[tor-commits] [translation/abouttor-homepage_completed] Update translations for abouttor-homepage_completed
translation at torproject.org
translation at torproject.org
Tue Oct 29 12:16:18 UTC 2013
commit 2789ae3b20508aab80e2a3a49bfa2fd5f8a121e3
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date: Tue Oct 29 12:16:17 2013 +0000
Update translations for abouttor-homepage_completed
sk/aboutTor.dtd | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 73 insertions(+)
diff --git a/sk/aboutTor.dtd b/sk/aboutTor.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25c48e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sk/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ - Copyright (c) 2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
+ - See LICENSE for licensing information.
+ - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
+ -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "O Tore">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "AvÅ¡ak tento prehliadaÄ je zastaralý.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "Takisto tento prehliadaÄ je zastaralý.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Kliknite na cibuľu a potom zvoľte Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Skontrolovať Sieťové Nastavenia Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Gratulujem!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Tento prehliadaÄ je nakonfigurovaný na použÃvanie Tor-om.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Teraz môžete prehliadať Internet anonymne.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "NieÄo Sa Pokazilo!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor nefunguje v tomto prehliadaÄi.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Pre podporu, prosÃm kontaktujte">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help at rt.torproject.org">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Hľadať">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+ - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+ - same time). In English, the sentence reads:
+ - Search securely with Startpage.
+ - or:
+ - Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+ - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+ - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+ -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Hľadať">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Hľadať">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "bezpeÄne">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "bezpeÄne">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label " ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label " ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "s">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "s">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Ãvodná stránka">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "DoplÅujúce Informácie:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Krajina & IP Adresa: ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Koncový uzol: ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Tento server nezaznamenáva žiadne informácie o návÅ¡tevnÃkoch.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "Äo Äalej?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor NIE JE vÅ¡etko Äo potrebujete na to aby ste prehliadali anonymne! Budete musieÅ¥ zmeniÅ¥ niektoré svoje zvyky aby ste si poistili, že VaÅ¡a identita zostane v bezpeÄÃ.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tipy Ako Zostať Anonymný »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Môžete Pomôcť!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Je mnoho spôsobov ako môžete spraviť sieť Tor rýchlejšiu a silnejšiu:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "RiaÄte Tor Relé Uzol »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Dobrovoľne prispejte Vašimi službami »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Prispejte »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Projekt Tor je US 501(c)(3) neziskovký, urÄený na vývoj, výskum a vzdelanie o online anonymite a súkromÃ.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Zistiť viac o Projekte Tor »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en">
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