[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] add/change report variable names

art at torproject.org art at torproject.org
Sat Jan 30 19:11:14 UTC 2016

commit c9d1d950e76ccba69a3b7373b99e26be4b679ee9
Author: juga0 <juga>
Date:   Thu Dec 24 13:42:34 2015 +0000

    add/change report variable names
     * add bootstrapped_success report key with value true when the text 'Press Ctrl-C to terminate.' is found, false when psiphon runs but is not found and none when psiphon does not run
     * change success report key to request_success
     * keep psiphon_installed key, but change the name to psiphon_found
 ooni/nettests/third_party/psiphon.py | 20 ++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ooni/nettests/third_party/psiphon.py b/ooni/nettests/third_party/psiphon.py
index a25e955..bfdec70 100644
--- a/ooni/nettests/third_party/psiphon.py
+++ b/ooni/nettests/third_party/psiphon.py
@@ -82,17 +82,21 @@ connect(False)
     def handleRead(self, stdout, stderr):
         if 'Press Ctrl-C to terminate.' in self.processDirector.stdout:
             if not self.bootstrapped.called:
+                # here the text 'Press Ctrl-C to terminate.' has been found
+                # and it was to call doRequest
+                self.report['bootstrapped_success'] = True
                 log.debug("PsiphonTest: calling bootstrapped.callback")
     def test_psiphon(self):
-        self.report['success'] = None
-        self.report['psiphon_installed'] = None
+        self.report['bootstrapped_success'] = None
+        self.report['request_success'] = None
+        self.report['psiphon_found'] = None
         if not os.path.exists(self.psiphonpath):
             log.err('psiphon path does not exists, is it installed?')
-            self.report['psiphon_installed'] = False
+            self.report['psiphon_found'] = False
             log.debug("Adding %s to report" % self.report)
             # XXX: the original code written by juga0 readed
             #     > return defer.succeed(None)
@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ connect(False)
             reactor.callLater(0.0, self.bootstrapped.callback, None)
             return self.bootstrapped
-        self.report['psiphon_installed'] = True
+        self.report['psiphon_found'] = True
         log.debug("Adding %s to report" % self.report)
         # Using pty to see output lines as soon as they get wrotten in the
@@ -114,18 +118,22 @@ connect(False)
+        # here psiphon command has been run, and if it finds the text
+        # 'Press Ctrl-C to terminate' in handleRead it will write to the
+        # report self.report['bootstrapped_success'] = True
+        self.report['bootstrapped_success'] = False
         def callDoRequest(_):
             log.debug("PsiphonTest.callDoRequest: %r" %(_,))
             d = self.doRequest(self.url)
             def addSuccessToReport(res):
-                self.report['success'] = True
+                self.report['request_success'] = True
                 return res
             def addFailureToReport(res):
                 log.debug("PsiphonTest.callDoRequest.addFailureToReport. res=%r" % (res,))
-                self.report['success'] = False
+                self.report['request_success'] = False
                 return res
             return d

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