[tor-commits] [support-tools/master] Add script used to produce monthly reports
lunar at torproject.org
lunar at torproject.org
Tue Mar 25 15:17:49 UTC 2014
commit 3403859aee7fe8df73fd9c10f4a44216296d9861
Author: Lunar <lunar at torproject.org>
Date: Tue Mar 25 16:17:36 2014 +0100
Add script used to produce monthly reports
monthly-report/README.txt | 13 +++
monthly-report/monthly_stats.py | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 200 insertions(+)
diff --git a/monthly-report/README.txt b/monthly-report/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5549d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monthly-report/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Monthly reporting scripts
+`monthly_stats.py` is meant to be run on rude.torproject.org and will
+produce most statistics for a monthly help desk report.
+Usage: monthly_stats.py [YEAR MONTH]
+By default the report will be for the current month.
+`~/.pgpass` should be properly filled, e.g.:
+ drobovi.torproject.org:5432:rt:rtreader:A_SECRET_PASSWORD
diff --git a/monthly-report/monthly_stats.py b/monthly-report/monthly_stats.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81625f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monthly-report/monthly_stats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
+# the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
+# To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
+# http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
+import calendar
+import datetime
+import psycopg2
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import yaml
+RT_CONNINFO = "host=drobovi.torproject.org sslmode=require user=rtreader dbname=rt"
+ SELECT tickets.id, tickets.lastupdatedby, queues.name, transactions.created, transactions.field, transactions.newvalue
+ FROM tickets
+ JOIN queues ON (queues.id = tickets.queue)
+ JOIN transactions ON (transactions.objectid = tickets.id
+ AND transactions.objecttype = 'RT::Ticket')
+ WHERE tickets.lastupdated >= %s
+ AND tickets.created < %s + INTERVAL '1 MONTH'
+ AND transactions.created < %s + INTERVAL '1 MONTH'
+ ORDER BY tickets.id, transactions.id;
+ SELECT queues.name
+ FROM queues
+ WHERE queues.id = %s
+ SELECT users.name
+ FROM users
+ WHERE users.id = %s
+def get_queue_name(queue_id):
+ global con
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ try:
+ cur.execute(SELECT_QUEUE_NAME_QUERY, (queue_id,))
+ return cur.fetchone()[0]
+ finally:
+ cur.close()
+def get_user_name(user_id):
+ global con
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ try:
+ cur.execute(SELECT_USER_NAME_QUERY, (user_id,))
+ return cur.fetchone()[0]
+ finally:
+ cur.close()
+def account_ticket(fields):
+ global resolved, rejected, open_tickets, ticket_count
+ ticket_count += 1
+ queue = fields.get('Queue')
+ if queue and queue.isdigit():
+ queue = get_queue_name(queue)
+ owner = fields.get('Owner')
+ if owner and owner.isdigit():
+ owner = get_user_name(owner)
+ status = fields['Status']
+ if status == 'resolved':
+ if queue != 'spam' and owner:
+ if not owner in resolved:
+ resolved[owner] = {}
+ if not queue in resolved[owner]:
+ resolved[owner][queue] = 0
+ resolved[owner][queue] += 1
+ elif status == 'rejected':
+ user = get_user_name(fields['LastUpdatedBy'])
+ if user not in rejected:
+ rejected[user] = 0
+ rejected[user] += 1
+ else:
+ if queue != 'spam' and 'MergedInto' not in fields:
+ if queue not in open_tickets:
+ open_tickets[queue] = 0
+ open_tickets[queue] += 1
+def account_tickets(year, month):
+ global con
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ first_of_month = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1).date()
+ print cur.mogrify(SELECT_TRANSACTIONS_QUERY, (first_of_month, first_of_month, first_of_month))
+ cur.execute(SELECT_TRANSACTIONS_QUERY, (first_of_month, first_of_month, first_of_month))
+ fields = {}
+ for ticket_id, last_updated_by, current_queue, transaction_created, transaction_field, transaction_new_value in cur:
+ if ticket_id != fields.get('TicketId'):
+ if 'TicketId' in fields:
+ account_ticket(fields)
+ fields = { 'TicketId': ticket_id, 'LastUpdatedBy': last_updated_by, 'Status': 'new', 'Owner': None, 'Queue': current_queue }
+ if transaction_field:
+ fields[transaction_field] = transaction_new_value
+ if 'TicketId' in fields:
+ account_ticket(fields)
+ cur.close()
+ print "Ticket count: %d" % ticket_count
+ print "Stats:"
+ print_stats()
+def get_queues(resolved):
+ queues = set()
+ for user in resolved:
+ queues.update(resolved[user])
+ return queues
+def short_queue_name(queue):
+ if queue.startswith('help-'):
+ return queue[-2:]
+ return 'en'
+def print_stats():
+ global resolved, rejected, open_tickets, year, month
+ users = resolved.keys()
+ users.sort()
+ queues = list(get_queues(resolved))
+ queues.sort(key=short_queue_name)
+ queue_totals = {}
+ for queue in queues:
+ queue_totals[queue] = 0
+ header = (' ' * 10) + '| ' + ' | '.join(map(short_queue_name, queues)) + ' | Total | (Rejected)'
+ horiz_sep = re.sub(r'\|', '+', re.sub(r'[^|]', '-', header))
+ print header
+ print horiz_sep
+ for user in users:
+ d = { 'user': user, 'rejected': rejected.get(user, ''), 'total': sum(resolved[user].values()) }
+ for queue in queues:
+ d[queue] = resolved[user].get(queue, '')
+ queue_totals[queue] += resolved[user].get(queue, 0)
+ print ('%(user)9s | ' + ' | '.join(['%%(%s)4s' % q for q in queues]) + ' | %(total)5s | %(rejected)9s ') % d
+ print horiz_sep
+ d = { 'total': sum(queue_totals.values()), 'rejected': sum(rejected.values()) }
+ d.update(queue_totals)
+ print (' Total | ' + ' | '.join(['%%(%s)4s' % q for q in queues]) + ' | %(total)5s | %(rejected)9s ') % d
+ d = { 'total': sum(open_tickets.values()) }
+ for queue in queues:
+ d[queue] = open_tickets.get(queue, '')
+ print (' (Open) | ' + ' | '.join(['%%(%s)4s' % q for q in queues]) + ' | %(total)5s | ') % d
+ print ''
+ print "That's almost %d tickets resolved each day on average." % (sum(queue_totals.values()) / calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1])
+ print ''
+ print 'month,queue,newtickets'
+ for queue in queues:
+ print '%04d-%02d,%s,%d' % (year, month, short_queue_name(queue), queue_totals.get(queue, 0) + open_tickets.get(queue, 0))
+con = None
+ticket_count = 0
+resolved = {}
+rejected = {}
+open_tickets = {}
+year = None
+month = None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ year, month = now.year, now.month
+ elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
+ year, month = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: %s [YEAR MONTH]" % (sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ con = psycopg2.connect(RT_CONNINFO)
+ account_tickets(year, month)
+ con.close()
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