[tor-commits] [bridgedb/develop] Move locate determination and translation code into separate module.

isis at torproject.org isis at torproject.org
Thu Apr 17 05:10:02 UTC 2014

commit ed438d0c2b00f02c29b60e561d37f241f6a6a4b8
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis at torproject.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 16 16:22:40 2014 +0000

    Move locate determination and translation code into separate module.
     * ADD new bridgedb.translations module with the following methods:
       - getFirstSupportedLang():
         Essentially the same as the original HTTPServer.getAssumedChosenLang()
         function, except that the determination of which languages are
         supported uses _lang.getLangs() instead (this has been in the _lang
         module for a long time, and was meant for that purpose).
       - getLocaleFromHTTPRequest():
         This is taken mostly from the original setLocaleFromRequestHeader()
         (in the HTTPServer module) except that there was an extra function in
         the EmailServer module, called getLocaleFromRequest() ― which was not
         in use anywhere ― which included the parsing of '?lang=' HTTP GET/POST
         arguments. The parsing of '?lang=' was taken from that function and
         added to the original functionality of
         setLocaleFromRequestHeader(). This fixes part of ticket #9678:
         "'Select Language' button on bridges.tpo".
      - getLocaleFromPlusAddr():
        Exactly the same as the original in the EmailServer module.
      - installTranslations():
        Produces a gettext translation object, with fallback languages chained
        to it in order of client preference.
      - usingRTLLang():
        Essentially the same as the original in the HTTPServer module, except
        that the parsing of supported langs again uses the _lang.getLangs()
        function, as above.
     * FIXES part of #9678: "'Select Language' button to bridges.tpo"
 lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py  |   29 ++--------
 lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py   |   94 +++-----------------------------
 lib/bridgedb/translations.py |  122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py b/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py
index f9f43bb..c58ec53 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from bridgedb.Dist import BadEmail, TooSoonEmail, IgnoreEmail
 from bridgedb import Dist
 from bridgedb import I18n
 from bridgedb import safelog
+from bridgedb import translations
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP6
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP4
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByTransport
@@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ def getMailResponse(lines, ctx):
     # Look up the locale part in the 'To:' address, if there is one and get
     # the appropriate Translation object
-    lang = getLocaleFromPlusAddr(clientToaddr)
-    t = I18n.getLang(lang)
+    lang = translations.getLocaleFromPlusAddr(clientToaddr)
+    t = translations.installTranslations(lang)
         _, addrdomain = Dist.extractAddrSpec(clientAddr.lower())
@@ -287,30 +288,6 @@ def replyToMail(lines, ctx):
     reactor.connectTCP(ctx.smtpServer, ctx.smtpPort, factory)
     return d
-def getLocaleFromPlusAddr(address):
-    """See whether the user sent his email to a 'plus' address, for 
-       instance to bridgedb+fa at tpo. Plus addresses are the current 
-       mechanism to set the reply language
-    """
-    replyLocale = "en"
-    r = '.*(<)?(\w+\+(\w+)@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)(?(1)>)'
-    match = re.match(r, address)
-    if match:
-        replyLocale = match.group(3)
-    return replyLocale
-def getLocaleFromRequest(request):
-    # See if we did get a request for a certain locale, otherwise fall back
-    # to 'en':
-    # Try evaluating the path /foo first, then check if we got a ?lang=foo
-    default_lang = lang = "en"
-    if len(request.path) > 1:
-        lang = request.path[1:]
-    if lang == default_lang:
-        lang = request.args.get("lang", [default_lang])
-        lang = lang[0]
-    return I18n.getLang(lang) 
 class MailContext(object):
     """Helper object that holds information used by email subsystem."""
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py b/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
index 5e3ba37..79772c3 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import bridgedb.I18n as I18n
 from bridgedb import captcha
 from bridgedb import crypto
+from bridgedb import translations
 from bridgedb import txrecaptcha
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP4
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP6
@@ -541,9 +542,10 @@ class WebResourceOptions(resource.Resource):
     def render_GET(self, request):
         rtl = False
+        langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = usingRTLLang(request)
+            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
         except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
@@ -664,7 +666,8 @@ class WebResourceBridges(resource.Resource):
             if countryCode:
                 logging.debug("Client request from GeoIP CC: %s" % countryCode)
-        rtl = usingRTLLang(request)
+        langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
+        rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
         if rtl:
             logging.debug("Rendering RTL response.")
@@ -784,9 +787,10 @@ class WebRoot(resource.Resource):
         :param request: An incoming request.
         rtl = False
+        langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = usingRTLLang(request)
+            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
         except Exception as err:
             logging.error("The gettext files were not properly installed.")
@@ -883,87 +887,3 @@ def addWebServer(cfg, dist, sched):
             raise SystemExit(error)
     return site
-def usingRTLLang(request):
-    """Check if we should translate the text into a RTL language
-    Retrieve the headers from the request. Obtain the Accept-Language header
-    and decide if we need to translate the text. Install the requisite
-    languages via gettext, if so. Then, manually check which languages we
-    support. Choose the first language from the header that we support and
-    return True if it is a RTL language, else return False.
-    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
-    :param request: An incoming request.
-    :rtype: bool
-    :returns: ``True`` if the preferred language is right-to-left; ``False``
-              otherwise.
-    """
-    langs = setLocaleFromRequestHeader(request)
-    # Grab only the language (first two characters) so we know if the language
-    # is read right-to-left
-    #langs = [ lang[:2] for lang in langs ]
-    lang = getAssumedChosenLang(langs)
-    if lang in rtl_langs:
-        return True
-    return False
-def getAssumedChosenLang(langs):
-    """Return the first language in **langs** that we support.
-    :param list langs: All requested languages
-    :rtype: str
-    :returns: A country code for the client's preferred language.
-    """
-    i18npath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'i18n')
-    path = filepath.FilePath(i18npath)
-    assert path.isdir()
-    lang = 'en-US'
-    supp_langs = path.listdir() + ['en']
-    for l in langs:
-        if l in supp_langs:
-            lang = l
-            break
-    return lang
-def setLocaleFromRequestHeader(request):
-    """Retrieve the languages from the accept-language header and install them.
-    Parse the languages in the header, and attempt to install the first one in
-    the list. If that fails, we receive a :class:`gettext.NullTranslation`
-    object, if it worked then we have a :class:`gettext.GNUTranslation`
-    object. Whichever one we end up with, get the other languages and add them
-    as fallbacks to the first. Lastly, install this chain of translations.
-    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
-    :param request: An incoming request from a client.
-    :rtype: list
-    :returns: All requested languages.
-    """
-    logging.debug("Getting client 'Accept-Language' header...")
-    header = request.getHeader('accept-language')
-    if header is None:
-        logging.debug("Client sent no 'Accept-Language' header. Using fallback.")
-        header = 'en,en-US'
-    localedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'i18n/')
-    langs = headers.parseAcceptLanguage(header)
-    ## XXX the 'Accept-Language' header is potentially identifying
-    logging.debug("Client Accept-Language (top 5): %s" % langs[:5])
-    try:
-        language = gettext.translation("bridgedb", localedir=localedir,
-                                       languages=langs, fallback=True)
-        for lang in langs:
-            language.add_fallback(gettext.translation("bridgedb",
-                                                      localedir=localedir,
-                                                      languages=langs,
-                                                      fallback=True))
-    except IOError as error:
-        logging.error(error.message)
-    language.install(unicode=True)
-    return langs
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/translations.py b/lib/bridgedb/translations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3085938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/translations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_translations -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis at torproject.org>
+# :copyright: (c) 2013-2014, Isis Lovecruft
+#             (c) 2007-2014, The Tor Project, Inc.
+# :license: 3-Clause BSD, see LICENSE for licensing information
+import gettext
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from bridgedb import _langs
+from bridgedb import safelog
+from bridgedb.parse import headers
+TRANSLATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'i18n')
+def getFirstSupportedLang(langs):
+    """Return the first language in **langs** that we support.
+    :param list langs: All requested languages
+    :rtype: str
+    :returns: A country code for the client's preferred language.
+    """
+    lang = 'en-US'
+    supported = _langs.get_langs()
+    for l in langs:
+        if l in supported:
+            lang = l
+            break
+    return lang
+def getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request):
+    """Retrieve the languages from an HTTP ``Accept-Language:`` header.
+    Parse the languages from the header, use them to install a
+    ``gettext.translation`` chain via :func:`installTranslations`, and lastly
+    return the requested languages.
+    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
+    :param request: An incoming request from a client.
+    :rtype: list
+    :returns: All requested languages.
+    """
+    header = request.getHeader('accept-language')
+    if header is None:
+        logging.debug("Client sent no 'Accept-Language' header. Using fallback.")
+        header = 'en,en-US'
+    langs = headers.parseAcceptLanguage(header)
+    if not safelog.safe_logging:  # pragma: no cover
+        logging.debug("Client Accept-Language (top 5): %s" % langs[:5])
+    # Check if we got a ?lang=foo argument, and if we did, insert it first
+    chosenLang = request.args.get("lang", [None,])[0]
+    if chosenLang:
+        logging.debug("Client requested language: %r" % chosenLang)
+        langs.insert(0, chosenLang)
+    installTranslations(langs)
+    return langs
+def getLocaleFromPlusAddr(address):
+    """See whether the user sent his email to a 'plus' address, for instance to
+    bridges+fa at bridges.torproject.org. Plus addresses are the current
+    mechanism to set the reply language.
+    """
+    replyLocale = "en"
+    r = '.*(<)?(\w+\+(\w+)@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)(?(1)>)'
+    match = re.match(r, address)
+    if match:
+        replyLocale = match.group(3)
+    return replyLocale
+def installTranslations(langs):
+    """Create a ``gettext.translation`` chain for all **langs**.
+    Attempt to install the first language in the **langs** list. If that
+    fails, we receive a ``gettext.NullTranslation`` object, and if it worked
+    then we have a ``gettext.GNUTranslation`` object. Whichever one we end up
+    with, get the other languages and add them as fallbacks to the
+    first. Lastly, install this chain of translations.
+    :param list langs: A list of language codes.
+    :returns: A ``gettext.NullTranslation`` or ``gettext.GNUTranslation`` with
+        fallback languages set.
+    """
+    try:
+        language = gettext.translation("bridgedb", localedir=TRANSLATIONS_DIR,
+                                       languages=langs, fallback=True)
+        for lang in langs:
+            language.add_fallback(
+                gettext.translation("bridgedb", localedir=TRANSLATIONS_DIR,
+                                    languages=langs, fallback=True))
+    except IOError as error:
+        logging.error(error.message)
+    language.install(unicode=True)
+    return language
+def usingRTLLang(langs):
+    """Check if we should translate the text into a RTL language.
+    Choose the first language from the **langs** list that we support and
+    return True if it is a RTL language, else return False.
+    :param list langs: An incoming request.
+    :rtype: bool
+    :returns: ``True`` if the preferred language is right-to-left; ``False``
+        otherwise.
+    """
+    lang = getFirstSupportedLang(langs)
+    if lang in _langs.RTL_LANGS:
+        return True
+    return False

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