[tor-commits] [stem/master] Changing our style to mostly match PEP8

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Mon Jan 7 09:08:00 UTC 2013

commit d29ec4d12567a6af6f483400658d2d2d17769a5a
Merge: d580192 6cd814d
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 7 00:57:28 2013 -0800

    Changing our style to mostly match PEP8
    Stem now conforms with PEP8 with the following exceptions...
    * four space indentations
    * strict 79 character line widths
    * no spaces around '=' in keyword args
    If you're curious about why then see 'test/check_whitespace.py' for a short
    explanation, but I'm not interested in discussing this bike shed's color
    further. If both Sean and Ravi both want one of these to change then I'll
    accept a patch.
    This also adds the pep8 style checker to our tests...
    You can run it via the '--style' argument.

 run_tests.py                                       |  208 +++--
 stem/__init__.py                                   |  110 ++-
 stem/connection.py                                 |  510 ++++++-----
 stem/control.py                                    | 1000 ++++++++++---------
 stem/descriptor/__init__.py                        |  172 ++--
 stem/descriptor/export.py                          |   36 +-
 stem/descriptor/extrainfo_descriptor.py            |  386 ++++----
 stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py                   |  525 ++++++-----
 stem/descriptor/reader.py                          |  273 +++---
 stem/descriptor/router_status_entry.py             |  360 ++++---
 stem/descriptor/server_descriptor.py               |  464 +++++-----
 stem/exit_policy.py                                |  340 ++++----
 stem/prereq.py                                     |   34 +-
 stem/process.py                                    |  120 ++-
 stem/response/__init__.py                          |  242 +++---
 stem/response/authchallenge.py                     |   26 +-
 stem/response/events.py                            |  365 ++++----
 stem/response/getconf.py                           |   34 +-
 stem/response/getinfo.py                           |   37 +-
 stem/response/mapaddress.py                        |   14 +-
 stem/response/protocolinfo.py                      |   42 +-
 stem/socket.py                                     |  306 ++++---
 stem/util/__init__.py                              |    1 -
 stem/util/conf.py                                  |  292 ++++---
 stem/util/connection.py                            |  165 ++--
 stem/util/enum.py                                  |   80 +-
 stem/util/log.py                                   |  107 ++-
 stem/util/ordereddict.py                           |   32 +-
 stem/util/proc.py                                  |  238 +++--
 stem/util/str_tools.py                             |  166 ++--
 stem/util/system.py                                |  321 ++++---
 stem/util/term.py                                  |   29 +-
 stem/util/tor_tools.py                             |   42 +-
 stem/version.py                                    |  130 ++--
 test/__init__.py                                   |    1 -
 test/check_whitespace.py                           |  124 ++-
 test/integ/__init__.py                             |    1 -
 test/integ/connection/__init__.py                  |    1 -
 test/integ/connection/authentication.py            |  195 ++--
 test/integ/connection/connect.py                   |   30 +-
 test/integ/control/__init__.py                     |    1 -
 test/integ/control/base_controller.py              |  131 ++--
 test/integ/control/controller.py                   |  553 ++++++-----
 test/integ/descriptor/__init__.py                  |    4 +-
 test/integ/descriptor/extrainfo_descriptor.py      |   68 +-
 test/integ/descriptor/networkstatus.py             |  175 ++--
 test/integ/descriptor/reader.py                    |  289 +++---
 test/integ/descriptor/server_descriptor.py         |  112 ++--
 test/integ/process.py                              |   97 +-
 test/integ/response/__init__.py                    |    1 -
 test/integ/response/protocolinfo.py                |   78 +-
 test/integ/socket/__init__.py                      |    1 -
 test/integ/socket/control_message.py               |   87 +-
 test/integ/socket/control_socket.py                |   74 +-
 test/integ/util/__init__.py                        |    1 -
 test/integ/util/conf.py                            |   40 +-
 test/integ/util/proc.py                            |   40 +-
 test/integ/util/system.py                          |  144 ++--
 test/integ/version.py                              |   34 +-
 test/mocking.py                                    |  415 +++++----
 test/network.py                                    |  103 +-
 test/output.py                                     |  103 ++-
 test/prompt.py                                     |   38 +-
 test/runner.py                                     |  342 ++++----
 test/settings.cfg                                  |    2 +
 test/unit/__init__.py                              |    1 -
 test/unit/connection/__init__.py                   |    1 -
 test/unit/connection/authentication.py             |   60 +-
 test/unit/control/__init__.py                      |    1 -
 test/unit/control/controller.py                    |  186 ++--
 test/unit/descriptor/__init__.py                   |    1 -
 test/unit/descriptor/export.py                     |   46 +-
 test/unit/descriptor/extrainfo_descriptor.py       |  184 ++--
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/__init__.py     |    1 -
 .../networkstatus/directory_authority.py           |  108 ++--
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/document_v2.py  |    6 +-
 test/unit/descriptor/networkstatus/document_v3.py  |  369 ++++----
 .../descriptor/networkstatus/key_certificate.py    |   78 +-
 test/unit/descriptor/reader.py                     |   30 +-
 test/unit/descriptor/router_status_entry.py        |  203 ++--
 test/unit/descriptor/server_descriptor.py          |  178 ++--
 test/unit/exit_policy/__init__.py                  |    1 -
 test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py                    |   85 +-
 test/unit/exit_policy/rule.py                      |   90 +-
 test/unit/response/__init__.py                     |    1 -
 test/unit/response/authchallenge.py                |   16 +-
 test/unit/response/control_line.py                 |   50 +-
 test/unit/response/control_message.py              |   74 +-
 test/unit/response/events.py                       |  346 ++++----
 test/unit/response/getconf.py                      |   38 +-
 test/unit/response/getinfo.py                      |   42 +-
 test/unit/response/mapaddress.py                   |   26 +-
 test/unit/response/protocolinfo.py                 |   64 +-
 test/unit/response/singleline.py                   |   10 +-
 test/unit/tutorial.py                              |   40 +-
 test/unit/util/__init__.py                         |    1 -
 test/unit/util/conf.py                             |  148 ++--
 test/unit/util/connection.py                       |   64 +-
 test/unit/util/enum.py                             |   20 +-
 test/unit/util/proc.py                             |   86 +-
 test/unit/util/str_tools.py                        |   68 +-
 test/unit/util/system.py                           |  117 ++--
 test/unit/util/tor_tools.py                        |   30 +-
 test/unit/version.py                               |  114 ++--
 test/util.py                                       |   29 +-
 105 files changed, 7233 insertions(+), 6272 deletions(-)

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