[tor-commits] [translation/https_everywhere] Update translations for https_everywhere

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Thu May 15 12:15:15 UTC 2014

commit 0aa66640a6738c64e55e0ecf42c420c4c9c6da64
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Thu May 15 12:15:14 2014 +0000

    Update translations for https_everywhere
 es/ssl-observatory.dtd |    2 +-
 nb/ssl-observatory.dtd |    7 ++++---
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/es/ssl-observatory.dtd b/es/ssl-observatory.dtd
index 34fc013..293827d 100644
--- a/es/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ b/es/ssl-observatory.dtd
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ una red corporativa muy intrusiva:">
 "Esto obtendrá y enviará el "número de Sistema Autónomo" (AS) de su red. Esto nos ayudará a ubicar ataques contra HTTPS, y a determinar si tenemos observaciones desde redes en lugares como Irán o Siria donde los ataques son comparativamente más comunes.">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
+"Mostrar una advertencia cuando el Observatorio detecte un certificado revocado no detectado por su navegador">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
 "This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
diff --git a/nb/ssl-observatory.dtd b/nb/ssl-observatory.dtd
index be4807f..39c3a56 100644
--- a/nb/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ b/nb/ssl-observatory.dtd
@@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ påtrengende bedriftsnettverk:">
 "Dette vil hente og sende ditt nettverks "autonome systemnummer".  Dette vil hjelpe oss med å lokalisere angrep mot HTTPS og med å avgjøre om vi har observasjoner fra nettverk i Iran og Syria, hvor angrep er relativt vanlige.">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
+"Vis en advarsel når Observatory oppdager et opphevet sertifikat som ikke fanges opp av nettleseren din">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
+"Dette vil sjekke innsende sertifikater opp mot kjente opphevelseslister.
+Uheldigvis kan vi ikke garantere at vi vil flagge alle sertifikater som er opphevet, men hvis du ser en advarsel, så er det stor sjanse for at noe er galt. ">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Ferdig">
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ de så på. Hold muspekeren over innstillingene for flere detaljer:">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Vis sertifikatkjede">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Jeg forstår">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory har utstedt en advarsel om bruk av HTTPS sertifikatene på denne siden:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the "SSL Observatory" tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
+<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Hvis du er logget inn på denne siden, så kan det være en god idé å endre passordet ditt så snart du har en sikker tilkobling. (Disse advarslene kan deaktiveres i "SSL Observatory" fanen under instillinger i HTTPS Everywhere).">
 <!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
 "Send og sjekk selvsignerte sertifikater">

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