[tor-commits] [translation/gettor_completed] Update translations for gettor_completed

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Mon Dec 30 14:15:08 UTC 2013

commit 2cda128cc9c2dcf81ab4f45c2e65fb2a679f3a0d
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 30 14:15:07 2013 +0000

    Update translations for gettor_completed
 hr_HR/gettor.po |  504 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 504 insertions(+)

diff --git a/hr_HR/gettor.po b/hr_HR/gettor.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c1273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr_HR/gettor.po
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+# dlb031, 2013
+# cisterna, 2013
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-19 13:40+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-30 14:12+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: dlb031\n"
+"Language-Team: Croatian (Croatia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/torproject/language/hr_HR/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: hr_HR\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:27
+msgid "Hello, This is the \"GetTor\" robot."
+msgstr "Pozdrav, Ovo je \"DobijTor\" robot."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:29
+msgid "Thank you for your request."
+msgstr "Hvala na zahtjevu."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:31
+msgid ""
+"Unfortunately, we won't answer you at this address. You should make\n"
+"an account with GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.COM or YAHOO.CN and send the mail from\n"
+"one of those."
+msgstr "Nažalost, nećemo Vam odgovoriti na ovoj adresi. Trebali biste napraviti\nračun s GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.COM ili YAHOO.CN i poslati nam mail s\njednog od njih."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:35
+msgid ""
+"We only process requests from email services that support \"DKIM\",\n"
+"which is an email feature that lets us verify that the address in the\n"
+"\"From\" line is actually the one who sent the mail."
+msgstr "Obrađujemo zahtjeve poslane isključivo putem usluga e-pošte koje podržavaju \"DKIM\", što je značajka e-pošte koja nam omogućuje da potvrdimo da je adresa u \"Od\" polju zaista ona s koje je email poslan."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:39
+msgid ""
+"(We apologize if you didn't ask for this mail. Since your email is from\n"
+"a service that doesn't use DKIM, we're sending a short explanation,\n"
+"and then we'll ignore this email address for the next day or so.)"
+msgstr "(Ispričavamo se ako niste zatražili ovaj email. S obzirom da je email poslan s usluge koja ne koristi DKIM, šaljemo kratko objašnjenje, a zatim ćemo ignorirati ovu adresu e-pošte otprilike jedan dan.)"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:43 lib/gettor/i18n.py:135
+msgid ""
+"If you have any questions or it doesn't work, you can contact a\n"
+"human at this support email address: help at rt.torproject.org"
+msgstr "Ako imate nekih pitanja ili ako ne radi, možete kontaktirati\nčovjeka na email adresi za podršku: help at rt.torproject.org"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:46
+msgid ""
+"I will mail you a Tor package, if you tell me which one you want.\n"
+"Please select one of the following package names:\n"
+"    windows\n"
+"    macos-i386\n"
+"    macos-ppc\n"
+"    linux-i386\n"
+"    linux-x86_64\n"
+"    obfs-windows\n"
+"    obfs-macos-i386\n"
+"    obfs-macos-x86_64\n"
+"    obfs-linux-i386\n"
+"    obfs-linux-x86_64\n"
+"    source"
+msgstr "Poslat ćemo Vam Tor paket, no morate naznačiti koji želite.\nMolimo odaberite jedno od navedenih imena paketa:\n\nwindows\nmacos-i386\nmacos-ppc\nlinux-i386\nlinux-x86_64\nobfs-windows\nobfs-macos-i386\nobfs-macos-x86_64\nobfs-linux-i386\nobfs-linux-x86_64\nsource"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:61
+msgid ""
+"Please reply to this mail, and tell me a single package name anywhere \n"
+"in the body of your email."
+msgstr "Molim Vas da odgovorite na ovaj mail, i navedete jedno ime paketa bilo gdje\nu sadržaju Vašeg emaila."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:64
+msgid ""
+msgstr "DOBAVLJAM LOKALIZIRANE VERZIJE TORA\n=================================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:67
+msgid ""
+"To get a version of Tor translated into your language, specify the\n"
+"language you want in the address you send the mail to:\n"
+"    gettor+fa at torproject.org"
+msgstr "Da biste dobili verziju Tora prevedenu na Vaš jezik, naznačite koji\njezik želite u adresi na koju šaljete mail:\n\ngettor+fa at torproject.org"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:72
+msgid ""
+"This example will give you the requested package in a localized\n"
+"version for Farsi (Persian). Check below for a list of supported language\n"
+"codes. "
+msgstr "Ovaj primjer dat će Vam traženi paket u lokaliziranoj\nverziji za Farsi (perzijski). U nastavku provjerite listu podržanih jezičnih\nkodova."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:76
+msgid " List of supported locales:"
+msgstr "Popis podržanih lokalizacija:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:78
+msgid "Here is a list of all available languages:"
+msgstr "Ovdje je popis svih dostupnih jezika:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:80
+msgid ""
+"    gettor+ar at torproject.org:     Arabic\n"
+"    gettor+de at torproject.org:     German\n"
+"    gettor+en at torproject.org:     English\n"
+"    gettor+es at torproject.org:     Spanish\n"
+"    gettor+fa at torproject.org:     Farsi (Iran)\n"
+"    gettor+fr at torproject.org:     French\n"
+"    gettor+it at torproject.org:     Italian\n"
+"    gettor+nl at torproject.org:     Dutch\n"
+"    gettor+pl at torproject.org:     Polish\n"
+"    gettor+ru at torproject.org:     Russian\n"
+"    gettor+zh at torproject.org:     Chinese"
+msgstr "gettor+ar at torproject.org: arapski⏎\ngettor+de at torproject.org: njemački⏎\ngettor+en at torproject.org: engleski⏎\ngettor+es at torproject.org: španjolski⏎\ngettor+fa at torproject.org: farsi (Iran)⏎\ngettor+fr at torproject.org: francuski⏎\ngettor+it at torproject.org: talijanski⏎\ngettor+nl at torproject.org: nizozemski⏎\ngettor+pl at torproject.org: poljski⏎\ngettor+ru at torproject.org: ruski⏎\ngettor+zh at torproject.org: kineski"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:92
+msgid "If you select no language, you will receive the English version."
+msgstr "Ako ne odaberete jezik, dobit ćete englesku inačicu"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:94
+msgid ""
+msgstr "MANJI PAKETI\n============"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:97
+msgid ""
+"If your bandwith is low or your provider doesn't allow you to\n"
+"receive large attachments in your email, GetTor can send you several\n"
+"small packages instead of one big one."
+msgstr "Ako je Vaša propusnost niska ili Vaš provider ne dozvoljava da primate\nveće privitke u svom emailu, GetTor Vam može poslati više\nmalih paketa umjesto jednog velikog."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:101
+msgid ""
+"Simply include the keyword 'split' in a new line on its own (this part\n"
+"is important!) like so: \n"
+"        \n"
+"    windows\n"
+"    split"
+msgstr "Uključite ključnu riječ 'split' u novi red, samu. (Ovaj dio je \nvažan!) Kao ovdje:\n\nwindows\nsplit"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:107
+msgid ""
+"Sending this text in an email to GetTor will cause it to send you \n"
+"the Tor Browser Bundle in a number of 1,4MB attachments."
+msgstr "Ako pošaljete ovaj tekst u emailu za GetTor, Tor preglednički paket bit će Vam poslan u nizu privitaka veličine 1.4 MB."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:110
+msgid ""
+"After having received all parts, you need to re-assemble them to \n"
+"one package again. This is done as follows:"
+msgstr "Nakon što primite sve dijelove, trebate ih sastaviti u jedan paket. To se radi na sljedeći način:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:113
+msgid "1.) Save all received attachments into one folder on your disk."
+msgstr "1.) Spremite sve primljene privitke u jednu mapu na disku."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:115
+msgid ""
+"2.) Unzip all files ending in \".z\". If you saved all attachments to\n"
+"a fresh folder before, simply unzip all files in that folder. If you don't\n"
+"know how to unzip the .z files, please see the UNPACKING THE FILES section."
+msgstr "2.)Otpakirajte sve datoteke koje završavaju sa \".z\" Ako ste prije toga spremili sve privitke\nu novi folder, otpakirajte sve datoteke u tom folderu.  Ako ne znate\nkako otpakirati .z datoteke, pogledajte odjeljak OTPAKIRAVANJE DATOTEKA."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:119
+msgid ""
+"3.) Verify all files as described in the mail you received with \n"
+"each package. (gpg --verify)"
+msgstr "3.) Verificirajte sve datoteke kako je opisano u emailu koji ste primili sa svakim paketom. (gpg --verify)"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:122
+msgid ""
+"4.) Now unpack the multi-volume archive into one file by double-\n"
+"clicking the file ending in \"..split.part01.exe\". This should start the \n"
+"process automatically."
+msgstr "4.) Sada otpakirajte višedijelni arhiv u jednu datoteku dvostrukim\nklikom na datoteku koja završava sa \"..split.part01.exe\". Time bi trebali\nautomatski započeti proces."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:126
+msgid ""
+"5.) After unpacking is finished, you should find a newly created \n"
+"\".exe\" file in your destination folder. Simply doubleclick\n"
+"that and Tor Browser Bundle should start within a few seconds."
+msgstr "5.) Nakon otpakiravanja, trebali biste vidjeti novu \".exe\" datoteku u vašoj odredišnoj mapi. Jednostavno dvostruko kliknite na tu datoteku i Tor preglednički paket bi se trebao pokrenuti u nekoliko sekundi."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:130
+msgid "6.) That's it. You're done. Thanks for using Tor and have fun!"
+msgstr "6.) To je sve. Gotovi ste. Hvala na korištenju Tora i zabavite se!"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:132
+msgid ""
+msgstr "PODRÅ KA\n======="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:138
+msgid ""
+"Here's your requested software as a zip file. Please unzip the\n"
+"package and verify the signature."
+msgstr "Ovo je software koji ste zatražili u obliku zip datoteke. Molimo otpakirajte\npaket i potvrdite potpis."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:141
+msgid ""
+"If your computer has GnuPG installed, use the gpg commandline \n"
+"tool as follows after unpacking the zip file:\n"
+"    gpg --verify tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe.asc tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe"
+msgstr "POTVRDITE POTPIS\n===============\nAko Vaše računalo ima instaliran GnuPG, koristite gpg naredbeni\nredak kako slijedi nakon otpakiravanja zip datoteke:\n\ngpg --verify tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe.asc tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:148
+msgid ""
+"The output should look somewhat like this:\n"
+"    gpg: Good signature from 'Erinn Clark <...>'"
+msgstr "Output bi trebao izgledati nekako ovako:\n\ngpg: Valjan potpis od 'Erinn Clark <...>'"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:152
+msgid ""
+"If you're not familiar with commandline tools, try looking for\n"
+"a graphical user interface for GnuPG on this website:\n"
+"    http://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html"
+msgstr "Ako niste upoznati s alatima naredbenih redaka, pokušajte pronaći\ngrafičko korisničko sučelje za GnuPG na ovoj stranici:\n\nhttp://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:157
+msgid ""
+msgstr "BLOKIRAN PRISTUP / CENZURA\n==========================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:160
+msgid ""
+"If your Internet connection blocks access to the Tor network, you\n"
+"may need a bridge relay. Bridge relays (or \"bridges\" for short)\n"
+"are Tor relays that aren't listed in the main directory. Since there\n"
+"is no complete public list of them, even if your ISP is filtering\n"
+"connections to all the known Tor relays, they probably won't be able\n"
+"to block all the bridges."
+msgstr "Ako Vaša Internet veza blokira pristup Tor mreži, možda će Vam trebati mostni relej. Mostni releji (ili skraćeno \"mostovi\") su Tor releji koji nisu navedeni u glavnom imeniku. Kako ne postoji putpuna javna lista, čak i ako vaš ISP filtrira veze prema svim poznatim Tor relejima, vjerojatno neće moći blokirati sve mostove."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:167
+msgid ""
+"You can acquire a bridge by sending an email that contains \"get bridges\"\n"
+"in the body of the email to the following email address:\n"
+"    bridges at torproject.org"
+msgstr "Možete dobiti most tako da pošaljete email koji sadržava \"dobij mostove\"\nu sadržaju emaila na sljedeću email adresu:\n\nbridges at torproject.org"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:172
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to fetch bridges with a web browser at the following\n"
+"url: https://bridges.torproject.org/"
+msgstr "Također je moguće dobaviti mostne releje s web browserom na slijedećem url-u: https://bridges.torproject.org/"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:175
+msgid ""
+"Another censorship circumvention tool you can request from GetTor is\n"
+"the Tor Obfsproxy Browser Bundle. Please read the package descriptions for\n"
+"which package you should request to receive this."
+msgstr "Još jedan način za zaobilazak cenzure koji možete zatražiti od GetTora je\nTor Obfsproxy Preglednički Paket. Molimo pročitajte opise paketa za\nkoji paket bi trebali zatražiti da biste ga primili."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:179
+msgid ""
+"Since this is part of a split-file request, you need to wait for\n"
+"all split files to be received by you before you can save them all\n"
+"into the same directory and unpack them by double-clicking the\n"
+"first file."
+msgstr "VAŽNA OBAVIJEST:\nBudući da je ovo dio zahtjeva podijeljene datoteke, morate pričekati\nda sve podijeljene datoteke budu primljene prije nego što ih možete spremiti\nu isti direktorij i otpakirati ih dvostrukim klikom na\nprvu datoteku."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:185
+msgid ""
+"Packages might arrive out of order! Please make sure you received\n"
+"all packages before you attempt to unpack them!"
+msgstr "Paketi možda ne dođu po redu! Budite sigurni da ste primili\nsve pakete prije nego ih pokušate otpakirati."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:188
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"It was successfully understood. Your request is currently being processed.\n"
+"Your package (%s) should arrive within the next ten minutes."
+msgstr "Uspješno shvaćeno. Vaš zahtjev se trenutno obrađuje.\nVaš paket (%s) bi trebao stići u idućih deset minuta."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:191
+msgid ""
+"If it doesn't arrive, the package might be too big for your mail provider.\n"
+"Try resending the mail from a GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.CN or YAHOO.COM account."
+msgstr "Ako ne stigne, paket bi mogao biti prevelik za Vašeg email providera.\nProbajte ponovno poslati mail sa GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.CN ili YAHOO.COM računa."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:194
+msgid ""
+"Unfortunately we are currently experiencing problems and we can't fulfill\n"
+"your request right now. Please be patient as we try to resolve this issue."
+msgstr "Nažalost, trenutno imamo problem sa izvršenjem\nVašeg zahtjeva. Molimo Vas za strpljenje dok pokušamo riješiti ovaj problem."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:197
+msgid ""
+"Unfortunately there is no split package available for the package you\n"
+"requested. Please send us another package name or request the same package \n"
+"again, but remove the 'split' keyword. In that case we'll send you the whole \n"
+"package. Make sure this is what you want."
+msgstr "Nažalost, nema dostupnog podijeljenog paketa za paket koji ste\nzatražili. Molimo Vas da nam pošaljete drugi naziv paketa ili da zatražite isti paket\nponovo, ali izuzmite ključnu riječ 'split'. U tom slučaju poslat ćemo Vam cijeli\npaket. Osigurajte da je to ono što želite."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:202
+msgid ""
+msgstr "RASPAKIRAVANJE DATOTEKA\n==================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:205
+msgid ""
+"The easiest way to unpack the files you received is to install 7-Zip,\n"
+"a free file compression/uncompression tool. If it isn't installed on\n"
+"your computer yet, you can download it here:\n"
+"    http://www.7-zip.org/"
+msgstr "Najlakši način da otpakirate datoteke koje ste primili je da instalirate 7-Zip,\nbesplatni alat za kompresiju/dekompresiju datoteka. Ako još nije instaliran na\nVašem računalu, možete ga preuzeti ovdje:\n\n http://www.7-zip.org/"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:211
+msgid ""
+"When 7-Zip is installed, you can open the .z archive you received from\n"
+"us by double-clicking on it."
+msgstr "Kada instalirate 7-Zip, možete otvoriti .z arhiv koji ste primili od nas\ndvostrukim klikom na taj arhiv."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:214
+msgid ""
+"An alternative way to get the .z files extraced is to rename them to\n"
+".zip. For example, if you recevied a file called \"windows.z\", rename it to \n"
+"\"windows.zip\". You should then be able to extract the archive with common \n"
+"file archiver programs that probably are already installed on your computer."
+msgstr "Drugi način da izvučete .z datoteke je da ih preimenujete u\n.zip. Na primjer, ako ste primili datoteku koja se zove \"windows.z\", preimenujte ju u \n\"windows.zip\". Tada bi trebali moći izvući arhiv sa uobičajenim\nprogramima za arhiviranje datoteka koji su vjerojatno instalirani na Vašem računalu."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:219
+msgid ""
+"Please reply to this mail, and tell me a single package name anywhere\n"
+"in your reply. Here's a short explanation of what these packages are:"
+msgstr "Molimo odgovorite na ovaj mail, i navedite jedno ime paketa bilo gdje\nu Vašem odgovoru. Ovo je kratko objašnjenje što su ovi paketi:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:222
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for Windows operating systems. If you're \n"
+"running some version of Windows, like Windows XP, Windows Vista or \n"
+"Windows 7, this is the package you should get."
+msgstr "windows:\nTor Preglednik Bundle paket za operacijske sustave Windows. Ako radite\nna nekoj inačici Windowsa, kao Windows XP, Windows Vista ili\nWindows 7, ovo je paket koji trebate."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:227
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for OS X, Intel CPU architecture. In \n"
+"general, newer Mac hardware will require you to use this package."
+msgstr "macos-i386:\nTor Preglednik Bundle paket za OS X, Intel CPU. Obično\nnovi Mac hardware traži uporabu ovog paketa."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:231
+msgid ""
+"This is an older installer (the \"Vidalia bundle\") for older Macs running\n"
+"OS X on PowerPC CPUs. Note that this package will be deprecated soon."
+msgstr "macos-ppc:\nOvo je stariji installer (\"Vidalia bundle\") za starije Macove koji imaju \nOS X na PowerPC procesorima. Ovi paketi će uskoro biti zastarjeli."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:235
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for Linux, 32bit versions."
+msgstr "linux-i386:\nTor Preglednik Bundle paket za Linux, 32bitne verzije."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:238
+msgid ""
+"Note that this package is rather large and needs your email provider to \n"
+"allow for attachments of about 30MB in size."
+msgstr "Upozorenje: ovaj paket je relativno velik i Vaš email provider vam\ntreba dozvoliti privitke od oko 30MB."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:241
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for Linux, 64bit versions."
+msgstr "linux-x86_64:\nTor Preglednik Bundle paket za Linux, 64bitne verzije."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:244
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Obfsproxy Browser Bundle for Windows operating systems. If you need\n"
+"strong censorship circumvention and you are running some version of the \n"
+"Windows, like Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, this is the package\n"
+"you should get."
+msgstr "obfs-windows:\nTor Obfsproxy Preglednički Paket za operacijske sustave Windows. Ako trebate\njaka zaobilaženja cenzure i radite na nekoj inačici\nWindowsa, kao Windows XP, Windows Vista ili Windows 7, ovo je paket\nkoji trebate."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:250
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Obfsproxy Browser Bundle package for OS X, 32bit Intel CPU \n"
+msgstr "obfs-macos-i386:\nTor Obfsproxy Preglednički Paket za OS X, 32bitni Intel procesor."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:254
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Obfsproxy Browser Bundle package for OS X, 64bit Intel CPU \n"
+msgstr "obfs-macos-x86_64:\nTor Obfsproxy Preglednički Paket za OS X, 64bitni Intel procesor."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:258
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Obfsproxy Browser Bundle package for Linux, 32bit Intel CPU \n"
+msgstr "obfs-linux-i386:\nTor Obfsproxy Preglednički Paket za Linux, 32bitni Intel procesor."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:262
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Obfsproxy Browser Bundle package for Linux, 64bit Intel CPU \n"
+msgstr "obfs-linux-x86_64:\nTor Obfsproxy Preglednički Paket za Linux, 64bitni Intel procesor."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:266
+msgid ""
+"The Tor source code, for experts. Most users do not want this package."
+msgstr "source:\nTor source kod, za stručnjake. Većini korisnika ne treba ovakav paket."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:269
+msgid ""
+msgstr "ÄŒESTO POSTAVLJANA PITANJA\n=========================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:272
+msgid "What is Tor?"
+msgstr "Å to je Tor?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:274
+msgid "The name \"Tor\" can refer to several different components."
+msgstr "Naziv \"Tor\" se može odnositi na više različitih komponenti."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:276
+msgid ""
+"The Tor software is a program you can run on your computer that helps \n"
+"keep you safe on the Internet. Tor protects you by bouncing your \n"
+"communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers \n"
+"all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection \n"
+"from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from \n"
+"learning your physical location. This set of volunteer relays is called the \n"
+"Tor network. You can read more about how Tor works here:\n"
+"    https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en"
+msgstr "Tor software je program koji možete pokrenuti na svom računalu koji Vam pomaže\nda budete sigurni na Internetu. Tor Vas štiti tako što odbija Vaše\nkomunikacije preko raširene mreže releja koje održavaju volonteri\ndiljem svijeta: sprječava da netko nadgleda Vašu Internet vezu\ntako što saznaje koje stranice posjećujete, i sprječava da stranice koje posjećujete saznaju\nvašu fizičku lokaciju. Ovaj skup volonterskih releja naziva se\nTor mreža. Možete pročitati više o tome kako Tor radi ovdje:\n\n https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:286
+msgid "What is the Tor Browser Bundle?"
+msgstr "Što je Tor Preglednički Paket?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:288
+msgid ""
+"The Browser Bundle (TBB) is the package we recommend to most users. \n"
+"The bundle comes with everything you need to safely browse the Internet.\n"
+"Just extract it and run."
+msgstr "Tor Preglednički Paket (TPP) je paket koji je preporučen većini korisnika.\nPaket sadržava sve što Vam je potrebno da biste sigurno surfali Internetom.\nSamo ga ekstraktirajte i pokrenite."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:292
+msgid "What package should I request?"
+msgstr "Koji paket trebam zatražiti?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:294
+msgid ""
+"This depends on the operating system you use. For instance, if your\n"
+"operating system is Microsoft Windows, you should request \"windows\". Here\n"
+"is a short explanation of all packages to request and what operating \n"
+"systems there are suitable for:"
+msgstr "Ovisi koji operacijski sustav koristite. Na primjer, ako je vaš operacijski sustav Microsoft Windows, trebate zatražiti \"windows\". Ovdje je kratko objašnjenje svih paketa koji se mogu zatražiti i za koje su operacijske sustave prikladni:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:299
+msgid "How do I extract the file(s) you sent me?"
+msgstr "Kako da izdvojim datoteku/datoteke koje ste mi poslali?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:301
+msgid "QUESTION:"
+msgstr "PITANJE:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:303
+msgid "ANSWER:"
+msgstr "ODGOVOR:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:305
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, but the package you requested (%s) is too large for your \n"
+"provider to accept as an attachment. Try using another provider that allows \n"
+"for larger email attachments. Or try one of the following mirrors:\n"
+"  https://www.oignon.net/dist/torbrowser/\n"
+"  https://tor.beme-it.de/dist/torbrowser/\n"
+"  https://www.torservers.net/mirrors/torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/"
+msgstr "Žao nam je, ali paket koji ste zatražili (%s) je prevelik da bi ga\nVaš provider prihvatio kao privitak. Probajte koristiti neki drugi provider koji dozvoljava\nveće email privitke ili isprobajte neke od sljedećih linkova:\n\nhttps://www.oignon.net/dist/torbrowser/\nhttps://tor.beme-it.de/dist/torbrowser/\nhttps://www.torservers.net/mirrors/torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/"

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