[tor-commits] [metrics-web/master] Remove more of the old user stats code.
karsten at torproject.org
karsten at torproject.org
Sun Dec 8 16:37:54 UTC 2013
commit 9fb8d3ff54dcd461a579a39c3487ee5a4a542bf4
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing at gmx.net>
Date: Thu Dec 5 08:50:19 2013 +0100
Remove more of the old user stats code.
db/tordir.sql | 9 -
etc/web.xml | 6 -
rserve/csv.R | 90 ---
rserve/graphs.R | 118 ----
rserve/tables.R | 87 ---
src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/Main.java | 23 -
.../ernie/cron/users/BridgeStatsFileHandler.java | 718 --------------------
.../ernie/web/graphs/RObjectGenerator.java | 12 -
8 files changed, 1063 deletions(-)
diff --git a/db/tordir.sql b/db/tordir.sql
index e62732d..6b31aee 100644
--- a/db/tordir.sql
+++ b/db/tordir.sql
@@ -904,15 +904,6 @@ CREATE TABLE dirreq_stats (
PRIMARY KEY (source, statsend, seconds, country)
--- TABLE bridge_stats
--- Contains daily bridge users by country.
-CREATE TABLE bridge_stats (
- "date" DATE NOT NULL,
- country CHARACTER(2) NOT NULL,
- CONSTRAINT bridge_stats_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("date", country)
-- TABLE torperf_stats
-- Quantiles and medians of daily torperf results.
CREATE TABLE torperf_stats (
diff --git a/etc/web.xml b/etc/web.xml
index 9b4f23a..3f49001 100644
--- a/etc/web.xml
+++ b/etc/web.xml
@@ -187,12 +187,6 @@
- <url-pattern>/direct-users.png</url-pattern>
- <url-pattern>/direct-users.pdf</url-pattern>
- <url-pattern>/direct-users.svg</url-pattern>
- <url-pattern>/bridge-users.png</url-pattern>
- <url-pattern>/bridge-users.pdf</url-pattern>
- <url-pattern>/bridge-users.svg</url-pattern>
diff --git a/rserve/csv.R b/rserve/csv.R
index e93b90f..8150b17 100644
--- a/rserve/csv.R
+++ b/rserve/csv.R
@@ -138,39 +138,6 @@ export_relayflags <- function(path) {
write.csv(relayflags, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-export_direct_users <- function(path) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, r, bwp, brn, bwn, brp, bwr, brr",
- "FROM user_stats WHERE date < current_date - 3",
- "ORDER BY date, country")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- u <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- directusers <- data.frame(date = u$date, country = u$country,
- directusers = floor(u$r * (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp) /
- (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) / 10))
- directusers <- cast(directusers, date ~ country, value = "directusers")
- names(directusers)[names(directusers) == "zy"] <- "all"
- write.csv(directusers, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-export_bridge_users <- function(path) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, users AS bridgeusers",
- "FROM bridge_stats WHERE date < current_date - 3",
- "ORDER BY date, country")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- bridgeusers <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- bridgeusers <- cast(bridgeusers, date ~ country, value = "bridgeusers")
- names(bridgeusers)[names(bridgeusers) == "zy"] <- "all"
- write.csv(bridgeusers, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
export_torperf <- function(path) {
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -196,43 +163,6 @@ export_torperf_failures <- function(path) {
write.csv(torperf, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-help_export_monthly_users <- function(path, aggr_fun) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, r, bwp, brn, bwn, brp, bwr, brr",
- "FROM user_stats WHERE date < current_date - 3",
- "ORDER BY date, country")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- u <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- direct <- data.frame(date = u$date, country = u$country,
- users = u$r * (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp) /
- (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) / 10)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, FLOOR(users) AS users",
- "FROM bridge_stats WHERE date < current_date - 3",
- "ORDER BY date, country")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- bridge <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- users <- rbind(bridge, direct)
- users <- aggregate(users$users,
- by = list(date = users$date, country = users$country), sum)
- users <- aggregate(users$x, by = list(month = substr(users$date, 1, 7),
- country = users$country), aggr_fun)
- users <- cast(users, country ~ month, value = "x")
- users[users$country == "zy", 1] <- "all"
- users[, 2:length(users)] <- floor(users[, 2:length(users)])
- write.csv(users, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-export_monthly_users_peak <- function(path) {
- help_export_monthly_users(path, max)
-export_monthly_users_average <- function(path) {
- help_export_monthly_users(path, mean)
export_connbidirect <- function(path) {
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
@@ -248,26 +178,6 @@ export_connbidirect <- function(path) {
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-export_dirreq_stats <- function(path) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, r, bwp, brp, bwn, brn, bwr, brr ",
- "FROM user_stats WHERE date < current_date - 3",
- "AND country = 'zy' ORDER BY date", sep = "")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- u <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- u <- data.frame(date = u$date,
- requests = u$r,
- fraction = (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) /
- (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp),
- users = u$r * (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp) /
- (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) / 10)
- write.csv(format(u, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE), path,
- quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
export_bandwidth_flags <- function(path) {
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
diff --git a/rserve/graphs.R b/rserve/graphs.R
index 86eda59..8157d89 100644
--- a/rserve/graphs.R
+++ b/rserve/graphs.R
@@ -636,124 +636,6 @@ plot_relayflags <- function(start, end, flags, path) {
ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_direct_users <- function(start, end, country, events, path) {
- end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, r, bwp, brn, bwn, brp, bwr, brr, country ",
- "FROM user_stats WHERE date >= '", start, "' AND date <= '", end,
- "' AND (country = 'zy'", ifelse(country == "all", "",
- paste(" OR country = '", country, "'", sep = "")), ")", sep = "")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- u <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- a <- u[u$country == "zy", ]
- if (country != "all")
- u <- u[u$country == country, ]
- u <- data.frame(date = u$date,
- users = u$r * (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp) /
- (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) / 10)
- dates <- seq(from = as.Date(start, "%Y-%m-%d"),
- to = as.Date(end, "%Y-%m-%d"), by="1 day")
- missing <- setdiff(dates, a$date)
- if (length(missing) > 0)
- u <- rbind(u,
- data.frame(date = as.Date(missing, origin = "1970-01-01"),
- users = NA))
- missing <- setdiff(dates, u$date)
- if (length(missing) > 0)
- u <- rbind(u,
- data.frame(date = as.Date(missing, origin = "1970-01-01"),
- users = 0))
- title <- ifelse(country == "all",
- "Directly connecting users from all countries\n",
- paste("Directly connecting users from ", countryname(country), "\n",
- sep = ""))
- formatter <- function(x, ...) { format(x, scientific = FALSE, ...) }
- date_breaks <- date_breaks(
- as.numeric(max(as.Date(u$date, "%Y-%m-%d")) -
- min(as.Date(u$date, "%Y-%m-%d"))))
- max_y <- ifelse(length(na.omit(u$users)) == 0, 0,
- max(u$users, na.rm = TRUE))
- plot <- ggplot(u, aes(x = as.Date(date, "%Y-%m-%d"), y = users))
- if (length(na.omit(u$users)) > 0 & events != "off" & country != "all") {
- r <- read.csv(
- "/srv/metrics.torproject.org/web/detector/direct-users-ranges.csv",
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
- r <- r[r$date >= start & r$date <= end & r$country == country,
- c("date", "minusers", "maxusers")]
- r <- cast(rbind(melt(u, id.vars = "date"), melt(r, id.vars = "date")))
- upturns <- r[r$users > r$maxusers, 1:2]
- downturns <- r[r$users < r$minusers, 1:2]
- if (events == "on") {
- if (length(r$maxusers) > 0)
- max_y <- max(max_y, max(r$maxusers, na.rm = TRUE))
- r[r$minusers < 0, "minusers"] <- 0
- plot <- plot +
- geom_ribbon(data = r, aes(ymin = minusers,
- ymax = maxusers), fill = "gray")
- }
- if (length(upturns$date) > 0)
- plot <- plot +
- geom_point(data = upturns, aes(x = date, y = users), size = 5,
- colour = "dodgerblue2")
- if (length(downturns$date) > 0)
- plot <- plot +
- geom_point(data = downturns, aes(x = date, y = users), size = 5,
- colour = "firebrick2")
- }
- plot <- plot +
- geom_line(size = 1) +
- scale_x_date(name = paste("\nThe Tor Project - ",
- "https://metrics.torproject.org/", sep = ""),
- format = date_breaks$format, major = date_breaks$major,
- minor = date_breaks$minor) +
- scale_y_continuous(name = "", limits = c(0, max_y),
- formatter = formatter) + opts(title = title)
- print(plot)
- ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_bridge_users <- function(start, end, country, path) {
- end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 4))
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, users FROM bridge_stats ",
- "WHERE date >= '", start, "' AND date <= '", end, "' ",
- "AND country = '", ifelse(country == "all", "zy", country), "'",
- sep = "")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- bridgeusers <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- dates <- seq(from = as.Date(start, "%Y-%m-%d"),
- to = as.Date(end, "%Y-%m-%d"), by="1 day")
- missing <- setdiff(dates, bridgeusers$date)
- if (length(missing) > 0)
- bridgeusers <- rbind(bridgeusers,
- data.frame(date = as.Date(missing, origin = "1970-01-01"),
- users = NA))
- title <- ifelse(country == "all",
- "Bridge users from all countries\n",
- paste("Bridge users from ", countryname(country), "\n", sep = ""))
- formatter <- function(x, ...) { format(x, scientific = FALSE, ...) }
- date_breaks <- date_breaks(
- as.numeric(max(as.Date(bridgeusers$date, "%Y-%m-%d")) -
- min(as.Date(bridgeusers$date, "%Y-%m-%d"))))
- ggplot(bridgeusers, aes(x = as.Date(date, "%Y-%m-%d"), y = users)) +
- geom_line(size = 1) +
- scale_x_date(name = paste("\nThe Tor Project - ",
- "https://metrics.torproject.org/", sep = ""),
- format = date_breaks$format, major = date_breaks$major,
- minor = date_breaks$minor) +
- scale_y_continuous(name = "", limits = c(0,
- ifelse(length(na.omit(bridgeusers$users)) == 0, 0,
- max(bridgeusers$users, na.rm = TRUE))), formatter = formatter) +
- opts(title = title)
- ggsave(filename = path, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
plot_torperf <- function(start, end, source, filesize, path) {
end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date() - 2))
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
diff --git a/rserve/tables.R b/rserve/tables.R
index 59593d6..24de947 100644
--- a/rserve/tables.R
+++ b/rserve/tables.R
@@ -2,93 +2,6 @@ countrynames <- function(countries) {
sapply(countries, countryname)
-write_direct_users <- function(start, end, path) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, r, bwp, brn, bwn, brp, bwr, brr ",
- "FROM user_stats WHERE date >= '", start, "' AND date <= '", end,
- "' AND date < current_date - 3 ORDER BY date, country", sep = "")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- u <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- d <- data.frame(date = u$date, country = u$country,
- directusers = floor(u$r * (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp) /
- (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) / 10))
- d <- aggregate(d$directusers, by = list(country = d$country), mean)
- total <- d[d$country == "zy", "x"]
- d <- d[!(d$country %in% c("zy", "??", "a1", "a2", "o1", "ap", "eu")), ]
- d <- data.frame(country = d$country, directusers = d$x)
- d <- d[order(d$directusers, decreasing = TRUE), ]
- d <- d[1:10, ]
- d <- data.frame(
- cc = as.character(d$country),
- country = sub('the ', '', countrynames(as.character(d$country))),
- abs = round(d$directusers),
- rel = round(100 * d$directusers / total, 2))
- write.csv(d, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-write_censorship_events <- function(start, end, path) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, r, bwp, brn, bwn, brp, bwr, brr ",
- "FROM user_stats WHERE date >= '", start, "' AND date <= '", end,
- "' AND date < current_date - 3", sep = "")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- u <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- u <- data.frame(date = u$date, country = u$country,
- users = u$r * (u$bwp * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brp) /
- (u$bwr * u$brn / u$bwn - u$brr) / 10)
- r <- read.csv(
- "/srv/metrics.torproject.org/web/detector/direct-users-ranges.csv",
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
- r <- r[r$date >= start & r$date <= end,
- c("date", "country", "minusers", "maxusers")]
- r <- cast(rbind(melt(u, id.vars = c("date", "country")),
- melt(r, id.vars = c("date", "country"))))
- r <- na.omit(r[r$users < r$minusers | r$users > r$maxusers, ])
- r <- data.frame(date = r$date, country = r$country,
- upturn = ifelse(r$users > r$maxusers, 1, 0),
- downturn = ifelse(r$users < r$minusers, 1, 0))
- r <- aggregate(r[, c("upturn", "downturn")],
- by = list(country = r$country), sum)
- r <- r[!(r$country %in% c("zy", "??", "a1", "a2", "o1", "ap", "eu")), ]
- r <- r[order(r$downturn, r$upturn, decreasing = TRUE), ]
- r <- r[1:10, ]
- r <- data.frame(cc = r$country,
- country = sub('the ', '', countrynames(as.character(r$country))),
- downturns = r$downturn,
- upturns = r$upturn)
- write.csv(r, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
-write_bridge_users <- function(start, end, path) {
- drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
- con <- dbConnect(drv, user = dbuser, password = dbpassword, dbname = db)
- q <- paste("SELECT date, country, users AS bridgeusers ",
- "FROM bridge_stats WHERE date >= '", start, "' AND date <= '", end,
- "' AND date < current_date - 3 ORDER BY date, country", sep = "")
- rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
- d <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
- dbDisconnect(con)
- dbUnloadDriver(drv)
- d <- aggregate(d$bridgeusers, by = list(country = d$country), mean)
- total <- d[d$country == "zy", "x"]
- d <- d[!(d$country %in% c("zy", "??", "a1", "a2", "o1", "ap", "eu")), ]
- d <- data.frame(country = d$country, bridgeusers = d$x)
- d <- d[order(d$bridgeusers, decreasing = TRUE), ]
- d <- d[1:10, ]
- d <- data.frame(
- cc = as.character(d$country),
- country = sub('the ', '', countrynames(as.character(d$country))),
- abs = round(d$bridgeusers),
- rel = round(100 * d$bridgeusers / total, 2))
- write.csv(d, path, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
write_userstats <- function(start, end, node, path) {
end <- min(end, as.character(Sys.Date()))
u <- read.csv(paste("/srv/metrics.torproject.org/task-8462-graphs/",
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/Main.java b/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/Main.java
index c0eb435..5d561a6 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/Main.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/Main.java
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.torproject.ernie.cron.network.ConsensusStatsFileHandler;
import org.torproject.ernie.cron.performance.PerformanceStatsImporter;
import org.torproject.ernie.cron.performance.TorperfProcessor;
-import org.torproject.ernie.cron.users.BridgeStatsFileHandler;
* Coordinate downloading and parsing of descriptors and extraction of
@@ -37,16 +36,6 @@ public class Main {
// Define stats directory for temporary files
File statsDirectory = new File("stats");
- // Prepare bridge stats file handler
- BridgeStatsFileHandler bsfh = config.getWriteBridgeStats() ?
- new BridgeStatsFileHandler(
- config.getRelayDescriptorDatabaseJDBC(),
- new File(config.getSanitizedBridgesDirectory()),
- statsDirectory, config.getKeepSanitizedBridgesImportHistory(),
- new File(config.getDirectoryArchivesDirectory()),
- config.getKeepDirectoryArchiveImportHistory()) :
- null;
// Import relay descriptors
if (config.getImportDirectoryArchives()) {
RelayDescriptorDatabaseImporter rddi =
@@ -63,9 +52,6 @@ public class Main {
if (rddi != null) {
- if (bsfh != null) {
- bsfh.importRelayDescriptors();
- }
// Import conn-bi-direct statistics.
@@ -81,15 +67,6 @@ public class Main {
- // Import sanitized bridges and write updated stats files to disk
- if (bsfh != null) {
- if (config.getImportSanitizedBridges()) {
- bsfh.importSanitizedBridges();
- }
- bsfh.writeFiles();
- bsfh = null;
- }
// Prepare consensus stats file handler (used for stats on running
// bridges only)
ConsensusStatsFileHandler csfh = config.getWriteBridgeStats() ?
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/users/BridgeStatsFileHandler.java b/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/users/BridgeStatsFileHandler.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 14795e1..0000000
--- a/src/org/torproject/ernie/cron/users/BridgeStatsFileHandler.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2011, 2012 The Tor Project
- * See LICENSE for licensing information */
-package org.torproject.ernie.cron.users;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.DriverManager;
-import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.text.ParseException;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.SortedMap;
-import java.util.SortedSet;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.Descriptor;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.DescriptorFile;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.DescriptorReader;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.DescriptorSourceFactory;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.ExtraInfoDescriptor;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.NetworkStatusEntry;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.RelayNetworkStatusConsensus;
-import org.torproject.descriptor.ServerDescriptor;
- * Determines estimates of bridge users per country and day from the
- * extra-info descriptors that bridges publish. In a first step, the
- * number of unique IP addresses that bridges see are normalized to a
- * 24-hour period. In the next step, all bridges are excluded that have
- * been running as a relay. Finally, observations are summed up and
- * written to <code>stats/bridge-stats</code>.
- */
-public class BridgeStatsFileHandler {
- /**
- * Two-letter country codes of known countries.
- */
- private SortedSet<String> countries;
- /**
- * Intermediate results file containing bridge user numbers by country
- * as seen by single bridges, normalized to 24-hour periods.
- */
- private File bridgeStatsRawFile;
- /**
- * Temp file for writing intermediate results.
- */
- private File bridgeStatsRawTempFile;
- /**
- * Bridge user numbers by country as seen by single bridges on a given
- * day. Map keys are bridge and date written as "bridge,date", map
- * values are lines as read from <code>stats/bridge-stats-raw</code>.
- */
- private SortedMap<String, Map<String, String>> bridgeUsersRaw;
- /**
- * Helper file containing the hashed relay identities of all known
- * relays. These hashes are compared to the bridge identity hashes to
- * exclude bridges that have been known as relays from the statistics.
- */
- private File hashedRelayIdentitiesFile;
- /**
- * Known hashed relay identities used to exclude bridges that have been
- * running as relays.
- */
- private SortedSet<String> hashedRelays;
- /**
- * Helper file containing extra-info descriptors published by 0.2.2.x
- * bridges. If these descriptors contain geoip-stats, they are not
- * included in the results, because stats are very likely broken.
- */
- private File zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile;
- /**
- * Extra-info descriptors published by 0.2.2.x bridges. If these
- * descriptors contain geoip-stats, they are not included in the
- * results, because stats are very likely broken.
- */
- private SortedSet<String> zeroTwoTwoDescriptors;
- /**
- * Final results file containing the number of bridge users per country
- * and day. This file is not read in during initialization, but
- * overwritten at the end of the execution.
- */
- private File bridgeStatsFile;
- /**
- * Logger for this class.
- */
- private Logger logger;
- /* Database connection string. */
- private String connectionURL = null;
- private SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat;
- private File bridgesDir;
- private File statsDirectory;
- private boolean keepBridgeDescriptorImportHistory;
- private File archivesDirectory;
- private boolean keepRelayDescriptorImportHistory;
- /**
- * Initializes this class, including reading in intermediate results
- * files <code>stats/bridge-stats-raw</code> and
- * <code>stats/hashed-relay-identities</code>.
- */
- public BridgeStatsFileHandler(String connectionURL,
- File bridgesDir, File statsDirectory,
- boolean keepBridgeDescriptorImportHistory, File archivesDirectory,
- boolean keepRelayDescriptorImportHistory) {
- if (bridgesDir == null || statsDirectory == null ||
- archivesDirectory == null || statsDirectory == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- this.bridgesDir = bridgesDir;
- this.statsDirectory = statsDirectory;
- this.keepBridgeDescriptorImportHistory =
- keepBridgeDescriptorImportHistory;
- this.archivesDirectory = archivesDirectory;
- this.keepRelayDescriptorImportHistory =
- keepRelayDescriptorImportHistory;
- /* Initialize set of known countries. */
- this.countries = new TreeSet<String>();
- this.countries.add("zy");
- /* Initialize local data structures to hold results. */
- this.bridgeUsersRaw = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
- this.hashedRelays = new TreeSet<String>();
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors = new TreeSet<String>();
- /* Initialize file names for intermediate and final results. */
- this.bridgeStatsRawFile = new File("stats/bridge-stats-raw");
- this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile = new File("stats/bridge-stats-raw.tmp");
- this.bridgeStatsFile = new File("stats/bridge-stats");
- this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile = new File(
- "stats/hashed-relay-identities");
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile = new File(
- "stats/v022-bridge-descriptors");
- /* Initialize database connection string. */
- this.connectionURL = connectionURL;
- this.dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- this.dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- /* Initialize logger. */
- this.logger = Logger.getLogger(
- BridgeStatsFileHandler.class.getName());
- /* Read in bridge user numbers by country as seen by single bridges,
- * normalized to 24-hour periods. */
- if (this.bridgeStatsRawFile.exists()) {
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Reading file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
- BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
- this.bridgeStatsRawFile));
- String line = br.readLine();
- if (line != null) {
- /* The first line should contain headers that we need to parse
- * in order to learn what countries we were interested in when
- * writing this file. */
- if (!line.startsWith("bridge,date,time,")) {
- this.logger.warning("Incorrect first line '" + line + "' in "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + "! This line "
- + "should contain headers! Aborting to read in this "
- + "file!");
- } else {
- String[] headers = line.split(",");
- for (int i = 3; i < headers.length; i++) {
- if (!headers[i].equals("all")) {
- this.countries.add(headers[i]);
- }
- }
- /* Read in the rest of the file. */
- while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
- String[] parts = line.split(",");
- if (parts.length != headers.length) {
- this.logger.warning("Corrupt line '" + line + "' in file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + "! Aborting to read this file!");
- break;
- }
- String hashedBridgeIdentity = parts[0];
- String date = parts[1];
- String time = parts[2];
- SortedMap<String, String> obs =
- new TreeMap<String, String>();
- for (int i = 3; i < parts.length; i++) {
- if (parts[i].equals("NA")) {
- continue;
- }
- if (headers[i].equals("all")) {
- obs.put("zy", parts[i]);
- } else {
- obs.put(headers[i], parts[i]);
- }
- }
- long dateTimeMillis = dateTimeFormat.parse(date + " "
- + time).getTime();
- this.addObs(hashedBridgeIdentity, dateTimeMillis, obs);
- }
- }
- }
- br.close();
- this.logger.fine("Finished reading file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to read file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to read file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- }
- }
- /* Read in known hashed relay identities used to exclude bridges that
- * have been running as relays. */
- if (this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.exists()) {
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Reading file "
- + this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
- BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
- this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile));
- String line = null;
- /* Read in all lines from the file and memorize them. */
- while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
- this.hashedRelays.add(line);
- }
- br.close();
- this.logger.fine("Finished reading file "
- + this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to read file "
- + this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- }
- }
- /* Read in known extra-info descriptors published by 0.2.2.x
- * bridges. */
- if (this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.exists()) {
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Reading file "
- + this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
- BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile));
- String line = null;
- /* Read in all lines from the file and memorize them. */
- while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors.add(line);
- }
- br.close();
- this.logger.fine("Finished reading file "
- + this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to read file "
- + this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds a hashed relay identity string to the list of bridges that we
- * are going to ignore in the future. If we counted user numbers from
- * bridges that have been running as relays, our numbers would be far
- * higher than what we think is correct.
- */
- public void addHashedRelay(String hashedRelayIdentity) {
- if (!this.hashedRelays.contains(hashedRelayIdentity)) {
- this.logger.finer("Adding new hashed relay identity: "
- + hashedRelayIdentity);
- this.hashedRelays.add(hashedRelayIdentity);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds an extra-info descriptor identifier published by an 0.2.2.x
- * bridges. If this extra-info descriptor contains geoip-stats, they are
- * not included in the results, because stats are very likely broken.
- */
- public void addZeroTwoTwoDescriptor(String hashedBridgeIdentity,
- long publishedMillis) {
- String value = hashedBridgeIdentity.toUpperCase() + ","
- + this.dateTimeFormat.format(publishedMillis).
- replaceAll(" ", ",");
- if (!this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors.contains(value)) {
- this.logger.finer("Adding new bridge 0.2.2.x extra-info "
- + "descriptor: " + value);
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors.add(value);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether the given fingerprint is a known hashed relay
- * identity. <code>BridgeDescriptorParser</code> uses this information
- * to decide whether to continue parsing a bridge extra-descriptor
- * descriptor or not.
- */
- public boolean isKnownRelay(String hashedBridgeIdentity) {
- return this.hashedRelays.contains(hashedBridgeIdentity);
- }
- /**
- * Adds bridge user numbers by country as seen by a single bridge on a
- * given date and time. Bridges can publish statistics on unique IP
- * addresses multiple times a day, but we only want to include one
- * observation per day. If we already have an observation from the given
- * bridge and day, we keep the one with the later publication time and
- * discard the other one.
- */
- public void addObs(String hashedIdentity, long publishedMillis,
- Map<String, String> obs) {
- for (String country : obs.keySet()) {
- this.countries.add(country);
- }
- String dateTime = this.dateTimeFormat.format(publishedMillis);
- String date = dateTime.split(" ")[0];
- String time = dateTime.split(" ")[1];
- String shortKey = hashedIdentity + "," + date;
- String longKey = shortKey + "," + time;
- SortedMap<String, Map<String, String>> tailMap =
- this.bridgeUsersRaw.tailMap(shortKey);
- String nextKey = tailMap.isEmpty() ? null : tailMap.firstKey();
- if (nextKey == null || !nextKey.startsWith(shortKey)) {
- this.logger.finer("Adding new bridge user numbers for key "
- + longKey);
- this.bridgeUsersRaw.put(longKey, obs);
- } else if (longKey.compareTo(nextKey) > 0) {
- this.logger.finer("Replacing existing bridge user numbers (" +
- nextKey + " with new numbers: " + longKey);
- this.bridgeUsersRaw.put(longKey, obs);
- } else {
- this.logger.finer("Not replacing existing bridge user numbers (" +
- nextKey + " with new numbers (" + longKey + ").");
- }
- }
- public void importSanitizedBridges() {
- if (bridgesDir.exists()) {
- logger.fine("Importing files in directory " + bridgesDir + "/...");
- DescriptorReader reader =
- DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorReader();
- reader.addDirectory(bridgesDir);
- if (keepBridgeDescriptorImportHistory) {
- reader.setExcludeFiles(new File(statsDirectory,
- "bridge-stats-bridge-descriptor-history"));
- }
- Iterator<DescriptorFile> descriptorFiles = reader.readDescriptors();
- while (descriptorFiles.hasNext()) {
- DescriptorFile descriptorFile = descriptorFiles.next();
- if (descriptorFile.getDescriptors() != null) {
- for (Descriptor descriptor : descriptorFile.getDescriptors()) {
- if (descriptor instanceof ServerDescriptor) {
- this.addServerDescriptor((ServerDescriptor) descriptor);
- } else if (descriptor instanceof ExtraInfoDescriptor) {
- this.addExtraInfoDescriptor(
- (ExtraInfoDescriptor) descriptor);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- logger.info("Finished importing bridge descriptors.");
- }
- }
- private void addServerDescriptor(ServerDescriptor descriptor) {
- if (descriptor.getPlatform() != null &&
- descriptor.getPlatform().startsWith("Tor 0.2.2")) {
- this.addZeroTwoTwoDescriptor(descriptor.getFingerprint(),
- descriptor.getPublishedMillis());
- }
- }
- private void addExtraInfoDescriptor(ExtraInfoDescriptor descriptor) {
- if (!this.isKnownRelay(descriptor.getFingerprint())) {
- if (descriptor.getGeoipStartTimeMillis() >= 0 &&
- descriptor.getGeoipClientOrigins() != null) {
- long seconds = (descriptor.getPublishedMillis()
- - descriptor.getGeoipStartTimeMillis()) / 1000L;
- double allUsers = 0.0D;
- Map<String, String> obs = new HashMap<String, String>();
- for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e :
- descriptor.getGeoipClientOrigins().entrySet()) {
- String country = e.getKey();
- double users = ((double) e.getValue() - 4) * 86400.0D
- / ((double) seconds);
- allUsers += users;
- obs.put(country, String.format("%.2f", users));
- }
- obs.put("zy", String.format("%.2f", allUsers));
- this.addObs(descriptor.getFingerprint(),
- descriptor.getPublishedMillis(), obs);
- }
- if (descriptor.getBridgeStatsEndMillis() >= 0 &&
- descriptor.getBridgeIps() != null) {
- double allUsers = 0.0D;
- Map<String, String> obs = new HashMap<String, String>();
- for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e :
- descriptor.getBridgeIps().entrySet()) {
- String country = e.getKey();
- double users = (double) e.getValue() - 4;
- allUsers += users;
- obs.put(country, String.format("%.2f", users));
- }
- obs.put("zy", String.format("%.2f", allUsers));
- this.addObs(descriptor.getFingerprint(),
- descriptor.getBridgeStatsEndMillis(), obs);
- }
- }
- }
- public void importRelayDescriptors() {
- if (archivesDirectory.exists()) {
- logger.fine("Importing files in directory " + archivesDirectory
- + "/...");
- DescriptorReader reader =
- DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorReader();
- reader.addDirectory(archivesDirectory);
- if (keepRelayDescriptorImportHistory) {
- reader.setExcludeFiles(new File(statsDirectory,
- "bridge-stats-relay-descriptor-history"));
- }
- Iterator<DescriptorFile> descriptorFiles = reader.readDescriptors();
- while (descriptorFiles.hasNext()) {
- DescriptorFile descriptorFile = descriptorFiles.next();
- if (descriptorFile.getDescriptors() != null) {
- for (Descriptor descriptor : descriptorFile.getDescriptors()) {
- if (descriptor instanceof RelayNetworkStatusConsensus) {
- this.addRelayNetworkStatusConsensus(
- (RelayNetworkStatusConsensus) descriptor);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- logger.info("Finished importing relay descriptors.");
- }
- private void addRelayNetworkStatusConsensus(
- RelayNetworkStatusConsensus consensus) {
- for (NetworkStatusEntry statusEntry :
- consensus.getStatusEntries().values()) {
- try {
- this.addHashedRelay(DigestUtils.shaHex(Hex.decodeHex(
- statusEntry.getFingerprint().toCharArray())).toUpperCase());
- } catch (DecoderException e) {
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Writes the list of hashed relay identities and bridge user numbers as
- * observed by single bridges to disk, aggregates per-day statistics for
- * all bridges, and writes those to disk, too.
- */
- public void writeFiles() {
- /* Write hashed relay identities to disk. */
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Writing file "
- + this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
- this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile));
- for (String hashedRelay : this.hashedRelays) {
- bw.append(hashedRelay + "\n");
- }
- bw.close();
- this.logger.fine("Finished writing file "
- + this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to write "
- + this.hashedRelayIdentitiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- }
- /* Write bridge extra-info descriptor identifiers to disk. */
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Writing file "
- + this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile));
- for (String descriptorIdentifier : this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors) {
- bw.append(descriptorIdentifier + "\n");
- }
- bw.close();
- this.logger.fine("Finished writing file "
- + this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to write "
- + this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptorsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- }
- /* Write observations made by single bridges to disk. */
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Writing file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (using "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile.getAbsolutePath() + " as temp "
- + "file)...");
- this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile));
- bw.append("bridge,date,time");
- for (String c : this.countries) {
- if (c.equals("zy")) {
- bw.append(",all");
- } else {
- bw.append("," + c);
- }
- }
- bw.append("\n");
- for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> e :
- this.bridgeUsersRaw.entrySet()) {
- String longKey = e.getKey();
- String[] parts = longKey.split(",");
- String hashedBridgeIdentity = parts[0];
- if (!this.hashedRelays.contains(hashedBridgeIdentity) &&
- !this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors.contains(longKey)) {
- Map<String, String> obs = e.getValue();
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(longKey);
- for (String c : this.countries) {
- sb.append("," + (obs.containsKey(c) &&
- !obs.get(c).startsWith("-") ? obs.get(c) : "NA"));
- }
- String line = sb.toString();
- bw.append(line + "\n");
- }
- }
- bw.close();
- if (!this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile.renameTo(
- this.bridgeStatsRawFile)) {
- this.logger.fine("Failed to rename "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- }
- this.logger.fine("Finished writing file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to write "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (using "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawTempFile.getAbsolutePath() + " as temp "
- + "file)!", e);
- }
- /* Aggregate per-day statistics. */
- SortedMap<String, double[]> bridgeUsersPerDay =
- new TreeMap<String, double[]>();
- for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> e :
- this.bridgeUsersRaw.entrySet()) {
- String longKey = e.getKey();
- String[] parts = longKey.split(",");
- String hashedBridgeIdentity = parts[0];
- String date = parts[1];
- if (!this.hashedRelays.contains(hashedBridgeIdentity) &&
- !this.zeroTwoTwoDescriptors.contains(longKey)) {
- double[] users = bridgeUsersPerDay.get(date);
- Map<String, String> obs = e.getValue();
- if (users == null) {
- users = new double[this.countries.size()];
- bridgeUsersPerDay.put(date, users);
- }
- int i = 0;
- for (String c : this.countries) {
- if (obs.containsKey(c) && !obs.get(c).startsWith("-")) {
- users[i] += Double.parseDouble(obs.get(c));
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Write final results of bridge users per day and country to
- * <code>stats/bridge-stats</code>. */
- try {
- this.logger.fine("Writing file "
- + this.bridgeStatsRawFile.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
- this.bridgeStatsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.bridgeStatsFile));
- bw.append("date");
- for (String c : this.countries) {
- if (c.equals("zy")) {
- bw.append(",all");
- } else {
- bw.append("," + c);
- }
- }
- bw.append("\n");
- /* Write current observation. */
- for (Map.Entry<String, double[]> e : bridgeUsersPerDay.entrySet()) {
- String date = e.getKey();
- bw.append(date);
- double[] users = e.getValue();
- for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
- bw.append("," + String.format("%.2f", users[i]));
- }
- bw.append("\n");
- }
- bw.close();
- this.logger.fine("Finished writing file "
- + this.bridgeStatsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to write "
- + this.bridgeStatsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
- }
- /* Add daily bridge users to database. */
- if (connectionURL != null) {
- try {
- List<String> countryList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (String c : this.countries) {
- countryList.add(c);
- }
- Map<String, Integer> insertRows = new HashMap<String, Integer>(),
- updateRows = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
- for (Map.Entry<String, double[]> e :
- bridgeUsersPerDay.entrySet()) {
- String date = e.getKey();
- double[] users = e.getValue();
- for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
- int usersInt = (int) users[i];
- if (usersInt < 1) {
- continue;
- }
- String country = countryList.get(i);
- String key = date + "," + country;
- insertRows.put(key, usersInt);
- }
- }
- Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL);
- conn.setAutoCommit(false);
- Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
- ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(
- "SELECT date, country, users FROM bridge_stats");
- while (rs.next()) {
- String date = rs.getDate(1).toString();
- String country = rs.getString(2);
- String key = date + "," + country;
- if (insertRows.containsKey(key)) {
- int insertRow = insertRows.remove(key);
- int oldUsers = rs.getInt(3);
- if (oldUsers != insertRow) {
- updateRows.put(key, insertRow);
- }
- }
- }
- rs.close();
- PreparedStatement psU = conn.prepareStatement(
- "UPDATE bridge_stats SET users = ? "
- + "WHERE date = ? AND country = ?");
- for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : updateRows.entrySet()) {
- String[] keyParts = e.getKey().split(",");
- java.sql.Date date = java.sql.Date.valueOf(keyParts[0]);
- String country = keyParts[1];
- int users = e.getValue();
- psU.clearParameters();
- psU.setInt(1, users);
- psU.setDate(2, date);
- psU.setString(3, country);
- psU.executeUpdate();
- }
- PreparedStatement psI = conn.prepareStatement(
- "INSERT INTO bridge_stats (users, date, country) "
- + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
- for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : insertRows.entrySet()) {
- String[] keyParts = e.getKey().split(",");
- java.sql.Date date = java.sql.Date.valueOf(keyParts[0]);
- String country = keyParts[1];
- int users = e.getValue();
- psI.clearParameters();
- psI.setInt(1, users);
- psI.setDate(2, date);
- psI.setString(3, country);
- psI.executeUpdate();
- }
- conn.commit();
- conn.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to add daily bridge users to "
- + "database.", e);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/graphs/RObjectGenerator.java b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/graphs/RObjectGenerator.java
index 2fa0cc6..927b5c4 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/graphs/RObjectGenerator.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/ernie/web/graphs/RObjectGenerator.java
@@ -58,15 +58,10 @@ public class RObjectGenerator implements ServletContextListener {
this.availableCsvFiles = new TreeSet<String>();
- this.availableCsvFiles.add("bridge-users");
- this.availableCsvFiles.add("direct-users");
- this.availableCsvFiles.add("dirreq-stats");
- this.availableCsvFiles.add("monthly-users-average");
- this.availableCsvFiles.add("monthly-users-peak");
@@ -80,9 +75,6 @@ public class RObjectGenerator implements ServletContextListener {
this.availableTables = new HashMap<String, String>();
- this.availableTables.put("direct-users", "start,end,filename");
- this.availableTables.put("censorship-events", "start,end,filename");
- this.availableTables.put("bridge-users", "start,end,filename");
this.availableTables.put("userstats-relay", "start,end,filename");
this.availableTables.put("userstats-bridge", "start,end,filename");
@@ -102,10 +94,6 @@ public class RObjectGenerator implements ServletContextListener {
this.availableGraphs.put("bandwidth-flags", "start,end,filename");
this.availableGraphs.put("bwhist-flags", "start,end,filename");
this.availableGraphs.put("dirbytes", "start,end,filename");
- this.availableGraphs.put("direct-users",
- "start,end,country,events,filename");
- this.availableGraphs.put("bridge-users",
- "start,end,country,filename");
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