[tor-commits] [tor/master] More entry guard tests: for cancel, and for upgrade.
nickm at torproject.org
nickm at torproject.org
Fri Dec 16 16:26:18 UTC 2016
commit 08d3ca2e5657a759d10064a2acb62b0a47bc15ff
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm at torproject.org>
Date: Sun Nov 27 18:47:27 2016 -0500
More entry guard tests: for cancel, and for upgrade.
src/test/test_entrynodes.c | 371 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 371 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/test/test_entrynodes.c b/src/test/test_entrynodes.c
index eaba3c4..eaaadce 100644
--- a/src/test/test_entrynodes.c
+++ b/src/test/test_entrynodes.c
@@ -2558,6 +2558,359 @@ test_entry_guard_select_for_circuit_highlevel_primary_retry(void *arg)
+static void
+test_entry_guard_select_and_cancel(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ int i,r;
+ const node_t *node = NULL;
+ circuit_guard_state_t *guard;
+ guard_selection_t *gs = guard_selection_new("default");
+ entry_guard_t *g;
+ /* Once more, we mark all the primary guards down. */
+ entry_guards_note_internet_connectivity(gs);
+ for (i = 0; i < N_PRIMARY; ++i) {
+ r = entry_guard_pick_for_circuit(gs, &node, &guard);
+ tt_int_op(guard->state, OP_EQ, GUARD_CIRC_STATE_USABLE_ON_COMPLETION);
+ g = entry_guard_handle_get(guard->guard);
+ tt_int_op(g->is_primary, OP_EQ, 1);
+ tt_int_op(g->is_pending, OP_EQ, 0);
+ make_guard_confirmed(gs, g);
+ entry_guard_failed(gs, &guard);
+ circuit_guard_state_free(guard);
+ guard = NULL;
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ tt_assert(entry_guards_all_primary_guards_are_down(gs));
+ /* Now get another guard we could try... */
+ r = entry_guard_pick_for_circuit(gs, &node, &guard);
+ tt_assert(node);
+ tt_assert(guard);
+ tt_assert(r == 0);
+ g = entry_guard_handle_get(guard->guard);
+ tt_int_op(g->is_primary, OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(g->is_pending, OP_EQ, 1);
+ /* Whoops! We should never have asked for this guard. Cancel the request! */
+ entry_guard_cancel(gs, &guard);
+ tt_assert(guard == NULL);
+ tt_int_op(g->is_primary, OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(g->is_pending, OP_EQ, 0);
+ done:
+ guard_selection_free(gs);
+ circuit_guard_state_free(guard);
+/* Unit test setup function: Create a fake network, and set everything up
+ * for testing the upgrade-a-waiting-circuit code. */
+typedef struct {
+ guard_selection_t *gs;
+ time_t start;
+ circuit_guard_state_t *guard1_state;
+ circuit_guard_state_t *guard2_state;
+ entry_guard_t *guard1;
+ entry_guard_t *guard2;
+ origin_circuit_t *circ1;
+ origin_circuit_t *circ2;
+ smartlist_t *all_origin_circuits;
+} upgrade_circuits_data_t;
+static void *
+upgrade_circuits_setup(const struct testcase_t *testcase)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(*data));
+ guard_selection_t *gs = data->gs = guard_selection_new("default");
+ circuit_guard_state_t *guard;
+ const node_t *node;
+ entry_guard_t *g;
+ int i;
+ const char *argument = testcase->setup_data;
+ const int make_circ1_succeed = strstr(argument, "c1-done") != NULL;
+ const int make_circ2_succeed = strstr(argument, "c2-done") != NULL;
+ big_fake_network_setup(testcase);
+ /* We're going to set things up in a state where a circuit will be ready to
+ * be upgraded. Each test can make a single change (or not) that should
+ * block the upgrade.
+ */
+ /* First, make all the primary guards confirmed, and down. */
+ data->start = approx_time();
+ entry_guards_note_internet_connectivity(gs);
+ for (i = 0; i < N_PRIMARY; ++i) {
+ entry_guard_pick_for_circuit(gs, &node, &guard);
+ g = entry_guard_handle_get(guard->guard);
+ make_guard_confirmed(gs, g);
+ entry_guard_failed(gs, &guard);
+ circuit_guard_state_free(guard);
+ }
+ /* Grab another couple of guards */
+ data->all_origin_circuits = smartlist_new();
+ update_approx_time(data->start + 27);
+ entry_guard_pick_for_circuit(gs, &node, &data->guard1_state);
+ origin_circuit_t *circ;
+ data->circ1 = circ = origin_circuit_new();
+ circ->base_.purpose = CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_C_GENERAL;
+ circ->guard_state = data->guard1_state;
+ smartlist_add(data->all_origin_circuits, circ);
+ update_approx_time(data->start + 30);
+ entry_guard_pick_for_circuit(gs, &node, &data->guard2_state);
+ data->circ2 = circ = origin_circuit_new();
+ circ->base_.purpose = CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_C_GENERAL;
+ circ->guard_state = data->guard2_state;
+ smartlist_add(data->all_origin_circuits, circ);
+ data->guard1 = entry_guard_handle_get(data->guard1_state->guard);
+ data->guard2 = entry_guard_handle_get(data->guard2_state->guard);
+ tor_assert(data->guard1 != data->guard2);
+ tor_assert(data->guard1_state->state ==
+ tor_assert(data->guard2_state->state ==
+ int r;
+ update_approx_time(data->start + 32);
+ if (make_circ1_succeed) {
+ r = entry_guard_succeeded(gs, &data->guard1_state);
+ tor_assert(r == 0);
+ tor_assert(data->guard1_state->state ==
+ }
+ update_approx_time(data->start + 33);
+ if (make_circ2_succeed) {
+ r = entry_guard_succeeded(gs, &data->guard2_state);
+ tor_assert(r == 0);
+ tor_assert(data->guard2_state->state ==
+ }
+ return data;
+static int
+upgrade_circuits_cleanup(const struct testcase_t *testcase, void *ptr)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = ptr;
+ // circuit_guard_state_free(data->guard1_state); // held in circ1
+ // circuit_guard_state_free(data->guard2_state); // held in circ2
+ guard_selection_free(data->gs);
+ smartlist_free(data->all_origin_circuits);
+ circuit_free(TO_CIRCUIT(data->circ1));
+ circuit_free(TO_CIRCUIT(data->circ2));
+ tor_free(data);
+ return big_fake_network_cleanup(testcase, ptr);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_a_circuit(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ /* This is the easy case: we have no COMPLETED circuits, all the
+ * primary guards are down, we have two WAITING circuits: one will
+ * get upgraded to COMPLETED! (The one that started first.)
+ */
+ /* XXXX prop271 -- perhaps the one that started first should
+ * also wind up in confirmed_entry_guards earlier?
+ */
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ int r;
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 1);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 1);
+ origin_circuit_t *oc = smartlist_get(result, 0);
+ /* circ1 was started first, so we'll get told to ugrade it... */
+ tt_ptr_op(oc, OP_EQ, data->circ1);
+ /* And the guard state should be complete */
+ tt_ptr_op(data->guard1_state, OP_NE, NULL);
+ tt_int_op(data->guard1_state->state, OP_EQ, GUARD_CIRC_STATE_COMPLETE);
+ done:
+ smartlist_free(result);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_blocked_by_live_primary_guards(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ /* If any primary guards might be up, we can't upgrade any waiting
+ * circuits.
+ */
+ mark_primary_guards_maybe_reachable(data->gs);
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ int r;
+ setup_capture_of_logs(LOG_DEBUG);
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 0);
+ expect_log_msg_containing("not all primary guards were definitely down.");
+ done:
+ teardown_capture_of_logs();
+ smartlist_free(result);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_blocked_by_lack_of_waiting_circuits(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ /* If no circuits are waiting, we can't upgrade anything. (The test
+ * setup in this case was told not to make any of the circuits "waiting".)
+ */
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ int r;
+ setup_capture_of_logs(LOG_DEBUG);
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 0);
+ expect_log_msg_containing("Considered upgrading guard-stalled circuits, "
+ "but didn't find any.");
+ done:
+ teardown_capture_of_logs();
+ smartlist_free(result);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_blocked_by_better_circ_complete(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ /* We'll run through the logic of upgrade_a_circuit below...
+ * and then try again to make sure that circ2 isn't also upgraded.
+ */
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ int r;
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 1);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 1);
+ origin_circuit_t *oc = smartlist_get(result, 0);
+ tt_ptr_op(oc, OP_EQ, data->circ1);
+ tt_ptr_op(data->guard1_state, OP_NE, NULL);
+ tt_int_op(data->guard1_state->state, OP_EQ, GUARD_CIRC_STATE_COMPLETE);
+ /* Now, try again. Make sure that circ2 isn't upgraded. */
+ smartlist_clear(result);
+ setup_capture_of_logs(LOG_DEBUG);
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 0);
+ expect_log_msg_containing("At least one complete circuit had higher "
+ "priority, so not upgrading.");
+ done:
+ teardown_capture_of_logs();
+ smartlist_free(result);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_not_blocked_by_worse_circ_complete(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ /* here we manually make circ2 COMPLETE, and make sure that circ1
+ * gets made complete anyway, since guard1 has higher priority
+ */
+ update_approx_time(data->start + 300);
+ data->guard2_state->state = GUARD_CIRC_STATE_COMPLETE;
+ data->guard2_state->state_set_at = approx_time();
+ update_approx_time(data->start + 301);
+ /* Now, try again. Make sure that circ1 is approved. */
+ int r;
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 1);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 1);
+ origin_circuit_t *oc = smartlist_get(result, 0);
+ tt_ptr_op(oc, OP_EQ, data->circ1);
+ done:
+ smartlist_free(result);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_blocked_by_better_circ_pending(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ /* circ2 is done, but circ1 is still pending. Since circ1 is better,
+ * we won't upgrade circ2. */
+ /* XXXX Prop271 -- this is a kludge. I'm making sure circ1 _is_ better,
+ * by messing with the guards' confirmed_idx */
+ make_guard_confirmed(data->gs, data->guard1);
+ {
+ int tmp;
+ tmp = data->guard1->confirmed_idx;
+ data->guard1->confirmed_idx = data->guard2->confirmed_idx;
+ data->guard2->confirmed_idx = tmp;
+ }
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ setup_capture_of_logs(LOG_DEBUG);
+ int r;
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 0);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 0);
+ expect_log_msg_containing("but 1 pending circuit(s) had higher guard "
+ "priority, so not upgrading.");
+ done:
+ teardown_capture_of_logs();
+ smartlist_free(result);
+static void
+test_entry_guard_upgrade_not_blocked_by_worse_circ_pending(void *arg)
+ upgrade_circuits_data_t *data = arg;
+ /* circ1 is done, but circ2 is still pending. Since circ1 is better,
+ * we will upgrade it. */
+ smartlist_t *result = smartlist_new();
+ int r;
+ r = entry_guards_upgrade_waiting_circuits(data->gs,
+ data->all_origin_circuits,
+ result);
+ tt_int_op(r, OP_EQ, 1);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(result), OP_EQ, 1);
+ origin_circuit_t *oc = smartlist_get(result, 0);
+ tt_ptr_op(oc, OP_EQ, data->circ1);
+ done:
+ smartlist_free(result);
static const struct testcase_setup_t fake_network = {
fake_network_setup, fake_network_cleanup
@@ -2566,9 +2919,17 @@ static const struct testcase_setup_t big_fake_network = {
big_fake_network_setup, big_fake_network_cleanup
+static const struct testcase_setup_t upgrade_circuits = {
+ upgrade_circuits_setup, upgrade_circuits_cleanup
#define BFN_TEST(name) \
{ #name, test_entry_guard_ ## name, TT_FORK, &big_fake_network, NULL }
+#define UPGRADE_TEST(name, arg) \
+ { #name, test_entry_guard_ ## name, TT_FORK, &upgrade_circuits, \
+ (void*)(arg) }
struct testcase_t entrynodes_tests[] = {
{ "entry_is_time_to_retry", test_entry_is_time_to_retry,
@@ -2632,6 +2993,16 @@ struct testcase_t entrynodes_tests[] = {
+ BFN_TEST(select_and_cancel),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_a_circuit, "c1-done c2-done"),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_blocked_by_live_primary_guards, "c1-done c2-done"),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_blocked_by_lack_of_waiting_circuits, ""),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_blocked_by_better_circ_complete, "c1-done c2-done"),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_not_blocked_by_worse_circ_complete, "c1-done c2-done"),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_blocked_by_better_circ_pending, "c2-done"),
+ UPGRADE_TEST(upgrade_not_blocked_by_worse_circ_pending, "c1-done"),
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