[tor-commits] [snowflake/master] Move all DOM related stuff into ui.coffee

serene at torproject.org serene at torproject.org
Thu Feb 4 05:43:27 UTC 2016

commit caba2cc8f8600ce43c12822549c0e80b16688f6c
Author: Serene Han <keroserene+git at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 3 20:59:13 2016 -0800

    Move all DOM related stuff into ui.coffee
 proxy/Cakefile         |  9 ++------
 proxy/proxypair.coffee |  8 +++----
 proxy/snowflake.coffee | 61 +++++++++-----------------------------------------
 proxy/ui.coffee        | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proxy/Cakefile b/proxy/Cakefile
index fa37ce1..fc92934 100644
--- a/proxy/Cakefile
+++ b/proxy/Cakefile
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ FILES = [
+  'ui.coffee'
@@ -33,12 +34,6 @@ task 'test', 'snowflake unit tests', ->
     throw err if err
     console.log stdout + stderr
-# task 'build:embed', 'build the snowflake badge', ->
-  # exec 'mkdir -p build'
-  # concatCoffeeFiles()
-  # copyStaticFiles()
-  # compileCoffee()
 task 'build', 'build the snowflake proxy', ->
   exec 'mkdir -p build'
@@ -54,4 +49,4 @@ task 'lint', 'ensure idiomatic coffeescript', ->
 task 'clean', 'remove all built files', ->
   exec 'rm -r build'
-  exec 'rm -r test'
+  exec 'rm -r test/snowflake.bundle.coffee'
diff --git a/proxy/proxypair.coffee b/proxy/proxypair.coffee
index ac65ac5..3c62d13 100644
--- a/proxy/proxypair.coffee
+++ b/proxy/proxypair.coffee
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ class ProxyPair
     channel.onopen = =>
       log 'Data channel opened!'
       snowflake.state = MODE.WEBRTC_READY
-      $msglog.className = 'active' if $msglog
+      ui.setActive true
       # This is the point when the WebRTC datachannel is done, so the next step
       # is to establish websocket to the server.
     channel.onclose = ->
       log 'Data channel closed.'
-      Status.set 'disconnected.'
+      ui.setStatus 'disconnected.'
       snowflake.state = MODE.INIT
-      $msglog.className = '' if $msglog
+      ui.setActive false
       # Change this for multiplexing.
     channel.onerror = -> log 'Data channel error!'
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class ProxyPair
     @relay.label = 'websocket-relay'
     @relay.onopen = =>
       log '\nRelay ' + @relay.label + ' connected!'
-      Status.set 'connected'
+      ui.setStatus 'connected'
     @relay.onclose = @onClose
     @relay.onerror = @onError
     @relay.onmessage = @onRelayToClientMessage
diff --git a/proxy/snowflake.coffee b/proxy/snowflake.coffee
index b59c35a..60c2751 100644
--- a/proxy/snowflake.coffee
+++ b/proxy/snowflake.coffee
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Snowflake
     timer = null
     # Temporary countdown.
     countdown = (msg, sec) ->
-      Status.set msg + ' (Retrying in ' + sec + ' seconds...)'
+      ui.setStatus msg + ' (Retrying in ' + sec + ' seconds...)'
       if sec >= 0
         setTimeout((-> countdown(msg, sec)), 1000)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class Snowflake
       clearTimeout timer
       msg = 'polling for client... '
       msg += '[retries: ' + @retries + ']' if @retries > 0
-      Status.set msg
+      ui.setStatus msg
       recv = broker.getClientOffer()
       recv.then (desc) =>
@@ -176,32 +176,8 @@ class Snowflake
 snowflake = null
 broker = null
+ui = null
-## -- DOM & Inputs -- #
-# DOM elements references.
-$msglog = null
-$send = null
-$input = null
-$status = null
-Interface =
-  # Local input from keyboard into message window.
-  acceptInput: ->
-    msg = $input.value
-      log 'No input expected - Copy Paste Signalling disabled.'
-    else switch snowflake.state
-        Signalling.receive msg
-        log 'No input expected - WebRTC connected.'
-      else
-        log 'ERROR: ' + msg
-    $input.value = ''
-    $input.focus()
 # Signalling channel - just tells user to copy paste to the peer.
 # Eventually this should go over the broker.
@@ -224,37 +200,20 @@ Signalling =
       return false
     snowflake.receiveOffer recv if desc
-log = (msg) ->  # Log to the message window.
+# Log to both console and UI if applicable.
+log = (msg) ->
   console.log msg
-  if $msglog                        # Scroll to latest
-    $msglog.value += msg + '\n'
-    $msglog.scrollTop = $msglog.scrollHeight
-# Status bar
-Status =
-  set: (msg) ->
-    $status.innerHTML = 'Status: ' + msg if $status
+  ui.log msg
 init = ->
-  $badge = document.getElementById('badge')
-  if !badge
-    $status = document.getElementById('status')
-    $msglog = document.getElementById('msglog')
-    $msglog.value = ''
-    $send = document.getElementById('send')
-    $send.onclick = Interface.acceptInput
-    $input = document.getElementById('input')
-    $input.focus()
-    $input.onkeydown = (e) -> $send.onclick() if 13 == e.keyCode  # enter
-  log '== snowflake browser proxy =='
+  ui = new UI()
+  log '== snowflake proxy =='
   log 'Copy-Paste mode detected.' if COPY_PASTE_ENABLED
   brokerUrl = Params.getString(query, 'broker', DEFAULT_BROKER)
   broker = new Broker brokerUrl
   snowflake = new Snowflake(broker)
-  window.snowflake = snowflake
+  # window.snowflake = snowflake
+  # window.ui = ui
   relayAddr = Params.getAddress(query, 'relay', DEFAULT_RELAY)
   snowflake.setRelayAddr relayAddr
diff --git a/proxy/ui.coffee b/proxy/ui.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb54854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/ui.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+All of Snowflake's DOM manipulation and inputs.
+class UI
+  debug = false  # True when there's no badge
+  # DOM elements references.
+  $msglog = null
+  $send = null
+  $input = null
+  $status = null
+  constructor: ->
+    @$badge = document.getElementById('badge')
+    debug = !@$badge
+    return if !debug
+    # Setup other DOM handlers if it's debug mode.
+    @$status = document.getElementById('status')
+    @$msglog = document.getElementById('msglog')
+    @$msglog.value = ''
+    @$send = document.getElementById('send')
+    @$send.onclick = => { @acceptInput }
+    @$input = document.getElementById('input')
+    @$input.focus()
+    @$input.onkeydown = (e) -> @$send.onclick() if 13 == e.keyCode  # enter
+  # Status bar
+  setStatus: (msg) =>
+    return if !debug
+    @$status.innerHTML = 'Status: ' + msg
+  setActive: (connected) =>
+    if debug
+      @$msglog.className = if connected then 'active' else ''
+    else
+      # magic
+  # Local input from keyboard into message window.
+  acceptInput: =>
+    msg = @$input.value
+      @log 'No input expected - Copy Paste Signalling disabled.'
+    else switch snowflake.state
+        Signalling.receive msg
+        @log 'No input expected - WebRTC connected.'
+      else
+        @log 'ERROR: ' + msg
+    @$input.value = ''
+    @$input.focus()
+  log: (msg) =>
+    return if !debug
+    # Scroll to latest
+    @$msglog.value += msg + '\n'
+    @$msglog.scrollTop = @$msglog.scrollHeight

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