test_draw_details_for_relay(self, consensus_tracker_mock, tor_controller_mock):
+    router_status_entry = Mock()
+    router_status_entry.or_port = 9051
+    router_status_entry.dir_port = 9052
+    router_status_entry.nickname = 'caerSidi'
+    router_status_entry.flags = ['Fast', 'HSDir']
+    router_status_entry.published = datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 1, 17, 15, 27)
+    tor_controller_mock().get_network_status.return_value = router_status_entry
+    server_descriptor = Mock()
+    server_descriptor.exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy('reject *:*')
+    server_descriptor.tor_version = stem.version.Version('')
+    server_descriptor.operating_system = 'Debian'
+    server_descriptor.contact = 'spiffy_person at torproject.org'
+    tor_controller_mock().get_server_descriptor.return_value = server_descriptor
+    consensus_tracker_mock().get_relay_fingerprints.return_value = {
+      22: 'B6D83EC2D9E18B0A7A33428F8CFA9C536769E209'
+    }
+    selected = Line(MockEntry(), LineType.CONNECTION, connection.Connection('', 3531, '', 22, 'tcp', False), None, None, None, 'de')
+    self.assertEqual(DETAILS_FOR_RELAY, test.render(nyx.panel.connection._draw_details, selected).content)
+  @require_curses
+  @patch('nyx.tracker.get_consensus_tracker')
+  def test_draw_details_with_multiple_matches(self, consensus_tracker_mock):
+    consensus_tracker_mock().get_relay_fingerprints.return_value = {
+      52: '1F43EE37A0670301AD9CB555D94AFEC2C89FDE86',
+      80: 'B6D83EC2D9E18B0A7A33428F8CFA9C536769E209',
+      443: 'E0BD57A11F00041A9789577C53A1B784473669E4',
+    }
+    selected = Line(MockEntry(), LineType.CONNECTION, connection.Connection('', 3531, '', 22, 'tcp', False), None, None, None, 'de')
+    self.assertEqual(DETAILS_FOR_MULTIPLE_MATCHES, test.render(nyx.panel.connection._draw_details, selected).content)

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