[tor-commits] [gettor/master] Script for generating landing page in gettor gh-pages and readme file in gettorbrowser

ilv at torproject.org ilv at torproject.org
Tue Feb 16 04:23:08 UTC 2016

commit c6740894c25f5b367a01b67d940047fe34decd67
Author: ilv <ilv at users.noreply.github.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 16 01:25:46 2016 -0300

    Script for generating landing page in gettor gh-pages and readme file in gettorbrowser
 create_gh_mirrors.py | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 181 insertions(+)

diff --git a/create_gh_mirrors.py b/create_gh_mirrors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a341940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/create_gh_mirrors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of GetTor
+# :authors: Israel Leiva <ilv at torproject.org>
+#           see also AUTHORS file
+# :license: This is Free Software. See LICENSE for license information.
+"""create_gh_mirrors -- Create landing page and readme for Github."""
+import os
+import ConfigParser
+import github3
+import gettor.core
+def create_readme(tpl_path, md_path, version, links):
+    """Create README file with links stored in github.links.
+    :param: tpl_path (string) path to file used as template.
+    :param: md_path (string) path to file generated.
+    :param: version (string) tor browser version.
+    :param: links (object) github links.
+    """
+    lcs = ['FA', 'ZH', 'TR', 'EN']
+    md_file = open(md_path, 'w')
+    with open(tpl_path, 'r') as tpl_file:
+        content_md = tpl_file.read()
+        for lc in lcs:
+            win_link = links.get('windows', lc.lower())
+            win_pkg, win_sig, win_sha = [e for e in win_link.split("$") if e]
+            osx_link = links.get('osx', lc.lower())
+            osx_pkg, osx_sig, osx_sha = [e for e in osx_link.split("$") if e]
+            linux_links = links.get('linux', lc.lower())
+            linux32_link, linux64_link = linux_links.split(',')
+            linux32_pkg, linux32_sig, linux32_sha = [
+                e for e in linux32_link.split("$") if e
+            ]
+            linux64_pkg, linux64_sig, linux64_sha = [
+                e for e in linux64_link.split("$") if e
+            ]
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%WINDOWS_{}%".format(lc), win_pkg
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%WINDOWS_{}_SIG%".format(lc), win_sig
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%OSX_{}%".format(lc), osx_pkg
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%OSX_{}_SIG%".format(lc), osx_sig
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%LINUX32_{}%".format(lc), linux32_pkg
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%LINUX32_{}_SIG%".format(lc), linux32_sig
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%LINUX64_{}%".format(lc), linux64_pkg
+            )
+            content_md = content_md.replace(
+                "%LINUX64_{}_SIG%".format(lc), linux64_sig
+            )
+        content_md = content_md.replace("%VERSION%", version)
+        md_file.write(content_md)
+    print "README generated with version %s" % version
+def create_landing_html(tpl_path, html_path, version, links):
+    """Create README file with links stored in github.links.
+    :param: tpl_path (string) path to file used as template.
+    :param: html_path (string) path to file generated.
+    :param: version (string) tor browser version.
+    :param: links (object) github links.
+    """
+    win_link = links.get('windows', 'en')
+    win_pkg, win_sig, win_sha = [e for e in win_link.split("$") if e]
+    osx_link = links.get('osx', 'en')
+    osx_pkg, osx_sig, osx_sha = [e for e in osx_link.split("$") if e]
+    linux_links = links.get('linux', 'en')
+    linux32_link, linux64_link = linux_links.split(',')
+    linux32_pkg, linux32_sig, linux32_sha = [
+        e for e in linux32_link.split("$") if e
+    ]
+    linux64_pkg, linux64_sig, linux64_sha = [
+        e for e in linux64_link.split("$") if e
+    ]
+    html_file = open(html_path, 'w')
+    with open(tpl_path, 'r') as tpl_file:
+        content_tpl = tpl_file.read().replace('\n', '')
+        content_html = ''
+        content_html = content_tpl.replace("%WINDOWS%", win_pkg)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%WINDOWS_SIG%", win_sig)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%OSX%", osx_pkg)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%OSX_SIG%", osx_sig)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%LINUX32%", linux32_pkg)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%LINUX32_SIG%", linux32_sig)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%LINUX64%", linux64_pkg)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%LINUX64_SIG%", linux64_sig)
+        content_html = content_html.replace("%VERSION%", version)
+        html_file.write(content_html)
+    print "HTML generated with version %s" % version
+def main():
+    """Generate HTML and md files and update it in Github."""
+    github_links = 'providers/github.links'
+    tbb_version_path = 'latest_torbrowser.cfg'
+    md_path = 'upload/readme_gh.md'
+    html_path = 'upload/landing_gh.html'
+    md_tpl_path = 'upload/readme_gh.tpl'
+    html_tpl_path = 'upload/landing_gh.tpl'
+    github_access_token = ''
+    tbb_version_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    tbb_version_config.read(tbb_version_path)
+    version = tbb_version_config.get('version', 'current')
+    links = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    links.read(github_links)
+    create_landing_html(html_tpl_path, html_path, version, links)
+    create_readme(md_tpl_path, md_path, version, links)
+    landing = open(html_path, 'r')
+    content_landing = landing.read().replace('\n', '')
+    readme = open(md_path, 'r')
+    content_readme = readme.read()
+    gh = github3.login(token=github_access_token)
+    repo_landing = gh.repository('thetorproject', 'gettor')
+    repo_readme = gh.repository('thetorproject', 'gettorbrowser')
+    file_landing_gh = repo_landing.file_contents('index.html')
+    file_readme_gh = repo_readme.file_contents('README.md')
+    data_landing = {
+        'message': 'Updating landing page.',
+        'content': content_landing,
+        'branch': 'gh-pages'
+    }
+    data_readme = {
+        'message': 'Updating README.',
+        'content': content_readme
+    }
+    file_landing_gh.update(**data_landing)
+    print "Landing page updated in gettor"
+    file_readme_gh.update(**data_readme)
+    print "README updated in gettorbrowser"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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