[tor-commits] [stem/master] Dropping the Config's synchronize() method

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Tue Jan 1 23:20:29 UTC 2013

commit 45f82fab334265d8ca6162192080a3e03853f323
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Tue Jan 1 15:15:31 2013 -0800

    Dropping the Config's synchronize() method
    Choice is highly overrated. Actually, in the world of libraries providing too
    many options of doing a single can make things damn confusing.
    The Config's synchronize() method was a great improvement in its day, but now
    that we have config_dict() it's redundant. Hopefully our module's docs are now
    more friendly for newcomers.
 stem/util/conf.py      |  220 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 test/unit/util/conf.py |   55 ------------
 2 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/stem/util/conf.py b/stem/util/conf.py
index e8d35b6..e15313c 100644
--- a/stem/util/conf.py
+++ b/stem/util/conf.py
@@ -35,88 +35,108 @@ For instance...
     "msg.greeting": "Multi-line message exclaiming of the\\nwonder and awe that is pepperjack!",
-Configurations are loaded or saved via the :class:`~stem.util.conf.Config`
-class. The :class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` can be be used directly with its
+Configurations are managed via the :class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` class. The
+:class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` can be be used directly with its
 :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get` and :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.set`
 methods, but usually modules will want a local dictionary with just the
-configurations that it cares about. This can be done a couple ways...
+configurations that it cares about.
-* **Independent Dictionary**
+To do this use the :func:`~stem.util.conf.config_dict` function. For example...
-To simply get a dictionary that has configurations use the
-:func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.synchronize` method. This takes as an argument
-a dictionary with the default values.
-For instance, lets say that you had a file at '/home/atagar/user_config'
+  import getpass
+  from stem.util import conf, connection
+  def config_validator(key, value):
+    if key == "timeout":
+      # require at least a one second timeout
+      return max(1, value)
+    elif key == "endpoint":
+      if not connection.is_valid_ip_address(value):
+        raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid IPv4 address" % value)
+    elif key == "port":
+      if not connection.is_valid_port(value):
+        raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % value)
+    elif key == "retries":
+      # negative retries really don't make sense
+      return max(0, value)
+  CONFIG = conf.config_dict("ssh_login", {
+    "username": getpass.getuser(),
+    "password": "",
+    "timeout": 10,
+    "endpoint": "",
+    "port": 22,
+    "reconnect": False,
+    "retries": 3,
+  }, config_validator)
+There's several things going on here so lets take it step by step...
+* The :func:`~stem.util.conf.config_dict` provides a dictionary that's bound
+  to a given configuration. If the "ssh_proxy_config" configuration changes
+  then so will the contents of CONFIG.
+* The dictionary we're passing to :func:`~stem.util.conf.config_dict` provides
+  two important pieces of information: default values and their types. See the
+  Config's :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get` method for how these type
+  inferences work.
+* The config_validator is a hook we're adding to make sure CONFIG only gets
+  values we think are valid. In this case it ensures that our timeout value
+  is at least one second, and rejects endpoints or ports that are invalid.
+Now lets say our user has the following configuration file...
   username waddle_doo
-  permissions.ssh true
-  some.extra.stuff foobar
+  password jabberwocky
+  timeout -15
+  port 9000000
+  retries lots
+  reconnect true
+  logging debug
-... then run...
+... and we load it as follows...
-  >>> from stem.util.conf import get_config
-  >>> my_module_config = {
-  ...   "username": "default",
-  ...   "permissions.ssh": False,
-  ...   "permissions.sudo": False,
-  ... }
-  >>> config = get_config("user_config")
-  >>> config.load("/home/atagar/user_config")
-  >>> config.synchronize(my_module_config)
-  >>> print my_module_config
-  {'username': 'waddle_doo', 'permissions.sudo': False, 'permissions.ssh': True}
+  >>> from from stem.util import conf
+  >>> our_config = conf.get_config("ssh_login")
+  >>> our_config.load("/home/atagar/user_config")
+  >>> print CONFIG
+  {
+    "username": "waddle_doo",
+    "password": "jabberwocky",
+    "timeout": 1,
+    "endpoint": "",
+    "port": 22,
+    "reconnect": True,
+    "retries": 3,
+  }
-The configuration file just contains string mappings, but the
-:class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` attempts to convert those values to be the same
-types as the dictionary's defaults. For more information on how type inferences
-work see the :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get` method.
+Here's an expanation of what happened...
-* **Linked Dictionary**
+* the username, password, and reconnect attributes took the values in the
+  configuration file
-Alternatively you can get a read-only dictionary that stays in sync with the
-:class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` by using the
-:func:`~stem.util.conf.config_dict` function...
+* the 'config_validator' we added earlier allows for a minimum timeout of one
+  and rejected the invalid port (with a log message)
+* we weren't able to convert the retries' "lots" value to an integer so it kept
+  its default value and logged a warning
-  >>> # Make a dictionary that watches the 'user_config' configuration for changes.
-  >>> from stem.util.conf import config_dict
-  >>> my_module_config = config_dict("user_config", {
-  ...   "username": "default",
-  ...   "permissions.ssh": False,
-  ...   "permissions.sudo": False,
-  ... })
-  >>> print my_module_config
-  {'username': 'default', 'permissions.sudo': False, 'permissions.ssh': False}
-  >>> # Something (maybe another module) loads the config, causing the
-  >>> # my_module_config above to be updated.
-  >>> from stem.util.conf import get_config
-  >>> config = get_config("user_config")
-  >>> config.load("/home/atagar/user_config")
-  >>> print my_module_config
-  {'username': 'waddle_doo', 'permissions.sudo': False, 'permissions.ssh': True}
-  >>> config.set('username', 'ness')
-  >>> print my_module_config
-  {'username': 'ness', 'permissions.sudo': False, 'permissions.ssh': True}
+* the user didn't supply an endpoint so that remained unchanged
+* our CONFIG didn't have a 'logging' attribute so it was ignored
 **Module Overview:**
-  config_dict - provides a dictionary that's kept synchronized with a config
+  config_dict - provides a dictionary that's kept in sync with our config
   get_config - singleton for getting configurations
   parse_enum_csv - helper funcion for parsing confguration entries for enums
@@ -124,7 +144,6 @@ Alternatively you can get a read-only dictionary that stays in sync with the
     |- load - reads a configuration file
     |- save - writes the current configuration to a file
     |- clear - empties our loaded configuration contents
-    |- synchronize - replaces mappings in a dictionary with the config's values
     |- add_listener - notifies the given listener when an update occurs
     |- clear_listeners - removes any attached listeners
     |- keys - provides keys in the loaded configuration
@@ -160,10 +179,14 @@ class _SyncListener(object):
 def config_dict(handle, conf_mappings, handler = None):
-  Makes a dictionary that stays synchronized with a configuration. The process
-  for staying in sync is similar to the :class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` class'
-  :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.synchronize` method, only changing the
-  dictionary's values if we're able to cast to the same type.
+  Makes a dictionary that stays synchronized with a configuration.
+  This takes a dictionary of 'config_key => default_value' mappings and
+  changes the values to reflect our current configuration. This will leave
+  the previous values alone if...
+  * we don't have a value for that config_key
+  * we can't convert our value to be the same type as the default_value
   If a handler is provided then this is called just prior to assigning new
   values to the config_dict. The handler function is expected to accept the
@@ -171,6 +194,13 @@ def config_dict(handle, conf_mappings, handler = None):
   into the dictionary. If this returns None then the value is updated as
+  For more information about how we convert types see our
+  :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get` method.
+  **The dictionary you get from this is manged by the
+  :class:`~stem.util.conf.Config` class and should be treated as being
+  read-only.**
   :param str handle: unique identifier for a config instance
   :param dict conf_mappings: config key/value mappings used as our defaults
   :param functor handler: function referred to prior to assigning values
@@ -286,24 +316,26 @@ class Config(object):
-    import stem.util.conf
+    from stem.util import conf
     # Configuration values we'll use in this file. These are mappings of
     # configuration keys to the default values we'll use if the user doesn't
     # have something different in their config file (or it doesn't match this
     # type).
-    ssh_config = {"login.user": "atagar",
-                  "login.password": "pepperjack_is_awesome!",
-                  "destination.ip": "",
-                  "destination.port": 22,
-                  "startup.run": []}
+    ssh_config = conf.config_dict("ssh_login", {
+      "login.user": "atagar",
+      "login.password": "pepperjack_is_awesome!",
+      "destination.ip": "",
+      "destination.port": 22,
+      "startup.run": [],
+    })
     # Makes an empty config instance with the handle of 'ssh_login'. This is
     # a singleton so other classes can fetch this same configuration from
     # this handle.
-    user_config = stem.util.conf.get_config("ssh_login")
+    user_config = conf.get_config("ssh_login")
     # Loads the user's configuration file, warning if this fails.
@@ -312,7 +344,7 @@ class Config(object):
     except IOError, exc:
       print "Unable to load the user's config: %s" % exc
-    # Replaces the contents of ssh_config with the values from the user's
+    # This replace the contents of ssh_config with the values from the user's
     # config file if...
     # * the key is present in the config file
@@ -338,8 +370,6 @@ class Config(object):
     # Information for what values fail to load and why are reported to
     # 'stem.util.log'.
-    user_config.synchronize(ssh_config)
   def __init__(self):
@@ -448,42 +478,6 @@ class Config(object):
       self._raw_contents = []
       self._requested_keys = set()
-  def synchronize(self, conf_mappings, limits = None):
-    """
-    This takes a dictionary of 'config_key => default_value' mappings and
-    changes the values to reflect our current configuration. This will leave
-    the previous values alone if...
-    * we don't have a value for that config_key
-    * we can't convert our value to be the same type as the default_value
-    For more information about how we convert types see our
-    :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get` method.
-    :param dict conf_mappings: configuration key/value mappings to be revised
-    :param dict limits: mappings of limits on numeric values, expected to be of
-      the form "configKey -> min" or "configKey -> (min, max)"
-    """
-    if limits is None: limits = {}
-    for entry in conf_mappings.keys():
-      val = self.get(entry, conf_mappings[entry])
-      # if this was a numeric value then apply constraints
-      if entry in limits and (isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float)):
-        if isinstance(limits[entry], tuple):
-          val = max(val, limits[entry][0])
-          val = min(val, limits[entry][1])
-        else: val = max(val, limits[entry])
-      # only use this value if it wouldn't change the type of the mapping (this
-      # will only fail if the type isn't either a string or one of the types
-      # recognized by the get method)
-      if type(val) == type(conf_mappings[entry]):
-        conf_mappings[entry] = val
   def add_listener(self, listener, backfill = True):
     Registers the function to be notified of configuration updates. Listeners
@@ -519,9 +513,9 @@ class Config(object):
   def unused_keys(self):
     Provides the configuration keys that have never been provided to a caller
-    via the :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get`,
-    :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get_value`, or
-    :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.synchronize` methods.
+    via :func:`~stem.util.conf.config_dict` or the
+    :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get` and
+    :func:`~stem.util.conf.Config.get_value` methods.
     :returns: **set** of configuration keys we've loaded but have never been requested
diff --git a/test/unit/util/conf.py b/test/unit/util/conf.py
index f3ce915..8b85216 100644
--- a/test/unit/util/conf.py
+++ b/test/unit/util/conf.py
@@ -129,61 +129,6 @@ class TestConf(unittest.TestCase):
     self.assertEquals([], test_config.keys())
-  def test_synchronize(self):
-    """
-    Tests the synchronize method.
-    """
-    my_config = {
-      "bool_value": False,
-      "int_value": 5,
-      "str_value": "hello",
-      "list_value": [],
-      "map_value": {},
-    }
-    test_config = stem.util.conf.get_config("unit_testing")
-    test_config.set("bool_value", "true")
-    test_config.set("int_value", "11")
-    test_config.set("str_value", "world")
-    test_config.set("list_value", "a", False)
-    test_config.set("list_value", "b", False)
-    test_config.set("list_value", "c", False)
-    test_config.set("map_value", "foo => bar")
-    test_config.synchronize(my_config)
-    self.assertEquals(True, my_config["bool_value"])
-    self.assertEquals(11, my_config["int_value"])
-    self.assertEquals("world", my_config["str_value"])
-    self.assertEquals(["a", "b", "c"], my_config["list_value"])
-    self.assertEquals({"foo": "bar"}, my_config["map_value"])
-  def test_synchronize_type_mismatch(self):
-    """
-    Tests the synchronize method when the config file has missing entries or
-    the wrong types.
-    """
-    my_config = {
-      "bool_value": False,
-      "int_value": 5,
-      "str_value": "hello",
-      "list_value": [],
-      "map_value": {},
-    }
-    test_config = stem.util.conf.get_config("unit_testing")
-    test_config.set("bool_value", "hello world")
-    test_config.set("int_value", "11a")
-    test_config.set("map_value", "foo bar")
-    test_config.synchronize(my_config)
-    self.assertEquals(False, my_config["bool_value"])
-    self.assertEquals(5, my_config["int_value"])
-    self.assertEquals("hello", my_config["str_value"])
-    self.assertEquals([], my_config["list_value"])
-    self.assertEquals({}, my_config["map_value"])
   def test_listeners(self):
     Tests the add_listener and clear_listeners methods.

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