[tor-commits] [translation/tails-misc_completed] Update translations for tails-misc_completed
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Thu Sep 24 07:16:10 UTC 2015
commit c704a3b757c81b41c61a25313ccb40b00fdd4b4f
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Thu Sep 24 07:15:48 2015 +0000
Update translations for tails-misc_completed
he.po | 556 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 556 insertions(+)
diff --git a/he.po b/he.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b094e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/he.po
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# dave nicetry <ndvnis at gmail.com>, 2014
+# GenghisKhan <genghiskhan at gmx.ca>, 2013
+# Johnny Diralenzo, 2015
+# Kunda, 2014
+# Ruben <drarbib at gmail.com>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-20 19:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-24 06:56+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Johnny Diralenzo\n"
+"Language-Team: Hebrew (http://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/language/he/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: he\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/60-tor-ready.sh:43
+msgid "Tor is ready"
+msgstr "Tor ××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/60-tor-ready.sh:44
+msgid "You can now access the Internet."
+msgstr "×עת ××פשר×ת×× ××שת ×××× ××¨× ×."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/etc/whisperback/config.py:64
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"<h1>Help us fix your bug!</h1>\n"
+"<p>Read <a href=\"%s\">our bug reporting instructions</a>.</p>\n"
+"<p><strong>Do not include more personal information than\n"
+"<h2>About giving us an email address</h2>\n"
+"Giving us an email address allows us to contact you to clarify the problem. This\n"
+"is needed for the vast majority of the reports we receive as most reports\n"
+"without any contact information are useless. On the other hand it also provides\n"
+"an opportunity for eavesdroppers, like your email or Internet provider, to\n"
+"confirm that you are using Tails.\n"
+msgstr "<h1>×¢××ר ×× × ××ª×§× ×ת ×××× ×©××××ת!</h1><p>×§×¨× <a href=\"%s\">×ת ×× ×××ת ××××× ×××××× ×©×× ×</a>.</p><p><strong>×× ×ª×××× ×¤×¨××× ××ש××× ×©××× × ××ר××××</strong></p><h2>×× ×××¢ ××ס×רת ×ת××ת ×××× ×צ××</h2><p>××ª× ×ת××ת ×××× ××פשר ×× × ××צ×ר ×¢×× ×§×©×¨ ×¢× ×× ×ª ×ק×× ×××ר×ת ×× ×××¢ ×ת××× ×ª×. ××ר ×× ×ר×ש ×ש×× ×©×¨××× ×××ר××¢ ×©× ×××××××× ××תק×××× ×צ×× × ××× × ×©×××× ××ר ××× ×××¦×¢× ×תקשר×ת. ××××× ××ס×, ×× ×× ×ספק ×פשר×ת ×צ×××× ×©××ש××× ××× ×¡×¤×§× ×××× ××¨× × ×××××× ×©××, ××××× ×©××ª× ××× ×שת×ש ×-Tails.</p> \n"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/electrum:14
+msgid "Persistence is disabled for Electrum"
+msgstr "× ×××××ª× ×©× ××ק×ר×× ×××××¦× ×ק×××¢× ×××××ת."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/electrum:16
+msgid ""
+"When you reboot Tails, all of Electrum's data will be lost, including your "
+"Bitcoin wallet. It is strongly recommended to only run Electrum when its "
+"persistence feature is activated."
+msgstr "××שר ××ª× ××ת×× ×ת Tails, ×× ×××××¢ ×©× ××ק×ר×× ××××, ×ר××ת ××¨× ×§ ××××ק××× ×©××. ×××××¥ ×××× ××פע×× ×ת ××ק×ר×× ×× ×רק ××שר ××× ×××××¢ ×××××¦× ×ק×××¢×."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/electrum:18
+msgid "Do you want to start Electrum anyway?"
+msgstr "××× ×רצ×× × ××פע×× ×ת ××ק×ר×× ××× ××ת?"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/electrum:20
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:36
+msgid "_Launch"
+msgstr "_ש×ר"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/electrum:21
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:37
+msgid "_Exit"
+msgstr "×_צ×××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:136
+msgid "OpenPGP encryption applet"
+msgstr "××ש×××× ××¦×¤× ×ª OpenPGP"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:139
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "צ×"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:141
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "××××ת"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:192
+msgid "Encrypt Clipboard with _Passphrase"
+msgstr "××¦×¤× ××× ××××¨× ××¢×רת _×××רת ס×ס××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:195
+msgid "Sign/Encrypt Clipboard with Public _Keys"
+msgstr "×ת××/××¦×¤× ××× ××¢×רת ×פת××ת צ×××ר×××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:200
+msgid "_Decrypt/Verify Clipboard"
+msgstr "_×¤×¢× ×/××ת ××× ×××ר×"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:204
+msgid "_Manage Keys"
+msgstr "_× ×× ×פת××ת"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:208
+msgid "_Open Text Editor"
+msgstr "_×¤×ª× ×¢××¨× ×קס×"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:252
+msgid "The clipboard does not contain valid input data."
+msgstr "×××× ××× × ×××× × ×ª×× × ×§×× ××ק×××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:303
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:305
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:307
+msgid "Unknown Trust"
+msgstr "×××× ×× ××××¢"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:309
+msgid "Marginal Trust"
+msgstr "×××× ××¢××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:311
+msgid "Full Trust"
+msgstr "×××× ×××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:313
+msgid "Ultimate Trust"
+msgstr "×××× ×××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:366
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "ש×"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:367
+msgid "Key ID"
+msgstr "×××× ×פת×"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:368
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "ס×××ס"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:400
+msgid "Fingerprint:"
+msgstr "×××עת ×צ××¢:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:403
+msgid "User ID:"
+msgid_plural "User IDs:"
+msgstr[0] "×××× ×שת×ש:"
+msgstr[1] "×××× ×שת×ש:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:433
+msgid "None (Don't sign)"
+msgstr "××£ ××× (×× ×ª×ת××)"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:496
+msgid "Select recipients:"
+msgstr "××ר × ××¢× ××:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:504
+msgid "Hide recipients"
+msgstr "×סתר × ××¢× ××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:507
+msgid ""
+"Hide the user IDs of all recipients of an encrypted message. Otherwise "
+"anyone that sees the encrypted message can see who the recipients are."
+msgstr "×סתר ×ת ×××××ת ××שת×ש×× ××× × ××¢× × ××סר×× ××××¦×¤× ××. ××רת, ×× ×× ×©××¦×¤× ××סר ×××¦×¤× ×××× ×× ×ר××ת ×ת ×××ת ×תר × ××¢× ××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:513
+msgid "Sign message as:"
+msgstr "×ת×× ××××¢× ×ת×ר:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:517
+msgid "Choose keys"
+msgstr "××ר ×פת××ת"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:557
+msgid "Do you trust these keys?"
+msgstr "××× ××ª× ×××× ××פת××ת ×××?"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:560
+msgid "The following selected key is not fully trusted:"
+msgid_plural "The following selected keys are not fully trusted:"
+msgstr[0] "×××¤×ª× ×× ××ר ××× ×× ××××× ××××××:"
+msgstr[1] "××פת××ת ××××× ×©× ×××¨× ××× × ××××× ×× ××××××:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:578
+msgid "Do you trust this key enough to use it anyway?"
+msgid_plural "Do you trust these keys enough to use them anyway?"
+msgstr[0] "××ª× ×ספ×ק ×××× ×××¤×ª× ××× ×ש××× ××שת×ש ×× ××× ×קר×?"
+msgstr[1] "××ª× ×ספ×ק ×××× ××פת××ת ×××× ×ש××× ××שת×ש ××× ××× ×קר×?"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:591
+msgid "No keys selected"
+msgstr "×× × ×××¨× ×פת××ת"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:593
+msgid ""
+"You must select a private key to sign the message, or some public keys to "
+"encrypt the message, or both."
+msgstr "×¢××× ××××ר ×××¤×ª× ×¤×¨×× ××ת××ת ××סר, ×× ××פת××ת צ×××ר××× ××ש×× ×××¦×¤× ×ª ××סר, ×× ××©× ×××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:621
+msgid "No keys available"
+msgstr "××× ×פת××ת ×××× ××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:623
+msgid ""
+"You need a private key to sign messages or a public key to encrypt messages."
+msgstr "××× × × ×קק ×××¤×ª× ×¤×¨×× ×¢× ×× ×ª ××ת×× ×¢× ×סר×× ×× ×××¤×ª× ×¦××××¨× ×××¦×¤× ×ª ×סר××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:751
+msgid "GnuPG error"
+msgstr "ש×××ת GnuPG"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:772
+msgid "Therefore the operation cannot be performed."
+msgstr "××× ×פע××× ×× × ××ª× ×ª ×××צ××¢."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:822
+msgid "GnuPG results"
+msgstr "ת×צ××ת GnuPG"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:828
+msgid "Output of GnuPG:"
+msgstr "פ×× ×©× GnuPG:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/gpgApplet:853
+msgid "Other messages provided by GnuPG:"
+msgstr "××××¢×ת ××ר×ת ×שר ×ס×פק×ת ×¢× ××× GnuPG:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/lib/shutdown-helper-applet:39
+msgid "Shutdown Immediately"
+msgstr "××× ×××תר"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/lib/shutdown-helper-applet:40
+msgid "Reboot Immediately"
+msgstr "×ת×× ×××תר"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-about:16
+msgid "not available"
+msgstr "×× ××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-about:19
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/desktop-directories/Tails.directory.in.h:1
+msgid "Tails"
+msgstr "Tails"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-about:24
+msgid "The Amnesic Incognito Live System"
+msgstr "×- Amnesic Incognito Live System"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-about:25
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Build information:\n"
+msgstr "××××¢ ×× ××:\n%s"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-about:27
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-about.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "About Tails"
+msgstr "××××ת Tails"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-additional-software:118
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-additional-software:124
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-additional-software:128
+msgid "Your additional software"
+msgstr "×ת××× ×ת ×× ×ספ×ת ש××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-additional-software:119
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-additional-software:129
+msgid ""
+"The upgrade failed. This might be due to a network problem. Please check "
+"your network connection, try to restart Tails, or read the system log to "
+"understand better the problem."
+msgstr "×ש×ר×× × ×ש×. ×× ×¢××× ×× ×××¢ ×××¢××ת רשת. ×× × ×××ק ×ת ××××ר ×רשת ש××, × ×¡× ××פע×× ×××ש ×ת Tails, ×× ×קר×× ×ת ××× ××ער×ת ××× ××××× ××× ××תר ×ת ×××¢××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-additional-software:125
+msgid "The upgrade was successful."
+msgstr "×ש×ר×× × ×¢×¨× ××צ×××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-htp-notify-user:52
+msgid "Synchronizing the system's clock"
+msgstr "××¡× ××¨× ×ת שע×× ××ער×ת"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-htp-notify-user:53
+msgid ""
+"Tor needs an accurate clock to work properly, especially for Hidden "
+"Services. Please wait..."
+msgstr "Tor ×ק×ק ×שע×× ××××ק ××× ××¢××× ××× ×©×¦×¨××, ×××××× ×¢××ר ש×ר×ת×× × ×¡×ª×¨××. ×× × ××ת×..."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-htp-notify-user:87
+msgid "Failed to synchronize the clock!"
+msgstr "× ××©× ×× ×ס××× ××¡× ××¨× ×ת ×שע××!"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-restricted-network-detector:38
+msgid "Network connection blocked?"
+msgstr "×××××¨× ×¨×©×ª ×ס××××?"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-restricted-network-detector:40
+msgid ""
+"It looks like you are blocked from the network. This may be related to the "
+"MAC spoofing feature. For more information, see the <a "
+" spoofing documentation</a>."
+msgstr "× ×¨×× ×©××××ר ×רשת ש×× ×ס××. ×××ר עש×× ×××××¨× ××©× ×ª××× ×ª ×ש××ש ×ת×××ת ×-MAC. ×××××¢ × ×סף, ×§×¨× ×ת <a href=\\\"file:///usr/share/doc/tails/website/doc/first_steps/startup_options/mac_spoofing.en.html#blocked\\\">×ת××¢×× ×× ×××¢ ××ש××ש MAC</a>."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-security-check:151
+msgid "This version of Tails has known security issues:"
+msgstr "×××¨×¡× ×× ×©× Tails ×ש ××¢××ת ××××× ××××¢×ת:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-spoof-mac:45
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Network card ${nic} disabled"
+msgstr "×ר××ס ×רשת ${nic} ××× × ×××× ×עת"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-spoof-mac:46
+#, sh-format
+msgid ""
+"MAC spoofing failed for network card ${nic_name} (${nic}) so it is temporarily disabled.\n"
+"You might prefer to restart Tails and disable MAC spoofing. See the <a href='file:///usr/share/doc/tails/website/doc/first_steps/startup_options/mac_spoofing.en.html'>documentation</a>."
+msgstr "×ש××ש MAC ××©× ×××ס ××ר××ס ×רשת ${nic_name} (${nic}) ××¢× ×× ××× ××× × ×××× ××× ×ת. ×××× ×ª×¢×××£ ××ת×× ×ת Tails ××××× ×ת ×ש××ש ×-MAC. ×פר××× × ×ספ××, ×§×¨× ×ת <a href='file:///usr/share/doc/tails/website/doc/first_steps/startup_options/mac_spoofing.en.html'>×ת××¢××</a>."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-spoof-mac:55
+msgid "All networking disabled"
+msgstr "×× ×××××¨× ×רשת ×××××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-spoof-mac:56
+#, sh-format
+msgid ""
+"MAC spoofing failed for network card ${nic_name} (${nic}). The error recovery also failed so all networking is disabled.\n"
+"You might prefer to restart Tails and disable MAC spoofing. See the <a href='file:///usr/share/doc/first_steps/startup_options/mac_spoofing.en.html'>documentation</a>."
+msgstr "×ש××ש MAC ××©× ×¢××ר ×ר××ס ×רשת ${nic_name} (${nic}). ת××× ×ת ×××××× ×ש×× ×××× ×× ×××××¨× ×רשת ×××××. ×××× ×ª×¢×××£ ××ת×× ×ת Tails ×××××× ×¢ ××ש××ש MAC. ×פר××× × ×ספ××, ×§×¨× ×ת <a href='file:///usr/share/doc/first_steps/startup_options/mac_spoofing.en.html'>×ת××¢××</a>."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper:19
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:22
+msgid "error:"
+msgstr "ש××××:"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper:20
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:23
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "ש××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper:40
+msgid ""
+"<b>Not enough memory available to check for upgrades.</b>\n"
+"Make sure this system satisfies the requirements for running Tails.\n"
+"See file:///usr/share/doc/tails/website/doc/about/requirements.en.html\n"
+"Try to restart Tails to check for upgrades again.\n"
+"Or do a manual upgrade.\n"
+"See https://tails.boum.org/doc/first_steps/upgrade#manual"
+msgstr "b>××× ×ספ×ק ××ר×× ×××פ×ש ×¢×××× ××.</b>\n\n×××ק ש×ער×ת ×× ×¢×× × ×¢× ×ר×ש×ת ×××ª×§× × ×©× Tails. ×§×¨× ×ת file:///usr/share/doc/tails/website/doc/about/requirements.en.html\n\n× ×¡× ××ת×× ×ת Tails ××× ××פש ×¢×××× ×× ××©× ×ת. ×× ×צע ×¢×××× ××× ×. ×§×¨× ×ת https://tails.boum.org/doc/first_steps/upgrade#manual"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-virt-notify-user:53
+msgid "Warning: virtual machine detected!"
+msgstr "×××ר×: ×××× × ××ר×××××ת ××תר×!"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-virt-notify-user:55
+msgid ""
+"Both the host operating system and the virtualization software are able to "
+"monitor what you are doing in Tails."
+msgstr "×× ×ער×ת ××פע×× ×××ר×ת ××× ×ª××× ×ª ××××ר××××××צ×× ×××××ת ××××ש ××ר ×עש×× ×-Tails."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-virt-notify-user:57
+msgid ""
+"<a "
+" more...</a>"
+msgstr "<a href='file:///usr/share/doc/tails/website/doc/advanced_topics/virtualization.en.html#security'>××× ×¢××...</a>"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tor-browser:29
+msgid "Tor is not ready"
+msgstr "Tor ×¢×× ×× ××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tor-browser:30
+msgid "Tor is not ready. Start Tor Browser anyway?"
+msgstr "Tor ×¢×× ×× ××××. ××¤×¢× ×ת ×פ××¤× Tor ××× ××ת?"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tor-browser:31
+msgid "Start Tor Browser"
+msgstr "××¤×¢× ×ת ×פ××¤× Tor"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tor-browser:32
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:33
+msgid "Do you really want to launch the Unsafe Browser?"
+msgstr "××× ××× ×רצ×× × ×ש×ר ×ת ××פ××¤× ××× ××××?"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:35
+msgid ""
+"Network activity within the Unsafe Browser is <b>not anonymous</b>. Only use"
+" the Unsafe Browser if necessary, for example if you have to login or "
+"register to activate your Internet connection."
+msgstr "×× ××××©× ×רשת ××ס×רת ××פ××¤× ××ס××× <b>××× × ×× ×× ×××ת</b>. ×שת×ש ××פ××¤× ××ס××× ×× ×רק ×× ×××ר ××ר××, ×××××× ×× ××ª× ×××× ××××¨×©× ×× ××ת××ר ×¢× ×× ×ª ××פע×× ×ת ××××ר ×××× ××¨× × ×©××. "
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:47
+msgid "Starting the Unsafe Browser..."
+msgstr "×ת××× ×עת ×ת ××פ××¤× ××× ××××..."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:48
+msgid "This may take a while, so please be patient."
+msgstr "×× ×¢×©×× ×ק×ת ××× ××, ×× ×× × ×××¢×ר ×ס××× ×ת."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:53
+msgid "Shutting down the Unsafe Browser..."
+msgstr "×××× ×עת ×ת ××פ××¤× ××× ××××..."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:54
+msgid ""
+"This may take a while, and you may not restart the Unsafe Browser until it "
+"is properly shut down."
+msgstr "×××ר עש×× ×ק×ת ××× ××, ××× ×ª××× ××פע×× ×××ש ×ת ××פ××¤× ××ס××× ×× ×¢×× ××× ×× ×××× ×××××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:66
+msgid "Failed to restart Tor."
+msgstr "××©× ××ת××× Tor."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:85
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/unsafe-browser.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Unsafe Browser"
+msgstr "×פ××¤× ×× ××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:93
+msgid ""
+"Another Unsafe Browser is currently running, or being cleaned up. Please "
+"retry in a while."
+msgstr "×פ××¤× ×ס××× ××ר ××ר ××פע×, ×× ×צ×× ×ש×× × ×ק×××, ×× × × ×¡× ×©×× ××××ר ××תר."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:105
+msgid ""
+"NetworkManager passed us garbage data when trying to deduce the clearnet DNS"
+" server."
+msgstr "ת××× ×ª ×× ×× ×רשת ××¢×××¨× ×× × × ×ª×× ×× ×©××××× ××©× ×ס×× × ××××ת ×ת ×ת××ת שרת ×-DNS ×©× ×רשת ××××××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:115
+msgid ""
+"No DNS server was obtained through DHCP or manually configured in "
+msgstr "××£ שרת DNS ×× ×××× ××× ×ת ×ת××× ×ª ×× ×× ×רשת ×× ×××× ××¨× DHCP."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:123
+msgid "Failed to setup chroot."
+msgstr "××©× ×××× ××ת chroot."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:129
+msgid "Failed to configure browser."
+msgstr "×××רת ××פ××¤× × ×ש××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/unsafe-browser:134
+msgid "Failed to run browser."
+msgstr "×פע×ת ××פ××¤× × ×ש××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:31
+msgid "I2P failed to start"
+msgstr "âI2P × ××©× ××ת×××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:32
+msgid ""
+"Something went wrong when I2P was starting. Check the logs in /var/log/i2p "
+"for more information."
+msgstr "×ש×× ×שת×ש ××פע×ת I2P. ×××ק ×ת ×××× × ×ר×ש×× ×ת×× /var/log/i2p ×פר××× × ×ספ××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:43
+msgid "I2P's router console is ready"
+msgstr "ק×× ×¡××ת × ×ª× ×-I2P ×××× × ×ש×××ש"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:44
+msgid "You can now access I2P's router console in the I2P Browser."
+msgstr "××פשר××ª× ××שת ×עת ×ק×× ×¡××ת × ×ª× ×-I2P ××¨× ×פ××¤× I2P."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:49
+msgid "I2P is not ready"
+msgstr "I2P ××× × ××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:50
+msgid ""
+"Eepsite tunnel not built within six minutes. Check the router console in the"
+" I2P Browser or the logs in /var/log/i2p for more information. Reconnect to "
+"the network to try again."
+msgstr "×¢××¨× ×©×© ×ק×ת ×× ×× ×רת ×-Eepsite ×× ××ק××. ×××ק ×ת ק×× ×¡××ת × ×ª× ××פ××¤× I2P ×× ×ת ×××× × ×ר×ש×× ×ת×× /var/log/i2p ×פר××× × ×ספ××. ×ת××ר ש×× ×רשת ××× ×× ×¡×ת ש××."
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:60
+msgid "I2P is ready"
+msgstr "I2P ××××"
+#: config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p:61
+msgid "You can now access services on I2P."
+msgstr "××ª× ×××× ×¢×ש×× ×ק×× ×©×ר×ת×× ×-I2P"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/etc/skel/Desktop/Report_an_error.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Report an error"
+msgstr "×××× ×¢× ×©××××"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/etc/skel/Desktop/tails-documentation.desktop.in.h:1
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-documentation.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Tails documentation"
+msgstr "ת××¢×× Tails"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-documentation.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Learn how to use Tails"
+msgstr "××× ××× ××שת×ש ×-Tails"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/i2p-browser.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Anonymous overlay network browser"
+msgstr "×פ××¤× ×¨×©×ª ×× ×× ×××"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/i2p-browser.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "I2P Browser"
+msgstr "×פ××¤× I2P"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-about.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Learn more about Tails"
+msgstr "××× ×¢×× ×¢× Tails"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-reboot.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Reboot"
+msgstr "××ת××"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-reboot.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Immediately reboot computer"
+msgstr "×××× ××ת×× ×××ש ×ת ×××ש×"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-shutdown.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Power Off"
+msgstr "×××××"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tails-shutdown.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Immediately shut down computer"
+msgstr "×××× ××××ת ×ת ×××ש×"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tor-browser.desktop.in.h:1
+msgid "Tor Browser"
+msgstr "×פ××¤× Tor"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/tor-browser.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Anonymous Web Browser"
+msgstr "×פ××¤× ×× ×× ×××"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/unsafe-browser.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Browse the World Wide Web without anonymity"
+msgstr "×פ××£ ×רשת ×××× ×¢××××ת ××× ×× ×× ××××ת"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/applications/unsafe-browser.desktop.in.h:3
+msgid "Unsafe Web Browser"
+msgstr "×פ××¤× ×¨×©×ª ×× ××××"
+#: ../config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/desktop-directories/Tails.directory.in.h:2
+msgid "Tails specific tools"
+msgstr "×××× ×¡×¤×¦×פ××× ×©× Tails"
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